WEBVTT 00:00:00.920 --> 00:00:03.680 Good afternoon. At today's 79th meeting 00:00:03.800 --> 00:00:07.930 the Government adopts a bill amending and supplementing the law on the 00:00:08.050 --> 00:00:12.260 restriction of the use of tobacco and related products. 00:00:12.380 --> 00:00:19.040 The Minister of Health 00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:20.630 Dr Valentina Prevolnik Rupel. 00:00:22.179 --> 00:00:26.020 Welcome! We have adopted the amendment to the law on the 00:00:26.140 --> 00:00:30.160 restriction of the use of tobacco and related products because the use 00:00:30.280 --> 00:00:33.730 of electronic cigarettes among children and young people is 00:00:33.850 --> 00:00:35.060 increasing sharply. 00:00:35.180 --> 00:00:39.470 Electronic cigarettes contain a number of harmful, carcinogenic and 00:00:39.590 --> 00:00:44.080 irritating substances, one of the key ingredients being nicotine, which 00:00:44.200 --> 00:00:48.760 is highly addictive and has adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, 00:00:48.880 --> 00:00:52.970 lung function and brain development and function in adolescents. 00:00:53.090 --> 00:00:57.110 A growing body of research shows that for adolescents who do not 00:00:57.230 --> 00:01:00.940 smoke, using an e-cigarette significantly increases the 00:01:01.060 --> 00:01:05.630 likelihood that they will start smoking conventional cigarettes by up 00:01:05.750 --> 00:01:11.020 to four times. The amendments to the Tobacco Products Act thus prohibit 00:01:11.140 --> 00:01:16.350 distinctive flavours such as fruit, spices, herbs, alcohol, candy, 00:01:16.470 --> 00:01:21.690 vanilla for all heated tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, 00:01:21.810 --> 00:01:25.640 except for the taste or smell of tobacco or menthol. 00:01:25.760 --> 00:01:30.530 Most adolescents start using e-cigarettes because of the different 00:01:30.650 --> 00:01:35.920 flavourings, but flavourings reduce the perception of harm and inhalation 00:01:36.040 --> 00:01:40.970 is more pleasant because it makes it easier to start and continue using. 00:01:41.090 --> 00:01:45.020 The bill also introduces a ban on smoking rooms, i.e. 00:01:45.140 --> 00:01:49.530 a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and 00:01:49.650 --> 00:01:54.510 workplaces. Despite ventilation, filtration and other technical 00:01:54.630 --> 00:01:59.940 measures, smoking rooms have proven to be ineffective protection against 00:02:00.060 --> 00:02:01.940 exposure to tobacco smoke. 00:02:02.060 --> 00:02:05.450 However, the possibility of smoking rooms has led international 00:02:05.570 --> 00:02:08.960 organisations to classify Slovenia as a country with incomplete 00:02:09.080 --> 00:02:12.850 protection of its population from exposure to tobacco smoke, which also 00:02:12.970 --> 00:02:17.150 weakens the international assessment of Slovenia's tobacco control policy. 00:02:18.200 --> 00:02:21.950 It is precisely to prevent the black market and to ensure more effective 00:02:22.070 --> 00:02:25.620 implementation of the law that we are also supplementing some of the 00:02:25.740 --> 00:02:29.550 supervisory and criminal provisions, which include the involvement of 00:02:29.670 --> 00:02:33.260 several supervisory authorities and new offences by individuals. 00:02:33.380 --> 00:02:38.330 Among other things, individuals should not sell such products, nor 00:02:38.450 --> 00:02:40.820 import them in large quantities. 00:02:40.940 --> 00:02:46.160 In order to enforce more effectively the ban on online sales 00:02:46.280 --> 00:02:51.050 of such products, which has been in place since 2017, the draft law 00:02:51.170 --> 00:02:56.840 prohibits individuals from importing these products from third countries. 