WEBVTT 00:00:00.502 --> 00:00:04.014 Hello to everyone. 00:00:04.162 --> 00:00:07.841 As part of his desire to devise comprehensive solutions 00:00:07.988 --> 00:00:10.734 to help those affected by the flooding, 00:00:10.855 --> 00:00:13.948 Prime Minister Robert Golob invited the leaders 00:00:14.069 --> 00:00:17.761 of all parliamentary parties to a working meeting today. 00:00:17.882 --> 00:00:23.229 I therefore first give the floor to the Prime Minister. Go ahead. 00:00:23.375 --> 00:00:27.114 Hello. First of all, I apologize for my hoarse voice. 00:00:27.255 --> 00:00:30.261 Most of the measures will be introduced later 00:00:30.422 --> 00:00:35.001 by the Vice President of the Freedom Movement, Minister Matej Arčon. 00:00:35.122 --> 00:00:38.121 Still, I'd like to say a couple of words. 00:00:38.228 --> 00:00:41.655 Today's meeting with all the parliamentary parties 00:00:41.808 --> 00:00:46.301 proved that even we politicians can come together when needed. 00:00:46.448 --> 00:00:49.081 I wish that this national unity 00:00:49.228 --> 00:00:54.155 could last as long as possible and that the reconstruction 00:00:54.315 --> 00:00:58.761 that lies ahead could serve as a model for future generations 00:00:58.908 --> 00:01:03.368 on how to join forces for the benefit of the people. 00:01:03.522 --> 00:01:08.094 Today, we mostly exchanged views on our range of measures. 00:01:08.228 --> 00:01:13.394 I believe that we're well-coordinated with the opposition 00:01:13.502 --> 00:01:18.001 and that next week, we'll jointly prepare a bill 00:01:18.128 --> 00:01:20.698 that will be even better. 00:01:20.828 --> 00:01:25.341 We're talking about emergency legislation that is focused 00:01:25.502 --> 00:01:30.728 on the measures that must go into effect in September. 00:01:30.868 --> 00:01:36.741 As mentioned, we'll hear more about these measures later 00:01:36.882 --> 00:01:38.855 from Minister Matej Arčon. 00:01:39.022 --> 00:01:43.448 I apologize that I won't take any questions today, 00:01:43.568 --> 00:01:46.861 but I have problems with my voice. Thank you. 00:01:47.002 --> 00:01:49.315 Thank you to the Prime Minister. 00:01:49.448 --> 00:01:53.501 I now invite the president of the Slovenian Democratic Party, 00:01:53.622 --> 00:01:56.268 Mr. Janez Janša, to take the floor. 00:02:18.882 --> 00:02:22.408 Hello to everyone. 00:02:22.515 --> 00:02:25.794 Over the course of this and the previous week, 00:02:25.928 --> 00:02:29.321 the Slovenian Democratic Party has prepared a range 00:02:29.455 --> 00:02:35.482 of suggestions and recommendations on how to deal with the flooding 00:02:35.608 --> 00:02:39.607 that has affected Slovenia, in terms of both urgent measures 00:02:39.728 --> 00:02:42.201 and long-term recovery. 00:02:42.355 --> 00:02:46.948 When we heard what the government had prepared, 00:02:47.088 --> 00:02:50.855 we substantially reduced the scope of the recommendations 00:02:50.976 --> 00:02:53.888 because the relevant ministries had prepared 00:02:54.009 --> 00:02:56.768 some of the same recommendations, 00:02:56.956 --> 00:03:04.902 so I handed some 44 recommendations to the Prime Minister today, 00:03:05.735 --> 00:03:11.142 and I believe they're in line 00:03:11.395 --> 00:03:15.148 with the government and its twin approach, 00:03:15.268 --> 00:03:19.308 which involves adopting emergency measures, 00:03:19.428 --> 00:03:22.127 followed by special recovery legislation. 00:03:22.248 --> 00:03:24.122 That's the right approach. 00:03:24.268 --> 00:03:27.475 The origins of the organization that will realize 00:03:27.655 --> 00:03:31.895 the government's approach are on the right track, 00:03:32.048 --> 00:03:36.621 so I won't list all the measures 00:03:36.742 --> 00:03:39.502 or suggestions that we handed over. 00:03:40.222 --> 00:03:44.935 We've waited that the government takes the measures 00:03:45.088 --> 00:03:48.895 that it prepared and received from the opposition 00:03:49.048 --> 00:03:55.061 and incorporates it into bills. We're happy about the announcement 00:03:55.215 --> 00:04:02.888 that the legislation that will amend emergency measures 00:04:03.008 --> 00:04:08.321 will be passed and enacted by the end of the month. 