WEBVTT 00:00:00.770 --> 00:00:03.930 Good afternoon and welcome to the press conference on the occasion of 00:00:04.050 --> 00:00:07.150 the government's visit to the Savinja region, which was affected by 00:00:07.270 --> 00:00:08.210 the floods in August. 00:00:08.330 --> 00:00:11.030 We are joined by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, dr. 00:00:11.150 --> 00:00:14.980 Robert Golob, Mayor of Braslovče Tomaž Žohar and Rok Fazarinc, member 00:00:15.100 --> 00:00:18.860 of the Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Flood 00:00:18.980 --> 00:00:22.810 Recovery and Head of the Council of the Water Institute, who will be the 00:00:22.930 --> 00:00:26.830 first to take the floor and present the expert solutions for the areas of 00:00:26.950 --> 00:00:30.370 the municipality of Braslovče affected by the severe floods in 00:00:30.490 --> 00:00:31.670 August. Please excuse me. 00:00:32.540 --> 00:00:38.670 I would like to briefly outline the broader, somewhat broader issue of 00:00:38.790 --> 00:00:43.300 flood safety in the area of Letuše and Male Braslovče. 00:00:49.401 --> 00:00:52.224 You need to turn on the microphone. 00:01:04.250 --> 00:01:09.450 So, as I said before, I will start by giving a slightly broader picture of 00:01:09.570 --> 00:01:11.750 the area in terms of flood risk. 00:01:11.870 --> 00:01:16.580 The figure above shows the current flood safety classes. 00:01:16.700 --> 00:01:22.090 That is to say, the classes represent the conditions under which 00:01:22.210 --> 00:01:24.530 we can locate in flood zones. 00:01:24.650 --> 00:01:31.610 These yellow structures represent the low flood risk class at the 00:01:31.730 --> 00:01:34.940 100-year flow for these areas. 00:01:35.060 --> 00:01:38.300 This flow was significantly higher in this year's event. 00:01:38.420 --> 00:01:42.490 In the intermediate flood safety classes, according to the existing 00:01:42.610 --> 00:01:46.760 legislation, all buildings can be built without any problems, except 00:01:46.880 --> 00:01:50.880 for sensitive buildings, so basically all these buildings located 00:01:51.000 --> 00:01:55.000 in the flood zone of Roje and Letuška gmajna and Male Braslovče are built 00:01:55.120 --> 00:01:59.270 properly, in accordance with the currently applicable regulations. 00:01:59.390 --> 00:02:04.390 The second thing, which is slightly different and shows up differently, 00:02:04.510 --> 00:02:08.590 is the picture below, which represents the water area of the 00:02:08.710 --> 00:02:14.890 Savinja. We know that two years ago we had a referendum on coastal land, 00:02:15.010 --> 00:02:16.130 bypass land. 00:02:16.250 --> 00:02:19.680 There is a certain zone that is exclusively dedicated to water, where 00:02:19.800 --> 00:02:21.230 water has a dominant influence. 00:02:21.350 --> 00:02:25.560 And this zone is limited to 15 metres in urban areas and 40 metres 00:02:25.680 --> 00:02:26.960 in non-urban areas. 00:02:27.080 --> 00:02:31.340 And we have quite a few facilities built within this coastal zone. 00:02:31.460 --> 00:02:35.630 That is to say, we have the opposite problem here, that some facilities do 00:02:35.750 --> 00:02:38.039 not comply with the current regulations. 00:02:38.240 --> 00:02:40.040 But that's not so problematic. 00:02:40.160 --> 00:02:44.900 The problem is that in this area, when high water comes, which is 00:02:45.020 --> 00:02:50.470 higher than the calculated 100-year high water, there is overflow of the 00:02:50.590 --> 00:02:55.590 banks, mainly to the left towards Rojam and to the right past Letuška 00:02:55.710 --> 00:02:59.050 gmajna and further towards Male Braslovče. 00:02:59.540 --> 00:03:05.420 Well, and these phenomena were much more intense in this event in August 00:03:05.540 --> 00:03:08.900 than those that have been recorded so far. 00:03:09.020 --> 00:03:16.450 On the left of this figure are the high water waves that are considered 00:03:16.570 --> 00:03:24.020 to have been measured or calculated in this part of the flood area. 00:03:24.140 --> 00:03:29.010 This blue line, the 100-year return line, showing the 100-year 00:03:29.130 --> 00:03:33.560 level or the 100-year return flow, shows the limit up to which it was 00:03:33.680 --> 00:03:36.550 possible, for which the regulations applied. 00:03:36.740 --> 00:03:40.510 But because the phenomenon was much more intense, there was this overflow 00:03:40.630 --> 00:03:43.310 and all these catastrophic consequences in the area. 00:03:43.430 --> 00:03:48.230 Unfortunately, this is not adequately addressed by the current 00:03:48.350 --> 00:03:53.570 legislation. These phenomena that have a return period 00:03:53.690 --> 00:03:58.310 of 100 years. And that's why there are so many injuries. 00:03:58.430 --> 00:04:03.500 This first picture represents the situation as it is approximately as 00:04:03.620 --> 00:04:06.110 it happened on the fourth of August. 00:04:06.230 --> 00:04:08.449 That is, the consequences of flood depth. 00:04:08.570 --> 00:04:12.920 We can see that we have between two and two metres, and even higher. 00:04:13.040 --> 00:04:15.320 In these deepest parts. 00:04:15.440 --> 00:04:20.710 But that's because the water was trapped by the embankments along the 00:04:20.830 --> 00:04:24.710 Savinja and these depths were in fact the greatest. 00:04:24.830 --> 00:04:26.690 This is the first picture. 00:04:26.810 --> 00:04:28.190 The second image represents the situation. 