00:02:56.960 --> 00:03:00.820 These are products that often break the law, in particular on the 00:03:00.940 --> 00:03:04.580 permitted levels of nicotine and other harmful substances. 00:03:04.700 --> 00:03:09.100 It is virtually impossible to sanction third-country suppliers of 00:03:09.220 --> 00:03:10.130 these products. 00:03:10.250 --> 00:03:14.350 All these measures proposed in the law are necessary to ensure the 00:03:14.470 --> 00:03:19.040 health of the entire population, especially children and adolescents, 00:03:19.160 --> 00:03:22.720 and to contribute to the sustainability of the Slovenian 00:03:22.840 --> 00:03:24.590 health system in the future. 00:03:24.710 --> 00:03:29.180 They will also make a major contribution to the long-term 00:03:29.300 --> 00:03:34.900 strategy to reduce the impact of tobacco use, which envisages Slovenia 00:03:35.020 --> 00:03:39.113 becoming a tobacco-free society by 2040. Thank you. 00:03:39.348 --> 00:03:42.020 Thank you, Minister, and now the journalists have the floor for 00:03:42.140 --> 00:03:45.690 questions. Those who are with us will first come to the microphone, 00:03:45.810 --> 00:03:49.190 introduce themselves and have the opportunity to ask a question. 00:03:49.310 --> 00:03:55.310 First, those of you who are here with us in the studio, and then we'll 00:03:55.430 --> 00:03:59.780 go online. No questions? 00:04:04.755 --> 00:04:06.620 Tjaša Dogulin. Pop TV. 00:04:06.740 --> 00:04:11.120 You said it was to prevent the black market from flourishing. 00:04:11.240 --> 00:04:15.720 So if I understand correctly, an individual will not be allowed to 00:04:15.840 --> 00:04:17.930 sell or import large quantities. 00:04:18.050 --> 00:04:19.230 What does this mean in concrete terms? 00:04:19.520 --> 00:04:23.480 And also on the ban on imports from third countries. 00:04:23.600 --> 00:04:28.370 Will there be checks at the border then, if you can explain 00:04:28.490 --> 00:04:30.830 a little more practically. 00:04:30.950 --> 00:04:32.930 This is, of course, not a matter for the Department of Health. 00:04:33.050 --> 00:04:36.710 That is a matter for the supervisory authorities, we are only establishing 00:04:36.830 --> 00:04:40.460 supervision by law. A larger quantity, i.e. 00:04:40.580 --> 00:04:44.665 imports, have been banned since 2017. 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:49.350 Of course, there is a difference between an individual ordering one 00:04:49.470 --> 00:04:51.907 single box and those ordering several. 00:04:52.040 --> 00:04:56.380 Otherwise, it is not up to the Ministry of Health to supervise, but 00:04:56.500 --> 00:05:01.099 to the relevant supervisory authorities. 00:05:01.220 --> 00:05:05.840 We also know in the law that, for example, the NLZOH will 00:05:05.960 --> 00:05:12.220 purchase certain apparatus which will then also monitor use around 00:05:12.340 --> 00:05:14.540 schools, shops and so on. 00:05:14.660 --> 00:05:19.490 So control is divided into several levels and tiers. 00:05:24.772 --> 00:05:30.280 I'm interested also in user terms, when we talk about 00:05:30.400 --> 00:05:31.780 electronic cigarettes. 00:05:31.900 --> 00:05:35.740 Is this related to vapes only or also to heated cigarettes? 00:05:35.860 --> 00:05:39.850 There are several types of it. 00:05:39.970 --> 00:05:42.370 There are also disposable ones. 00:05:42.490 --> 00:05:45.110 What exactly? 00:05:45.940 --> 00:05:51.580 The directive itself bans heated products, 00:05:51.700 --> 00:05:56.760 where heating is concerned, we are, in addition to the directive, 00:05:56.880 --> 00:06:00.849 removing flavourings from electronic cigarettes. 00:06:00.970 --> 00:06:07.840 That's two. While single-use products remain in use, the use of 00:06:07.960 --> 00:06:15.520 flavourings will of course also limit the use of these single-use 00:06:15.640 --> 00:06:18.028 products. 