00:04:08.548 --> 00:04:13.948 I'd like to emphasize a key suggestion 00:04:14.069 --> 00:04:18.122 that we discussed and that concerns financial sources 00:04:18.362 --> 00:04:23.981 used to fund the recovery from the disaster. 00:04:24.102 --> 00:04:31.818 As part of the EU's Covid Recovery Fund, Slovenia received 00:04:32.731 --> 00:04:37.825 an opportunity to obtain 00:04:38.005 --> 00:04:45.668 favorable loans in the amount of close to one percent of the GDP. 00:04:45.789 --> 00:04:48.036 Of this amount, 00:04:48.209 --> 00:04:55.942 about €2.8 billion has no yet been located. 00:04:58.128 --> 00:05:04.881 We understand that the government, when it prepared amendments 00:05:05.042 --> 00:05:08.388 to the recovery plan, 00:05:08.542 --> 00:05:13.328 it didn't make use of these funds because not too long ago, 00:05:13.448 --> 00:05:17.008 including the period of our government, 00:05:17.155 --> 00:05:23.365 the loans were practically free on the financial markets. 00:05:23.486 --> 00:05:26.561 There were even some negative interest rates. 00:05:26.682 --> 00:05:32.501 But in this case, the price of the loans was not precisely defined. 00:05:32.622 --> 00:05:35.094 Things have now changed drastically. 00:05:35.215 --> 00:05:38.481 Loans have become expensive on financial markets, 00:05:38.642 --> 00:05:46.568 so EU Recovery Fund loans have become attractive. 00:05:46.715 --> 00:05:49.875 I'm glad that the Prime Minister said today 00:05:49.996 --> 00:05:52.675 that they're thinking on the same lines. 00:05:52.802 --> 00:05:57.294 But we're in a hurry. The deadline for filing 00:05:57.448 --> 00:06:01.468 an intention to make use of these funds 00:06:01.595 --> 00:06:05.355 is the end of this month. 00:06:05.535 --> 00:06:10.247 By then, the government should declare its intent 00:06:10.368 --> 00:06:13.801 to the European Commission that it tends to make use 00:06:14.008 --> 00:06:18.688 of these loans for the disaster recovery. 00:06:18.802 --> 00:06:22.920 During the visit of the European Commission President, 00:06:23.041 --> 00:06:25.955 we received a signal that this was possible. 00:06:26.135 --> 00:06:31.775 Relatively favorable funds are available 00:06:31.896 --> 00:06:37.508 for the recovery, and we should concentrate 00:06:37.629 --> 00:06:39.601 on this source. 00:06:39.722 --> 00:06:44.761 It won't be enough, but this amount 00:06:45.595 --> 00:06:51.101 covers much of what wee need for the reconstruction. 00:06:51.215 --> 00:06:55.088 Based on our estimates, the amount of the direct damage 00:06:55.282 --> 00:06:58.955 is between €3 billion and €5 billion. 00:06:59.142 --> 00:07:03.428 There had been some hesitancy about these funds 00:07:03.555 --> 00:07:09.174 because of the time frame for the use of money from the Recovery Fund. 00:07:09.302 --> 00:07:15.228 These funds need to be used my mid-2026. 00:07:15.388 --> 00:07:19.568 If we based or flood prevention projects 00:07:19.715 --> 00:07:25.348 on procedures typical of Slovenian bureaucracy, 00:07:25.448 --> 00:07:30.035 the planning permission for more demanding buildings 00:07:30.156 --> 00:07:33.141 takes time, but the situation now is urgent. 00:07:33.262 --> 00:07:36.621 The measures introduced yesterday by the government 00:07:36.768 --> 00:07:39.621 include the fast-tracking of procedures, 00:07:39.802 --> 00:07:43.081 so this is an ideal opportunity 00:07:43.235 --> 00:07:49.635 for us to ensure, even within a limited time frame, 00:07:49.756 --> 00:07:55.503 funds for, and the execution of, such demanding projects. 00:07:55.624 --> 00:07:59.337 But we'll need to work faster than has been the case 00:07:59.548 --> 00:08:04.348 here in Slovenia, where such structures, 00:08:04.528 --> 00:08:10.128 which did save many places from the floods, 00:08:10.249 --> 00:08:15.942 needed 10, 15, or more years to receive planning permission. 00:08:16.063 --> 00:08:19.668 I believe this is the most urgent decision 00:08:19.789 --> 00:08:22.201 that needs to be passed. 