WEBVTT 00:00:06.857 --> 00:00:10.963 Hello. During its 86th meeting, which took place today 00:00:11.084 --> 00:00:15.263 and was the first scheduled meeting of the year, the government 00:00:15.384 --> 00:00:19.203 approved Slovenia's participation in the advisory decision 00:00:19.344 --> 00:00:22.750 of the International Court of Justice in the Hague 00:00:22.871 --> 00:00:27.116 about Israel's policies in the occupied Palestinian territories. 00:00:27.237 --> 00:00:30.496 Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon will tell us more. 00:00:30.670 --> 00:00:35.336 The government also drafted a bill for the introduction of a EU decree 00:00:35.497 --> 00:00:37.350 on a single digital market. 00:00:37.463 --> 00:00:40.456 The proposed bill will be introduced 00:00:40.583 --> 00:00:44.403 by Digital Transformation Minister Emilija Stojmenova Duh. 00:00:44.537 --> 00:00:47.336 You have the floor, Minister. 00:00:48.750 --> 00:00:51.490 Hello and welcome to members of the media. 00:00:51.611 --> 00:00:55.723 I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year. 00:00:55.850 --> 00:00:59.610 May it be successful and peaceful. On the recommendation 00:00:59.743 --> 00:01:03.210 of the Foreign Ministry, the government approved 00:01:03.350 --> 00:01:07.583 Slovenia's participation in the case at the International Court 00:01:07.783 --> 00:01:12.156 of Justice on the Israel's allegedly problematic actions in Gaza 00:01:12.297 --> 00:01:16.310 and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. 00:01:16.470 --> 00:01:21.763 The procedure was initiated by the UN General Assembly 00:01:21.904 --> 00:01:27.067 based on a resolution from December 2022. 00:01:27.183 --> 00:01:30.823 Slovenia voted in favor of the resolution at the time. 00:01:30.944 --> 00:01:35.063 The General Assembly asked the International Court of Justice 00:01:35.230 --> 00:01:38.521 for an advisory opinion regarding the consequences 00:01:38.642 --> 00:01:41.930 of Israel's actions on the human rights situation 00:01:42.051 --> 00:01:46.163 in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel's alleged 00:01:46.284 --> 00:01:51.023 violation of the Palestinians' right to self-determination. 00:01:51.137 --> 00:01:55.850 Israel's alleged actions cover everything 00:01:55.970 --> 00:01:59.750 from long-term occupation, settlements, and annexations 00:01:59.903 --> 00:02:05.262 of Palestinian territory by Israel since 1967 00:02:05.383 --> 00:02:09.116 to Israel's actions intended to change the demographics, 00:02:09.277 --> 00:02:14.009 character, and status of Jerusalem, as well as legislation and measures 00:02:14.130 --> 00:02:17.203 that discriminate against the Palestinians. 00:02:17.337 --> 00:02:21.556 This is an exceptionally wide spectrum of alleged violations 00:02:21.697 --> 00:02:24.943 that have been going on in the region for years 00:02:25.064 --> 00:02:28.803 and whose horrifying consequences are evident today. 00:02:28.923 --> 00:02:32.716 In light of the recent events in Gaza and the West Bank, 00:02:32.844 --> 00:02:36.450 Slovenia decided, as one of only a few EU countries, 00:02:36.563 --> 00:02:41.956 decided to actively take part in this case at the International 00:02:42.077 --> 00:02:45.017 Court of Justice and present its opinions. 