00:06:21.356 --> 00:06:23.216 Next. 00:06:25.090 --> 00:06:29.020 Any other questions? Perhaps, Minister, you could tell us which two 00:06:29.140 --> 00:06:33.013 flavours will still be in force under the law. 00:06:33.760 --> 00:06:37.150 Of course, the aromas that remain are the tobacco and menthol 00:06:37.270 --> 00:06:42.230 flavours. All the other flavourings, of which we currently have around 00:06:42.350 --> 00:06:46.965 15 600, are banned. -And therefore monitored. 00:06:50.260 --> 00:06:53.620 We have a bit of a problem with the chairs. In short, if I may. 00:06:53.740 --> 00:06:56.830 They will be monitored, but the Minister will say more about the two 00:06:56.950 --> 00:06:59.208 flavours that will be monitored. 00:07:00.310 --> 00:07:05.280 True, these two aromas, the tobacco and menthol 00:07:05.400 --> 00:07:09.150 aromas. Of course, as in all flavourings, there are harmful 00:07:09.270 --> 00:07:13.320 substances. Here we will follow the example of other countries, notably 00:07:13.440 --> 00:07:17.140 Denmark, Estonia, which have taken the same approach, allowing two 00:07:17.260 --> 00:07:18.340 identical flavours. 00:07:18.460 --> 00:07:20.140 We will monitor or 00:07:20.260 --> 00:07:25.840 analyse the harmful substances in these flavourings and then treat or 00:07:25.960 --> 00:07:27.790 ban them accordingly. 00:07:29.670 --> 00:07:32.970 Understandable. In short, fifteen thousand is harder to control. 00:07:33.090 --> 00:07:35.881 This was also discussed at the cabinet meeting. 00:07:41.107 --> 00:07:43.678 Just come here. 00:07:45.685 --> 00:07:47.395 Flavourings are prohibited. 00:07:47.516 --> 00:07:50.696 Discrepancies, maybe. 00:07:50.817 --> 00:07:53.857 Electronic cigarettes are called by different names. 00:07:53.978 --> 00:08:00.060 Puff bar, all live mate and all have a different approach. 00:08:00.347 --> 00:08:04.943 We are live and people can't hear. 00:08:05.280 --> 00:08:10.290 Flavourings will be banned in all electronic cigarettes, except for 00:08:10.410 --> 00:08:15.270 tobacco and menthol flavourings, this applies to USB or, sorry. 00:08:15.770 --> 00:08:20.084 A representative of the Ministry of Health, who is not visible on camera. 00:08:20.998 --> 00:08:23.513 Yes, Vesna Marinko, Ministry of Health. 00:08:24.686 --> 00:08:27.350 I can repeat once again that flavourings will be banned in 00:08:27.470 --> 00:08:32.110 electronic cigarettes, with the exception of tobacco flavouring and, 00:08:32.230 --> 00:08:33.450 of course, menthol. 00:08:33.570 --> 00:08:38.250 Electronic cigarettes are known today by various names, puff bar, 00:08:38.370 --> 00:08:42.790 muff, you name it, and flavourings will be banned in all forms of 00:08:42.910 --> 00:08:46.680 electronic cigarettes, except tobacco or menthol. 00:08:48.210 --> 00:08:49.200 But it is about human health. 00:08:50.819 --> 00:08:53.039 Any other questions for the Minister? 00:08:54.358 --> 00:08:55.980 Then we move online. 00:08:56.100 --> 00:08:59.670 I see that we have Brigite Ferlič Žgajnar from Delo. 00:08:59.790 --> 00:09:03.579 If she wants a word, she should turn on the camera. 00:09:06.399 --> 00:09:08.079 Apparently not. 00:09:10.149 --> 00:09:14.369 Any other questions? 00:09:14.490 --> 00:09:16.260 Hello, Nastja Stopar, TV Slovenija. 00:09:16.380 --> 00:09:20.490 I have another topic, and that is the health reform. 00:09:20.610 --> 00:09:22.290 Somehow, it all went quiet. 00:09:22.410 --> 00:09:25.910 The Prime Minister has said that you will announce measures as 00:09:26.030 --> 00:09:29.510 soon as you take office, which are supposedly already in place, but I 00:09:29.630 --> 00:09:32.990 would like to know what they are and what you are doing in the area of 00:09:33.110 --> 00:09:33.930 health reform? 