WEBVTT 00:00:06.928 --> 00:00:11.357 Hello. Today, the Government passed the Act on rebuilding, 00:00:11.477 --> 00:00:14.695 development and providing financial resources. The proposal 00:00:14.815 --> 00:00:17.876 will be presented by the Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič 00:00:17.996 --> 00:00:20.890 and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Natural Resources 00:00:21.010 --> 00:00:24.991 Jože Novak. But first, the Minister. -Thank you. 00:00:25.961 --> 00:00:29.453 Welcome. I am glad to tell you 00:00:29.573 --> 00:00:33.539 that today, the government 00:00:33.659 --> 00:00:36.093 passed the proposal for the Act on rebuilding, development 00:00:36.214 --> 00:00:41.091 and providing financial resources. The act introduces mechanisms 00:00:41.617 --> 00:00:46.970 for faster rebuilding, protection from future disasters 00:00:47.090 --> 00:00:50.323 and faster development of affected areas, 00:00:50.443 --> 00:00:52.320 which is key. 00:00:52.441 --> 00:00:58.619 Today, my explanation of the act will be a little longer, 00:00:58.739 --> 00:01:01.911 because it is an extensive issue. As I said yesterday, 00:01:02.031 --> 00:01:07.452 it contains 150 articles which cover a very extensive area. 00:01:07.572 --> 00:01:13.991 I believe you are interested in it, so I will be longer. 00:01:14.424 --> 00:01:19.325 It is key that this proposal was passed 00:01:19.445 --> 00:01:23.391 just three months after the biggest natural disaster in Slovenia. 00:01:23.745 --> 00:01:26.924 With this, we address 00:01:27.208 --> 00:01:31.358 many issues. Help for the citizens, 00:01:31.563 --> 00:01:35.124 the economy, building of houses, regulating water ways, 00:01:35.345 --> 00:01:38.458 agriculture, protection of the environment, water infrastructure, 00:01:38.663 --> 00:01:41.991 administrative processes, public tenders, 00:01:42.111 --> 00:01:46.352 protection of cultural heritage, state income, 00:01:46.472 --> 00:01:49.991 exemptions from taxes, development, 00:01:50.181 --> 00:01:54.465 public publication of the recipients of state funds, 00:01:54.655 --> 00:01:58.391 healthcare and social issues. 00:01:59.280 --> 00:02:04.084 When talk about help to our citizens, 00:02:04.603 --> 00:02:07.897 the proposal introduces a guarantee scheme, 00:02:08.196 --> 00:02:11.115 designed to renovate damaged buildings 00:02:11.361 --> 00:02:15.467 and provide funds for replacement buildings. 00:02:16.102 --> 00:02:20.780 It focuses on remediaton of residential buildings 00:02:21.103 --> 00:02:24.381 that housed people with permanent residency, 00:02:24.502 --> 00:02:27.883 who actually lived there before the natural disaster. 00:02:28.734 --> 00:02:31.990 The guarantee amounts to 100% of the principal amount 00:02:32.038 --> 00:02:34.288 of the credit or € 100 000. 00:02:34.478 --> 00:02:39.073 Interest rates will be subsidised in full. 00:02:39.650 --> 00:02:43.526 The credit has to be insured with a mortgage or insurance policy. 00:02:44.376 --> 00:02:51.116 The proposal also includes divestment of municipal properties 00:02:51.853 --> 00:02:55.546 to the Housing Fund of Slovenia 00:02:56.102 --> 00:03:01.788 which will provide more properties 00:03:01.853 --> 00:03:04.491 for non-profit housing building and renovation. 00:03:05.102 --> 00:03:09.806 The economy will receive help with a guarantee scheme 00:03:10.103 --> 00:03:14.993 that will subsidise interest rate according to the contract 00:03:15.212 --> 00:03:18.626 for economy subjects. 00:03:19.102 --> 00:03:24.498 This is a financial product, interesting for commercial banks 00:03:24.853 --> 00:03:26.453 and borrowers. 00:03:27.103 --> 00:03:32.046 The proposed financial instrument has limited effect on public finance, 00:03:32.611 --> 00:03:37.825 Because it's a potential liability where financial consequences occur 00:03:38.416 --> 00:03:40.582 only on guarantee recalls. 00:03:41.353 --> 00:03:46.548 The proposed solution is a step towards guarantee scheme users, 00:03:46.798 --> 00:03:51.135 businesses, the self-employed and farmers, 00:03:51.852 --> 00:03:56.310 because the banks' network covers the whole area. 00:03:56.775 --> 00:04:00.834 The state alleviates the business risk for the banks 00:04:01.698 --> 00:04:04.310 and subsidises partial interest rate costs for borrowers. 00:04:04.533 --> 00:04:08.843 The Act foresees a measure to encourage investment in the economy, 00:04:09.085 --> 00:04:14.218 beneficiaries being he businesses that suffered direct damage in the floods 00:04:14.663 --> 00:04:19.468 and the co-financing application has to be handed in by 00:04:19.853 --> 00:04:22.358 the end of next year. 00:04:22.983 --> 00:04:28.764 The funds will be distributed with a procedure, 00:04:29.116 --> 00:04:32.529 defined by the Act on the investment promotion. 00:04:32.853 --> 00:04:38.504 These are investments, vital for Slovenian economy. 00:04:39.343 --> 00:04:46.280 We're enabling recipients to have a part of their activity 00:04:46.353 --> 00:04:49.514 in the added building, 00:04:49.767 --> 00:04:53.686 without needing to change the land within the municipality. 00:04:54.687 --> 00:04:59.808 The proposal also includes replacement and substitution buildings. 00:05:00.603 --> 00:05:05.389 The measures are intended to simplify siting procedures. 00:05:05.994 --> 00:05:12.311 Non-threatened areas will see replacement properties 00:05:13.141 --> 00:05:20.921 and if the property needs to be moved we foresee some deviation. 00:05:21.790 --> 00:05:25.943 If the property is being built on a different location, 00:05:26.353 --> 00:05:31.115 we're talking about a substitution property 00:05:31.938 --> 00:05:38.076 for a property that is according to the act in need of removal. 00:05:39.103 --> 00:05:46.764 The proposal also foresees that the communal fee 00:05:47.374 --> 00:05:53.421 for the substituted or replaced property is abolished. 00:05:54.523 --> 00:06:02.428 The costs of infrastructure network connection 00:06:02.853 --> 00:06:07.594 that include project management and connection construction 00:06:07.853 --> 00:06:12.259 will be covered by state funds. 00:06:12.853 --> 00:06:17.257 Agriculture, environmental protection and water infrastructure are included 00:06:17.398 --> 00:06:20.819 in the remediation plan with forest road repair, 00:06:21.134 --> 00:06:25.186 construction of reservoirs for agricultural irrigation, 00:06:25.603 --> 00:06:29.350 construction of replacement farmer properties and farms, 00:06:29.937 --> 00:06:32.576 repair and construction of water infrastructure, 00:06:33.266 --> 00:06:37.218 prioritised application processing for affected citizens, 00:06:37.626 --> 00:06:41.061 data access in the AJDA system, 00:06:41.367 --> 00:06:44.405 and damage assessment. 00:06:45.039 --> 00:06:50.726 The state will also provide guarantee in the agriculture 00:06:50.853 --> 00:06:54.562 for the 2024-2025 period. 