WEBVTT 00:00:01.109 --> 00:00:04.205 Hello. At its 81st meeting, the Government 00:00:04.325 --> 00:00:07.345 discussed the Act on Reconstruction, Development 00:00:07.465 --> 00:00:11.301 and Provision of Financial Resources. The clean copy 00:00:11.421 --> 00:00:15.341 will be passed by the Government tomorrow. 00:00:15.562 --> 00:00:18.518 The finance minister Klemen Boštjančič will present 00:00:18.638 --> 00:00:25.474 the budget documents with the comments from the EU Commission. 00:00:25.953 --> 00:00:28.532 The Government passed the proposition for the amendment 00:00:28.652 --> 00:00:31.334 to the Act on the Public Use of Slovenian. The culture minister 00:00:31.454 --> 00:00:35.141 Asta Vrečko will tell you more. Go ahead. 00:00:40.067 --> 00:00:43.961 Hello. Today, we passed 00:00:44.081 --> 00:00:48.366 the new Act on Changes and Amendments 00:00:48.486 --> 00:00:52.481 to the Act on the Public Use of Slovenian which has to be passed 00:00:52.601 --> 00:00:57.083 by the Parliament. The new law protects Slovenian 00:00:57.203 --> 00:01:00.176 in the digital environment as well, in the operational systems 00:01:00.297 --> 00:01:03.395 of computers, smartphones, cars 00:01:03.515 --> 00:01:08.607 and other devices that communicate with users. 00:01:09.266 --> 00:01:14.886 The old law did not make this possible because it was 20 years old 00:01:15.006 --> 00:01:19.441 and most of these devices did not even exist at the time. 00:01:19.716 --> 00:01:24.073 Therefore, Slovenia did not have an effective way 00:01:24.193 --> 00:01:30.607 to make sure that our language will be present in the new environment. 00:01:31.273 --> 00:01:38.141 Manufacturers decided themselves whether they want to support it. 00:01:38.627 --> 00:01:44.178 The Windows OS was translated 30 years ago, 00:01:44.298 --> 00:01:50.441 but Apple still has not done it until this day. 00:01:50.881 --> 00:01:56.774 Nevertheless, a lot of Slovenians use their devices. 00:01:57.073 --> 00:02:00.683 It is similar with cars, 00:02:00.803 --> 00:02:04.776 household appliances, entertainment technology and other devices. 00:02:04.896 --> 00:02:11.483 Some support Slovenian, others do not. We think this situation 00:02:11.603 --> 00:02:16.404 is not acceptable. Modern devices 00:02:16.524 --> 00:02:19.755 are key to access the services of information society, 00:02:19.875 --> 00:02:24.551 media and culture, to post our opinions 00:02:24.671 --> 00:02:27.941 and express ourselves artistically. 00:02:28.248 --> 00:02:32.673 These devices are mostly used by younger generations 00:02:32.793 --> 00:02:36.441 that are still developing their language skills. 00:02:36.850 --> 00:02:41.386 On the other hand, the users that do not speak foreign languages 00:02:41.506 --> 00:02:44.641 can be excluded from this environment. 00:02:44.949 --> 00:02:48.697 Therefore, it is important that modern devices 00:02:48.818 --> 00:02:52.641 speak Slovenian in the future. 00:02:53.222 --> 00:02:58.574 With the new law, it is not just a wish anymore, it is our demand. 00:02:59.319 --> 00:03:02.341 There are a lot of questions 00:03:02.461 --> 00:03:06.164 about streaming services like Netflix. 00:03:06.284 --> 00:03:11.530 This is regulated by the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive 00:03:11.650 --> 00:03:16.927 which says that these platforms 00:03:17.391 --> 00:03:22.451 are regulated by states where they are registered. 00:03:22.571 --> 00:03:25.049 In the case of Netflix, that is the Netherlands. 00:03:25.170 --> 00:03:30.067 They abide by their laws, therefore, it is even more important 00:03:30.187 --> 00:03:33.560 that as a state, 00:03:33.680 --> 00:03:37.207 we fight in the EU at all levels 00:03:37.327 --> 00:03:40.990 for the equal access to languages 00:03:41.110 --> 00:03:47.002 and for an equal treatment of smaller languages and states. 00:03:47.123 --> 00:03:51.574 Thank you. -Thank you. Any questions? 00:03:53.288 --> 00:03:56.974 Please, use the microphone, so you will be heard. 00:03:59.813 --> 00:04:04.269 Metka Majer, Pop TV. Another topic. I just want to know 00:04:04.576 --> 00:04:09.841 how you would comment on Luka Mesec leading the meeting. 00:04:11.781 --> 00:04:15.623 Yes, Luka Mesec led the meeting today. 