00:02:45.157 --> 00:02:48.616 The court will rule on Israel's alleged violations 00:02:48.797 --> 00:02:52.603 primarily on the basis of international humanitarian law 00:02:52.797 --> 00:02:57.234 and international human rights law, areas to which Slovenia 00:02:57.377 --> 00:03:01.770 is paying particular attention as part of its foreign policy 00:03:01.891 --> 00:03:04.638 and alerting the world to its violations, 00:03:04.759 --> 00:03:08.756 including in the context of the current conditions in Gaza. 00:03:08.917 --> 00:03:13.288 Slovenia's position on the conflict in the Middle East is clear. 00:03:13.409 --> 00:03:16.283 I have repeated it publicly many times 00:03:16.423 --> 00:03:22.590 in various discussions at both the UN and the EU, 00:03:22.724 --> 00:03:25.630 and I would like to state it again. 00:03:25.770 --> 00:03:29.776 I harshly condemn both the aggression of Hamas in Israel 00:03:29.944 --> 00:03:32.516 and the aggression of Israel in Gaza. 00:03:32.664 --> 00:03:35.203 Civilians shouldn't be the targets. 00:03:35.317 --> 00:03:39.277 I draw attention to serious violations of international 00:03:39.410 --> 00:03:43.530 humanitarian law and human rights law in Gaza. 00:03:43.663 --> 00:03:48.656 We can't brand all Palestinians as terrorists. 00:03:48.777 --> 00:03:52.530 I'd like to draw attention to violations of humanitarian 00:03:52.643 --> 00:03:54.563 and human rights law. 00:03:54.677 --> 00:04:00.934 Since October 7, some 23,000 Palestinians have been killed. 00:04:01.050 --> 00:04:04.490 Of these, 70% have been women and children. 00:04:04.617 --> 00:04:08.463 Almost two million people have been displaced within Gaza. 00:04:08.583 --> 00:04:12.543 This is 85% of the entire population. 00:04:12.777 --> 00:04:15.663 Therefore, I strongly condemn any intention 00:04:15.784 --> 00:04:19.256 to resettle the Palestinian population outside Gaza 00:04:19.397 --> 00:04:23.616 or the West Bank and reduce the size of Palestinian territory. 00:04:23.757 --> 00:04:27.430 Gaza and the West Bank belong to the Palestinians. 00:04:27.537 --> 00:04:31.150 I call for the adoption of additional sanctions 00:04:31.284 --> 00:04:36.770 against both Hamas and violent Israeli settlers on the West Bank. 00:04:36.903 --> 00:04:40.776 I have also repeatedly urged the declaration of a permanent 00:04:40.957 --> 00:04:45.690 ceasefire in Gaza and unrestricted access to humanitarian aid. 00:04:45.830 --> 00:04:49.523 The scenes we're seeing today, showing a horrible winter 00:04:49.670 --> 00:04:54.009 and destroyed infrastructure, proved what I have long been saying, 00:04:54.130 --> 00:04:57.763 namely that the world has failed its test of humanity. 00:04:57.884 --> 00:05:01.576 I therefore urge the imminent start of a peace process 00:05:01.710 --> 00:05:04.870 and a two-state solution, which naturally means 00:05:04.991 --> 00:05:08.503 the international recognition of a Palestinian state. 00:05:08.663 --> 00:05:13.276 Our goal is the peaceful coexistence of Israelis and Palestinians 00:05:13.397 --> 00:05:15.576 side by side. 00:05:15.983 --> 00:05:21.610 The beginning of oral arguments, the subject of our decision, 00:05:21.783 --> 00:05:25.316 has been scheduled by the court for February 19. 00:05:25.444 --> 00:05:28.656 Slovenia will get its turn on February 13. 00:05:28.750 --> 00:05:34.143 Slovenia will be represented at the International Court of Justice 00:05:34.277 --> 00:05:39.776 under the auspices of the Ministry for Foreign and European affairs. 00:05:39.877 --> 00:05:42.783 The process of issuing an advisory opinion 00:05:42.950 --> 00:05:48.223 provides an opportunity for renewed trust in and credibility 00:05:48.344 --> 00:05:53.723 of international institutions regarding the situation in Gaza. 00:05:53.870 --> 00:05:57.970 Slovenia believes that countries, as part of the international 00:05:58.091 --> 00:06:01.797 community, must help the International Court of Justice 00:06:01.930 --> 00:06:06.103 and ensure that Israel and the other sides of the conflict 00:06:06.224 --> 00:06:08.743 obey their international obligations. 