00:08:22.355 --> 00:08:25.554 All other measures announced by the government 00:08:25.675 --> 00:08:31.685 are more or less in line line with our recommendations, 00:08:31.806 --> 00:08:37.114 so we expect a bill to be drafted next week, 00:08:37.235 --> 00:08:41.728 and if anything needs to be added, we'll cooperate constructively. 00:08:41.868 --> 00:08:45.654 Thank you. -I think we have a question from the media. 00:08:45.775 --> 00:08:48.761 If so, please introduce yourself. 00:08:50.775 --> 00:08:53.447 Metka Majer, POP TV. So at this moment, 00:08:53.568 --> 00:08:58.375 you're not seeing anything that the government has forgotten? 00:08:58.535 --> 00:09:02.381 There are no open questions or major criticism? 00:09:02.535 --> 00:09:05.434 Is this an indication that you'll support 00:09:05.555 --> 00:09:07.608 the emergency legislation? 00:09:08.488 --> 00:09:10.628 What we heard yesterday, 00:09:10.749 --> 00:09:15.201 namely a description of the next two bills, 00:09:15.335 --> 00:09:18.394 is a step in the right direction, 00:09:18.515 --> 00:09:22.028 so our support isn't in doubt. We also supported 00:09:22.155 --> 00:09:25.641 the first emergency bill, even though some amendments 00:09:25.762 --> 00:09:27.861 weren't considered. Some were. 00:09:28.002 --> 00:09:32.902 The suggestions I gave to the Prime Minister 00:09:33.055 --> 00:09:37.141 are in that same vein. Perhaps there are some different 00:09:37.262 --> 00:09:42.902 solutions to our problems, a few different percentages, 00:09:43.023 --> 00:09:47.803 and so on, but the government is the entity 00:09:47.930 --> 00:09:51.201 with all the mechanisms for precise calculations, 00:09:51.335 --> 00:09:55.235 so we won't pretend to be smarter that those who have 00:09:55.356 --> 00:09:57.649 more information. 00:09:57.770 --> 00:10:02.054 The final estimate of the emergency 00:10:02.195 --> 00:10:05.681 legislation and later the recovery legislation 00:10:05.802 --> 00:10:08.161 will wait until we get them. 00:10:08.282 --> 00:10:12.173 If we think that anything is missing, we'll try to add it 00:10:12.294 --> 00:10:14.467 through parliamentary procedure. 00:10:14.588 --> 00:10:18.581 Did you understand today's meeting as constructive? 00:10:18.728 --> 00:10:22.088 Do you think that the Prime Minister will listen 00:10:22.209 --> 00:10:24.375 to your suggestions? 00:10:27.188 --> 00:10:31.041 The Prime Minister received our suggestions today. 00:10:31.182 --> 00:10:34.267 He leafed through them and said he saw 00:10:34.388 --> 00:10:36.988 many valuable things there. 00:10:37.235 --> 00:10:42.861 I don't believe the government would reject good proposals. 00:10:43.028 --> 00:10:46.648 As mentioned, quite a bit of what we suggested 00:10:46.769 --> 00:10:49.461 was incorporated in the first bill. 00:10:49.602 --> 00:10:52.748 Except perhaps for the Day of Solidarity 00:10:52.869 --> 00:10:56.201 there was no battle for prestige in Parliament, 00:10:56.322 --> 00:11:00.968 I expect this constructive approach to continue. 00:11:02.528 --> 00:11:07.561 And since I just mentioned 00:11:08.534 --> 00:11:13.027 the problem of sources, there's an additional source 00:11:13.148 --> 00:11:17.914 that we feel is available and should be used. 00:11:18.068 --> 00:11:21.882 Those are the EU Cohesion Funds 00:11:22.055 --> 00:11:26.675 in the upcoming seven-year financial perspective. 00:11:26.802 --> 00:11:31.348 The government has reallocated 00:11:31.469 --> 00:11:34.761 a considerable amount of funds 00:11:35.001 --> 00:11:40.261 from so-called hard projects into soft projects, 00:11:40.382 --> 00:11:44.414 from infrastructure 00:11:46.042 --> 00:11:51.108 and buildings for various institutions that we need, 00:11:51.255 --> 00:11:54.948 including healthcare 00:11:55.082 --> 00:11:58.947 and buildings for local government, 00:11:59.068 --> 00:12:04.131 to various studies. I believe that this isn't a priority 00:12:04.252 --> 00:12:07.368 and that it could be an additional source. 00:12:07.489 --> 00:12:11.068 We suggested as part of our range of measures 00:12:11.255 --> 00:12:16.215 that the funds for soft projects be reduced 00:12:16.336 --> 00:12:19.208 and that a part of them be redirected 00:12:19.329 --> 00:12:21.574 to a recovery fund. 00:12:21.688 --> 00:12:24.775 Thank you to Mr. Janša. -Thank you. 00:12:24.915 --> 00:12:29.814 The next to speak is New Slovenia's Jernej Vrtovec. 