00:09:35.490 --> 00:09:37.200 True, we have gone quiet. 00:09:37.320 --> 00:09:39.650 We're not in the media much. 00:09:39.770 --> 00:09:44.780 This is because we are doing what I said when I took office, that I will 00:09:44.900 --> 00:09:49.620 of course present solutions to the public as soon as we have them. 00:09:49.740 --> 00:09:54.610 At the moment, we are actively working on all the changes we want to 00:09:54.730 --> 00:09:56.520 introduce in many areas. 00:09:56.640 --> 00:09:59.820 As soon as we have solutions, we will be happy to present them to the 00:09:59.940 --> 00:10:00.650 public. 00:10:00.771 --> 00:10:02.511 What are these areas? 00:10:03.600 --> 00:10:08.970 We are moving working on legislation, general agreement, 00:10:09.090 --> 00:10:10.980 and a regulation. 00:10:11.100 --> 00:10:13.140 It's already 9th. 00:10:13.260 --> 00:10:18.490 About the queues and access to quality, because as 00:10:18.610 --> 00:10:23.820 we know, a law on quality is being drafted, so a really wide spectrum. 00:10:23.940 --> 00:10:27.670 You see that we have also been working on public health, 00:10:27.790 --> 00:10:30.120 drafting laws to restrict tobacco products. 00:10:30.930 --> 00:10:35.430 One of the priorities was the health pillar. 00:10:35.550 --> 00:10:38.340 Here, too, negotiations have stalled somewhat with the unions. 00:10:38.460 --> 00:10:41.910 The agreement was signed by the Ministry with Fides. 00:10:42.030 --> 00:10:44.460 The pillar is due to enter into force on 1 January. 00:10:44.580 --> 00:10:47.480 Are you still committed to the health pillar? 00:10:47.600 --> 00:10:49.080 Are you in discussions with stakeholders? 00:10:50.139 --> 00:10:55.620 We are continuing the discussions normally in the health pay system. 00:10:55.740 --> 00:10:59.630 Our team, which is appointed by the Ministry of Health, is actively 00:10:59.750 --> 00:11:03.710 involved in the negotiations and keeps me informed periodically of 00:11:03.830 --> 00:11:04.890 what is happening. 00:11:05.010 --> 00:11:07.620 So I think that the activities on this have not stopped. 00:11:08.040 --> 00:11:10.139 But will the Health Pillar come to life? 00:11:10.260 --> 00:11:12.735 I don't think we know yet. 00:11:12.960 --> 00:11:14.602 Thank you very much, thank you. 00:11:15.060 --> 00:11:17.670 Maybe it is related to my colleague, but can we be a little more specific. 00:11:17.790 --> 00:11:19.040 What measures are you planning? 00:11:19.160 --> 00:11:21.360 Do you plan to do it by the end of the year, say? 00:11:21.480 --> 00:11:25.670 In addition, I would also like to know your opinion on the proposal of 00:11:25.790 --> 00:11:30.080 the Strategic Health Council on the increase in the price of tobacco, 00:11:30.200 --> 00:11:33.420 alcohol and the total ban on electronic cigarettes. 00:11:33.540 --> 00:11:35.340 You probably support that. 00:11:37.440 --> 00:11:41.480 It was a joint meeting of the Strategic Councils for 00:11:41.600 --> 00:11:43.710 Health and for Food that I attended. 00:11:43.830 --> 00:11:47.750 And from a public health point of view, of course, I absolutely, 00:11:47.870 --> 00:11:50.100 absolutely support all the changes. 00:11:50.220 --> 00:11:53.590 I don't think they have been finalised yet, but of course we are 00:11:53.710 --> 00:11:54.600 discussing them. 00:11:54.720 --> 00:11:58.680 That is to say, it is about taxing more heavily those substances that 00:11:58.800 --> 00:12:00.030 are harmful to health. 00:12:00.150 --> 00:12:04.001 That is, sugary drinks, tobacco, alcohol. 00:12:04.140 --> 00:12:08.030 So, as Minister for Health, I am of course in favour of such changes and 00:12:08.150 --> 00:12:09.660 I am looking forward to them. 00:12:09.780 --> 00:12:11.130 I am glad that we accept them. 00:12:11.250 --> 00:12:15.490 As for the more concrete measures, I cannot really be 00:12:15.610 --> 00:12:19.470 specific right now, because there are so many and they are also 00:12:19.590 --> 00:12:22.290 interlinked. 