00:06:08.864 --> 00:06:12.996 The opinion issued by this court can serve as an instrument 00:06:13.150 --> 00:06:16.036 to establish a wider political consensus 00:06:16.170 --> 00:06:18.323 regarding this issue. 00:06:18.457 --> 00:06:24.123 As for the legal case that is being discussed today 00:06:24.264 --> 00:06:29.130 after being filed by South Africa at the International Court of Justice, 00:06:29.263 --> 00:06:33.276 I'd like to point out that this process has not yet reached 00:06:33.450 --> 00:06:36.790 a phase where we could take part as an intervenor. 00:06:36.950 --> 00:06:41.990 In this phase, which involves decisions about temporary measures 00:06:42.170 --> 00:06:46.416 and before the court even determines if it's competent 00:06:46.537 --> 00:06:51.063 to decide on this matter, Slovenia can't join the case. 00:06:51.183 --> 00:06:54.629 This will only be possible after the court decides 00:06:54.750 --> 00:06:57.216 whether it can consider the case. 00:06:57.383 --> 00:07:03.089 Slovenia will follow the case. The proceedings are interesting 00:07:03.257 --> 00:07:07.697 and important. Slovenia supports measures taken regarding 00:07:07.823 --> 00:07:10.616 violations of the Genocide Convention 00:07:10.737 --> 00:07:13.623 in both Ukraine and Palestine. 00:07:13.757 --> 00:07:18.929 As a proponent of international law, Slovenia wholeheartedly supports 00:07:19.050 --> 00:07:22.723 the work of the International Court if Justice and hopes 00:07:22.844 --> 00:07:26.235 that it will make its decision as soon as possible. 00:07:26.377 --> 00:07:29.650 I'd like to emphasize that only the court 00:07:29.803 --> 00:07:36.450 can decide if certain actions amount to genocide or not. 00:07:36.590 --> 00:07:40.910 No state, organization, or political representative 00:07:41.023 --> 00:07:44.763 has the mandate to do that in place of the court. 00:07:44.890 --> 00:07:49.154 Slovenia supports international courts 00:07:49.275 --> 00:07:53.327 and their judgments regarding wars around the world. 00:07:53.490 --> 00:07:57.530 Specifically, we support the International Criminal Court's 00:07:57.650 --> 00:08:01.756 investigation in Palestine. We also support the International 00:08:01.877 --> 00:08:05.563 Court of Justice in all cases regarding Palestine. 00:08:05.724 --> 00:08:12.690 Finally, allow me to address yesterday's canceled screening 00:08:12.857 --> 00:08:18.137 organized by the Israeli Embassy at Mini Teater 00:08:18.323 --> 00:08:23.310 and the threats received by Mini Teater. 00:08:23.410 --> 00:08:27.163 Intolerance has no place in our society, 00:08:27.303 --> 00:08:33.343 so I condemn all intolerant and hateful acts. 00:08:33.450 --> 00:08:38.850 To resolve disagreements or find common ground, 00:08:38.971 --> 00:08:42.129 we always need a conversation. 00:08:42.340 --> 00:08:46.056 Our ministry doesn't see this event as interference 00:08:46.223 --> 00:08:52.887 in our internal affairs, but I expect the Israeli Embassy 00:08:53.082 --> 00:08:56.823 to obey Slovenian laws, the laws of diplomacy, 00:08:56.944 --> 00:09:02.082 and established practices when organizing the event. 