WEBVTT 00:00:00.343 --> 00:00:03.148 Greetings. Welcome to today's statement, 00:00:03.269 --> 00:00:07.359 where the situation with floods and landslides in Slovenia 00:00:07.480 --> 00:00:10.734 will be presented by meteorologist Blaž Šter, 00:00:10.855 --> 00:00:12.712 hydrologist Janez Polajnar, 00:00:12.833 --> 00:00:16.258 the director of the Water Agency Neža Kodre, 00:00:16.379 --> 00:00:20.093 and the commander of Civil Protection, Srečko Šestan. 00:00:20.214 --> 00:00:24.054 I would like to invite our first speaker to the podium. 00:00:25.234 --> 00:00:26.914 Go ahead, Mr. Šter. 00:00:30.719 --> 00:00:32.539 Greetings. 00:00:32.683 --> 00:00:36.937 Worsening conditions are now drawing to a close. 00:00:37.180 --> 00:00:41.097 The clouds are clearing up, but we are expecting 00:00:41.218 --> 00:00:44.531 another weather disturbance in the afternoon. 00:00:44.734 --> 00:00:51.133 A storm line will form that will first cover the northwest 00:00:51.314 --> 00:00:55.111 and then move toward the southeast. 00:00:55.947 --> 00:01:00.689 This storm line could be accompanied by strong gusts of wind 00:01:00.907 --> 00:01:05.800 and short showers, and tiny hail in Primorska. 00:01:06.031 --> 00:01:12.336 Such a storm line would not be unusual in a normal summer, 00:01:12.500 --> 00:01:20.102 but in this current situation it can also cause some problems. 00:01:20.445 --> 00:01:24.445 There will be a strong north wind at the seaside, 00:01:24.610 --> 00:01:29.492 but it will only last for about an hour or two 00:01:29.766 --> 00:01:32.998 and it will quickly abate toward the evening. 00:01:33.577 --> 00:01:39.163 We are expecting significantly milder weather in the coming days, 00:01:39.358 --> 00:01:43.400 perhaps some storms tomorrow. It will be fairly cold, 00:01:43.521 --> 00:01:47.303 temperatures will rise in the second half of the week, 00:01:47.424 --> 00:01:51.889 but we expect no major rain at least until the end of the week. 00:01:52.538 --> 00:01:56.467 Thank you, Mr. Šter. Are there any questions? Marta? 00:01:58.170 --> 00:02:01.647 What does this mean for the flooded areas? 00:02:02.561 --> 00:02:08.393 We can expect 20 or rather 10 to 30 mm of rain. 00:02:08.514 --> 00:02:12.265 Hydrologist Janez Polajnar will tell you more. 00:02:12.699 --> 00:02:16.972 Thank you. Mr. Janez Polajnar, go ahead. 00:02:21.339 --> 00:02:22.777 Greetings. 00:02:22.898 --> 00:02:28.855 As predicted, the centre of the flooding has moved to Pomurje, 00:02:29.129 --> 00:02:30.738 along the river Mura, 00:02:30.859 --> 00:02:34.371 which began rising further in the morning 00:02:34.492 --> 00:02:38.148 and at Gornja Radgona we are recording 00:02:38.269 --> 00:02:46.221 record-high water flow of the river Mura, 1450 m3/s. 00:02:46.531 --> 00:02:52.273 The Mura's water flow came naturally from Austria due to the rain. 00:02:52.539 --> 00:02:57.211 We are in contact with Austrian and Steiermark services, 00:02:57.429 --> 00:03:02.164 who assure us that their hydroelectric power stations 00:03:02.285 --> 00:03:09.460 did not cause the increased water flow in Slovenia. 00:03:09.581 --> 00:03:16.725 We are expecting this water to run across Slovenia within 24 hours, 00:03:17.953 --> 00:03:22.480 including across the damaged part of the levee. 00:03:22.601 --> 00:03:27.518 The director of the Water Agency will say more on this. 00:03:28.663 --> 00:03:35.420 But there are areas that are still flooded. 00:03:35.571 --> 00:03:39.485 especially at the junction of the Sava and Krka rivers. 00:03:39.633 --> 00:03:44.789 The Sava still has a high water flow, about 2500 m3/s. 00:03:45.071 --> 00:03:49.360 It is diminishing, but this is a very high water flow, 00:03:49.481 --> 00:03:55.750 while Krka has settled at approximately 280 m3/s, 00:03:55.871 --> 00:03:59.141 which is not an extremely high water flow, 00:03:59.262 --> 00:04:03.262 but because of the damming effect at the junction 00:04:03.383 --> 00:04:05.696 due to the Sava being so high, 00:04:05.817 --> 00:04:09.104 the outflow of the Krka into the Sava is slower 00:04:09.225 --> 00:04:12.563 and flooding there is still ongoing. 