WEBVTT 00:00:00.860 --> 00:00:04.710 Today I attended the International Humanitarian Conference for Gaza 00:00:04.830 --> 00:00:06.690 organised by President Macron in Paris. 00:00:07.100 --> 00:00:12.693 The debate was lively, but in a way we all agreed on the following. 00:00:13.201 --> 00:00:18.740 There is no doubt that the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians 00:00:18.860 --> 00:00:22.771 on October 7 must be condemned in the strongest terms 00:00:22.892 --> 00:00:27.859 and all hostages must be freed immediately and unconditionally. 00:00:27.980 --> 00:00:33.350 Yet, to quote the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Guterres. 00:00:33.470 --> 00:00:38.320 Today in Gaza we are witnessing not only a humanitarian crisis, but a 00:00:38.440 --> 00:00:39.800 crisis of humanity. 00:00:39.920 --> 00:00:43.370 The bombing of civilian targets that we are witnessing today is, 00:00:43.490 --> 00:00:46.610 unfortunately, totally disproportionate to the right of 00:00:46.730 --> 00:00:50.450 defence, which is not denied to Israel by anyone in the international 00:00:50.570 --> 00:00:54.190 community. Calls for Israel to respect international law, and 00:00:54.310 --> 00:00:57.980 in particular international humanitarian law, have unfortunately 00:00:58.100 --> 00:00:59.480 so far been unsuccessful. 00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:04.860 And from all the testimonies on the ground, from both aid workers 00:01:04.980 --> 00:01:07.430 and UN workers, only one thing is clear. 00:01:07.550 --> 00:01:12.590 We cannot talk about the delivery of humanitarian aid unless there is an 00:01:12.710 --> 00:01:16.369 immediate humanitarian cessation of hostilities. 00:01:16.490 --> 00:01:21.780 A ceasefire is necessary in order to be able to talk about 00:01:21.900 --> 00:01:26.330 being able to effectively help civilians on the ground. 00:01:26.450 --> 00:01:30.390 Today we were unanimous that humanitarian aid must reach the 00:01:30.510 --> 00:01:32.120 population immediately. 00:01:32.240 --> 00:01:36.530 Slovenia has already made many contributions in this area. 00:01:36.650 --> 00:01:41.620 And just yesterday, the government approved an extra million, doubling 00:01:41.740 --> 00:01:44.180 our contribution to help Palestine. 00:01:44.300 --> 00:01:47.930 Yet we all know that there is one and only one final goal. 00:01:48.050 --> 00:01:51.260 And that is a lasting and just peace in the region. 00:01:51.380 --> 00:01:55.730 The only way to peace is through a two-state solution. 00:01:55.850 --> 00:01:59.900 In its foreign policy efforts and in its work at the United Nations, 00:02:00.020 --> 00:02:03.860 Slovenia will strive to achieve precisely this goal - peace.