00:09:02.243 --> 00:09:05.976 If there was any activity that may have raised concern 00:09:06.193 --> 00:09:11.343 or may do so in the future, we'll react appropriately. Thank you. 00:09:11.532 --> 00:09:15.840 Thank you Minister. Questions for the press. Step up to the mic 00:09:16.057 --> 00:09:19.748 and introduce yourselves. -Hello. Anže Božič, POP TV. 00:09:19.932 --> 00:09:24.340 I'm curious about the last two things you mentioned. 00:09:24.515 --> 00:09:29.290 Regarding the South African case at the International Court, 00:09:29.411 --> 00:09:34.302 of Justice, as I understand it, there are two different cases. 00:09:34.423 --> 00:09:37.740 You said that it's to early for countries to join 00:09:37.923 --> 00:09:42.131 the South African initiative, but that it seems interesting. 00:09:42.348 --> 00:09:48.052 I'm curious if Slovenia has a favorable attitude to that case. 00:09:48.173 --> 00:09:53.535 And will the Israeli Ambassador be called for consultations? 00:09:53.656 --> 00:09:58.138 That's a powerful diplomatic tool. If I understand you correctly, 00:09:58.294 --> 00:09:59.894 the answer is no. 00:10:00.110 --> 00:10:04.426 Regarding your first question, the International Court of Justice 00:10:04.547 --> 00:10:08.247 is holding a hearing today on South Africa's initiative. 00:10:08.368 --> 00:10:11.538 The country can present its arguments regarding 00:10:11.659 --> 00:10:15.492 accusations against Israel relating to the war, genocide, 00:10:15.613 --> 00:10:19.309 and the intentional killing of the Palestinian people. 00:10:19.430 --> 00:10:23.423 Tomorrow, Israel will get a chance to present its position, 00:10:23.544 --> 00:10:27.390 which refutes the allegations. The court will then decide 00:10:27.590 --> 00:10:31.173 if it's even competent to rule on this matter. 00:10:31.327 --> 00:10:35.326 There are various possible paths forward. 00:10:35.535 --> 00:10:40.934 In any case, when Slovenia is notified by the court's secretariat 00:10:41.123 --> 00:10:43.756 that the court will rule on this case, 00:10:43.877 --> 00:10:47.085 we'll use legal arguments to make our decision. 00:10:47.265 --> 00:10:51.540 We do have a favorable attitude to this case based on our 00:10:51.757 --> 00:10:56.315 consistent support for international courts in their investigation 00:10:56.465 --> 00:10:58.381 of war crimes. 00:10:58.548 --> 00:11:02.631 We'll decide in the next phase, 00:11:02.827 --> 00:11:10.032 but we do expect the court to call on Israel early on 00:11:10.153 --> 00:11:15.510 to end its military campaign, but any ruling on genocide 00:11:15.631 --> 00:11:19.656 would require a case that could last several years. 00:11:19.824 --> 00:11:24.540 Based on the legal arguments we'll have when the court 00:11:24.707 --> 00:11:27.040 makes its ruling in the days ahead, 00:11:27.199 --> 00:11:31.440 we'll decide whether Slovenia takes part or not. 00:11:31.561 --> 00:11:35.031 That decision is also for the government to make. 00:11:35.232 --> 00:11:39.789 As for your second question, I've consulted my colleagues 00:11:39.910 --> 00:11:46.848 at the Foreign Ministry regarding the screening of the film. 00:11:46.969 --> 00:11:51.669 Slovenia isn't the only country involved. Israel is screening 00:11:51.790 --> 00:11:56.615 the film everywhere because it wants to draw attention to the atrocities 00:11:56.798 --> 00:12:01.055 carried out by Hamas terrorists on October 7. 00:12:01.260 --> 00:12:05.681 These are diplomatic activities that the embassy can carry out. 00:12:05.802 --> 00:12:08.887 Of course, I expect all activities 00:12:09.008 --> 00:12:14.425 to be in line with diplomatic practices and Slovenian legislation. 