00:06:55.603 --> 00:07:02.952 Administrative procedures will be relieved and sped up 00:07:03.322 --> 00:07:07.413 by preparing the documentation on the railroad infrastructure 00:07:07.853 --> 00:07:11.632 and in the buffer zone on public roads. 00:07:11.874 --> 00:07:18.572 Time limits for bringing an action are also being set. 00:07:19.571 --> 00:07:23.400 The proposal also stipulates individual exemptions, 00:07:23.602 --> 00:07:26.932 such as cessation of payment of the levy for a deregistered vehicle 00:07:27.353 --> 00:07:31.721 if it suffered damage in the natural disaster. 00:07:32.008 --> 00:07:37.144 Tenders for property development will see submission of excluded lots 00:07:37.352 --> 00:07:40.644 on the areas, hit worst by flooding 00:07:40.765 --> 00:07:44.746 where an individual lot cannot exceed the valuation of €1 million. 00:07:45.353 --> 00:07:49.738 All such excluded lots of a public tender 00:07:50.102 --> 00:07:56.407 cannot exceed 20% of the total public tender value. 00:07:57.603 --> 00:08:03.068 The act also stipulates priority requests for review of public procurement contracts 00:08:03.461 --> 00:08:08.576 intended to help remediate and alleviate consequences of the floods. 00:08:09.102 --> 00:08:13.365 For financing the projects connected to floods and landslides, 00:08:13.736 --> 00:08:18.201 a budget fund is formed, 00:08:18.553 --> 00:08:21.673 excluded from other budgetary resources. 00:08:21.794 --> 00:08:26.460 The sources are: 00:08:27.790 --> 00:08:32.949 Tax on the balance sheet total of banks and savings banks 00:08:33.353 --> 00:08:35.770 in the amount of 0.2% a year. 00:08:35.891 --> 00:08:40.363 The increase of the corporate tax rate by 3%, 00:08:40.578 --> 00:08:45.527 and the use of net balance sheet profit of Slovenian State Holding. 00:08:46.202 --> 00:08:49.343 These are temporary resources. 00:08:49.891 --> 00:08:54.819 The proposal also includes transparency on public funds use. 00:08:55.603 --> 00:08:58.874 We've talked a lot about that 00:09:00.242 --> 00:09:06.676 proactive public publication of data on used and obtained funds, 00:09:06.797 --> 00:09:09.057 funds obtained from donors. 00:09:09.349 --> 00:09:13.753 Publication will only be possible on the basis of prior consent, 00:09:13.874 --> 00:09:17.707 the submission of which will be possible via the website. 00:09:17.828 --> 00:09:22.366 I would also like to remind you that by mid-November, 00:09:22.487 --> 00:09:27.596 420 million euros were already paid out from the state budget. 00:09:27.803 --> 00:09:32.993 Anyone can see recipients of these funds 00:09:33.114 --> 00:09:35.885 at the Ministry of Finance website. 00:09:36.006 --> 00:09:42.452 The data will be refreshed once a week. 00:09:43.073 --> 00:09:48.615 We will add more detailed lists of recipients 00:09:48.787 --> 00:09:50.898 and additional graphics support, 00:09:51.019 --> 00:09:55.382 so that these displays will be even more friendly to users 00:09:55.503 --> 00:09:57.813 or to those who are interested in this. 00:09:57.934 --> 00:10:01.597 With this act, we're also enabling additional co-financing 00:10:01.718 --> 00:10:06.985 of mental health programs and psychosocial assistance provision. 00:10:07.383 --> 00:10:10.357 Last but not least, as for the development... 00:10:10.478 --> 00:10:12.748 The northern part of the third development axis 00:10:12.869 --> 00:10:17.991 is designated as a development and priority road infrastructure project, 00:10:18.112 --> 00:10:20.412 funds are provided for the co-financing 00:10:20.533 --> 00:10:23.018 of public communication networks 00:10:23.139 --> 00:10:25.817 and related infrastructure construction. 00:10:25.938 --> 00:10:31.204 The construction of high-performance mobile 5G networks is co-financed. 00:10:31.351 --> 00:10:34.389 During the construction and reconstruction of damaged 00:10:34.510 --> 00:10:38.691 public infrastructure the investors need to lay a sufficiently powerful 00:10:38.812 --> 00:10:40.509 empty cable sewage, 00:10:40.633 --> 00:10:42.982 which will be available under the same conditions 00:10:43.103 --> 00:10:46.527 to all electronic communication networks providers. 00:10:46.648 --> 00:10:50.582 Gratuitous easement is being introduced for the construction 00:10:50.703 --> 00:10:54.759 of very high performance public communications networks 00:10:54.880 --> 00:10:59.759 and related infrastructure on real estate owned by the state 00:10:59.880 --> 00:11:02.987 or self-governing local community. 00:11:03.718 --> 00:11:05.318 So much for a start. 00:11:05.439 --> 00:11:12.851 Mr Novak and I will provide additional clarifications. 00:11:13.076 --> 00:11:15.604 I invite the state secretary 00:11:15.725 --> 00:11:18.906 at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Jože Novak, 00:11:19.027 --> 00:11:23.728 who will explain what will happen to the houses that were flooded, 00:11:23.849 --> 00:11:27.443 replacement constructions and regulation of watercourses. 00:11:27.564 --> 00:11:29.601 Please come closer. 00:11:30.952 --> 00:11:32.552 Hello. 00:11:33.064 --> 00:11:38.211 This part is probably of most interest to people who have been affected. 00:11:38.332 --> 00:11:42.991 This group of people is specifically mentioned in the act, 00:11:43.112 --> 00:11:45.352 as the minister already explained. 00:11:45.473 --> 00:11:48.984 But what are the key things and advantages? 00:11:49.423 --> 00:11:51.596 From the data from Ajda, 00:11:51.717 --> 00:11:55.138 the group who needed the intervention, 00:11:55.995 --> 00:12:01.332 which is coming to an end, and we can begin with reconstruction. 00:12:01.456 --> 00:12:05.918 Around 330 affected houses are in a place 00:12:06.113 --> 00:12:08.894 where they won't be able to exist anymore. 00:12:09.015 --> 00:12:14.485 We will find replacement locations in other places. 00:12:14.606 --> 00:12:17.112 There are around 80 buildings that are damaged 00:12:17.233 --> 00:12:22.957 to such an extent that they will be reconstructed in the same place. 00:12:23.078 --> 00:12:28.110 There are 6000 buildings affected in various ways. 00:12:28.616 --> 00:12:30.309 What is key here? 00:12:31.754 --> 00:12:34.807 The reconstruction that has begun will continue 00:12:34.928 --> 00:12:39.099 without citizens applying anew. 00:12:39.714 --> 00:12:42.106 Furthermore, the act automatically stipulates 00:12:42.227 --> 00:12:45.290 that building permits which have already been issued 00:12:45.411 --> 00:12:49.003 are being extended for an additional period up to five years. 00:12:49.124 --> 00:12:50.724 People don't have to worry 00:12:50.845 --> 00:12:55.268 because they couldn't build in such conditions. 00:12:57.603 --> 00:13:02.951 The state office will help all investors to a great extent. 00:13:03.496 --> 00:13:10.147 It will take care of all the most endangered replacement solutions. 00:13:10.472 --> 00:13:16.750 It will offer at least an equivalent, if not a better solution. 