00:04:28.700 --> 00:04:31.470 If we had implemented all the measures of the National Spatial 00:04:31.590 --> 00:04:33.650 Plan, which was adopted more than ten years ago. 00:04:33.770 --> 00:04:38.420 In such an intense event, it is concluded that these arrangements 00:04:38.540 --> 00:04:43.600 would not guarantee flood safety or that the events would be as critical 00:04:43.720 --> 00:04:45.350 as they were on August 4. 00:04:45.470 --> 00:04:52.450 The authorities planning developments on this stretch have 00:04:52.570 --> 00:04:59.280 tried to find ways to protect existing urban areas through 00:04:59.400 --> 00:05:01.340 various options. 00:05:01.460 --> 00:05:05.050 That is to say, to exclude them from these floodplains, to enclose them 00:05:05.170 --> 00:05:08.450 with some kind of embankment or in some other way to save them from 00:05:08.570 --> 00:05:12.540 being flooded. This is represented by the right picture, the third one 00:05:12.660 --> 00:05:16.620 And instead of these lost areas, an attempt is being made to activate 00:05:16.740 --> 00:05:20.650 additional floodplains between the Savinja and the slope of Mount 00:05:20.770 --> 00:05:22.370 Oljka, or the railway line. 00:05:22.490 --> 00:05:26.020 We would have gained these lost volumes on the left, 00:05:26.140 --> 00:05:30.470 but it has been found that any such solution 00:05:30.590 --> 00:05:33.620 is not positive. 00:05:33.740 --> 00:05:37.040 If we were to close the flood zone, if we were to exclude 00:05:37.160 --> 00:05:40.520 them, we would worsen the situation especially in the areas of 00:05:40.640 --> 00:05:42.140 Polzela and Breg. 00:05:42.560 --> 00:05:49.280 Further afield, to Šempeter and even to Celje, the impact would be very 00:05:49.400 --> 00:05:55.880 high if all the distribution areas from Letuše to Celje were 00:05:56.000 --> 00:05:57.740 closed in this way. 00:05:57.860 --> 00:06:00.890 Of course, if the situation were to be fully realised, it could be 00:06:01.010 --> 00:06:04.770 catastrophic. That's what we've tried to show in this figure. 00:06:04.890 --> 00:06:08.890 The top left image represents the flooding in Celje over the whole of 00:06:09.010 --> 00:06:13.060 this wave, which developed in the Lower Savinja Valley, came to Celje 00:06:13.180 --> 00:06:17.280 and would have had an average water depth of about one metre in Celje. 00:06:18.090 --> 00:06:21.260 It may look a little worse in this picture, but then the average depth 00:06:21.380 --> 00:06:26.430 is more than 1 metre. But in certain areas, say critical infrastructure, 00:06:26.550 --> 00:06:31.470 hospitals and nursing homes, the depths would be even greater. 00:06:31.590 --> 00:06:34.950 The right picture shows only high water in Celje. 00:06:35.070 --> 00:06:38.530 Taken from a drone, but only with the yellow line where this 00:06:38.650 --> 00:06:39.990 cross-section is made. 00:06:40.110 --> 00:06:43.770 This flood area was just under two kilometres wide. 00:06:43.890 --> 00:06:46.680 But in essence. 00:06:46.800 --> 00:06:51.210 To summarise, if we were to seal off the ground, if we were to drain the 00:06:51.330 --> 00:06:55.630 ground, if we were to prevent flooding in the Lower Savinja Valley, 00:06:55.750 --> 00:06:59.700 the situation downstream would be much worse than it is today. 00:06:59.820 --> 00:07:03.770 If we were to come up with solutions, for example for the Roje 00:07:03.890 --> 00:07:08.170 area itself, that is to say the left bank of the Savinja between the 00:07:08.290 --> 00:07:12.560 confluence of the Paka and the Savinja, we tried to analyse in such 00:07:12.680 --> 00:07:17.430 an imaginative way what would happen in the future, or what could be done, 00:07:17.550 --> 00:07:21.500 and what would then be the consequences if we did 00:07:21.620 --> 00:07:26.060 build a dike that was high enough to prevent floods such as this 00:07:26.180 --> 00:07:30.460 one, when we had flood depths of more than one metre or one and a half 00:07:30.580 --> 00:07:33.910 metres. Then we simply close the natural outflow of surface water 00:07:34.030 --> 00:07:36.690 towards the Savinja, towards the drainage channel. 00:07:36.810 --> 00:07:41.080 We prevent a natural process from happening 00:07:41.200 --> 00:07:45.550 because we are also creating this flow, not only surface 00:07:45.670 --> 00:07:47.760 flow, but also groundwater flow. 00:07:48.060 --> 00:07:53.250 The Savinja River communicates with the hinterland above the layer. 00:07:53.370 --> 00:07:58.110 This would prevent the stagnation of this water behind the embankment. 00:07:58.230 --> 00:08:03.630 This should be addressed by adequate drainage and pumping stations. 00:08:03.750 --> 00:08:08.190 And then we will see another picture at the end. 00:08:08.310 --> 00:08:12.870 We then expect an additional steady inflow of these 00:08:12.990 --> 00:08:16.800 backwaters. They would be a problem in heavy rainfall. 00:08:16.920 --> 00:08:19.560 Even in Ljubljana, there are always problems. 00:08:19.680 --> 00:08:22.690 When there is a storm with underpasses and the like, it could 00:08:22.810 --> 00:08:24.030 also happen in this area. 00:08:24.501 --> 00:08:28.589 The problem would be with the sewers. 00:08:28.710 --> 00:08:31.350 Today, the area is not sewered. 00:08:31.470 --> 00:08:36.840 With these high levels in the Savinja, there would be 00:08:36.960 --> 00:08:42.530 sources of reverse flow in the area of the septic tanks and discharges 00:08:42.650 --> 00:08:47.920 into the septic tanks, so the problem would arise there that would 00:08:48.040 --> 00:08:51.650 have to be dealt with technically in some way. 00:08:52.902 --> 00:08:55.739 What does this mean in practice? 