00:12:14.790 --> 00:12:18.835 Yesterday's situation may also attest to the fact 00:12:18.956 --> 00:12:25.934 that the embassy could perhaps organise such events differently 00:12:26.055 --> 00:12:29.944 or perhaps at a more appropriate time, 00:12:30.272 --> 00:12:34.067 as it caused significant unease and protests 00:12:34.272 --> 00:12:38.522 at a time when every day there is an enormous amount 00:12:38.643 --> 00:12:43.124 of civilian victims in Gaza and the West Bank. 00:12:43.588 --> 00:12:45.268 I do not see this 00:12:45.389 --> 00:12:49.639 as interfering with Slovenia's democratic processes, 00:12:49.760 --> 00:12:55.211 they are diplomatic activities that any embassy can conduct. 00:12:55.446 --> 00:13:02.891 If it turns out that inappropriate practices were involved, 00:13:03.012 --> 00:13:09.047 we will respond. We are in regular contact with the Ambassador, 00:13:09.168 --> 00:13:13.752 but, unless it turns out that there was some wrongdoing, 00:13:13.873 --> 00:13:17.579 I see no reason to call him to account. 00:13:18.266 --> 00:13:23.680 Thank you. Petra Marc from RTV has a question online. 00:13:24.555 --> 00:13:26.389 Hello, can you hear me? 00:13:29.399 --> 00:13:32.566 Can you hear me? -Yes, we can hear you. 00:13:33.688 --> 00:13:36.271 Madame Minister, so you will not 00:13:36.392 --> 00:13:39.119 call the Israeli ambassador to account, 00:13:39.240 --> 00:13:41.392 but, if I understand correctly, 00:13:41.513 --> 00:13:44.513 the Coalition does not see eye to eye 00:13:44.634 --> 00:13:49.010 regarding the announcement of the broadcast of the recordings? 00:13:49.131 --> 00:13:52.611 The Left declared it as propaganda, 00:13:52.732 --> 00:13:56.885 while you see it as legal diplomatic activities 00:13:57.088 --> 00:14:01.064 that are conducted by each country. 00:14:01.353 --> 00:14:06.338 Does the event correspond to the work of a foreign embassy? 00:14:06.459 --> 00:14:10.087 Do other countries usually hold such events? 00:14:10.208 --> 00:14:13.375 Do you, in this case, share the opinion 00:14:13.496 --> 00:14:17.496 of the Prime Minister's colleague Mr. Vojko Volk? 00:14:17.882 --> 00:14:21.117 We are very much of one mind in the Coalition. 00:14:21.238 --> 00:14:25.831 This morning we talked about the announced broadcast 00:14:25.952 --> 00:14:28.370 and the embassy's activities. 00:14:28.491 --> 00:14:33.334 We agreed that everything that has been going on so far 00:14:33.579 --> 00:14:36.746 does not constitute any special reasons 00:14:36.867 --> 00:14:39.617 to call the ambassador to account. 00:14:39.813 --> 00:14:45.230 But if there were any improper practices in organising the event, 00:14:45.351 --> 00:14:49.084 and diplomacy or Slovenian legislation were violated, 00:14:49.205 --> 00:14:51.569 we will respond adequately. 00:14:51.834 --> 00:14:57.436 Embassies have diplomatic activities and events that they can organise. 00:14:57.640 --> 00:15:01.224 Mini Teater also hosts such events sometimes 00:15:01.345 --> 00:15:05.515 per the embassies wishes or offers, 00:15:05.636 --> 00:15:11.186 so there was nothing problematic about this event in itself, 00:15:11.348 --> 00:15:16.457 but it is problematic that Mini Teater received threats 00:15:16.682 --> 00:15:20.276 because of organising the event. 00:15:20.397 --> 00:15:26.316 As I said, there is no place in our society for such intolerance. 