00:13:16.871 --> 00:13:21.089 We can expect different responses to this, 00:13:21.338 --> 00:13:25.272 some owners of the endangered buildings 00:13:25.460 --> 00:13:28.407 together with the team in the offices, 00:13:28.528 --> 00:13:32.808 which are already functioning, are looking for solutions together. 00:13:32.929 --> 00:13:35.908 If someone wants to move to an already existing building, 00:13:36.029 --> 00:13:42.403 we will buy it and move them into a building in their municipality. 00:13:42.959 --> 00:13:46.799 The other option is that someone will request funds, get them, 00:13:46.920 --> 00:13:52.330 and won't want to build anymore, such situations are possible. 00:13:52.629 --> 00:13:57.616 In cases where we have to find a place for a new house, 00:13:57.909 --> 00:14:01.233 the state will build a new house on a building plot. 00:14:01.354 --> 00:14:07.112 As the minister said earlier, the plot will be equipped in advance. 00:14:07.233 --> 00:14:15.169 We propose that such construction is oriented towards residential areas 00:14:15.290 --> 00:14:18.601 already existing in the spatial plans of these municipalities. 00:14:18.722 --> 00:14:22.039 This is the first option. The second option is to introduce 00:14:22.160 --> 00:14:24.562 the instrument of location verification, 00:14:24.683 --> 00:14:28.651 we're expanding significantly from the current legislation, 00:14:29.264 --> 00:14:33.522 so that for a few houses on a land, sized up to 3000 m2, 00:14:33.699 --> 00:14:40.931 a location process applies to each of them. 00:14:41.670 --> 00:14:44.621 This will be arranged in the shortest time possible. 00:14:44.742 --> 00:14:49.338 Opinions and consents are applicable for the building permit. 00:14:49.459 --> 00:14:54.700 We expect to solve at least a third of construction this way. 00:14:54.821 --> 00:14:58.938 With small locations of one, two, three, five houses in some municipalities. 00:14:59.369 --> 00:15:03.808 In one municipality, 150 homes need to be replaced, 00:15:03.929 --> 00:15:09.191 and 100 in another. Those are both of the Savinja valleys, 00:15:09.312 --> 00:15:16.056 where there will be special municipal remedial spatial plans, 00:15:16.177 --> 00:15:20.603 that change spatial plans and everything else in the area. 00:15:20.845 --> 00:15:24.368 The municipalities have already started doing this 00:15:24.489 --> 00:15:27.281 with the State Office and our Ministry. 00:15:27.759 --> 00:15:30.835 They are already preparing certain locations 00:15:30.956 --> 00:15:36.860 in line with the owner's wishes and the municipality's options. 00:15:37.039 --> 00:15:40.641 We have two very important points. 00:15:40.762 --> 00:15:45.633 We did not just propose the shortening from 30 days to 15 00:15:45.754 --> 00:15:49.837 in order to gain some opinion, consensus or anything else. 00:15:50.267 --> 00:15:52.931 We even wrote that if someone does not 00:15:53.052 --> 00:15:55.635 submit their opinion in 30 days, 00:15:55.756 --> 00:15:59.991 it counts as a submitted presumed opinion, 00:16:00.814 --> 00:16:07.220 and each agency should conduct this so we may actually get it done. 00:16:07.650 --> 00:16:12.736 As State Secretary at the Ministry of Natural Resources 00:16:13.087 --> 00:16:17.087 I have been given the task of weekly coordinating 00:16:17.208 --> 00:16:22.587 all consenting parties to provide and align their solutions. 00:16:22.777 --> 00:16:25.296 This organisational measure 00:16:25.417 --> 00:16:31.480 may even be more important than other provisions, 00:16:31.683 --> 00:16:35.987 because, whether we admit it or not, we are a blocked country 00:16:36.108 --> 00:16:39.284 where getting permission in exceedingly hard. 00:16:39.405 --> 00:16:43.155 That is why construction projects are on hold, 00:16:43.276 --> 00:16:46.239 let alone economic or other regional issues. 00:16:46.360 --> 00:16:48.646 That is why this measure is important. 00:16:48.767 --> 00:16:53.267 We now have a designated contact person at our Ministry 00:16:53.388 --> 00:16:58.222 for directing aid to municipalites and submitting opinions 00:16:58.633 --> 00:17:04.383 and we have already launched these procedures with the municipalities. 00:17:04.524 --> 00:17:11.519 In terms of just intervention measures to make watercourses flow, 00:17:11.640 --> 00:17:16.307 we are now starting a complex regulation of these waters. 00:17:16.428 --> 00:17:19.871 A special restoration programme will be prepared 00:17:20.093 --> 00:17:24.260 and certain watercourses will be fixed sustainably, 00:17:24.381 --> 00:17:29.866 so that they may be climate resistant. 00:17:29.987 --> 00:17:32.769 The climate changes we are experiencing 00:17:32.890 --> 00:17:35.464 will no longer come every 1000 years, 00:17:35.585 --> 00:17:38.167 the return period will be very short, 00:17:38.288 --> 00:17:42.887 and designers and experts will have to solve this issue. 00:17:43.176 --> 00:17:48.871 Another important thing is that the spatial plans that were made 00:17:49.152 --> 00:17:53.402 will need to be tested in regard to the water bodies 00:17:53.523 --> 00:17:58.478 and their extreme flooding in the areas that were flooded. 00:17:58.599 --> 00:18:03.902 Wherever this fails, the plans will need to change 00:18:04.098 --> 00:18:07.003 with the judgment of water authorities. 00:18:07.124 --> 00:18:09.902 Moreover, we went ahead with alleviating 00:18:10.023 --> 00:18:14.027 the work of the water, traffic and other infrastructure 00:18:14.148 --> 00:18:17.565 by coordinating projects. We will not wait 00:18:17.686 --> 00:18:21.914 for each other's minor things, but we will coordinate projects. 00:18:22.035 --> 00:18:26.429 which is significant progress that allows all to work simultaneously. 00:18:26.550 --> 00:18:30.384 This work will be organisationally very intense 00:18:30.685 --> 00:18:35.226 and will provide results in a very short time. 00:18:35.500 --> 00:18:39.167 Thank you. This is a new, very extensive act, 00:18:39.288 --> 00:18:44.078 and I believe the journalists have many questions. 00:18:47.429 --> 00:18:49.109 Metka Majer, POP TV. 00:18:51.367 --> 00:18:56.477 Take, for example, the most affected settlements, 00:18:56.695 --> 00:18:58.295 Struge or Letuš, 00:18:58.641 --> 00:19:03.475 and the people that lived there and will need to move away. 00:19:05.055 --> 00:19:08.389 If they receive replacement construction, 00:19:08.510 --> 00:19:11.428 what exactly can we expect from the state? 00:19:11.549 --> 00:19:16.883 Could you give us a concrete example for the residents of Struge? 00:19:18.733 --> 00:19:23.224 If we combine all the information we have provided today, 00:19:23.345 --> 00:19:26.498 per the Intervention Act, 00:19:26.619 --> 00:19:30.544 the damage assessments have already been made. 00:19:31.155 --> 00:19:38.850 Now they will be done for individual buildings. 