00:12:41.728 --> 00:12:44.688 Dear members of the media and everyone 00:12:44.809 --> 00:12:48.521 watching this press conference. New Slovenia was happy 00:12:48.655 --> 00:12:51.294 to take part in today's meeting and hear 00:12:51.435 --> 00:12:56.021 the Prime Minister's initiative regarding various suggestions 00:12:56.182 --> 00:12:59.581 for the emergency legislation that will address 00:12:59.702 --> 00:13:01.701 the recovery from the floods. 00:13:01.822 --> 00:13:05.981 New Slovenia studied the proposals and handed them over 00:13:06.102 --> 00:13:11.043 to the Prime Minister and others in the government's team. 00:13:11.988 --> 00:13:15.101 We gathered all the specific suggestions, 00:13:15.228 --> 00:13:19.434 short-term, medium-term, and long-term ones. 00:13:19.548 --> 00:13:26.160 Many of them are the same as the government's suggestions 00:13:26.281 --> 00:13:29.289 that we received today. 00:13:29.408 --> 00:13:32.715 However, I would like to emphasize one thing. 00:13:32.862 --> 00:13:35.854 When such disasters occur, the people know 00:13:35.975 --> 00:13:37.841 how to come together. 00:13:37.962 --> 00:13:40.441 I'm happy that Slovenia's politicians 00:13:40.562 --> 00:13:44.141 also came together in this case, that we're inclusive, 00:13:44.262 --> 00:13:46.821 and that we're listening to each other. 00:13:46.975 --> 00:13:51.461 We'd like to see the same approach toward those on the other side 00:13:51.615 --> 00:13:55.068 not just now, when the cameras are on 00:13:55.189 --> 00:13:58.014 and photographers are still in flood zones. 00:13:58.135 --> 00:14:00.534 Fall and winter are on the way, 00:14:00.662 --> 00:14:04.048 and people will continue to need our help. 00:14:04.195 --> 00:14:09.221 In this entire period, when the very last home, 00:14:09.355 --> 00:14:12.821 stream and road are repaired, 00:14:12.942 --> 00:14:15.781 New Slovenia will play a constructive role, 00:14:15.895 --> 00:14:19.841 in part by presenting positive suggestions 00:14:19.995 --> 00:14:23.641 about how to repair the damage 00:14:23.762 --> 00:14:25.621 from the recent flooding. 00:14:25.788 --> 00:14:29.668 As for the proposals we presented to the Prime Minister, 00:14:29.835 --> 00:14:33.101 I'd like to single out an urgent need, 00:14:33.275 --> 00:14:35.541 which is the repair of streams. 00:14:35.675 --> 00:14:38.921 We need to reinforce all teams, including 00:14:39.075 --> 00:14:41.975 the Infrastructure Development Corporation 00:14:42.122 --> 00:14:46.015 and all construction crews, to ensure that the riverbeds 00:14:46.148 --> 00:14:49.362 are repaired before the fall rain. 00:14:49.488 --> 00:14:53.235 Otherwise, we'll see new floods 00:14:53.356 --> 00:14:57.502 and, God forbid, new disasters, if we don't get riverbeds 00:14:57.623 --> 00:15:00.562 to their previous state, deepen them, 00:15:00.688 --> 00:15:04.381 remove excess silt, rocks, mud, and so on. 00:15:04.555 --> 00:15:09.328 As for physical infrastructure, I believe we have enough 00:15:09.488 --> 00:15:12.928 civil engineers and construction crews 00:15:13.062 --> 00:15:19.061 to address this right away, even before the autumn rain. 00:15:19.215 --> 00:15:22.941 Another important recommendation by New Slovenia 00:15:23.062 --> 00:15:24.681 as a short-term measure 00:15:24.802 --> 00:15:27.214 is the creation of a solidarity fund. 00:15:27.388 --> 00:15:29.328 People need help right away. 00:15:29.462 --> 00:15:32.168 The government is considering the idea. 00:15:32.289 --> 00:15:35.434 We believe this can be an independent fund where 00:15:35.615 --> 00:15:39.475 resources are collected or a fund 00:15:39.596 --> 00:15:42.196 run under the framework of the SID Bank. 00:15:43.128 --> 00:15:46.035 The SID Bank was created with this in mind. 00:15:46.208 --> 00:15:50.207 It's an investment bank owned by the state 00:15:50.328 --> 00:15:53.835 and can be used for this purpose. 00:15:53.982 --> 00:16:00.761 I'm glad that there is a willingness to consider this idea. 00:16:00.888 --> 00:16:03.981 In the short term, we can address the damage 00:16:04.102 --> 00:16:06.381 by changing long-term procedures. 