00:15:26.556 --> 00:15:28.724 Allow me to repeat myself, 00:15:28.845 --> 00:15:33.564 the organisation of such events needs to be well thought out, 00:15:33.685 --> 00:15:36.454 but, as I found from several sources, 00:15:36.575 --> 00:15:39.806 the Israeli embassy is not the only one 00:15:39.927 --> 00:15:44.410 that can collect or wishes to get certain data, 00:15:44.705 --> 00:15:49.205 which they demanded from the visitors of the event. 00:15:49.326 --> 00:15:52.400 Some other embassies also do this. 00:15:52.611 --> 00:15:58.287 As long as an individual provides their data consensually, 00:16:00.181 --> 00:16:03.626 it is not controversial, but again, if there were 00:16:03.747 --> 00:16:07.329 any improper practices, we will respond adequately. 00:16:07.450 --> 00:16:09.595 For now they do not seem to be. 00:16:11.228 --> 00:16:14.478 Kaja Kobetič, Kanal A. I have a question 00:16:14.599 --> 00:16:19.608 regarding the constitutional order on judges' salaries. 00:16:19.729 --> 00:16:22.238 Your party stated that the Coalition 00:16:22.359 --> 00:16:25.074 must find political will for a solution 00:16:25.195 --> 00:16:30.467 and that you expect a conversation. Has this conversation happened yet? 00:16:31.027 --> 00:16:35.027 Do you expect the government's position to change 00:16:35.148 --> 00:16:38.715 and judges salaries to be considered separately? 00:16:38.836 --> 00:16:43.836 And regarding your minister's purchase of the new courthouse, 00:16:43.957 --> 00:16:48.874 6 million euros more were paid than the seller bought it for 00:16:48.995 --> 00:16:52.689 and the Ministry did not order its own appraisal. 00:16:52.810 --> 00:16:54.526 Your comment? Thank you. 00:16:54.807 --> 00:16:58.806 I am not the right one to ask about the judges' salaries. 00:17:00.259 --> 00:17:02.650 The Ministry of Public Administration is in charge of it. 00:17:02.770 --> 00:17:04.397 Everything has been said. 00:17:04.518 --> 00:17:07.334 We will deal with it as a part of the payment reform. 00:17:07.750 --> 00:17:11.080 And about the purchase of the building. 00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:14.603 The Minister explained they have 00:17:14.724 --> 00:17:18.367 all the necessary documentation. 00:17:18.520 --> 00:17:23.350 Everything was explained and I am not the person for these questions. 00:17:23.740 --> 00:17:25.434 Studies have been made. 00:17:25.555 --> 00:17:30.089 They have all the documents 00:17:30.210 --> 00:17:34.067 and if nothing else went wrong, we do not need to talk about it. 00:17:37.180 --> 00:17:40.754 Vitomir Petrović from Planet has a question as well. 00:17:41.830 --> 00:17:45.632 He cannot raise his hand, so I am giving him the opportunity. 00:17:45.753 --> 00:17:48.190 Do you have a question or not? 00:17:48.940 --> 00:17:50.800 No. Yes or no? 00:17:52.930 --> 00:17:54.530 Can we turn it on? 00:17:57.370 --> 00:18:03.334 Can you hear me? -Yes. -Hello. Madam Minister, 00:18:03.705 --> 00:18:09.296 as a former journalist, you have always been worried 00:18:09.417 --> 00:18:12.837 about what was going on at the public TV. 00:18:13.300 --> 00:18:17.770 How do you see the current state there? 00:18:17.890 --> 00:18:19.600 Can you tell me, please? 00:18:21.190 --> 00:18:27.143 I have always been worried if they could not work professionally 00:18:27.264 --> 00:18:30.851 and without political interference. 00:18:31.150 --> 00:18:36.340 As a politician, I will surely not interfere 00:18:36.460 --> 00:18:38.080 in their work. 00:18:38.200 --> 00:18:42.040 I want for them to have all the freedom 00:18:42.160 --> 00:18:45.970 to make decisions. This is necessary 00:18:46.090 --> 00:18:51.431 for them to provide the information professionally 00:18:51.552 --> 00:18:55.389 and they have our support in this. 00:18:55.510 --> 00:19:00.010 In the first place, this means we should not interfere in their work. 00:19:01.030 --> 00:19:03.887 Thank you. This was the last question. 