00:19:39.045 --> 00:19:44.277 Then there is the measure of reimbursing the damage, 00:19:44.398 --> 00:19:46.898 which we are already executing 00:19:47.019 --> 00:19:52.019 and this month in most cases payments have already been made. 00:19:52.140 --> 00:19:55.474 Minister Bratušek held a press conference 00:19:55.595 --> 00:20:01.786 where she explained these advance payments in detail. 00:20:02.427 --> 00:20:07.341 That was the first part, for the second part, I will say, 00:20:07.462 --> 00:20:10.629 that there have been many conversations 00:20:10.750 --> 00:20:14.468 and wishes to move have been expressed. 00:20:14.589 --> 00:20:19.335 For instance, in Braslovče there is building land being prepared 00:20:19.456 --> 00:20:21.705 for 150 new homes. 00:20:22.057 --> 00:20:29.573 For most people this is likely the most optimal solution. 00:20:30.080 --> 00:20:36.330 Per the wishes of an owner of a damaged home, 00:20:36.533 --> 00:20:39.838 the State Technical Office and the municipality 00:20:39.959 --> 00:20:45.455 an offer will be made to construct a new home on the same plot of land. 00:20:45.877 --> 00:20:50.291 During construction, which may take a about year, 00:20:50.447 --> 00:20:54.791 or perhaps less or more in some cases, 00:20:54.912 --> 00:20:58.448 as this is a large and demanding project, 00:20:58.828 --> 00:21:01.663 substitute housing will be provided 00:21:01.784 --> 00:21:05.453 wherever possible and through mutual consent. 00:21:05.574 --> 00:21:08.289 Options differ, but the people can also 00:21:08.410 --> 00:21:11.501 find something on their own and receive aid 00:21:11.622 --> 00:21:15.820 or be offered other solutions with the help of the municipality. 00:21:16.039 --> 00:21:20.539 I believe that the State Office, municipality and owner 00:21:20.660 --> 00:21:26.352 will in most cases find good solutions together. 00:21:27.166 --> 00:21:33.072 What will happen with ownership in Braslovče? 00:21:33.556 --> 00:21:38.890 That land is mostly already owned by the state and some others 00:21:39.011 --> 00:21:42.761 and the state will try to acquire those plots. 00:21:43.047 --> 00:21:48.558 Utilities will be provided and an offer will be made. 00:21:48.679 --> 00:21:51.179 The participation of the public 00:21:51.300 --> 00:21:54.666 is necessary for the creation of such documents, 00:21:54.787 --> 00:21:57.226 as well as the individuals' wishes, 00:21:57.347 --> 00:22:02.320 so that the sizes of those homes may be adequately adjusted. 00:22:03.344 --> 00:22:08.585 In cases where there is one plot of land or home, 00:22:08.706 --> 00:22:14.349 the project documents relate to the person or family 00:22:14.470 --> 00:22:18.758 that wishes to receive it, and solutions will be adapted. 00:22:18.879 --> 00:22:23.400 Some spatial plans will allow for a so-called "growing house". 00:22:23.649 --> 00:22:27.008 Requirements may be such and such right now, 00:22:27.195 --> 00:22:30.820 but the spatial plan allows for their expansion. 00:22:31.133 --> 00:22:35.217 We have also received several participation offers 00:22:35.338 --> 00:22:42.047 from various schools and faculties that could advise in some cases. 00:22:42.328 --> 00:22:47.828 I think that this project planning dynamic will yield good results. 00:22:47.949 --> 00:22:54.958 We also have the opportunity to design these buildings better. 00:22:55.079 --> 00:23:01.124 We have several options in addition to classic concrete construction, 00:23:01.719 --> 00:23:03.719 such as wood and others, 00:23:03.840 --> 00:23:07.906 which we will discuss with people individually. 00:23:08.027 --> 00:23:11.611 For such a large project as these 150 homes, 00:23:11.732 --> 00:23:14.732 a project competition is recommended, 00:23:14.853 --> 00:23:18.858 which can run in parallel, but it is not mandatory. 00:23:18.979 --> 00:23:23.886 We outlined in the Act that project competitions are not necessary. 00:23:24.160 --> 00:23:27.602 We do not want to complicate in individual cases, 00:23:27.723 --> 00:23:30.579 but for larger projects it is only proper 00:23:30.700 --> 00:23:34.391 that an exemplary settlement is made for the future. 00:23:37.282 --> 00:23:39.658 A question for the Minister. 00:23:41.095 --> 00:23:45.790 You listed the sources for the Solidarity Fund. 00:23:46.298 --> 00:23:52.759 How many funds do you expect it will receive in the coming year? 00:23:54.563 --> 00:23:59.438 We expect a relatively low amount in the coming year. 00:23:59.712 --> 00:24:02.712 The measure of temporarily increasing 00:24:02.833 --> 00:24:10.227 the tax on banks and the corporate income tax 00:24:10.696 --> 00:24:13.613 will be in effect from 2024 onwards. 00:24:13.734 --> 00:24:18.642 This means that the first payments will come in 2025, 00:24:18.763 --> 00:24:21.930 except for the advance payment in 2024. 00:24:22.051 --> 00:24:28.795 The sources in 2024 will mainly come from borrowing, 00:24:29.108 --> 00:24:32.942 so, additional borrowing or rather state loans. 00:24:33.272 --> 00:24:35.188 A very important source 00:24:35.309 --> 00:24:40.272 will be the expected funds from the EU Solidarity Fund, 00:24:40.393 --> 00:24:43.893 which should be received next year in full, 00:24:44.014 --> 00:24:48.991 we are hoping that we will receive part of it this year already. 00:24:49.112 --> 00:24:53.071 That is all regarding the sources themselves, 00:24:53.192 --> 00:24:58.492 but the sources from the tax on banks 00:24:58.613 --> 00:25:02.697 and the temporarily increased corporate income tax 00:25:03.620 --> 00:25:07.136 amount to a little over 1,5 billion euros. 00:25:08.680 --> 00:25:14.620 From 2024 to 2029. And the payment a year later. 00:25:14.741 --> 00:25:19.892 In the first years, these funds will mainly be used 00:25:20.450 --> 00:25:24.970 to eliminate the consequences of the damage. 00:25:25.104 --> 00:25:27.502 You mentioned the EU Solidarity Fund. 00:25:27.623 --> 00:25:30.684 I know this is in the domain of the Ministry of Cohesion, 00:25:30.805 --> 00:25:33.402 but what is the latest information? 00:25:33.523 --> 00:25:37.700 I only know what has already been said, 00:25:37.913 --> 00:25:40.385 that this application is being looked at 00:25:40.506 --> 00:25:46.549 and for the time being there were no comments from the Commission. 00:25:47.005 --> 00:25:52.833 In the end this is generally a political decision. 00:25:53.088 --> 00:25:58.189 The EU Solidarity Fund for natural disasters is quite empty. 00:25:58.310 --> 00:26:02.113 In the last two years there have been many natural disasters in Europe, 00:26:02.234 --> 00:26:07.589 the Slovenian floods were followed by two major disasters. 00:26:08.500 --> 00:26:12.646 All of those countries are trying to get the funds. 00:26:12.767 --> 00:26:18.301 We're hoping the European Commission will fulfil its promise, 00:26:18.572 --> 00:26:22.320 we believe that our application was professionally prepared 00:26:22.441 --> 00:26:24.501 and meets all conditions. 00:26:24.622 --> 00:26:27.040 The problem is in the resources themselves, 00:26:27.161 --> 00:26:30.191 because the resources in this fund are generally too low 00:26:30.312 --> 00:26:35.336 for all the disasters that happened in Europe in the last two years. 