00:04:15.743 --> 00:04:18.973 I think he did really well. 00:04:19.359 --> 00:04:22.174 We passed a lot of important laws, 00:04:22.294 --> 00:04:26.741 so he did a great job as a Deputy PM. 00:04:27.095 --> 00:04:31.807 Is your party even more heard in the Government now? 00:04:33.114 --> 00:04:38.261 Every minister always has a chance to talk, 00:04:38.444 --> 00:04:42.976 so there were no differences. 00:04:44.315 --> 00:04:47.441 Thank you. -Any more questions? 00:04:48.435 --> 00:04:50.035 Come here, please. 00:04:52.263 --> 00:04:58.077 Špela Bezjak, Pop TV. Two laws will be passed tomorrow and not today, 00:04:58.197 --> 00:05:02.031 the Act on Reconstruction and the other is about the healthcare. 00:05:02.151 --> 00:05:08.415 Why did you not pass them today? What will you change? 00:05:08.535 --> 00:05:13.274 This is the usual practice. They will continue the discussion. 00:05:13.769 --> 00:05:17.097 We discussed them. -They will pass them. -Okay. 00:05:17.217 --> 00:05:22.674 The supplementary health insurance will be abolished. 00:05:23.294 --> 00:05:29.207 Do you have any instructions for people? 00:05:29.374 --> 00:05:33.953 What do they need to do and what will change? 00:05:34.440 --> 00:05:39.108 I think you will get a very clear explanation 00:05:39.228 --> 00:05:42.841 from the Ministry of Health and the Government. 00:05:43.648 --> 00:05:48.289 We talked about the Act on the Public Use of Slovenian. 00:05:48.409 --> 00:05:53.674 Hospital devices will be available in Slovenian as well 00:05:53.794 --> 00:05:59.119 which will provide a better access to healthcare services 00:05:59.239 --> 00:06:02.383 for everyone. 00:06:02.933 --> 00:06:06.461 We unanimously passed the law 00:06:06.581 --> 00:06:11.753 and are glad to send it to the Parliament. During this term, 00:06:11.873 --> 00:06:16.315 different devices will be available in Slovenian. 00:06:16.435 --> 00:06:23.208 We will have a transition period, but the manufacturers know 00:06:23.328 --> 00:06:27.217 that this is coming and they will make sure 00:06:27.540 --> 00:06:33.074 their devices will be available in Slovenian as well. 00:06:33.491 --> 00:06:39.463 Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. Thank you, Minister. 00:06:39.583 --> 00:06:44.040 I give the floor to the Minister of Finance, Klemen Boštjančič. 00:06:54.379 --> 00:06:57.974 Minister, hello. -Hello. -Go ahead. 00:06:59.839 --> 00:07:03.221 Greetings. I believe Petra already said this, 00:07:03.342 --> 00:07:09.207 at today's government meeting we discussed the much anticipated 00:07:09.328 --> 00:07:14.310 Act on Reconstruction, Development and Provision of Financial Resources 00:07:14.431 --> 00:07:18.603 for recovery from the worst ever natural disaster in Slovenia. 00:07:18.724 --> 00:07:23.517 I believe that that is also why you came in such great numbers. 00:07:24.158 --> 00:07:29.674 We had a very extensive debate regarding this at the meeting. 00:07:29.954 --> 00:07:33.032 We found that some things are still unclear, 00:07:33.153 --> 00:07:39.806 which is why we postponed the approval of the Act for a day. 00:07:39.960 --> 00:07:42.678 We expect that the Act will be approved 00:07:42.799 --> 00:07:45.647 tomorrow during the correspondence meeting. 00:07:45.768 --> 00:07:50.435 As I said, some things still need to be cleared up today, 00:07:50.556 --> 00:07:55.149 that is why we thought it was sensible to take 24 hours to do so. 00:07:55.270 --> 00:08:00.270 Substantively, these are not particularly significant issues, 00:08:00.391 --> 00:08:05.932 but we should clarify them. Tomorrow, once we introduce it, 00:08:06.053 --> 00:08:09.887 we will also comment on the Act in more detail. 00:08:10.425 --> 00:08:14.636 Another thing I wanted to respond to today 00:08:14.917 --> 00:08:21.261 is the budget debate, which is finishing in Parliament today. 00:08:21.382 --> 00:08:26.104 Yesterday's session took all day. This evening we will be approving 00:08:26.225 --> 00:08:29.022 budget documents for the next two years. 00:08:29.213 --> 00:08:32.741 Due to the relevance of this debate 00:08:33.182 --> 00:08:40.190 and that yesterday and today the European Commission responded ... 00:08:40.311 --> 00:08:43.561 This is not directly tied to our budget. 00:08:43.682 --> 00:08:51.245 Right now, all EU countries are approving their budgets. 00:08:51.366 --> 00:08:53.462 They are in different stages, 00:08:53.583 --> 00:08:57.338 but most budgets are approved by some time in November. 00:08:57.459 --> 00:09:02.376 As the European Commission published its response yesterday, 00:09:02.497 --> 00:09:05.213 I wished to comment on it specifically. 