00:19:04.240 --> 00:19:06.434 Thank you for today. -Goodbye. 00:19:06.550 --> 00:19:11.684 Goodbye. Now, the Minister of Digital Transformation 00:19:11.805 --> 00:19:17.650 Emilija Stojmenova Duh will present the proposal for the Act 00:19:17.770 --> 00:19:21.010 to implement the EU Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services. 00:19:21.130 --> 00:19:24.934 Go ahead. -Thank you. Hello. 00:19:25.450 --> 00:19:30.286 We passed the proposal for the Act to implement the Regulation 00:19:30.407 --> 00:19:35.952 on a Single Market for Digital Services 00:19:36.185 --> 00:19:38.380 which is key to establishing a safe, 00:19:38.500 --> 00:19:41.740 predictable and trustworthy Internet environment. 00:19:42.460 --> 00:19:47.170 The Act sets the rules for intermediary services providers, 00:19:47.290 --> 00:19:50.380 such as Internet service providers. 00:19:50.830 --> 00:19:56.260 In Slovenia, these are Telekom, T-2, A1, Telemach and so on. 00:19:56.380 --> 00:20:01.810 It also sets the rules for platforms like Facebook, X, 00:20:01.930 --> 00:20:04.150 Instagram and so on, 00:20:04.360 --> 00:20:07.690 and Internet markets such as Bolha. 00:20:08.440 --> 00:20:12.610 I want to stress the Act does not apply to Internet media. 00:20:12.970 --> 00:20:16.180 These will continue to be regulated with the Media Act. 00:20:16.840 --> 00:20:20.650 The Act states that The Agency 00:20:20.770 --> 00:20:24.820 for Communication Networks and Services 00:20:25.270 --> 00:20:29.680 will be responsible to implement the Act. They will be 00:20:29.800 --> 00:20:31.810 the coordinator of digital services. 00:20:32.860 --> 00:20:36.619 The Agency will oversee whether the providers 00:20:36.740 --> 00:20:40.353 are implementing the Act and they will give the status 00:20:40.474 --> 00:20:45.670 of trustworthy informants that will be warning about illegal practices. 00:20:46.420 --> 00:20:49.644 The Act will make it possible to remove 00:20:49.765 --> 00:20:55.463 illegal content. I want to stress the Act defines 00:20:55.584 --> 00:21:00.177 legal jurisdiction to remove the illegal content. 00:21:00.497 --> 00:21:04.344 I would like to repeat that this doesn't apply to online media, 00:21:04.504 --> 00:21:08.623 because there is another law for them, namely media law. 00:21:09.183 --> 00:21:12.337 With the draft law Slovenia is responding to the need 00:21:12.443 --> 00:21:14.370 to adjust the online environment, 00:21:14.543 --> 00:21:19.184 whereby the safety and trust in digital services shall reinforce. 00:21:19.557 --> 00:21:21.590 When the law was being prepared, 00:21:21.777 --> 00:21:24.823 there were two public consultations last year, 00:21:24.950 --> 00:21:28.837 where we listened to different interest groups. 00:21:29.203 --> 00:21:32.170 In a public sitting between August and September 00:21:32.290 --> 00:21:35.470 we saw the need for this law 00:21:35.683 --> 00:21:38.030 and that we have to determine a jurisdiction 00:21:38.157 --> 00:21:41.503 with removing the illegal content from the web. 00:21:41.830 --> 00:21:46.530 All EU Member States have to adopt such a legislation 00:21:46.743 --> 00:21:52.043 and ensure a safe and trustworthy online environment in Europe. 00:21:52.370 --> 00:21:54.917 Thank you, Minister. Are there any questions? 00:21:55.343 --> 00:21:58.983 On another topic? This one is also important. 