00:26:35.457 --> 00:26:38.598 I know that the Commission is also debating 00:26:38.719 --> 00:26:42.989 the provision of additional financing for this fund, 00:26:43.110 --> 00:26:45.803 but this is a political debate. 00:26:46.451 --> 00:26:48.681 Thank you. We have another question here. 00:26:48.802 --> 00:26:52.078 In the meantime, the two journalists online 00:26:52.199 --> 00:26:55.623 should raise their hand to ask a question. 00:26:57.111 --> 00:27:01.725 Rok Šuligoj, TV Slovenia. A question for the state secretary. 00:27:01.846 --> 00:27:04.691 If we understand correctly, the replacement construction 00:27:04.812 --> 00:27:07.895 will not have a standardised type of houses. 00:27:08.016 --> 00:27:12.298 What will happen in the case... Let me ask this differently. 00:27:12.419 --> 00:27:16.298 Will these houses, these apartments be comparable to those 00:27:16.419 --> 00:27:20.394 people lost to floods, for example, or from where they had to move? 00:27:20.515 --> 00:27:27.493 Will this replacement construction be similar to that 00:27:27.733 --> 00:27:29.910 after the Posočje earthquake? 00:27:30.031 --> 00:27:35.306 So materials up to a certain price point, 00:27:35.427 --> 00:27:39.300 if the owner or customer wants, for example, bigger, better, 00:27:39.421 --> 00:27:42.177 they have to pay the difference? 00:27:42.635 --> 00:27:45.501 Let me first repeat two terms. 00:27:46.578 --> 00:27:52.294 The replacement construction can be built in the same place, 00:27:52.415 --> 00:27:54.037 if the building was damaged, 00:27:54.158 --> 00:27:57.620 but it can also be built in its vicinity. 00:27:57.741 --> 00:28:03.087 We suggest 10, 20 m away, 10 m is now the official proposal. 00:28:03.538 --> 00:28:09.331 An additional criterion is the farm or part of the farm that was damaged 00:28:09.452 --> 00:28:13.385 can be built on another part of their land 00:28:13.506 --> 00:28:17.988 if this is a more suitable place. 00:28:18.331 --> 00:28:22.510 I think the planners 00:28:22.631 --> 00:28:28.306 will have to come up with better buildings, 00:28:28.427 --> 00:28:31.171 better designed, more functional and everything else. 00:28:31.292 --> 00:28:35.105 A plan of an individual house will always be created 00:28:35.226 --> 00:28:39.400 according to wishes and needs of the owner, 00:28:39.728 --> 00:28:42.000 the new needs of the owner, 00:28:42.365 --> 00:28:47.325 together with the office which will ensure that this is technically correct 00:28:47.446 --> 00:28:50.923 and the municipality which will decide on the location conditions. 00:28:51.044 --> 00:28:55.604 I expect we will be able to boast of better, more flexible solutions 00:28:55.725 --> 00:28:57.500 than so far. 00:28:58.016 --> 00:29:01.597 When one house needs to be moved to another location, 00:29:01.718 --> 00:29:06.283 this is one on one in accordance with the municipality's existing conditions. 00:29:06.404 --> 00:29:09.891 But when it comes to at least two or three cases 00:29:10.012 --> 00:29:12.766 of 100 or 150 houses, 00:29:13.273 --> 00:29:16.865 this is a collective matter, and here, above all, 00:29:16.986 --> 00:29:20.195 we need to make a good architectural urban design as a whole 00:29:20.316 --> 00:29:23.885 with all roads, accesses, sewage and with all equipment 00:29:24.006 --> 00:29:29.996 in a safe area where there is no danger of floods or landslides. 00:29:30.367 --> 00:29:33.719 Here I also expect an offer that is a little bigger. 00:29:33.840 --> 00:29:40.946 The ministry for the housing area has already prepared a call 00:29:41.676 --> 00:29:46.705 or the Chamber offered to prepare some architectural proposals 00:29:46.850 --> 00:29:51.271 which will be easier to catalogue and recommend to people. 00:29:51.392 --> 00:29:53.063 This will also be available. 00:29:53.184 --> 00:29:57.678 I think there will be a combination of the owner's desire 00:29:57.799 --> 00:29:59.399 and the specific situation 00:29:59.520 --> 00:30:03.285 which will lead to significantly better solutions. Why flexible? 00:30:03.406 --> 00:30:09.018 Even if today people have a small, less valuable 00:30:09.139 --> 00:30:11.320 or a dysfunctional house, 00:30:11.606 --> 00:30:16.174 in the first stage we will look for at least an equivalent, 00:30:16.295 --> 00:30:20.733 if not a better situation. If this is a young family, 00:30:20.914 --> 00:30:24.285 they will have the option to expand at any time. 00:30:24.406 --> 00:30:28.771 If they are older people, we will adapt to a new situation. 00:30:28.892 --> 00:30:33.390 There are older people in big houses that they don't need, 00:30:33.511 --> 00:30:36.691 so that flexibility will be guaranteed. 00:30:37.775 --> 00:30:41.371 Thank you. Another one for the minister. 00:30:41.859 --> 00:30:44.898 This topic concerns your department. 00:30:45.019 --> 00:30:48.624 There will obviously be some financial influence 00:30:48.745 --> 00:30:52.484 of yesterday's vote in the National Assembly, 00:30:52.605 --> 00:30:55.785 i.e., the harmonisation of social transfers. 00:30:55.906 --> 00:30:58.880 I am interested in your comment, view on the decision 00:30:59.001 --> 00:31:01.278 and on what happened yesterday. Thank you. 00:31:01.399 --> 00:31:03.679 I will give you an answer, 00:31:03.800 --> 00:31:08.682 but are we done with questions on the main topic of today's conference, 00:31:08.803 --> 00:31:12.953 the reconstruction act? Are there any more questions about that? 00:31:13.074 --> 00:31:15.074 Yes, two questions online. 00:31:15.299 --> 00:31:21.577 Please answer the question about the new lunch and transport tax. 00:31:21.698 --> 00:31:24.147 After this. Andreja Lončar. 00:31:27.159 --> 00:31:28.759 Hello. 00:31:29.500 --> 00:31:33.212 You mentioned that that the tax on total assets 00:31:33.333 --> 00:31:37.722 will start in 2025, if I understood you correctly. 00:31:37.930 --> 00:31:42.696 I don't have the draft act here, but I think that 00:31:42.817 --> 00:31:46.097 one of the first drafts of the act 00:31:46.218 --> 00:31:49.791 stated that it will start in 2024, 00:31:49.912 --> 00:31:51.912 there were some explanations 00:31:52.033 --> 00:31:58.006 about retroactivity not being applicable here, 00:31:58.127 --> 00:32:00.472 there being no risk of retroactivity. 00:32:00.593 --> 00:32:06.873 Did you change that later or did I misunderstand? 00:32:08.628 --> 00:32:10.711 You understood correctly. 00:32:10.832 --> 00:32:13.406 The first version of the act 00:32:13.700 --> 00:32:18.062 and communication with the Bank Association and banks 00:32:18.317 --> 00:32:25.821 stated that the first period would be 31 December 2023 00:32:25.942 --> 00:32:28.749 and the first payment in 2024. 