00:09:05.393 --> 00:09:11.941 Regarding Slovenia's projected fiscal policy in 2024, 00:09:12.175 --> 00:09:14.893 the EC assesses that it complies 00:09:15.034 --> 00:09:19.384 with the recommendations of the Council of the European Union. 00:09:19.589 --> 00:09:22.698 This assessment applies to the growth of expenditure, 00:09:22.964 --> 00:09:25.034 which is monitored by the EC, 00:09:25.589 --> 00:09:28.433 as well as financing public investments. 00:09:29.073 --> 00:09:33.651 The Commission points to the necessity of continuing the progress 00:09:33.972 --> 00:09:36.558 in implementing structural measures. 00:09:37.190 --> 00:09:42.685 The Autumn Package was announced yesterday and published today, 00:09:42.806 --> 00:09:47.640 which kicks off the annual European Semester cycle of 2024. 00:09:47.761 --> 00:09:50.616 This is an annual process of coordinating 00:09:50.737 --> 00:09:54.452 the economic and fiscal policies of EU Member States, 00:09:54.573 --> 00:09:57.490 within which the Commission assesses 00:09:57.611 --> 00:10:02.278 the drafts of budgetary plans of euro area Member States. 00:10:02.812 --> 00:10:08.054 Of those 20 states, this year Slovenia is one of 7 states 00:10:08.242 --> 00:10:10.890 whose projected fiscal policy for 2024 00:10:11.011 --> 00:10:14.882 complies with the recommendations of the Council of the EU. 00:10:15.109 --> 00:10:20.074 The Commission assesses that the government deficit in 2024 00:10:20.606 --> 00:10:26.374 will decrease to 3.3 % of gross domestic product, 00:10:26.495 --> 00:10:31.044 and public debt will decrease to 68.4 % of GDP. 00:10:31.239 --> 00:10:36.341 I should point out that these are calculations 00:10:36.462 --> 00:10:40.712 that the European Commission performs independently, 00:10:40.895 --> 00:10:44.013 based on the data we send them, of course. 00:10:44.247 --> 00:10:47.747 In the draft of the budgetary plan for 2024 00:10:47.868 --> 00:10:53.202 Slovenia estimated that the deficit will grow to 3.8% of GDP. 00:10:53.723 --> 00:10:58.112 The discrepancy is due to Slovenia including in its assessment 00:10:58.232 --> 00:11:01.399 one-off measures for flood remediation, 00:11:01.520 --> 00:11:06.687 without which the government deficit would be around 3% of GDP, 00:11:06.808 --> 00:11:09.641 still at the valid reference limit. 00:11:10.636 --> 00:11:14.253 The European Commission's assessments 00:11:14.374 --> 00:11:17.792 differ from those of the Fiscal Council. 00:11:18.121 --> 00:11:21.729 The reason for this are differences in methodology, 00:11:22.152 --> 00:11:25.069 as the government and the Commission 00:11:25.190 --> 00:11:28.940 do not regard the measures related to covid-19 00:11:29.061 --> 00:11:33.492 and the measures to alleviate the energy crisis and inflation 00:11:33.612 --> 00:11:37.446 as one-off measures, unlike the flood measures. 00:11:37.769 --> 00:11:42.503 As such, they are including them in expenditure growth, 00:11:42.660 --> 00:11:50.660 while the past measures related to covid-19 and the energy crisis 00:11:50.781 --> 00:11:56.274 are regarded by the Fiscal Council as one-off expenses. 00:11:56.980 --> 00:12:01.619 In extraordinary circumstances and under the general escape clause 00:12:01.740 --> 00:12:04.894 an agreement has been reached at the EU level 00:12:05.015 --> 00:12:08.245 that these measures be monitored very closely, 00:12:08.366 --> 00:12:11.874 but to not be considered as usual one-off expenses 00:12:11.995 --> 00:12:15.714 that affect the calculation of the structural deficit 00:12:15.835 --> 00:12:19.839 and the aforementioned calculation of expenditure growth. 00:12:20.261 --> 00:12:24.607 Of course, we realise that one-off expenses are short-term 00:12:24.728 --> 00:12:30.003 and to compensate them will require greater fiscal efforts 00:12:30.124 --> 00:12:34.041 or rather an appropriately limited expenditure growth. 00:12:34.162 --> 00:12:38.958 The Commission also assesses that Slovenia's projected fiscal policy 00:12:39.079 --> 00:12:42.783 complies with the Council's recommendations on maintaining 00:12:42.904 --> 00:12:46.362 a high level of nationally financed public investments. 00:12:46.483 --> 00:12:49.901 The Commission also highlights that Slovenia should ensure 00:12:50.022 --> 00:12:53.198 medium and long-term public finance sustainability, 00:12:53.319 --> 00:12:56.342 which will depend on further structural measures. 