00:08:55.860 --> 00:09:00.000 Let's take a couple of examples from a few years ago, where water 00:09:00.120 --> 00:09:01.650 embankments were used. 00:09:01.770 --> 00:09:05.100 The top left image shows the Vič area in Ljubljana looking like the 00:09:05.220 --> 00:09:08.070 Bled Island. The top right image is from the same area. 00:09:08.190 --> 00:09:11.930 Four years later, we see that the sun is shining, but the embankments, 00:09:12.050 --> 00:09:15.660 the railway embankment or all along the Little Graben, prevent the 00:09:15.780 --> 00:09:17.370 outflow of these flood waters. 00:09:17.490 --> 00:09:22.930 The bottom left picture shows the dividing line to this industrial 00:09:23.050 --> 00:09:28.560 zone, which was also flooded and then the motorway was also flooded. 00:09:28.680 --> 00:09:31.170 But the last picture is usually the one I like best. 00:09:31.290 --> 00:09:36.130 This is the Marijagraška bend in Laško, which is now protected by a 00:09:36.250 --> 00:09:37.590 mobile flood wall. 00:09:37.710 --> 00:09:41.810 Well, to protect these facilities that are within this intersection. 00:09:41.930 --> 00:09:47.580 However, because the pump was not working, the area was just as 00:09:47.700 --> 00:09:52.330 flooded as if it had been, as if it had not been protected. 00:09:52.450 --> 00:09:58.110 This is a brief presentation to outline the problems in dealing with 00:09:58.230 --> 00:10:00.300 embankments in this way. 00:10:00.420 --> 00:10:07.340 However, it is necessary to address in some way in advance if such areas 00:10:07.460 --> 00:10:13.877 are to be encroached upon, so that flood-resistant construction is 00:10:14.002 --> 00:10:15.420 carried out. 00:10:15.540 --> 00:10:18.950 That is to say, if, even though we have an embankment, we have to build 00:10:19.070 --> 00:10:22.060 in such a way that we have a ground-floor part of the building 00:10:22.180 --> 00:10:25.730 that does not have damage potential, or that does 00:10:25.850 --> 00:10:28.440 not pose any great damage, or that we are not at risk. 00:10:28.560 --> 00:10:31.330 In the lower part, let's say, everything that is important 00:10:31.450 --> 00:10:34.860 infrastructure to be placed in the upper parts, let's say, the opposite 00:10:34.980 --> 00:10:37.680 of what we have in Celje, let's say, the hospital in Celje. 00:10:37.800 --> 00:10:44.150 Part of the hospital is half underground and half above ground, so 00:10:44.270 --> 00:10:46.380 we avoid these things. 00:10:46.500 --> 00:10:48.300 And that is what I hope it will be. 00:10:48.420 --> 00:10:54.050 These regulations that are in force today will be changed in the future, 00:10:54.170 --> 00:10:57.510 so we will be more attentive to these areas. 00:10:57.630 --> 00:11:01.730 And finally, here's another slightly unusual picture of Železniki. 00:11:01.850 --> 00:11:05.750 We see that the water has been retained in the 00:11:05.870 --> 00:11:08.519 building and then flows into the letterbox. 00:11:08.833 --> 00:11:10.109 Thank you very much. 00:11:10.230 --> 00:11:13.480 Thank you very much. The Mayor of Braslovče, Mr Tomaž Žohar, will 00:11:13.600 --> 00:11:17.720 present what all these expert solutions mean for the inhabitants of 00:11:17.840 --> 00:11:22.213 these areas, who are eagerly awaiting this solution. 00:11:22.803 --> 00:11:25.323 Thank you very much, and greetings on my behalf too. 00:11:25.444 --> 00:11:30.200 I must preface by saying that we have certainly pursued three key 00:11:30.320 --> 00:11:33.839 objectives. As far as the local community is concerned. 00:11:33.960 --> 00:11:38.450 The most important thing is that, as a first priority, remediation work is 00:11:38.570 --> 00:11:42.750 carried out very quickly, mainly for the protection of people and the 00:11:42.870 --> 00:11:46.470 protection of the banks, which would mean further erosion. 00:11:46.590 --> 00:11:49.440 In case of autumn rain. 00:11:49.560 --> 00:11:54.450 It is essential that it is implemented in some way on the ground 00:11:54.570 --> 00:11:57.240 and that, as I said, actions count. 00:11:57.360 --> 00:12:01.170 The second, and certainly extremely important, objective is to help 00:12:01.290 --> 00:12:03.120 people socially and financially. 00:12:03.240 --> 00:12:10.910 Many of them had already built up a lifetime of savings, leaving them 00:12:11.030 --> 00:12:12.690 in their homes. 00:12:12.810 --> 00:12:16.650 In a few hours, the torrential Savinja River swept them all away, 00:12:16.770 --> 00:12:20.770 and they are, in fact, helpless socially, on the verge of survival, 00:12:20.890 --> 00:12:25.720 of despair. And that is why it is so important to find a solution for 00:12:25.840 --> 00:12:27.000 them. How to help? 00:12:27.120 --> 00:12:31.590 Above all, it is the long-term view that is extremely important, namely 00:12:31.710 --> 00:12:33.180 the long-term solution. 00:12:33.300 --> 00:12:38.040 That is what we all basically have to stare at so that this never 00:12:38.160 --> 00:12:39.270 happens again. 00:12:39.390 --> 00:12:45.100 Now, related to these, I will say, expert facts and expert opinions, the 00:12:45.220 --> 00:12:50.820 fact is that we have to look at the whole of flood protection measures in 00:12:50.940 --> 00:12:53.370 the whole of the Savinja river basin. 