00:16:06.542 --> 00:16:08.828 This can be done soon. 00:16:09.602 --> 00:16:12.168 We have the Public Procurement Act. 00:16:12.322 --> 00:16:14.941 New Slovenia has suggested some changes, 00:16:15.062 --> 00:16:17.868 such as bringing forward appeal deadlines 00:16:18.028 --> 00:16:20.874 and the introduction of direct negotiations. 00:16:21.028 --> 00:16:25.008 The government has again been open to this, 00:16:25.168 --> 00:16:28.021 and I believe the emergency legislation 00:16:28.208 --> 00:16:31.941 will feature these extended procurement deadlines, 00:16:32.095 --> 00:16:35.028 expedited procedures, and the increase 00:16:35.162 --> 00:16:37.101 of some minimums for orders, 00:16:37.222 --> 00:16:40.014 so that it will be passed in the Assembly. 00:16:40.155 --> 00:16:43.174 Another short-term measure comes in the form 00:16:43.302 --> 00:16:47.861 of replacement buildings without planning permits. 00:16:47.968 --> 00:16:51.721 This is a speedy measure, and if we wish to get things 00:16:51.895 --> 00:16:54.354 back to normal, build bridges, 00:16:54.522 --> 00:16:57.588 and repair road infrastructure, 00:16:57.709 --> 00:17:00.754 we need to get replacement buildings in order, 00:17:00.928 --> 00:17:03.768 so that we don't need new planning permits 00:17:03.935 --> 00:17:11.021 where we already had complete and effective planning permits. 00:17:11.182 --> 00:17:15.068 I believe the government will listen to this suggestion 00:17:15.175 --> 00:17:17.995 by New Slovenia. I can say that 00:17:18.108 --> 00:17:20.775 the entire meeting, 00:17:20.896 --> 00:17:25.508 which included the measures suggested by New Slovenia, 00:17:25.629 --> 00:17:27.502 was a good one. 00:17:28.502 --> 00:17:35.495 We proved that we can listen to each other. 00:17:35.648 --> 00:17:38.454 And other important thing for businesses. 00:17:38.602 --> 00:17:42.528 The government is preparing a set of measures. 00:17:42.649 --> 00:17:45.595 New Slovenia is suggesting an additional one: 00:17:45.742 --> 00:17:48.368 interest rate subsidies for the purchase 00:17:48.489 --> 00:17:51.408 of machinery and equipment. Many companies 00:17:51.529 --> 00:17:55.301 in the Savinja Valley and Upper Carniola 00:17:55.422 --> 00:17:58.668 suffered total losses. They lost their machinery. 00:17:58.835 --> 00:18:02.928 Some are big companies, while others are small businesses. 00:18:03.068 --> 00:18:06.541 Many of them made purchases on credit. 00:18:06.682 --> 00:18:10.511 If they wish to preserve jobs and their positions, 00:18:10.698 --> 00:18:13.315 they need momentum right away. 00:18:13.462 --> 00:18:17.221 New Slovenia therefore suggests that we help them 00:18:17.368 --> 00:18:20.768 by subsidizing interest rates, so they can purchase 00:18:20.889 --> 00:18:24.201 new machinery right away and not lose customers. 00:18:24.341 --> 00:18:28.067 Some companies are now ordering the same products 00:18:28.282 --> 00:18:31.495 at higher prices abroad in order to keep 00:18:31.616 --> 00:18:33.695 their customers. 00:18:33.848 --> 00:18:36.941 We suggest that these companies 00:18:37.122 --> 00:18:43.088 receive immediate help through subsidized interest rates. 00:18:43.268 --> 00:18:46.181 Finally, ladies and gentlemen, 00:18:47.115 --> 00:18:51.561 we need to get rid of bureaucratic hurdles 00:18:51.682 --> 00:18:57.888 at this time, so people and public infrastructure 00:18:58.022 --> 00:19:01.981 can be assured immediate reconstruction. 00:19:02.135 --> 00:19:05.055 If we don't get rid of bureaucratic hurdles, 00:19:05.208 --> 00:19:09.588 we'll deal with a long-term recovery from the flooding. 00:19:09.709 --> 00:19:11.342 Thank you. 00:19:11.488 --> 00:19:14.821 Any questions? Metka Majer, POP TV. 00:19:17.215 --> 00:19:20.261 Mr. Vrtovec, you also suggested yesterday 00:19:20.408 --> 00:19:23.861 that a state company on the model of 2TDK be set up. 00:19:24.035 --> 00:19:28.195 Did you discuss or get feedback on that today? 00:19:28.322 --> 00:19:34.135 We talked about that proposal under the framework of DRI. 00:19:34.288 --> 00:19:39.940 I emphasized that DRI, the Infrastructure Development 00:19:40.061 --> 00:19:43.215 Corporation, which employs about 400 people 00:19:43.336 --> 00:19:47.095 and is state-owned, needs to be reinforced and engaged. 