00:12:56.463 --> 00:13:01.463 The Commission also believes that Slovenia has made progress, 00:13:01.584 --> 00:13:04.584 which needs to continue. To this end, 00:13:04.705 --> 00:13:09.455 the government is coordinating further structural changes. 00:13:09.637 --> 00:13:12.809 Thank you, Minister. Journalists, go ahead. 00:13:13.097 --> 00:13:17.681 Lea Majcen, STA. You said that the Act on Reconstruction 00:13:17.802 --> 00:13:22.441 has not yet been approved today as some things are still unclear. 00:13:22.562 --> 00:13:26.653 Could you be more specific about what remains unclear? 00:13:27.043 --> 00:13:30.627 I will not go into details, but I assure you 00:13:30.748 --> 00:13:36.559 that these are not huge issues that could not be resolved in 24 hours. 00:13:36.770 --> 00:13:40.687 They are dilemmas between different departments. 00:13:40.808 --> 00:13:44.223 On one hand it is about about weighing measures 00:13:44.343 --> 00:13:46.511 in order to implement them 00:13:46.632 --> 00:13:50.925 and have them come into effect as soon as possible. 00:13:51.167 --> 00:13:56.308 These are mainly measures in the field of spatial legislation. 00:13:56.855 --> 00:14:00.073 And on the other side considering the dangers 00:14:00.291 --> 00:14:06.811 that the measures, meant to remedy the consequences of the disaster, 00:14:07.024 --> 00:14:11.231 wouldn't be abused for some other uses. 00:14:11.471 --> 00:14:13.837 Especially to harm the environment. 00:14:13.984 --> 00:14:17.084 It won't be possible to execute some other procedures 00:14:17.971 --> 00:14:22.197 under the pretence of remedy the consequences. 00:14:22.397 --> 00:14:24.998 The main thing here is to resolve this dilemma. 00:14:25.158 --> 00:14:28.484 I think there weren't a lot of troubles so far, 00:14:28.618 --> 00:14:34.578 but if there is some reservation, I think we will address them today. 00:14:35.058 --> 00:14:38.784 And coordinate it between the departments. -Yes. -Next. 00:14:46.691 --> 00:14:50.377 Metka Majer, Pop TV. Let's stay at Reconstruction Act. 00:14:51.724 --> 00:14:54.917 Are there any differences to the draft 00:14:55.237 --> 00:15:00.131 that we have reported about. What content shall it bring? 00:15:00.991 --> 00:15:04.424 We shall talk about the content tomorrow, 00:15:04.658 --> 00:15:07.764 when the Act is probably adopted. 00:15:08.004 --> 00:15:11.671 Then we shall comment it, as well as some solutions. 00:15:11.871 --> 00:15:15.958 The Act is very extensive. It has 150 Articles. 00:15:16.111 --> 00:15:22.924 It involves the public, economy, communal infrastructure. 00:15:23.278 --> 00:15:25.511 The field of water regulation, agriculture, 00:15:25.691 --> 00:15:29.924 environmental conservation, administrative procedures... 00:15:30.731 --> 00:15:33.744 Procurement, protection of cultural heritage, 00:15:33.931 --> 00:15:40.018 government revenue, partly duty exemption, development, 00:15:40.231 --> 00:15:45.184 the question of release of data about recipients of public funds. 00:15:46.314 --> 00:15:50.991 And last but not least, the fields of social security and health. 00:15:51.178 --> 00:15:54.324 This Act is very extensive. 00:15:54.571 --> 00:15:58.084 It is a great success that we prepared it so quickly. 00:15:58.251 --> 00:16:03.998 As far as this is concerned, there was absolutely... 00:16:04.677 --> 00:16:08.524 The weeks before that were quite hectic. 00:16:08.664 --> 00:16:13.104 The Ministry of Finance coordinated this Act 00:16:13.271 --> 00:16:16.818 with all the sectors. We have worked day and night 00:16:17.078 --> 00:16:20.238 for the last month and a half. 00:16:20.458 --> 00:16:24.958 Considering the communication on government meeting 00:16:25.171 --> 00:16:28.844 I can say the Act is coordinated in most parts. 00:16:29.058 --> 00:16:32.678 There aren't any big questions or objections left. 00:16:32.851 --> 00:16:40.244 A few other questions shall be answered today or tomorrow. 00:16:40.551 --> 00:16:43.804 Hesitations that some ministers had 00:16:44.624 --> 00:16:49.531 shall be addressed or the sectors shall talk about it. 00:16:49.851 --> 00:16:56.158 Tomorrow we plan to approve this Act on correspondence meeting. 00:16:56.311 --> 00:17:02.424 The fact that it will be discussed there says, it is coordinated. 