00:12:54.000 --> 00:12:58.870 The law itself says that we cannot improve one person's flood defences 00:12:58.990 --> 00:13:03.120 at the expense of making another person's situation worse. 00:13:03.240 --> 00:13:07.340 This is very clear and is not allowed in practice by the 00:13:07.460 --> 00:13:14.550 Constitution. Only integrated measures make any sense. 00:13:14.670 --> 00:13:21.160 And linked to these expert facts, that any high barriers or banks or 00:13:21.280 --> 00:13:27.750 walls on the disputed part of the left and right banks of the Steuton 00:13:27.870 --> 00:13:31.590 river are not appropriate solutions. 00:13:32.100 --> 00:13:37.980 We remain committed to finding the optimal solution based on our 00:13:38.100 --> 00:13:41.759 responsibilities and our foundations. 00:13:41.880 --> 00:13:45.870 Now many in the past days. 00:13:45.990 --> 00:13:50.560 There have been complaints that there is too little impact area in 00:13:50.680 --> 00:13:55.590 the Left Bank, too little spill area and that there is no need for spill. 00:13:55.710 --> 00:14:01.890 My answer is this: the primary objective is not, in a sense, to hold 00:14:02.010 --> 00:14:06.570 back the water on the left bank, but to save lives. 00:14:06.690 --> 00:14:08.430 This is our responsibility. 00:14:08.550 --> 00:14:11.280 My responsibility as Mayor. 00:14:11.400 --> 00:14:16.280 The responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the 00:14:16.400 --> 00:14:21.030 President at its head, to save lives by eventually building dykes and 00:14:21.150 --> 00:14:25.030 walls, makes the whole situation much worse in the future. 00:14:25.150 --> 00:14:30.990 If things get worse over the next twenty or thirty years. 00:14:31.110 --> 00:14:35.710 That the pumps do not work, as has been said, that it breaks through the 00:14:35.830 --> 00:14:40.520 wall, we have practically a pot full of water there, and we have not only 00:14:40.640 --> 00:14:44.820 the lives of the present generation at stake, but also of future 00:14:44.940 --> 00:14:49.000 generations. On the other hand, there are also firefighters who 00:14:49.120 --> 00:14:50.910 rescue when rescue is needed. 00:14:51.030 --> 00:14:53.190 So that is our responsibility. 00:14:53.310 --> 00:14:56.790 That is what we will pursue and that is the primary objective. 00:14:56.910 --> 00:15:01.660 I will also say that, last but not least, when it comes to 00:15:01.780 --> 00:15:07.690 accountability, it is important, because in my eyes and in my heart, 00:15:07.810 --> 00:15:10.460 we are accountable to the next generations. 00:15:11.760 --> 00:15:15.310 It is not a question of whether or not something similar will come, it 00:15:15.430 --> 00:15:17.280 is a question of when it will come. 00:15:17.940 --> 00:15:20.450 And that is why we need to look holistically, holistically at the 00:15:20.570 --> 00:15:22.860 whole river basin, so that we do not make it worse for others. 00:15:22.980 --> 00:15:27.260 There have also been many accusations that we are saving Celje 00:15:27.380 --> 00:15:28.530 on our shoulders. 00:15:28.650 --> 00:15:29.990 Certainly not. 00:15:30.110 --> 00:15:33.000 The infrastructure is ours too. 00:15:33.120 --> 00:15:37.650 Celje is also home to our hospitals, our doctors, our beds. 00:15:37.770 --> 00:15:41.970 When we need it, it's our primary and secondary schools and colleges. 00:15:42.090 --> 00:15:43.830 And they are our jobs. 00:15:43.950 --> 00:15:46.090 And we don't have to divide ourselves into ours and yours. 00:15:46.210 --> 00:15:50.130 We are human beings and we need to look at the whole picture, and that 00:15:50.250 --> 00:15:52.919 is what we will pursue for our local community. 00:15:53.040 --> 00:15:59.990 So, as far as these technical facts that have been proven are concerned, 00:16:00.323 --> 00:16:07.280 We continue to work constructively with the inter-ministerial groups in 00:16:07.400 --> 00:16:12.280 government to come up with absolutely optimal solutions to 00:16:12.400 --> 00:16:15.190 ensure the safety of these people. 00:16:15.310 --> 00:16:19.480 And we will work to ensure that their safety is not only ensured, but 00:16:19.600 --> 00:16:23.440 at least their quality of life is maintained, if not improved. 00:16:23.560 --> 00:16:28.570 And above all, as I said at the beginning, it also helps financially 00:16:28.690 --> 00:16:33.600 and socially, so that those who are left with practically minimal 00:16:33.720 --> 00:16:38.620 pensions, or with the minimal income of a young family as such, and 00:16:38.740 --> 00:16:43.740 possibly with loans, who cannot even get a new one, can also recover 00:16:43.860 --> 00:16:45.880 financially and socially. 00:16:46.000 --> 00:16:51.930 But our primary objective is solely to pursue the interests of the 00:16:52.050 --> 00:16:58.420 safety, the quality of life of the people in our municipality, and I can 00:16:58.540 --> 00:17:00.490 say that most of them. 00:17:01.890 --> 00:17:02.110 Thank you. 00:17:02.680 --> 00:17:04.150 Thank you And the Prime Minister. 00:17:04.270 --> 00:17:07.950 Let us say that the Municipality of Braslovče this week received the 00:17:08.070 --> 00:17:11.800 advance payments promised by the Government, so Prime Minister, the 00:17:11.920 --> 00:17:13.500 floor is yours. 00:17:15.480 --> 00:17:19.020 Thank you very much. I would like to underline two things. 