00:19:47.275 --> 00:19:51.535 We don't need a new institution but we can gather 00:19:51.682 --> 00:19:55.941 all the experts under the DRI umbrella. 00:19:56.102 --> 00:19:59.154 Government representatives assured me 00:19:59.275 --> 00:20:01.981 that DRI is already in use. 00:20:02.122 --> 00:20:06.581 I'm glad that their capacities and engineers are already available. 00:20:06.721 --> 00:20:10.635 I spent two years working for those people and I can say 00:20:10.756 --> 00:20:14.441 that they're experts and will be up to the challenge. 00:20:15.296 --> 00:20:18.309 Thank you, Mr. Vrtovec. -Thank you. 00:20:18.568 --> 00:20:22.168 The next to speak is the head of the Social Democrats, 00:20:22.289 --> 00:20:24.735 Ms. Tanja Fajon. 00:20:29.182 --> 00:20:34.055 Hello. This was an important meeting. 00:20:34.176 --> 00:20:37.228 It was important because we joined forced with 00:20:37.362 --> 00:20:40.435 the heads of the opposition parties to examine 00:20:40.588 --> 00:20:43.688 our urgent emergency measures. The meeting was 00:20:43.822 --> 00:20:45.861 very constructive in nature. 00:20:46.002 --> 00:20:49.214 We heard the key suggestions from the opposition, 00:20:49.335 --> 00:20:54.855 the government, the coalition, and our parties. 00:20:54.988 --> 00:20:58.921 It's vital that in the weeks ahead, we take advantage 00:20:59.042 --> 00:21:05.161 of the opportunity, unlike after the major flooding of 1990, 00:21:05.308 --> 00:21:11.168 to repair infrastructure and homes and all the damage. 00:21:11.302 --> 00:21:14.308 Today, we talked about these key challenges, 00:21:14.429 --> 00:21:18.902 the need to set up a financial framework in the following few days. 00:21:19.028 --> 00:21:22.695 We know that the damage will be in the billions. 00:21:22.835 --> 00:21:26.468 If the damage is set at €3 billion, the reconstruction 00:21:26.602 --> 00:21:30.628 will cost at least €5 billion. We now have two crucial bills, 00:21:30.749 --> 00:21:33.261 and suggestions by both the opposition 00:21:33.468 --> 00:21:36.861 and the government, including the Social Democrats, 00:21:36.982 --> 00:21:39.908 are largely on the same track. 00:21:40.048 --> 00:21:43.268 The details are a bit different, but the wording 00:21:43.435 --> 00:21:47.495 remains to be finalized next week. The first emergency bill, 00:21:47.616 --> 00:21:50.341 which will go into effect in September, 00:21:50.502 --> 00:21:53.468 is scheduled to be voted on this Thursday, 00:21:53.619 --> 00:21:57.068 but the financial framework, how we'll allocate 00:21:57.228 --> 00:22:01.394 all the available financial resources for the recovery, 00:22:01.548 --> 00:22:05.695 will follow in the days ahead. This will be a major challenge. 00:22:05.848 --> 00:22:09.068 Next week, we'll try to get this part together, 00:22:09.255 --> 00:22:12.101 working with banks and insurance companies, 00:22:12.242 --> 00:22:18.515 while considering all the deadlines for EU funds. 00:22:18.675 --> 00:22:22.895 It's important that we step together and use all the resources 00:22:23.068 --> 00:22:26.054 that are available to the state as well as 00:22:26.175 --> 00:22:28.321 our knowledge and potential. 00:22:28.442 --> 00:22:31.535 We need to do the key thing, namely to ensure 00:22:31.688 --> 00:22:37.248 that those who have lost everything, including companies, 00:22:37.382 --> 00:22:42.548 are helped first and that our measures 00:22:42.768 --> 00:22:46.135 help those affected by the flooding. 00:22:46.275 --> 00:22:51.155 Finally, the decision to declare in the emergency bill 00:22:51.308 --> 00:22:55.588 the second Saturday of every month a Solidarity Saturday, 00:22:55.728 --> 00:23:00.321 similar to what he had in 1990, when we worked two Saturdays 00:23:00.475 --> 00:23:05.265 a month, a day when companies set aside all profit 00:23:05.475 --> 00:23:11.248 into a recovery fund that this legislation will reinstate. 00:23:11.382 --> 00:23:14.075 I believe that this is a positive gesture 00:23:14.196 --> 00:23:18.215 that will be a welcome step in helping to collect funding. 