00:32:28.915 --> 00:32:33.118 There were several different legal opinions 00:32:33.239 --> 00:32:40.887 on this date, 31 December 2023, 00:32:41.008 --> 00:32:45.474 regardless of the fact that the act will be passed before that date. 00:32:45.595 --> 00:32:48.583 The act will be submitted to the National Assembly today, 00:32:48.704 --> 00:32:50.409 under urgent procedure. 00:32:50.530 --> 00:32:55.464 Regardless of that, because the legal opinions were different. 00:32:55.585 --> 00:33:01.408 There really weren't many that said this was unconstitutional, 00:33:01.529 --> 00:33:03.237 but we nevertheless 00:33:04.699 --> 00:33:10.710 decided to avoid complications. 00:33:11.144 --> 00:33:17.308 We delayed the implementation of this tax by one year. 00:33:18.979 --> 00:33:22.333 Thank you. TV Slovenia, Marko Milenkovič. 00:33:30.125 --> 00:33:34.495 Just a moment, Marko Milenkovič, we can't hear you. 00:33:40.275 --> 00:33:45.126 Our technicians are saying your microphone isn't connected. 00:33:47.575 --> 00:33:52.564 Maybe you can write a message to your colleague who is here. 00:33:52.902 --> 00:33:58.698 Minister, you can answer the two open topics. Mr Novak, thank you. 00:33:58.819 --> 00:34:01.716 Go ahead. The vote in the National Assembly 00:34:01.837 --> 00:34:05.847 and possible new tax on lunch and transport. 00:34:07.074 --> 00:34:13.002 I was present at yesterday evening's voting in the National Assembly, 00:34:13.123 --> 00:34:15.958 I witnessed this strange situation. 00:34:17.268 --> 00:34:20.496 As for the voting itself 00:34:20.617 --> 00:34:23.959 and complications related to this voting, 00:34:24.214 --> 00:34:28.902 I don't have any comments as a representative of the Government. 00:34:29.023 --> 00:34:32.413 This is a matter for the National Assembly 00:34:32.534 --> 00:34:37.308 which must resolve this in the scope of its work. 00:34:37.429 --> 00:34:40.021 I hope this happens as soon as possible, 00:34:40.142 --> 00:34:43.325 because what happened 00:34:44.555 --> 00:34:47.152 casts a pretty big shadow of doubt 00:34:47.273 --> 00:34:49.789 not only over this vote, but also other ones. 00:34:49.910 --> 00:34:55.402 This is a prerequisite for believing in democracy in which we live. 00:34:55.523 --> 00:34:58.125 This was an unpleasant complication, 00:34:58.246 --> 00:35:01.633 I hope the National Assembly will resolve it as soon as possible. 00:35:01.754 --> 00:35:05.601 As for the financial impact, 00:35:06.565 --> 00:35:08.617 it's hard for me to comment, given that 00:35:08.738 --> 00:35:13.909 right now we don't officially know what the vote was. 00:35:14.030 --> 00:35:16.087 We will wait for that. 00:35:16.208 --> 00:35:22.014 I hope it will be known today, and then I will comment. 00:35:22.198 --> 00:35:24.505 New tax on lunch and transport. 00:35:24.626 --> 00:35:27.398 Yes, as far as that is concerned, 00:35:28.298 --> 00:35:33.998 today one of the printed medias published an article. 00:35:35.307 --> 00:35:40.615 The Ministry of Finance strongly rejects innuendos 00:35:40.736 --> 00:35:42.999 about supposed solutions 00:35:43.305 --> 00:35:48.080 brought about by the so-called renovation of the system. 00:35:49.752 --> 00:35:53.701 Exactly such articles as the one published today, 00:35:53.822 --> 00:35:59.655 exactly such lobbying attempts of tearing down solutions 00:36:01.315 --> 00:36:06.035 I have already spoken about in past media appearances. 00:36:06.495 --> 00:36:13.764 Before any solutions are formed or presented to the public, 00:36:14.075 --> 00:36:17.098 individual interest groups begin with scaremongering 00:36:17.219 --> 00:36:19.569 and distortion of information. 00:36:19.693 --> 00:36:24.757 The ministry explained to one of the authors of today's article 00:36:24.878 --> 00:36:27.158 that we don't yet have definitive solutions, 00:36:27.279 --> 00:36:29.787 therefore we can't discuss them. 00:36:29.908 --> 00:36:32.418 When the definitive solutions are formed, 00:36:32.539 --> 00:36:35.805 we will first present them to the key stakeholders. 00:36:35.926 --> 00:36:39.660 We will do so despite all the pressures 00:36:39.781 --> 00:36:41.775 what the solutions should be, 00:36:41.896 --> 00:36:44.922 which are already appearing in the media 00:36:45.086 --> 00:36:49.293 and suggesting the allowed direction of change. 00:36:49.747 --> 00:36:52.496 We also explained that the tax system is complex, 00:36:52.617 --> 00:36:54.217 as I keep repeating. 00:36:54.338 --> 00:36:57.617 Each intervention has an impact on other areas, 00:36:57.738 --> 00:37:01.419 this needs to be considered when looking for solutions. 00:37:01.540 --> 00:37:05.502 In fact, this is one of the main problems of the existing tax system, 00:37:05.623 --> 00:37:08.206 because it wasn't solved systemically, 00:37:08.327 --> 00:37:10.156 but with ad hoc solutions. 00:37:10.277 --> 00:37:16.540 Even today there are new ideas on how to solve a problem ad hoc every week, 00:37:16.661 --> 00:37:19.709 of course, we're all experts in the field of taxes, 00:37:19.830 --> 00:37:26.168 we would all like to solve problems in our field by paying lower taxes 00:37:26.547 --> 00:37:30.811 despite the fact that when we talk to anyone who takes enough time, 00:37:30.932 --> 00:37:33.094 everyone agrees that the system is unclear 00:37:33.215 --> 00:37:37.083 and needs to be set up anew, we need to start from scratch, 00:37:37.204 --> 00:37:40.862 but our solution should be introduced before that. 00:37:40.983 --> 00:37:46.300 A I said and as we wrote in our answer, 00:37:46.421 --> 00:37:51.732 we want solutions that will create a transparent and simple tax system. 00:37:51.853 --> 00:37:55.213 It's absolutely clear this is only possible 00:37:55.334 --> 00:37:57.633 especially in the field of labour taxation, 00:37:57.754 --> 00:38:01.093 exclusively in agreement with the social partners, 00:38:01.214 --> 00:38:03.806 both with employers and employees. 00:38:03.927 --> 00:38:07.097 Without such an agreement, solutions aren't possible. 00:38:07.218 --> 00:38:11.088 Let me say this again, I will stress this out loud, 00:38:11.209 --> 00:38:16.539 despite the fact that certain interest groups don't want to hear it. 00:38:16.660 --> 00:38:21.022 If we're talking about wage taxation in Slovenia, 00:38:21.143 --> 00:38:25.410 let's talk comprehensively and compare apples to apples, 00:38:25.531 --> 00:38:27.215 not apples to oranges. 00:38:27.336 --> 00:38:32.319 The Slovenian system is specific in the area of labour taxation 00:38:32.440 --> 00:38:38.392 and precisely what I said happened in all tax sub-areas 00:38:38.513 --> 00:38:42.577 also happened in the area of labour taxation. 00:38:42.991 --> 00:38:45.061 Because the labour taxation 00:38:45.182 --> 00:38:49.519 and above all the amount of social contributions in Slovenia is high, 00:38:49.640 --> 00:38:55.349 especially social contributions related to rights 00:38:55.591 --> 00:39:00.100 provided by the state or society. 