00:17:19.140 --> 00:17:24.110 I have already visited the municipality of Braslovče, very soon 00:17:24.230 --> 00:17:29.200 after the floods, and even then I was able to see that it was in fact 00:17:29.320 --> 00:17:34.470 the sacrifice of the firefighters and a good deal of luck that led to 00:17:34.590 --> 00:17:39.170 the fact that we did not and you did not have any deaths in your 00:17:39.290 --> 00:17:44.660 municipality. I think that this lesson that nature has given us, we 00:17:44.780 --> 00:17:50.090 need to listen to it and learn from it, actually come out of it more 00:17:50.210 --> 00:17:53.250 resilient to what the future brings. 00:17:53.370 --> 00:17:57.730 At that time, I also realised that there was a real possibility that 00:17:57.850 --> 00:18:02.770 within the municipality of Braslovče we could really realise this slogan, 00:18:02.890 --> 00:18:07.170 which says: We will not only deal with the consequences of natural 00:18:07.290 --> 00:18:11.170 disasters, but through reconstruction and development we 00:18:11.290 --> 00:18:15.570 will make the whole environment significantly more resilient to 00:18:15.690 --> 00:18:20.100 future disasters, as well as more attractive for people to live in. 00:18:20.220 --> 00:18:24.660 And I would like to start by saying that when I listen to the experts who 00:18:24.780 --> 00:18:29.370 have been tasked in recent months to look at one thing and one thing only, 00:18:29.490 --> 00:18:33.210 and that is what is the level of threat to life and property. 00:18:33.330 --> 00:18:37.620 And this is the ultimate criterion by which experts make their decisions 00:18:37.740 --> 00:18:39.000 and which they pursue. 00:18:39.120 --> 00:18:44.730 Flood safety is, of course, one of the factors that influence this. 00:18:44.850 --> 00:18:49.740 But it is the threat that we measure the way we make decisions. 00:18:49.860 --> 00:18:53.780 This applies both to flooding - in Braslovče, flooding is a problem - 00:18:53.900 --> 00:18:57.970 and to landslides in some other municipalities, including the hamlet 00:18:58.090 --> 00:19:00.900 of Struge. Because I know that this is a dilemma. 00:19:01.020 --> 00:19:07.220 Unfortunately, our country was not prepared for disasters of this 00:19:07.340 --> 00:19:10.170 magnitude. It was not legally prepared. 00:19:11.160 --> 00:19:16.930 In the past, we have had some really bad and severe natural disasters 00:19:17.050 --> 00:19:20.790 locally. If you like, the avalanche under Mangart, Železniki, the floods 00:19:20.910 --> 00:19:21.840 in Železniki and so on. 00:19:21.960 --> 00:19:27.190 And then it took a year, a year, for the experts to figure out what the 00:19:27.310 --> 00:19:31.038 right professional solutions were. 00:19:31.380 --> 00:19:35.400 Not two months not three months, a year and a year have been, if you 00:19:35.520 --> 00:19:38.820 like, people in limbo. This time it will not last a year. 00:19:38.940 --> 00:19:40.230 I assure you. 00:19:40.350 --> 00:19:46.850 This week, which is upon us, experts will visit all the populated areas 00:19:46.970 --> 00:19:53.240 where there are not isolated cases, but populated areas where these 00:19:53.360 --> 00:19:55.530 dilemmas are open today. 00:19:55.650 --> 00:20:01.020 And this week, all people will get a direct answer and clarification from 00:20:01.140 --> 00:20:03.990 the experts on what the level of risk is. 00:20:04.110 --> 00:20:08.440 Today, listening to Mr Fazarinac, one metaphor seemed to me the most 00:20:08.560 --> 00:20:13.790 illustrative. We are all familiar with the images of the Ljubljana 00:20:13.910 --> 00:20:19.290 underpasses, where water is held back when there is groundwater 00:20:19.410 --> 00:20:22.526 ponding or a breach in the embankments. 00:20:22.770 --> 00:20:28.780 And no, we do not want you to invest today in such measures, measures that 00:20:28.900 --> 00:20:34.800 will also build a chassis in your municipality where water can start to 00:20:34.920 --> 00:20:37.560 accumulate every time it rains. 00:20:37.680 --> 00:20:43.720 Every time your pump fails, you will have sewage and groundwater 00:20:43.840 --> 00:20:46.170 overflows. 00:20:46.290 --> 00:20:50.570 The state cannot afford to invest resources in this and to persuade you 00:20:50.690 --> 00:20:55.560 to stay there. It is our job, and we will deliver. 00:20:55.680 --> 00:21:01.560 We are very clear on a house-by-house, area-by-area basis. 00:21:01.680 --> 00:21:03.420 What is the threat level? 00:21:03.540 --> 00:21:07.890 And where it is too big, we find an alternative solution and then we 00:21:08.010 --> 00:21:12.480 implement it in a way that is fair and equitable to you as investors. 00:21:12.600 --> 00:21:14.040 That is our task. 00:21:14.160 --> 00:21:17.840 Today, we will hold a consultation or government meeting in Žalec to 00:21:17.960 --> 00:21:21.360 discuss the intervention law, which will be aimed at just that. 00:21:21.480 --> 00:21:23.520 It will be for the people. 00:21:23.640 --> 00:21:26.630 First, how will the money come faster to advance payments for 00:21:26.750 --> 00:21:28.170 damage, faster to the people. 00:21:28.290 --> 00:21:31.160 Just as it has come to municipalities, it has come to the 00:21:31.280 --> 00:21:32.800 economy. I am talking about advance payments. 00:21:33.100 --> 00:21:38.540 And at the same time, how to get a list of buildings at risk and whose 00:21:38.660 --> 00:21:44.110 habitation is no longer only recommended, but no longer allowed. 00:21:44.230 --> 00:21:46.560 This is the task of the State. 