00:23:18.336 --> 00:23:22.601 Because the Bled Strategic Forum is taking place in late August, 00:23:22.722 --> 00:23:26.348 with the participation of almost 3000 people, 00:23:26.469 --> 00:23:29.655 which exceeds our expectations, 00:23:29.829 --> 00:23:33.875 we'll give the event a humanitarian note. 00:23:34.015 --> 00:23:37.961 We'll use the funds collected at the event itself 00:23:38.095 --> 00:23:43.974 to aid with the recovery and contribute to the fund. 00:23:44.148 --> 00:23:47.555 The Social Democrats have worked with mayors, 00:23:47.715 --> 00:23:53.435 field crews, and everyone else who was actively involved, 00:23:53.588 --> 00:23:56.261 to create our own range of measures. 00:23:56.382 --> 00:23:59.168 Most of the measures are in the same vein. 00:23:59.289 --> 00:24:02.575 We took them into consideration and the government 00:24:02.696 --> 00:24:06.295 is continuing to work hard. -Thank you. Any questions? 00:24:06.416 --> 00:24:08.815 If not, then thank you to Ms. Fajon. 00:24:08.988 --> 00:24:12.755 I now invite the Coordinator of the Left, Mr. Luka Mesec, 00:24:12.876 --> 00:24:14.641 to take the floor. 00:24:20.455 --> 00:24:22.368 Hello. 00:24:23.735 --> 00:24:27.235 I'd also like to applaud the constructive approach 00:24:27.382 --> 00:24:30.114 of the opposition at today's meeting. 00:24:30.282 --> 00:24:33.354 We analyzed the government's measures 00:24:33.515 --> 00:24:37.461 and listened to what the opposition parties, NSi and SDS, 00:24:37.608 --> 00:24:40.028 had to add to all of this. 00:24:40.148 --> 00:24:45.042 More or less, we stopped at the question of funding, 00:24:45.201 --> 00:24:51.581 EU funds, the establishment of fund, and how we can all 00:24:51.735 --> 00:24:56.555 provide help as quickly as possible to areas affected by the flooding, 00:24:56.748 --> 00:25:01.594 so they can recover and that their people can again live normal lives, 00:25:01.728 --> 00:25:04.675 and that companies begin to operate normally, 00:25:04.842 --> 00:25:07.508 so people don't lose their jobs. 00:25:08.615 --> 00:25:11.334 After today's meeting, I believe 00:25:11.502 --> 00:25:13.788 we're on the same side, 00:25:13.948 --> 00:25:18.995 we all want to help in a time of crisis. 00:25:19.148 --> 00:25:24.115 I can only wish that such a constructive dialog 00:25:24.275 --> 00:25:26.708 continues not just during the crisis, 00:25:26.888 --> 00:25:29.948 but also when we tackle other topics, 00:25:30.069 --> 00:25:34.168 not just floods or other emergencies. 00:25:34.302 --> 00:25:39.148 It would be nice to see if we all learned to cooperate 00:25:39.335 --> 00:25:43.521 in the same spirit as during this catastrophe. 00:25:43.635 --> 00:25:46.061 That's it for now. -Any questions? 00:25:46.222 --> 00:25:48.808 We have a question. 00:25:48.942 --> 00:25:50.622 Metka Majer, go ahead. 00:25:50.748 --> 00:25:53.748 Regarding this constructive approach, 00:25:53.882 --> 00:25:57.461 we're seeing comparisons with the Covid era 00:25:57.582 --> 00:26:02.602 and accusations from the Right that you weren't that constructive 00:26:02.748 --> 00:26:05.548 when you were the opposition. 00:26:05.688 --> 00:26:10.001 Did the opposition overtake you in this regard? 00:26:10.475 --> 00:26:13.461 Back then, we began very constructively. 00:26:13.615 --> 00:26:21.382 It turned out, as reported by Ivan Gale, 00:26:21.715 --> 00:26:26.775 that things were happening that shouldn't have happened. 00:26:26.902 --> 00:26:30.428 The opposition became far more pointed in tone. 00:26:30.582 --> 00:26:34.893 With things such as unacceptable attacks on the media, 00:26:35.014 --> 00:26:41.532 freedom, and constitutional rights began to happen, 00:26:41.702 --> 00:26:45.621 we in the opposition spoke up. 00:26:45.728 --> 00:26:50.261 This government will not misuse the crisis to settle scores 00:26:50.408 --> 00:26:54.462 with the media or to limit constitutional rights. 00:26:55.188 --> 00:26:58.308 We won't give the opposition any reasons 00:26:58.462 --> 00:27:01.721 for a different approach. 00:27:01.922 --> 00:27:05.988 The government must lead by example 00:27:06.148 --> 00:27:09.228 and show how to handle a crisis constructively. 