00:39:00.500 --> 00:39:05.327 If we agree to eliminate or reduce some rights, 00:39:05.448 --> 00:39:10.634 then I agree social contributions should be reduced as well. 00:39:10.755 --> 00:39:13.005 When comparisons are made... 00:39:13.126 --> 00:39:20.804 Interest groups love to compare us to one or maybe two countries. 00:39:21.028 --> 00:39:25.196 Or there is a comparison, 00:39:25.317 --> 00:39:30.318 which we also take into account, 00:39:30.439 --> 00:39:33.997 I mean it's an absolutely relevant comparison, 00:39:34.118 --> 00:39:37.523 the OECD's comparison of labour taxation, 00:39:37.663 --> 00:39:40.867 but it must be said that this comparison 00:39:40.988 --> 00:39:46.935 doesn't cover certain specifics of the Slovenian labour taxation. 00:39:47.056 --> 00:39:54.153 I'm talking about the reimbursement of transport and lunch costs, 00:39:54.280 --> 00:39:57.141 holiday allowance, Christmas bonus. 00:39:57.262 --> 00:40:01.647 Because this is specific to Slovenia, 00:40:01.875 --> 00:40:07.881 I mean especially allowances for transport and food, 00:40:08.181 --> 00:40:11.628 which are not included in OECD's comparisons 00:40:11.721 --> 00:40:16.108 and the picture of Slovenia as far as burden on labour goes, 00:40:16.361 --> 00:40:21.675 is thus different. We are always highlighting this issue. 00:40:21.941 --> 00:40:25.021 But when we start to speak about it, 00:40:25.208 --> 00:40:31.808 an article appears somewhere that we are planning to tax subsidy 00:40:31.941 --> 00:40:37.421 or transport or food. This is nonsense 00:40:37.581 --> 00:40:40.448 and a distortion of facts. As I've said, 00:40:40.655 --> 00:40:44.601 we believe this is work of groups which don't want changes 00:40:44.901 --> 00:40:48.995 or don't want to reset this system, build it anew 00:40:49.141 --> 00:40:54.168 and make it a simple, transparent system that everybody understands. 00:40:55.055 --> 00:40:58.021 Rok Šuligoj. Because of technical problems I'm speaking 00:40:58.188 --> 00:41:02.495 in the name of my colleague. Expenditure in amount of 10 billion 00:41:02.608 --> 00:41:07.188 should be given for renovation after the floods. 00:41:07.421 --> 00:41:13.035 Is the expenditure more defined now? 00:41:13.281 --> 00:41:17.468 And about simplification of the procedures... 00:41:17.588 --> 00:41:21.761 The opposition says that there are too many simplifications 00:41:21.941 --> 00:41:23.828 and this enables misuse. 00:41:24.521 --> 00:41:30.108 As far as expenditure goes, we have two evaluations 00:41:30.241 --> 00:41:33.141 and both were made on their own methodology. 00:41:33.415 --> 00:41:36.381 One is an estimate of a direct damage. 00:41:36.695 --> 00:41:41.841 It is 3 billion. The estimate of a direct and indirect damage, 00:41:41.941 --> 00:41:49.215 renovation of everything that we want to restore, 00:41:49.375 --> 00:41:54.635 all the landslides and everything, amounts to 10 billion Euros. 00:41:54.908 --> 00:42:01.528 The cost will be probably somewhere between those two numbers. 00:42:01.648 --> 00:42:05.728 As a minister I wish this number to be as low as possible. 00:42:05.941 --> 00:42:12.008 But again, let me explain the sources and additional taxes. 00:42:12.188 --> 00:42:14.941 I told you today, how much the total will cost. 00:42:15.115 --> 00:42:21.068 It is clear that the state will finance the biggest part 00:42:21.295 --> 00:42:23.281 with additional duty. 00:42:23.655 --> 00:42:28.535 And simplifications. -As far as simplifications are concerned, 00:42:28.748 --> 00:42:33.775 we have announced this is one of the main goals of this Act. 00:42:34.661 --> 00:42:39.181 I am surprised by this critique and not surprised on the other hand. 00:42:39.295 --> 00:42:43.961 I'm surprised by the promptness. 00:42:44.628 --> 00:42:50.541 Considering that we have confirmed the Act on government today. 00:42:50.708 --> 00:42:54.328 It is not public yet, it is not in National Assembly yet, 00:42:54.528 --> 00:42:56.548 it will be in the next hour. 00:42:56.748 --> 00:43:04.135 I would say that the critics should read the Act first. 00:43:04.308 --> 00:43:06.708 On the other hand, we have never been hiding 00:43:06.881 --> 00:43:11.835 that one of the main goals of this Act is simplification of procedures. 00:43:12.095 --> 00:43:18.248 I wish that solutions from this Act, 00:43:18.435 --> 00:43:23.788 which is being bounded to remedy the damage from August... 00:43:24.115 --> 00:43:29.715 I absolutely believe that the part of the solutions will be good. 00:43:29.901 --> 00:43:34.561 And especially, that it will find its way in the legislation. 00:43:34.775 --> 00:43:40.275 Namely, long duration of spatial processes 00:43:40.475 --> 00:43:46.215 that Mr. Novak talked about is one of the biggest problems 00:43:46.401 --> 00:43:48.928 blocking the development of our country. 00:43:49.148 --> 00:43:55.268 Our goal was to find solutions through the disaster. 00:43:55.635 --> 00:44:00.761 We found them quickly. And when they will be implemented, 00:44:00.948 --> 00:44:05.355 I believe we will find out that it is reasonable to include them 00:44:05.548 --> 00:44:10.301 in the organic laws and thus tackle some of the problems 00:44:10.481 --> 00:44:14.595 that nobody was bothered with for 30 years. 00:44:14.955 --> 00:44:19.501 Thank you. The Act was published by Local Government Association. 00:44:19.601 --> 00:44:24.055 Correspondence meeting started today at 9 a.m. 00:44:24.261 --> 00:44:30.548 and finished at 12.15. Act couldn't be published, 00:44:30.788 --> 00:44:34.375 because it is being confirmed now, as we speak. 00:44:34.741 --> 00:44:37.708 Andreja Lončar wanted to ask something. 00:44:39.528 --> 00:44:44.768 I have a question about the amendment that was confirmed yesterday. 00:44:45.394 --> 00:44:50.994 I know you can't comment it, but Miha Kordiš told us 00:44:51.161 --> 00:44:54.588 what the financial effect of the amendment will be. Around 20 million. 00:44:54.728 --> 00:45:00.948 As far as I understand it, this wasn't expected spending. 00:45:01.201 --> 00:45:04.641 I would like to know, where the money for this shall come from. 00:45:04.761 --> 00:45:07.615 Can you take it from the budget margin? 00:45:07.794 --> 00:45:13.054 Do you already know, how will you meet the expenses? 00:45:13.188 --> 00:45:19.521 If this amendment is going to last. 00:45:19.781 --> 00:45:25.268 And as a source to finance the increase in transfers 00:45:25.528 --> 00:45:32.274 the excise duties were mentioned. What is going on with this? 00:45:32.508 --> 00:45:34.621 When shall we know it? 00:45:34.781 --> 00:45:40.255 Does this amendment require a higher increase in duties as was foreseen? 00:45:41.128 --> 00:45:46.528 And a system question. Social transfers should be aligned 00:45:46.654 --> 00:45:50.068 to the increase in costs and salaries. 00:45:50.234 --> 00:45:55.195 But income tax allowance should not. 00:45:55.435 --> 00:46:00.128 It is a long term systemic problem. 00:46:00.308 --> 00:46:05.301 We have a bad ratio between the transfers and salaries. 