00:21:46.680 --> 00:21:50.490 Of course, we have to come up with alternatives, and the alternatives 00:21:50.610 --> 00:21:54.020 have to be financial, not only neutral, but they have to be such 00:21:54.140 --> 00:21:56.550 that you are not penalised or punished for it. 00:21:56.670 --> 00:22:00.630 This part is very important and I am emphasising it now. 00:22:00.750 --> 00:22:04.320 And one more thing, which is extremely important. 00:22:04.440 --> 00:22:08.740 This list, which will be the definitive list, will have to be 00:22:08.860 --> 00:22:10.350 fast. We will not wait a year. 00:22:10.470 --> 00:22:14.490 This list will have to be finalised by the end of next month for the 00:22:14.610 --> 00:22:18.930 whole area, not only for Braslovče, I stress by the end of November for 00:22:19.050 --> 00:22:23.610 all. Where there are concentrated settlements like Braslovče, it will 00:22:23.730 --> 00:22:25.470 be, as mentioned, this week. 00:22:25.590 --> 00:22:29.860 The same applies to Struge. In the coming week, expert teams will visit 00:22:29.980 --> 00:22:35.040 the site and explain directly to people each object in that area. 00:22:35.160 --> 00:22:39.160 I think it is our duty, and it is also the right of the people to be 00:22:39.280 --> 00:22:41.350 informed, to find out as soon as possible. 00:22:42.030 --> 00:22:46.110 I understand everyone's emotional attachment. 00:22:47.610 --> 00:22:50.280 I would have it to my home too. 00:22:50.400 --> 00:22:55.580 But to live in fear every time it rains and to know that we live in a 00:22:55.700 --> 00:23:01.480 basin where the consequences of every downpour will actually be worse 00:23:01.600 --> 00:23:03.480 than outside the basin. 00:23:03.600 --> 00:23:08.040 But it is not something I would suggest to anyone. 00:23:08.160 --> 00:23:10.620 But I am not an expert, I am speaking as a human being, I am 00:23:10.740 --> 00:23:13.580 speaking as a father and I am speaking as someone who is trying to 00:23:13.700 --> 00:23:16.170 empathise with where my children should live and sleep. 00:23:16.290 --> 00:23:19.890 And it seems to me that this part is something we must never forget. 00:23:21.890 --> 00:23:24.670 Thank you very much. Now it's time for questions from the press. 00:23:24.790 --> 00:23:27.530 Please come to the microphone. 00:23:27.650 --> 00:23:30.710 Introduce yourself and which media you are from. 00:23:30.830 --> 00:23:32.840 The microphone is on that side. 00:23:36.276 --> 00:23:37.700 Barbara Štor, TV Slovenia. 00:23:37.820 --> 00:23:40.890 Hello! Basically, I have a question about Struge. 00:23:41.010 --> 00:23:43.570 Yesterday we were waiting to hear whether they would move. 00:23:43.690 --> 00:23:45.130 I think we are all interested in this today. 00:23:45.250 --> 00:23:49.820 The 150 houses in the Letuška gmajna that are awaiting this decision, 00:23:49.940 --> 00:23:51.430 resettlement yes or no. 00:23:51.550 --> 00:23:53.290 Will resettlement happen or no? 00:23:57.890 --> 00:24:00.460 I will repeat what I have said. 00:24:00.620 --> 00:24:02.060 Sometimes it is necessary to repeat three times. 00:24:02.180 --> 00:24:05.666 No problem, it's not a political decision. 00:24:05.840 --> 00:24:10.280 This is a decision to be taken by the experts. 00:24:10.400 --> 00:24:14.140 The expert opinions have already been presented, you have seen it 00:24:14.260 --> 00:24:18.270 today. The expert opinions will be presented directly to the people at 00:24:18.390 --> 00:24:22.130 the citizens' assemblies, because they are the ones who need it. 00:24:22.250 --> 00:24:26.220 This week, these expert opinions that have been produced will be 00:24:26.340 --> 00:24:30.640 presented. The opinions are clear, the policy is that when the expert 00:24:30.760 --> 00:24:35.120 opinions are clear, definitive, that we take care of the groundwork so 00:24:35.240 --> 00:24:38.990 that all the compensatory measures can then be implemented. 00:24:39.110 --> 00:24:43.570 Measures that tell people how we are going to compensate them will be 00:24:43.690 --> 00:24:45.050 compensated by them. 00:24:45.170 --> 00:24:47.450 But this is a question of policy. 00:24:47.570 --> 00:24:48.800 And I'll say it again. 00:24:48.920 --> 00:24:52.130 The law that addresses this, the Intervention Law, will be discussed 00:24:52.250 --> 00:24:53.790 today at a government meeting in Žalec. 00:24:55.250 --> 00:24:57.945 Are you satisfied with this in your municipality? 00:24:59.600 --> 00:25:02.900 As far as the local community is concerned, I will say, in relation to 00:25:03.020 --> 00:25:05.300 what has been presented, we are satisfied today. 00:25:05.420 --> 00:25:08.720 Why? Because, after all, we have had the relevant expert opinions 00:25:08.840 --> 00:25:10.910 presented, and they have been presented today. 00:25:11.030 --> 00:25:14.440 And in the light of this expert opinion, it is clear that absolute 00:25:14.560 --> 00:25:18.100 safety cannot be guaranteed at the current location of the left and 00:25:18.220 --> 00:25:19.910 right banks in Letuše. 00:25:20.030 --> 00:25:22.730 If we do not take flood protection measures, I will say that the 00:25:22.850 --> 00:25:25.900 corresponding measures in Male Braslovče will also be taken, which I 00:25:26.020 --> 00:25:27.330 will say is also of the utmost importance. 00:25:27.930 --> 00:25:32.040 If we do them, individually, we jeopardise Parižlje, which is also in 00:25:32.160 --> 00:25:36.080 our municipality, and last but not least Polzela, Žalec and Celje. 