00:21:59.410 --> 00:22:02.350 No. Then it will be on another topic, Minister. 00:22:03.610 --> 00:22:06.623 Hello. Kobetič, Kanal A. 00:22:06.757 --> 00:22:10.703 One comment, please. KPK took a closer look at your purchase 00:22:10.830 --> 00:22:14.444 of 13,000 laptops. How do you comment this? 00:22:14.630 --> 00:22:16.964 I am looking forward to this inspection, 00:22:17.150 --> 00:22:21.757 because it will show that procedures were implemented correctly 00:22:21.890 --> 00:22:27.110 and legitimately. With the purchase we complied with legal obligations, 00:22:27.223 --> 00:22:31.450 established in the amendment of the Digital Inclusion Act. 00:22:31.750 --> 00:22:36.583 Are there any questions on the web? Vitomir Petrovič from Planet TV. 00:22:42.257 --> 00:22:48.590 When can we expect that users will get these 13,000 computers? 00:22:48.704 --> 00:22:56.250 Now they sit in a warehouse, which is probably not a good solution 00:22:56.704 --> 00:22:59.077 for a digital literacy. 00:22:59.563 --> 00:23:05.077 We also wish that target groups would get them as soon as possible. 00:23:05.317 --> 00:23:11.257 We are responsible for ensuring the funds and purchasing the computers. 00:23:11.457 --> 00:23:15.263 The allocation is a responsibility of the Public Scholarship Fund, 00:23:15.437 --> 00:23:20.403 which is setting the procedures to distribute the computers. 00:23:21.204 --> 00:23:25.930 Marjeta Bogataj, Demokracija. I have a follow-up question. 00:23:26.184 --> 00:23:31.330 Can you tell us, where are these computers stored? 00:23:32.264 --> 00:23:36.263 Has anybody received them yet? 00:23:37.224 --> 00:23:42.963 And what was the reason to buy these 130,000 computers? 00:23:43.283 --> 00:23:46.723 Thank you. First, I would like to correct you, 00:23:46.870 --> 00:23:51.490 there aren't 130,000, but 13,000 computers. 00:23:51.623 --> 00:23:54.624 Ten times less. What was our reason? 00:23:54.784 --> 00:24:00.830 The Digital Inclusion Act, which was adopted by the Slovenian government 00:24:01.044 --> 00:24:05.570 and the National Assembly. There, it is specified 00:24:05.737 --> 00:24:12.350 that on January 1st 2024 we shall set a fund 00:24:12.530 --> 00:24:16.183 for a free rental of computer equipment 00:24:16.350 --> 00:24:18.773 and the Ministry of Digital Transformation 00:24:18.927 --> 00:24:24.863 should provide the computers. This is our legal obligation. 00:24:25.037 --> 00:24:28.877 These computers are in a warehouse. 00:24:29.057 --> 00:24:33.057 I can't give you an address. You probably know, why not. 00:24:33.223 --> 00:24:35.377 We have to protect the equipment. 00:24:35.503 --> 00:24:40.190 With the address the location shall be public 00:24:40.330 --> 00:24:42.683 and something illegal can happen. 00:24:43.643 --> 00:24:46.417 And another one? -Did you give them to anybody? 00:24:46.603 --> 00:24:50.523 The computers are distributed only in accordance with the law. 00:24:50.690 --> 00:24:55.290 We gave 39 computers to communities that demonstrated the need. 00:24:55.457 --> 00:25:00.637 At the time of the floods we adopted the Intervention law, 00:25:00.757 --> 00:25:06.517 according to which computers shall be given to those, who need them. 00:25:06.737 --> 00:25:11.037 Municipalities which demonstrated the interest received them 00:25:11.177 --> 00:25:14.044 and they use them already. -39? -Exactly. 00:25:14.977 --> 00:25:18.117 Thank you, Minister. There are no more questions. 00:25:18.297 --> 00:25:22.053 Thank you for your presence. Have a nice day. Goodbye. 00:25:22.213 --> 00:25:23.913 Likewise. Goodbye.