00:12:22.410 --> 00:12:26.430 But just to highlight a few. 00:12:26.550 --> 00:12:31.080 We are actively developing a protocol to manage waiting lists. 00:12:31.200 --> 00:12:37.270 The working group, which was already established when I started working at 00:12:37.390 --> 00:12:43.070 the Ministry, is expected to present a draft protocol next week, which 00:12:43.190 --> 00:12:48.760 will of course be discussed later with all stakeholders in the health 00:12:48.880 --> 00:12:53.010 sector. We have also already invited the providers, i.e. 00:12:53.130 --> 00:12:56.669 the directors of health centres and hospitals. 00:12:56.856 --> 00:13:01.990 We are working on changes in the General Agreement in such a wide 00:13:02.110 --> 00:13:08.370 area, in so many areas that it would be difficult to describe them quickly 00:13:08.490 --> 00:13:13.590 now. But let's say we have been very busy in the last few weeks with the 00:13:13.710 --> 00:13:18.380 digitalisation law, which we are trying to coordinate with all 00:13:18.500 --> 00:13:23.380 stakeholders. You know that we have had a lot of comments and feedback on 00:13:23.500 --> 00:13:28.180 the articles from different services and we are actively coordinating 00:13:28.300 --> 00:13:28.680 them. 00:13:29.460 --> 00:13:30.660 Thank you very much, Minister. 00:13:30.780 --> 00:13:33.540 We wish you good luck in your work. 00:13:33.660 --> 00:13:38.249 Oh, Brigite Ferlič Žgajnar has come forward. 00:13:38.370 --> 00:13:42.660 But we will certainly make public what is being questioned now, once we 00:13:42.780 --> 00:13:44.220 have solutions in place. 00:13:44.340 --> 00:13:46.200 So. Brigite, please. 00:13:47.340 --> 00:13:51.650 Yes, I have heard that you have also touched on other topics. 00:13:51.770 --> 00:13:55.390 I am also interested in two other topics, namely if you can tell 00:13:55.510 --> 00:13:58.130 me if you have already responded to the lawsuit 00:13:58.250 --> 00:14:01.980 of Dr Tomislav Klokočovnik, or why you are not giving him a 00:14:02.100 --> 00:14:05.760 decision on whether or not he can work at Celje General Hospital. 00:14:05.880 --> 00:14:09.480 My second question relates to the psychiatric clinic, and I would like 00:14:09.600 --> 00:14:13.260 to know what you expect from today's meeting at the Psychiatric Clinic. 00:14:13.380 --> 00:14:14.370 Thank you very much. 00:14:16.230 --> 00:14:22.170 We have received the case of Dr Klokočovnik or his 00:14:22.290 --> 00:14:25.030 activities at Celje General Hospital. 00:14:26.040 --> 00:14:33.260 The case is not easily solvable, we are studying it and I 00:14:33.380 --> 00:14:40.770 think we will be able to issue a decision or study the case 00:14:40.890 --> 00:14:44.070 and finalise it shortly. 00:14:44.190 --> 00:14:47.280 We have not yet received a lawsuit from the Ministry of Health. 00:14:47.400 --> 00:14:54.300 Regarding the psychiatric clinic, the institutional council is meeting. 00:14:54.420 --> 00:14:58.340 I would not like to prejudge anything that they have agreed by 00:14:58.460 --> 00:15:02.700 today, so I will be happy to take note of the conclusions of today's 00:15:02.820 --> 00:15:04.560 meeting of the Board of the Institute. 00:15:06.090 --> 00:15:09.090 Now, thank you very much indeed. 00:15:09.210 --> 00:15:12.000 We will explain it later. 00:15:12.120 --> 00:15:15.870 Because there is clearly a lot of interest in today's amendment. 00:15:15.990 --> 00:15:17.730 So thank you very much, Minister. 00:15:17.850 --> 00:15:20.009 I wish you a successful day and work. 00:15:20.130 --> 00:15:21.695 Thank you and goodbye.