00:25:36.200 --> 00:25:39.350 So from that point of view, the answer is clear. 00:25:39.470 --> 00:25:45.170 However, it is also clear that, as the President said, it is imperative 00:25:45.290 --> 00:25:50.670 that we meet with local residents over the next week to discuss each 00:25:50.790 --> 00:25:53.250 individual case or situation individually. 00:25:54.530 --> 00:25:58.370 So we have a clear path. 00:25:58.490 --> 00:26:04.150 But it is also clear that it is up to us to make this work optimally for 00:26:04.270 --> 00:26:09.770 the benefit of the people and for the benefit of the people alone. 00:26:11.330 --> 00:26:18.430 Next question. Maybe it's just me who doesn't understand, but expert 00:26:18.550 --> 00:26:21.280 opinions nonetheless. 00:26:21.400 --> 00:26:23.160 You said they were clear. 00:26:23.280 --> 00:26:26.960 We can read between the lines that it's dangerous there. 00:26:27.080 --> 00:26:29.500 Why then are people not simply told? 00:26:29.620 --> 00:26:31.750 But you mention that again. 00:26:31.870 --> 00:26:33.190 Next week's meeting. 00:26:33.310 --> 00:26:35.160 Already have the exact date? 00:26:35.280 --> 00:26:38.020 Because those weeks have now moved away very, very often. 00:26:38.140 --> 00:26:42.480 Will there really be a time next week when you have something fixed so 00:26:42.600 --> 00:26:46.780 that you can finally say something more concrete to the people? 00:26:52.170 --> 00:26:58.130 As for the date, I can say that we coordinated over the weekend. 00:26:58.250 --> 00:26:59.160 That's Wednesday, Thursday. 00:26:59.280 --> 00:27:01.140 We will know how and what things will turn out. 00:27:01.260 --> 00:27:08.450 The fact is that it is the people who can be informed at the right 00:27:08.570 --> 00:27:14.520 time. The information today was also crucial for the local community to be 00:27:14.640 --> 00:27:19.020 able to organise itself properly, that is to say, to meet. 00:27:19.140 --> 00:27:22.920 And from that point of view, I will say this, as far as what has been 00:27:23.040 --> 00:27:26.610 presented is concerned, I think it has been made clear today. 00:27:26.730 --> 00:27:30.040 If I may speak on behalf of the local community, it is my 00:27:30.160 --> 00:27:34.350 understanding that the left bank and the right bank of Letuše are 00:27:34.470 --> 00:27:39.620 moving. There are clearly steps to be taken and, as I said, these are 00:27:39.740 --> 00:27:42.500 expected in the second half of next week. 00:27:42.621 --> 00:27:45.870 But there are clearly other details that need to be coordinated, because, 00:27:45.990 --> 00:27:48.840 after all, we are talking about the profession as well as the government 00:27:48.960 --> 00:27:51.380 team and, not least, the local community, and there are other 00:27:51.500 --> 00:27:55.090 obligations as well. Therefore, the dates need to be properly coordinated 00:27:55.210 --> 00:27:58.800 and communicated with citizens to maximise their participation. 00:28:02.040 --> 00:28:08.970 Why does it only make sense to inform people directly at citizens' 00:28:09.090 --> 00:28:13.250 assemblies? Because at the citizens' assembly, each of them has the 00:28:13.370 --> 00:28:15.710 opportunity to clarify each of their dilemmas. 00:28:16.350 --> 00:28:20.880 Believe me, no piece in any media can do that. 00:28:21.000 --> 00:28:24.180 Press and TV appearances are limited to two minutes. 00:28:24.300 --> 00:28:29.270 People have three hours, four hours at a citizens' meeting, each of them, 00:28:29.390 --> 00:28:32.550 to see whether their doubts have been allayed. 00:28:32.670 --> 00:28:37.920 This is the only way if we really want to inform people. 00:28:39.137 --> 00:28:42.377 I was specifically in Struge to check. 00:28:42.498 --> 00:28:45.228 We have planned for Wednesday, but it will be on Thursday. 00:28:47.410 --> 00:28:48.160 And in Braslovče. 00:28:48.280 --> 00:28:52.150 I understand the same because the same team will be explaining. 00:28:52.270 --> 00:28:58.460 A similar team explained to people directly for each house individually, 00:28:58.580 --> 00:29:04.660 each doubt individually and the team will have to have an answer even now. 00:29:04.780 --> 00:29:06.130 What are the next steps? 00:29:06.250 --> 00:29:09.670 This is very important. 00:29:09.790 --> 00:29:13.260 One more thing that is important. 00:29:13.380 --> 00:29:17.490 People will of course be interested to know what the difference is if 00:29:17.610 --> 00:29:18.940 they stay financially. 00:29:19.060 --> 00:29:23.850 What is the difference if they decide to leave their home or if they 00:29:23.970 --> 00:29:26.130 are forced to leave their home? 00:29:26.250 --> 00:29:28.740 And this will also be explained. 00:29:28.860 --> 00:29:30.959 And people have different situations. 00:29:31.399 --> 00:29:33.509 As I said, some have credit, others don't. 00:29:33.630 --> 00:29:37.780 Some have a cottage, others have a house, some have business buildings, 00:29:37.900 --> 00:29:39.140 others don't. 00:29:39.260 --> 00:29:45.540 Every single thing needs to be explained to the people, not through 00:29:45.660 --> 00:29:46.580 the media. 