00:17:02.698 --> 00:17:09.711 Tomorrow we can comment certain solutions from the Act. 00:17:10.751 --> 00:17:12.604 As far as budgets are concerned, 00:17:12.811 --> 00:17:16.878 you've said, the European Commission evaluated the draft of the budget. 00:17:17.104 --> 00:17:19.464 I think there was a reservation there, 00:17:19.698 --> 00:17:22.504 but you don't decide about the same document today. 00:17:22.638 --> 00:17:27.051 What are the differences or are there important discrepancies? 00:17:27.211 --> 00:17:29.078 How would you comment that? 00:17:30.084 --> 00:17:34.238 I have listened to a lot of critique of this budget, 00:17:34.324 --> 00:17:36.731 mostly from opposition, which is normal. 00:17:36.931 --> 00:17:41.811 In the context that our plans are inappropriate, 00:17:42.064 --> 00:17:44.898 we are hiding data and so on. 00:17:45.078 --> 00:17:49.064 Yesterday we received a post from Brussels 00:17:49.204 --> 00:17:54.771 and concrete data today. The same critics changed their tune. 00:17:55.171 --> 00:17:58.544 "No, we meant the events after October the 13th." 00:17:58.724 --> 00:18:02.258 It is a fact that this is a cross section on October 13th. 00:18:02.458 --> 00:18:07.211 Budgets in the EU countries are being adopted right now. 00:18:07.351 --> 00:18:10.371 And we are adjusting the documents accordingly. 00:18:10.538 --> 00:18:16.958 When they are adopted, the Commission shall comment them. 00:18:17.151 --> 00:18:18.751 But this question... 00:18:20.344 --> 00:18:23.464 Changes that are being made... 00:18:23.678 --> 00:18:26.264 Tonight we shall vote and then we'll know, 00:18:26.451 --> 00:18:30.178 what was actually confirmed in the National Assembly. 00:18:30.351 --> 00:18:36.138 But changes that have been made in the budget from October 13th... 00:18:36.464 --> 00:18:40.631 I believe this is a date, 00:18:41.078 --> 00:18:43.391 which was commented by the Commission. 00:18:43.558 --> 00:18:49.331 But the changes aren't so big that the position 00:18:50.351 --> 00:18:52.998 of the Commission should alter. 00:18:54.691 --> 00:19:00.704 Okay. Another topic. Luka Mesec lead today's meeting. 00:19:01.091 --> 00:19:04.258 Did you give him some slack because of it? 00:19:07.184 --> 00:19:12.138 By no means. The government meeting was going as usual. 00:19:12.511 --> 00:19:20.324 There wasn't many questions or points for Ministry of Labour. 00:19:20.671 --> 00:19:24.531 By no means. Even if... 00:19:24.844 --> 00:19:30.378 There wasn't such questions to be tempted... I'm joking. 00:19:30.531 --> 00:19:34.678 No. From the point of view of a Minister for Finance 00:19:34.924 --> 00:19:40.604 everybody is the same. Even if they sometimes assume a different role. 00:19:41.058 --> 00:19:45.684 One more thing. I'm asking you this as a member of Gibanje svoboda. 00:19:45.898 --> 00:19:53.578 Aren't there any complications... As far as public is concerned. 00:19:53.724 --> 00:19:59.031 Are there any complications or is PM just extending his sick leave? 00:19:59.358 --> 00:20:05.444 Of course. There isn't anything. -Doctor's recommendation. 00:20:05.904 --> 00:20:08.998 I believe so. -It's true. His treating physician. 00:20:09.234 --> 00:20:14.128 The Prime Minister is very active, even when he is resting. 00:20:16.998 --> 00:20:20.298 Next. You can come here. 00:20:22.564 --> 00:20:25.464 Rok Šuligoj of TV Slo. I would like to know two things. 00:20:25.591 --> 00:20:30.518 Do you think that this Reconstruction Act could be 00:20:30.698 --> 00:20:34.211 taken a step further, so you wouldn't have to wait till tomorrow, 00:20:34.378 --> 00:20:37.144 if the Prime Minister was present? 00:20:37.344 --> 00:20:40.864 And a second question. When do you expect, 00:20:41.118 --> 00:20:43.291 as the Minister for the Civil Service, 00:20:43.464 --> 00:20:48.311 to start again or continue negotiations with the trade unions? 00:20:49.884 --> 00:20:54.298 I think the fact that PM was absent today doesn't mean, 00:20:54.751 --> 00:20:57.418 we've adopted the Act any slower. 00:20:57.624 --> 00:21:03.071 As I've said, we all intended to approve the Act today. 00:21:03.235 --> 00:21:06.154 but after the discussion we held, 00:21:06.275 --> 00:21:09.639 we judged that it is better to talk for a few hours 00:21:09.760 --> 00:21:12.542 than search for solutions ad hoc 00:21:12.663 --> 00:21:15.619 and also maybe sometimes give the impression 00:21:15.740 --> 00:21:19.918 that we're excluding a minister from the discussion... 