WEBVTT 00:00:00.319 --> 00:00:04.208 David Sipoš, you’re known to the Slovenian public as a film-maker 00:00:04.208 --> 00:00:06.764 and director of documentary feature films. . 00:00:06.764 --> 00:00:11.514 You’re a recipient of several national and international film festival awards. . 00:00:12.709 --> 00:00:20.321 What made you choose this professional career; do you also see your work as promoting Slovenia and its people? 00:00:20.321 --> 00:00:24.555 I came into contact with film rather late in my childhood. 00:00:24.722 --> 00:00:30.254 It was at the end of preparatory high school; I went to the diocesan classical preparatory high school in Maribor. 00:00:30.254 --> 00:00:36.568 . I got the opportunity to go to a mission in Albania where I had to film a short report. 00:00:36.763 --> 00:00:42.325 No one else wanted to do it, so I volunteered to film and then edit it. 00:00:42.325 --> 00:00:44.766 It was only when I started editing that I realised how interesting that was. 00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:51.267 You can make a completely new story from a series of unrelated videos. 00:00:51.267 --> 00:00:59.287 If I look further back, it’s like Lego or a puzzle, and that’s exactly what film is. 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:03.778 I was lucky to have encountered film at just the right time to enrol in the academy, 00:01:03.778 --> 00:01:10.815 and from that moment on I think I’ve never doubted 00:01:11.315 --> 00:01:12.996 that I choose the right path. 00:01:12.996 --> 00:01:19.878 I feel I’ve been led by love for the homeland my whole life. 00:01:19.878 --> 00:01:25.462 And for the great, important Slovenians, including my great great uncle Fran Ksaver Meško, 00:01:25.462 --> 00:01:29.851 a writer and one of the great authors of the 20th century. 00:01:29.851 --> 00:01:34.861 To be able to connect Slovenia, 00:01:34.861 --> 00:01:40.960 highlight important Slovenians and moments in our history through film ... this has been constantly on my mind. 00:01:40.960 --> 00:01:46.169 Today you have your own film studio. For the most part, you create at home. 00:01:46.169 --> 00:01:52.531 Is it possible to succeed in the field of film production in the Slovenian environment at this point in time, 00:01:52.600 --> 00:01:59.517 or, if taking the example of Mitja Okorn, does one have to go to Hollywood to do that? 00:02:00.823 --> 00:02:06.587 I think many definitions exist about what success is and what film is. 00:02:06.587 --> 00:02:15.609 Film is a very general term within which it’s possible to find a niche in which you enjoy creating. 00:02:15.609 --> 00:02:18.831 Perhaps that’s not necessarily a feature-length film. 00:02:18.831 --> 00:02:22.353 Hats off to Mitja Okorn, who has made it so far 00:02:22.353 --> 00:02:29.187 to direct feature films, which I perhaps will never accomplish. 00:02:29.187 --> 00:02:34.311 Each person sets their own goals and fields of work. 00:02:34.311 --> 00:02:41.825 I think that what I’m doing now with my permanent crew with whom I create films with Christian themes 00:02:41.825 --> 00:02:48.493 is the success I’ve always wanted. I top it every day 00:02:48.493 --> 00:02:54.966 by setting higher goals to reach beyond Slovenia and work for foreign clients, 00:02:54.966 --> 00:03:00.494 so it all depends on how you set your criteria for success. 00:03:00.494 --> 00:03:08.745 Everyone is working within their own capabilities, and I think that it’s not difficult to find what you’re really good at. 00:03:08.745 --> 00:03:16.593 If passion for film and love for the work keep you going, 00:03:16.593 --> 00:03:22.135 you’ll find a field to be successful in. 00:03:22.135 --> 00:03:28.624 What kind of an environment for filmmaking is Slovenia after 30 years of independence? 00:03:28.624 --> 00:03:36.388 Funds are sometimes earmarked for projects which have no connection with Slovenia’s promotion. 00:03:36.388 --> 00:03:43.409 What do you think of that? 00:03:43.409 --> 00:03:49.743 I don’t involve myself in those backgrounds, I follow my vision 00:03:49.743 --> 00:03:56.369 Through film, I try to help the world to see the positive sides. 00:03:56.369 --> 00:04:00.570 To see bright examples of people from the past, 00:04:00.639 --> 00:04:06.513 which is why I create films about great Slovenians from our Christian history, 00:04:06.639 --> 00:04:11.260 and that’s why I like filming Slovenia and its beauty. 