00:27:09.348 --> 00:27:13.048 I believe that this government has demonstrated this 00:27:13.228 --> 00:27:17.195 over the past two weeks, and I'm also glad 00:27:17.335 --> 00:27:20.601 that the opposition understands this. 00:27:20.742 --> 00:27:23.055 Thank you. 00:27:23.408 --> 00:27:26.148 The last to speak is the Vice President 00:27:26.315 --> 00:27:30.421 of the Freedom Movement, Mr. Matej Arčon. 00:27:35.482 --> 00:27:40.375 Hello on my behalf. Just as the citizens of Slovenia 00:27:40.496 --> 00:27:43.707 managed to step together and help those affected 00:27:43.828 --> 00:27:47.656 in the flooding, it seems important and responsible 00:27:47.808 --> 00:27:52.321 that Slovenia's politicians step together and show unity. 00:27:52.442 --> 00:27:55.608 The Freedom Movement considers it very important 00:27:55.775 --> 00:27:59.075 that we'll divide these measures into two phases, 00:27:59.242 --> 00:28:03.414 an emergency phase and a recovery phase for the reconstruction. 00:28:03.535 --> 00:28:06.675 The most important thing is that these measures 00:28:06.796 --> 00:28:10.188 are prompt and effective, that the affected people 00:28:10.309 --> 00:28:13.607 receive monetary assistance as soon as possible, 00:28:13.728 --> 00:28:17.748 that we help municipalities, which will play a major role 00:28:17.908 --> 00:28:20.821 with prepayments, to coordinate 00:28:20.942 --> 00:28:24.027 and carry our the repairs working together 00:28:24.148 --> 00:28:26.881 with various humanitarian organizations, 00:28:27.042 --> 00:28:29.681 that we set aside all homes available 00:28:29.842 --> 00:28:35.414 through the Housing Fund so we can quickly overcome 00:28:35.535 --> 00:28:38.055 the housing crisis, 00:28:38.235 --> 00:28:43.581 and that we prepare for Phase 2. 00:28:43.735 --> 00:28:47.815 The Freedom Movement's caucus is preparing 00:28:47.936 --> 00:28:51.528 additional measures, such as the issue of bonds. 00:28:51.662 --> 00:28:55.321 We realize that a lot of money that people have 00:28:55.468 --> 00:28:58.501 in their accounts could, with a more favorable 00:28:58.668 --> 00:29:01.741 interest rate, could be used for contributions 00:29:01.902 --> 00:29:05.108 into the joint fund that will be set up. 00:29:05.248 --> 00:29:08.595 The most important thing is that we step together, 00:29:08.716 --> 00:29:11.768 that we move quickly, that we're effective, 00:29:11.889 --> 00:29:16.793 and that we provide the appropriate social and psychological 00:29:16.914 --> 00:29:19.575 support to everyone affected right away. 00:29:19.722 --> 00:29:25.881 We'll also introduce working Saturdays, as mentioned, 00:29:26.002 --> 00:29:30.255 when businesses will be able to contribute 00:29:30.442 --> 00:29:33.955 its share of the profit to this fund. 00:29:34.115 --> 00:29:37.421 Thank you, Mr. Arčon. Any questions? 00:29:38.035 --> 00:29:41.475 Anyone else? -No, Metka Majer will ask the majority 00:29:41.596 --> 00:29:44.168 of the questions today. 00:29:44.855 --> 00:29:47.341 You mentioned bonds. 00:29:47.528 --> 00:29:52.655 Can you describe how citizens... -This is still in the idea phase. 00:29:52.802 --> 00:29:55.988 It will be introduced next week. We need to look 00:29:56.122 --> 00:29:59.081 at the legal basis, if this idea is possible. 00:29:59.268 --> 00:30:02.795 We, the citizens, have several billion euros saved, 00:30:02.942 --> 00:30:07.335 so the idea is to spur them to invest in bonds 00:30:07.456 --> 00:30:11.495 using a more favorable interest rate than offered by banks. 00:30:11.682 --> 00:30:14.428 Regarding the Solidarity Saturdays, 00:30:14.582 --> 00:30:18.088 will they be included in this proposal? 00:30:18.361 --> 00:30:24.121 Yes, employers will be free to designate the second Saturday 00:30:24.242 --> 00:30:27.969 of every month as a working Saturday, 00:30:28.090 --> 00:30:34.616 and donate that day's profit to the fund we're setting up. 00:30:35.088 --> 00:30:39.528 Thank you to Mr. Arčon and all today's speakers 00:30:39.680 --> 00:30:42.133 and representatives of the media. 00:30:42.253 --> 00:30:44.706 Have a nice day. Goodbye.