00:21:20.039 --> 00:21:22.913 Let's say that I was quite neutral on this one, 00:21:23.034 --> 00:21:27.916 because it wasn't about the financial aspects of this act. 00:21:28.037 --> 00:21:30.296 It wasn't really a conflict, 00:21:30.417 --> 00:21:35.435 some questions just need additional explanations. 00:21:35.556 --> 00:21:39.477 In this context we decided to take time this afternoon 00:21:39.598 --> 00:21:43.192 for the individual departments to talk to each other 00:21:43.313 --> 00:21:48.301 and for the Ministry of Finance to coordinate this by tomorrow. 00:21:48.422 --> 00:21:52.511 Let me add that we want to include the proposals of the opposition, 00:21:52.632 --> 00:21:57.293 but they may not be feasible, we're trying to make them feasible. 00:21:57.414 --> 00:22:00.233 Go ahead. -About the negotiations. 00:22:00.548 --> 00:22:03.204 Yes, as far as negotiations are concerned, 00:22:03.325 --> 00:22:05.801 I have to be very careful with my statements, 00:22:05.922 --> 00:22:12.900 because people interpret every statement I make as it suits them. 00:22:14.352 --> 00:22:20.638 First of all, the Government never withdrew from these negotiations. 00:22:20.759 --> 00:22:27.964 In my opinion, the deadlock didn't happen because of the Government. 00:22:28.085 --> 00:22:33.525 In this context, the change of the public administration minister 00:22:33.646 --> 00:22:36.701 doesn't actually play any role, but the fact is 00:22:36.822 --> 00:22:41.110 that we are already in the second half of November, 00:22:41.231 --> 00:22:48.016 so the timeline which we set a year ago now 00:22:48.239 --> 00:22:50.189 seems quite optimistic, 00:22:50.310 --> 00:22:52.617 that is, that the negotiations, 00:22:52.738 --> 00:22:57.411 including systemic changes, would be concluded before the new year. 00:22:57.532 --> 00:22:59.594 But regardless, 00:22:59.715 --> 00:23:04.092 the talks with the trade unions 00:23:04.298 --> 00:23:07.901 will continue immediately. 00:23:08.022 --> 00:23:12.346 I wouldn't prejudge anything at this moment. 00:23:12.996 --> 00:23:17.918 This whole time, we have been supporting central negotiations, 00:23:18.039 --> 00:23:21.189 followed by negotiations with individual pillars. 00:23:21.310 --> 00:23:25.438 This remains the Government's position. I am looking forward 00:23:25.559 --> 00:23:28.480 to continuing the negotiations. 00:23:29.905 --> 00:23:31.993 That's all for now. 00:23:33.786 --> 00:23:36.983 Kaja Kobetič, Kanal A. The content of the reconstruction act 00:23:37.104 --> 00:23:41.794 will be clear tomorrow, but please tell us about the sources of funding 00:23:41.915 --> 00:23:45.796 and the establishment of this budget fund. 00:23:45.917 --> 00:23:50.034 Under what procedure will the act go into the National Assembly? 00:23:50.155 --> 00:23:52.315 As well as two questions about the budget. 00:23:52.436 --> 00:23:55.107 How would you respond to the opposition's accusations 00:23:55.228 --> 00:23:57.500 that the frozen income tax rates adjustment 00:23:57.621 --> 00:23:59.803 doesn't technically mean a new tax, 00:23:59.924 --> 00:24:01.924 but it does mean a tax burden? 00:24:02.045 --> 00:24:05.821 You also mentioned a 3.8% deficit. 00:24:05.942 --> 00:24:10.658 If the fiscal rules remain the same, that's over the permitted limit. 00:24:10.779 --> 00:24:13.387 Do you expect any complications? 00:24:13.508 --> 00:24:16.140 What further procedures will be taken? 00:24:17.838 --> 00:24:19.599 As far as the act is concerned, 00:24:19.720 --> 00:24:23.597 I won't go into details at this moment. 00:24:23.718 --> 00:24:27.429 As far as the financial resources of the act are concerned, 00:24:27.550 --> 00:24:31.561 the act is written in such a way 00:24:31.682 --> 00:24:34.784 as we've been saying for the last fortnight or three weeks, 00:24:34.905 --> 00:24:40.996 so there won't be any surprises tomorrow. 00:24:42.511 --> 00:24:46.671 As far as the deficit is concerned, 00:24:47.100 --> 00:24:50.089 as I explained, 00:24:52.092 --> 00:24:59.115 the European Commission evaluates our budget draft documents 00:24:59.405 --> 00:25:03.482 for the year 2024 as qualifying. 00:25:03.603 --> 00:25:06.700 Let me put it simply, 00:25:07.027 --> 00:25:12.314 the expenses we are planning in the budget, 00:25:12.611 --> 00:25:16.806 related to elimination of the consequences of flood damage, 00:25:16.927 --> 00:25:22.779 are recognised by the European Commission as one-off expenses, 00:25:24.172 --> 00:25:28.599 which aren't included in the 3% deficit. 