00:29:46.700 --> 00:29:50.620 So you have to go to the people and explain to the people, you have to 00:29:50.740 --> 00:29:54.710 have a basis, and you have to have a team that is trained to explain to 00:29:54.830 --> 00:29:58.830 the people how much more money the state is going to spend when it is a 00:29:58.950 --> 00:30:02.870 replacement building compared to when it is just a renovation of a 00:30:02.990 --> 00:30:05.850 building. Of course, this makes sense to everyone, but people today 00:30:05.970 --> 00:30:11.450 don't know that. When people are on site, they can ask for a specific 00:30:11.570 --> 00:30:14.270 example, each for their own facility. 00:30:15.360 --> 00:30:18.390 They won't get a concrete calculation, but they will get an 00:30:18.510 --> 00:30:21.180 order of magnitude and the order of magnitude is ... 00:30:21.300 --> 00:30:22.860 There is a big difference. 00:30:22.980 --> 00:30:26.610 Because it has to be. 00:30:32.758 --> 00:30:37.270 Mark Vidrih, I will refer to your statement that it is necessary to go 00:30:37.390 --> 00:30:39.290 among the people and to Struge. 00:30:39.410 --> 00:30:43.280 Citizens have repeatedly called on you publicly to go there too. 00:30:43.400 --> 00:30:45.830 I understand that this is the third time Mr Šefic has been. 00:30:45.950 --> 00:30:48.800 Why haven't you personally been there yet? 00:30:48.920 --> 00:30:52.260 My first question and the second question, regarding this site that 00:30:52.380 --> 00:30:55.590 you have seen today, can you explain a little bit what is going to be 00:30:55.710 --> 00:30:57.460 planned there. 00:31:00.560 --> 00:31:02.420 Maybe you don't know that I've been to Struge before. 00:31:02.540 --> 00:31:06.020 are also recordings of this. 00:31:06.140 --> 00:31:10.530 There are hundreds of buildings in Slovenia that are at risk in one way 00:31:10.650 --> 00:31:15.130 or another and families that are unfortunately unable to stay in their 00:31:15.250 --> 00:31:20.360 buildings. I can't visit each location several times. 00:31:20.480 --> 00:31:24.080 That is the first, the second is more important. 00:31:24.200 --> 00:31:27.270 Politics does not provide the answers. 00:31:28.250 --> 00:31:32.190 The profession is the only one that can explain to people why an object 00:31:32.310 --> 00:31:36.910 is at risk. It is not up to the Mayor, much less the Prime Minister, 00:31:37.030 --> 00:31:40.760 to make a risk assessment on a site-by-site basis. 00:31:40.880 --> 00:31:43.010 I hope you agree with this. 00:31:43.130 --> 00:31:47.400 The role of the Prime Minister is to make sure that those buildings that 00:31:47.520 --> 00:31:51.550 are declared by the profession to be at risk find a process by which a 00:31:51.670 --> 00:31:55.790 replacement can be built in the foreseeable future, and that we have 00:31:55.910 --> 00:31:56.900 the means to do so. 00:31:57.020 --> 00:32:00.500 Because, unfortunately, no one else can do it except the Prime Minister 00:32:00.620 --> 00:32:01.520 and the government. 00:32:01.640 --> 00:32:03.050 And that is our job. 00:32:04.370 --> 00:32:05.300 Any other questions? 00:32:06.020 --> 00:32:07.480 I have an answer to the second question. 00:32:08.030 --> 00:32:12.370 On an identified alternative site, which has been subject to a 00:32:12.490 --> 00:32:15.980 professional urban planning review in this case. 00:32:16.100 --> 00:32:20.780 The experts have also looked at the environment and space. 00:32:20.900 --> 00:32:24.200 That is to say, it was not that it was not at risk of flooding. 00:32:24.320 --> 00:32:29.680 It has the green light as far as the urban review is concerned, but our 00:32:29.800 --> 00:32:35.420 aim was actually to ensure a similar quality of life to the current site. 00:32:35.540 --> 00:32:39.860 That is to say, there are enough green areas, forested as such. 00:32:39.980 --> 00:32:42.900 And it is from this perspective that the profession has defined the 00:32:43.020 --> 00:32:47.630 surface. It has defined the layout in a way so that it fits into the 00:32:47.750 --> 00:32:52.130 environment itself from an urban planning point of view. 00:32:52.250 --> 00:32:56.130 The alternative site, as you have seen, adheres to an already urbanised 00:32:56.250 --> 00:32:59.800 area is in close proximity to a primary school kindergarten, soon 00:32:59.920 --> 00:33:01.730 also a health centre and a sports park. 00:33:02.090 --> 00:33:07.670 I should also say that the plots will be treated individually. 00:33:07.790 --> 00:33:14.510 That is to say, we have a property worth between €50 000 and €800 000 on 00:33:14.630 --> 00:33:16.460 our existing site. 00:33:16.580 --> 00:33:19.160 We absolutely cannot treat everyone the same. 00:33:19.280 --> 00:33:25.820 Therefore, I will also say, the starting point will be different and 00:33:25.940 --> 00:33:31.880 in a way, all those who are affected by relocation will be given 00:33:32.000 --> 00:33:38.640 significantly more choices in terms of the way or the house and the way 00:33:38.760 --> 00:33:41.560 they would like to live in the future. 00:33:42.360 --> 00:33:46.050 What is important is that we want to listen to people individually and 00:33:46.170 --> 00:33:50.010 really give them not only safety but also an adequate quality of life. 00:33:51.670 --> 00:33:53.450 One last question, if anyone else has. 00:33:53.710 --> 00:33:54.740 Because we have been quite comprehensive. 00:33:55.390 --> 00:33:58.240 If it is not, I thank you all. 00:33:58.360 --> 00:34:00.820 Thank you very much. Thank you very much, everyone. 00:34:00.940 --> 00:34:03.220 And we move on. 00:34:03.340 --> 00:34:07.990 We still have a lot of work to do, so thank you for being with us. 00:34:08.110 --> 00:34:08.780 Have a nice day.