00:04:11.455 --> 00:04:16.636 I don’t contemplate matters on which I don’t agree with other people. 00:04:16.636 --> 00:04:25.310 If you’re honest with yourself and create what you feel, you contribute something to the world. 00:04:25.310 --> 00:04:31.140 I can convey my experience to the world and 00:04:31.917 --> 00:04:40.029 and my respect for our ancestors and the great people who have made Slovenia what it is today. 00:04:40.279 --> 00:04:44.588 I feel immense gratitude to be a Slovenian in an independent Slovenia 00:04:44.588 --> 00:04:46.977 and create Slovenian films. 00:04:47.061 --> 00:04:50.186 Although I could’ve gone abroad many times, 00:04:50.186 --> 00:04:54.177 I’ve decided to stay. Slovenia needs our stories , 00:04:54.177 --> 00:04:57.120 stories and that’s why I’ll stay and continue creating. 00:04:57.120 --> 00:05:04.645 It seems as if two parallel worlds of social reality have been built in culture and society in general. 00:05:04.645 --> 00:05:10.931 One side is trying to deny the importance of independence, an independent Slovenia, 00:05:10.931 --> 00:05:15.413 family, homeland, the importance of parenthood, fatherhood, motherhood. 00:05:15.413 --> 00:05:18.000 While the other side is trying to perpetuate these values. 00:05:18.076 --> 00:05:25.108 As an example, I would cite the ceremonies on the occasion of Prešeren Day in 2019 and 2020 00:05:25.108 --> 00:05:29.624 and your approach to the ceremony this year. 00:05:29.624 --> 00:05:32.805 How do you comment on these parallel worlds? 00:05:32.805 --> 00:05:40.447 I don’t see these two worlds as black and white as you’ve perhaps presented them now. 00:05:40.447 --> 00:05:46.211 It may be more about different approaches as to how a person perceives this world. 00:05:46.406 --> 00:05:52.748 Some things may be passed on from generation to generation and one perhaps doesn’t see anything else 00:05:52.831 --> 00:05:57.789 other than what they were taught by their parents. 00:05:57.789 --> 00:06:05.875 After all, we have to accept the fact that people have different views than we do. 00:06:05.875 --> 00:06:13.495 It’s very difficult to say that only one path is correct. 00:06:13.814 --> 00:06:21.455 In the long run, the one with stronger foundations will endure. 00:06:21.594 --> 00:06:28.027 One-hit wonders or cultural shocks excite the public instantly, at a given moment, in a given year, 00:06:28.027 --> 00:06:31.042 but then they are forgotten. 00:06:31.195 --> 00:06:38.320 I personally enjoy looking at art in a very long time frame. 00:06:38.320 --> 00:06:48.874 Art that has something to convey and has solid foundations remains for centuries, millennia, 00:06:49.610 --> 00:06:55.110 and what was just a fad is quickly forgotten and not mentioned again. 00:06:55.902 --> 00:07:06.431 I walk my own path and follow the principles that were laid in my cradle. 00:07:06.668 --> 00:07:13.335 The Christian principles that I’ve followed through life and must pass on. 00:07:13.710 --> 00:07:24.516 People like to listen to this, but some find it inferior and are somewhat reserved. 00:07:24.516 --> 00:07:33.714 You prove that in spite of Slovenia’s small size and bureaucratic obstacles, it’s possible to succeed. 00:07:34.089 --> 00:07:39.145 What’s your message to those who doubt and say that it’s not possible and that there are too many obstacles? 00:07:39.673 --> 00:07:44.736 I think this applies in any area of life one decides to pursue. 00:07:44.736 --> 00:07:48.145 Those who persist and believe in what they do, 00:07:48.534 --> 00:07:55.215 kdor je pripravljen delati več kot ostali, 00:07:55.215 --> 00:07:58.270 are prepared to work harder than the rest, are prepared to wake up before others and work late into the night, 00:07:58.520 --> 00:08:03.818 those will win and succeed on their path.This doesn’t only apply in film, 00:08:03.818 --> 00:08:09.117 which is tough as a craft, as an art. 00:08:09.242 --> 00:08:12.131 It’s judged by many people, and everyone has their own taste and opinion. 00:08:12.395 --> 00:08:14.395 and opinion. 00:08:14.395 --> 00:08:28.173 Perseverance and decision count in any field, and with these one can succeed anywhere. 00:08:28.173 --> 00:08:34.250 Everyone who wants to succeed has the opportunity. 00:08:34.250 --> 00:08:40.853 Young people, nothing will be done for you so you can succeed without any effort, 00:08:40.922 --> 00:08:45.669 but if you work hard, you’ll surely succeed. 00:08:45.669 --> 00:08:48.377 Thank you for the interview.