00:25:28.720 --> 00:25:30.504 Taking this into account, 00:25:30.625 --> 00:25:34.308 if we deduct this from budget expenditures, 00:25:34.429 --> 00:25:39.681 our budget deficit will be lower than 3%. 00:25:39.907 --> 00:25:44.811 As I said in the beginning, 00:25:46.701 --> 00:25:50.549 the European Commission ranked us among the seven countries 00:25:50.670 --> 00:25:54.708 that have qualifying budget documents, 00:25:54.829 --> 00:26:00.485 however, we will respond in more detail today during the day 00:26:00.606 --> 00:26:04.648 with a slightly more extensive statement for the public. 00:26:04.769 --> 00:26:07.384 We will try to explain the details 00:26:07.506 --> 00:26:12.592 of the dilemmas that also occurred during the Fiscal Council 00:26:12.713 --> 00:26:19.791 regarding the view of the European Commission 00:26:19.912 --> 00:26:22.250 a little more professionally, 00:26:22.371 --> 00:26:28.703 so whoever is interested will be able to get a clearer picture. 00:26:28.824 --> 00:26:32.004 We absolutely want to be maximally transparent, 00:26:32.125 --> 00:26:34.604 to hide nothing. I think it is only right 00:26:34.725 --> 00:26:39.619 to clearly know where this difference in views comes from. 00:26:39.740 --> 00:26:42.907 And the opposition's criticism? -About? 00:26:43.028 --> 00:26:46.871 About the frozen income tax rates adjustment. -Yes. 00:26:46.992 --> 00:26:52.213 First of all, no, we are not raising taxes. 00:26:52.334 --> 00:26:58.101 As far as income tax scales, last year's change in the law 00:26:58.222 --> 00:27:04.418 introduced adjusting for inflation for the first time ever. 00:27:04.539 --> 00:27:08.600 We have said many times, due to emergency situations, 00:27:08.721 --> 00:27:10.503 related to floods 00:27:10.624 --> 00:27:14.215 and the extremely high costs of eliminating the consequences, 00:27:14.336 --> 00:27:19.640 the Government was forced to implement some less popular measures. 00:27:19.761 --> 00:27:23.216 We tried to find those that would cause less pain, 00:27:23.337 --> 00:27:28.486 but it is clear that not every measure is popular, 00:27:28.607 --> 00:27:30.283 and this is the answer 00:27:30.404 --> 00:27:36.033 that we have been giving to the opposition this whole time. 00:27:36.154 --> 00:27:40.932 But as I have said many times in the National Assembly, 00:27:41.053 --> 00:27:43.784 I'm already used to this debate. On the one hand, 00:27:43.905 --> 00:27:49.693 the constant criticism that we spend too much, 00:27:49.814 --> 00:27:52.463 that the budget deficit is too large, 00:27:52.584 --> 00:27:55.913 on the other hand, usually in the same sentence, 00:27:56.034 --> 00:27:59.709 the areas where we spend too little, where we should increase the budget. 00:28:01.402 --> 00:28:05.433 That's possible in politics, not so much in the real world. 00:28:05.582 --> 00:28:08.948 Špela Bezjak, POP TV. I have a question about the budget. 00:28:09.186 --> 00:28:14.917 What's the reason for 70% regulation on social transfers? 00:28:15.038 --> 00:28:19.347 The opposition is putting an amendment forward that will be supported 00:28:19.560 --> 00:28:24.831 by some MPs from the Left party and others aren't happy about 00:28:24.972 --> 00:28:28.683 the 70% regulation only. 00:28:29.300 --> 00:28:34.315 I'd wait for today's session to be over. 00:28:34.646 --> 00:28:39.269 We'll know by then how the voting went. 00:28:39.451 --> 00:28:42.073 I believe that the coalition is unified. 00:28:42.216 --> 00:28:46.612 Our first suggestion was that there's no regulation at all. 00:28:47.436 --> 00:28:54.312 Compared to that, the 70% is quite significant. 00:28:54.803 --> 00:29:01.441 I believe the coalition offered a hand 00:29:01.850 --> 00:29:06.840 and listened to the wishes about regulation. 00:29:08.436 --> 00:29:10.120 I see this as a sort of a compromise. 00:29:10.388 --> 00:29:13.268 €20 million will be saved. 00:29:13.584 --> 00:29:18.604 It's one of the key points. 00:29:19.778 --> 00:29:26.848 When it comes to social transfers regulation 00:29:27.889 --> 00:29:30.559 and other structural expenses 00:29:32.146 --> 00:29:37.528 we have different laws on regulation in Slovenia. 00:29:39.186 --> 00:29:41.661 There's difference in time and formulae. 00:29:42.436 --> 00:29:48.434 This proved to be very problematic during the inflation. 