00:46:05.508 --> 00:46:11.041 Do you see a negative effect here? 00:46:12.121 --> 00:46:17.261 As I've said, I don't want to comment decisions, 00:46:17.448 --> 00:46:23.901 where we don't have enough data from the National Assembly yet. 00:46:24.195 --> 00:46:29.961 I feel this is a very unpleasant complication. 00:46:30.081 --> 00:46:32.055 I don't want to say something worse. 00:46:32.288 --> 00:46:37.095 Authorities should clarify, what happened yesterday. 00:46:38.328 --> 00:46:46.235 As far as coordination of social transfers go 00:46:47.328 --> 00:46:50.095 with inflation. 00:46:50.208 --> 00:46:55.361 This was a governmental proposal and we have explained it, 00:46:55.595 --> 00:46:57.928 to the coalition MPs as well. 00:46:58.155 --> 00:47:05.161 As a minister of finance I still advocate this proposal, 00:47:05.548 --> 00:47:09.288 even though it is unpopular 00:47:09.628 --> 00:47:16.534 and we didn't want to adopt it in the context of high inflation, 00:47:16.801 --> 00:47:22.514 but it is one of the measures, needed to lower inflation. 00:47:22.661 --> 00:47:26.694 At the same time we have a record low unemployment. 00:47:27.948 --> 00:47:33.241 It is a fact that the last analyses of IMAD and Bank of Slovenia show 00:47:33.515 --> 00:47:38.281 that in the last months the main... 00:47:39.275 --> 00:47:46.335 The motor of high inflation are high costs of services. 00:47:46.635 --> 00:47:50.288 The cost of services and salaries are increasing. 00:47:50.781 --> 00:47:54.915 Salaries are increasing distinctively in Slovenia. 00:47:55.035 --> 00:47:58.435 This is of course connected to the low unemployment, 00:47:58.568 --> 00:48:03.208 but there are also legal provisions 00:48:04.021 --> 00:48:11.215 that define an increase of certain transfers. 00:48:11.481 --> 00:48:14.088 Either pensions or minimum wages. 00:48:14.275 --> 00:48:18.775 In times of a high inflation these things have a negative influence 00:48:19.041 --> 00:48:23.228 on the inflation or they keep it high. 00:48:23.388 --> 00:48:28.428 It is one of the reasons why inflation won't get low as quickly 00:48:28.541 --> 00:48:32.681 as it should. We found this intervention reasonable. 00:48:33.455 --> 00:48:38.208 The extent is not such as I would want it as a minister, 00:48:38.395 --> 00:48:41.381 but this is all the background. 00:48:42.688 --> 00:48:48.835 Up until a year and half ago we have all forgotten 00:48:49.028 --> 00:48:50.988 what high inflation means. 00:48:51.201 --> 00:48:53.968 There are certain Acts 00:48:54.908 --> 00:48:57.028 that provide coordination as it is. 00:48:57.188 --> 00:49:00.861 And we have another problem in Slovenia, 00:49:01.028 --> 00:49:05.561 because different groups of expenditure or transfers 00:49:05.875 --> 00:49:10.455 are being coordinated in different patterns and are thus different. 00:49:10.668 --> 00:49:15.408 As you know, last year the social transfers 00:49:15.681 --> 00:49:21.295 and minimum wage... Actually this year 00:49:21.468 --> 00:49:26.381 they harmonized for 10.3%. 00:49:26.688 --> 00:49:32.241 This is one of the highest increases in the history. 00:49:32.435 --> 00:49:36.108 This is another reason, why we think 00:49:36.248 --> 00:49:42.155 that a lower harmonization of social transfers in the next year 00:49:42.495 --> 00:49:47.688 would be appropriate. As I've said, there are many reasons, 00:49:47.901 --> 00:49:53.795 but one of the main ones is to control the inflation. 00:49:53.995 --> 00:49:56.808 Income tax allowance and a systemic problem. 00:49:57.455 --> 00:50:01.261 Yes, this is again absolutely 00:50:01.841 --> 00:50:05.035 a comprehensive issue of an income tax. 00:50:05.675 --> 00:50:12.108 Income tax system is one of the most complex ones 00:50:12.281 --> 00:50:15.375 and very non-transparent. I have talked about it before. 00:50:15.615 --> 00:50:20.968 It is a similar story as in labour taxation. 00:50:21.788 --> 00:50:26.028 We need a comprehensive approach here as well. 00:50:26.181 --> 00:50:29.408 We have to look at all allowances that we have. 00:50:30.848 --> 00:50:37.475 Different forms of work have different burdens. 00:50:37.701 --> 00:50:44.095 We made a step in this direction, but we haven't reached our goals. 00:50:44.228 --> 00:50:48.815 This is a comprehensive issue and we have to tackle it as such 00:50:48.975 --> 00:50:52.295 together with social partners. I do believe, 00:50:52.448 --> 00:50:55.355 if the interest is authentic, 00:50:55.508 --> 00:51:00.155 without trying to undermine the efforts 00:51:00.441 --> 00:51:05.541 that happen all the time, we could find appropriate solutions, 00:51:06.241 --> 00:51:12.901 which would satisfy the employees and the government. 00:51:13.175 --> 00:51:16.768 The last question. I know you have an official business 00:51:16.901 --> 00:51:20.328 and you're already late. I have to apologize to my colleague. 00:51:20.595 --> 00:51:22.395 The last question from Metka Majer. 00:51:22.628 --> 00:51:29.155 One comment, please. Today, initiators of the right to have cash 00:51:29.395 --> 00:51:34.681 filed the signature to write the right into the constitution. 00:51:34.848 --> 00:51:37.961 What is your opinion on this? 00:51:38.214 --> 00:51:43.674 Are there any clues that cash would be abolished? 00:51:45.174 --> 00:51:49.248 I wasn't really involved in this, but I have read about it. 00:51:49.454 --> 00:51:52.095 This appeal surprised me in a way. 00:51:52.288 --> 00:51:57.415 In Slovenia, the cash is enacted 00:51:57.548 --> 00:52:00.601 as a mandatory means of payment. 00:52:00.788 --> 00:52:04.048 Considering the society that we live in, 00:52:04.288 --> 00:52:08.588 a society of digitalization and internet, 00:52:08.735 --> 00:52:12.268 I would expect the initiatives would go the other way. 00:52:12.441 --> 00:52:14.968 Mainly that... 00:52:15.875 --> 00:52:19.848 Somebody would stand up for the need 00:52:20.001 --> 00:52:24.755 on certain points of sale, which don't accept payment cards, 00:52:24.915 --> 00:52:28.308 to allow it. There are many reasons for this. 00:52:28.455 --> 00:52:30.895 One of them is informal economy 00:52:31.101 --> 00:52:37.521 that could be lower with electronic payment methods. 00:52:37.695 --> 00:52:44.775 In many places abroad you can't pay any other way than with a card. 00:52:45.028 --> 00:52:48.901 In Slovenia we never discussed it 00:52:49.115 --> 00:52:51.055 to limit the cash. 00:52:51.201 --> 00:52:55.528 It is a mandatory means of payment, as I've said. 00:52:55.941 --> 00:53:03.335 From this point of view I don't quite understand this appeal 00:53:03.475 --> 00:53:06.601 to write it in the constitution. 00:53:06.961 --> 00:53:12.081 I'm sure the initiators have their reasons or certain fears, 00:53:12.241 --> 00:53:13.975 what will happen... 00:53:14.175 --> 00:53:19.875 Thank you. Please, send written questions to the Ministry of Finance 00:53:20.221 --> 00:53:25.221 or Natural Resources. This is all. Thank you. -Thank you.