00:29:48.936 --> 00:29:51.881 Even the latest analysis 00:29:52.936 --> 00:29:55.959 of the Insitute of macroeconomic analysis and development shows 00:29:56.218 --> 00:30:03.381 the biggest reason for inflation are service cost increases 00:30:03.810 --> 00:30:08.426 and salary increases. We're in a spiral 00:30:08.547 --> 00:30:10.933 that we're driving ourselves. 00:30:11.186 --> 00:30:14.082 With these automatic regulations, 00:30:14.576 --> 00:30:18.371 obviously, I'm talking about pensions and minimum wage as well, 00:30:19.185 --> 00:30:23.105 we're adding fuel to the inflation induced fire. 00:30:23.280 --> 00:30:27.699 We have to make this clear and not look the other way. 00:30:28.607 --> 00:30:32.152 We can't change this overnight. 00:30:32.670 --> 00:30:39.511 The government and the coalition shares the same opinion. 00:30:40.014 --> 00:30:44.346 We'll try to modify this in the next years 00:30:44.896 --> 00:30:50.765 so that it won't be an issue anymore. Last year, 00:30:51.748 --> 00:30:56.991 we saw a record increase in social transfers and minimum wage. 00:30:57.371 --> 00:31:03.841 This year, we'll see this with increased pensions. 00:31:04.208 --> 00:31:10.527 It will be lower than the other two categories, 00:31:10.686 --> 00:31:15.614 the formulae proved to be inadequate 00:31:15.936 --> 00:31:18.317 and dangerous 00:31:18.958 --> 00:31:24.642 and don't prevent inflation, rather the contrary. 00:31:24.721 --> 00:31:27.681 This, however, is a legislative issue 00:31:28.291 --> 00:31:31.191 that will be addressed accordingly. -One last question. 00:31:31.465 --> 00:31:36.254 Abolishing additional health insurance is a topic for Ministry of health, 00:31:36.426 --> 00:31:40.238 but 2024 will introduce an obligatory health fee of €35. 00:31:40.387 --> 00:31:44.894 What role will the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Administration have? 00:31:45.186 --> 00:31:49.029 They will collect the money. 00:31:49.186 --> 00:31:54.006 People want to know what they're supposed to do. 00:31:54.186 --> 00:31:58.686 Any piece of information will be appreciated. 00:32:00.186 --> 00:32:04.709 Regarding the people. The system will be set up in a way 00:32:04.935 --> 00:32:10.514 that the individuals won't have to do much themselves. 00:32:11.436 --> 00:32:16.315 We're still discussing the possibilities, 00:32:16.686 --> 00:32:19.643 including what tasks the F.A. and the Health Insurance Institute. 00:32:19.936 --> 00:32:27.026 Because the Financial Administration is a part of Ministry of Finance 00:32:27.405 --> 00:32:30.682 I welcome this on the one hand, but on the other hand not really. 00:32:30.981 --> 00:32:37.182 With every new task, it was like this during covid, 00:32:37.537 --> 00:32:43.817 and it's happening again now, 00:32:43.936 --> 00:32:48.868 the Ministries want to shift the tasks to Financial Administration. 00:32:49.936 --> 00:32:53.095 They are competent, they have the manpower and know-how. 00:32:53.482 --> 00:32:58.485 Even though I welcome this and I believe it is really professional, 00:33:02.264 --> 00:33:07.691 I also don't think this should be the reason 00:33:08.186 --> 00:33:12.746 that other Ministries and Institutes don't do the tasks 00:33:12.867 --> 00:33:16.347 that we believe should be theirs to complete. 00:33:16.918 --> 00:33:20.472 I believe we'll find a solution in the following days. 00:33:20.559 --> 00:33:22.103 Thank you. 00:33:22.223 --> 00:33:23.903 One last question. 00:33:24.082 --> 00:33:29.402 Rok Šuligoj, TV Slovenia. One more question on negotiations. 00:33:29.709 --> 00:33:34.113 If there's no resolution by the end of the year, 00:33:34.318 --> 00:33:39.691 will there be separate negotiations with SVIZ and FIDES? 00:33:41.029 --> 00:33:44.777 I cannot comment on that. 00:33:45.436 --> 00:33:49.011 The government's position stays the same. 00:33:49.342 --> 00:33:53.652 We want to engage in dialogue with all parties. 00:33:54.186 --> 00:33:57.051 Only this way can we approach the imbalances. 00:33:57.459 --> 00:34:01.136 When you negotiate individually, this becomes much harder. 00:34:01.449 --> 00:34:05.754 We'll advocate this further. 00:34:06.436 --> 00:34:13.527 Both sides must agree on that, but I cannot comment further. 00:34:13.717 --> 00:34:16.519 Thank you, Minister for exhaustive answers 00:34:16.867 --> 00:34:19.984 and the journalists for your questions. Good day.