00:04:12.866 --> 00:04:16.340 Thankfully rivers elsewhere are declining 00:04:16.670 --> 00:04:19.003 and returning to their beds. 00:04:19.803 --> 00:04:26.452 We are expecting storms to pass over us in the next few hours 00:04:27.060 --> 00:04:32.216 and because of the vulnerability of the terrain due to recent floods 00:04:32.337 --> 00:04:36.483 we are expecting rainwater to stagnate in multiple areas, 00:04:36.604 --> 00:04:39.554 even in areas where this is not usual. 00:04:39.780 --> 00:04:44.360 Smaller torrents may also appear quickly 00:04:44.905 --> 00:04:51.764 in all of the areas affected by floods in the past days, 00:04:51.885 --> 00:04:56.865 Gorenjska, Koroška, Central Slovenia, around Ljubljana, 00:04:56.986 --> 00:05:01.046 Pomurje and toward the evening Dolenjska as well. 00:05:01.372 --> 00:05:03.122 Thank you. -Thank you. 00:05:03.310 --> 00:05:07.477 Director of the Water Agency, Neža Kodre, go ahead. 00:05:10.895 --> 00:05:18.895 Greetings from me as well. The Slovenian Water Agency 00:05:19.521 --> 00:05:24.099 and out water management public services 00:05:24.747 --> 00:05:29.638 are still in full activation and in the field. 00:05:31.591 --> 00:05:35.411 Even though watercourses are settling, 00:05:36.252 --> 00:05:41.510 we still needed intervention measures 00:05:41.631 --> 00:05:43.878 to increase river flow. 00:05:44.166 --> 00:05:47.500 All of these areas are experiencing landslides, 00:05:47.621 --> 00:05:50.120 which require intervention measures. 00:05:50.972 --> 00:05:56.924 At the same time, the lower stream of the Sava rose during the night, 00:05:57.045 --> 00:06:00.510 which caused some flooding, 00:06:00.725 --> 00:06:04.420 and intervention measures were needed there as well. 00:06:05.366 --> 00:06:13.249 The levees along the Mura river were the most critical, 00:06:14.171 --> 00:06:20.400 a good 10 metre section of the levee broke. 00:06:21.601 --> 00:06:28.038 Despite all predictions by experts and others, 00:06:28.159 --> 00:06:34.054 the Water Agency and the public services 00:06:34.374 --> 00:06:38.120 fought with this part of the levee all night, 00:06:38.241 --> 00:06:41.296 carried sandbags and materials, 00:06:41.417 --> 00:06:46.007 and with the help of the army and their helicopter 00:06:46.128 --> 00:06:50.443 managed to successfully repair the levee. 00:06:50.810 --> 00:06:56.396 The levees on the Mura are currently functioning. 00:06:58.646 --> 00:07:05.960 We also increased control along the Mura levees, 00:07:06.341 --> 00:07:11.255 where the levees are a little lower or missing. 00:07:11.574 --> 00:07:17.261 We are also actively cooperating with the Civil Protection 00:07:17.382 --> 00:07:21.347 regarding measures and operations in this field. 00:07:22.018 --> 00:07:26.275 As said, the Mura will remain high in this area. 00:07:26.564 --> 00:07:33.020 It will keep rising for two hours, and, as Mr. Polajnar said, 00:07:33.141 --> 00:07:36.725 we then expect it to stay high for 12 hours 00:07:36.985 --> 00:07:40.946 and then very slowly begin to diminish. 00:07:41.258 --> 00:07:45.571 We expect 48 more hours of activity on the Mura 00:07:47.265 --> 00:07:51.133 and we hope we keep being as successful. 00:07:51.858 --> 00:07:53.775 That is all, thank you. 00:07:54.061 --> 00:07:56.896 Mr. Srečko Šestan will now come on. 00:07:57.017 --> 00:07:59.731 He will also tell you how you can help. 00:07:59.852 --> 00:08:02.356 Tomorrow a special app will launch 00:08:02.477 --> 00:08:06.497 with all the information on the aid you wish to offer. 00:08:06.786 --> 00:08:10.925 You can also view up-to-date information on gov.si/poplave, 00:08:11.046 --> 00:08:12.702 as well as instructions 00:08:12.823 --> 00:08:17.585 on how to act in case of floods or landslides. Go ahead, Mr. Šestan. 00:08:19.761 --> 00:08:21.121 Thank you. 00:08:21.242 --> 00:08:25.826 I will first add to the information that Petra provided 00:08:25.972 --> 00:08:30.472 regarding offering help in the form of physical labour, 00:08:30.593 --> 00:08:32.843 machinery and other options. 00:08:34.264 --> 00:08:36.014 We assigned this task 00:08:36.135 --> 00:08:39.701 to the regional command of Notranjska and the Coast 00:08:39.822 --> 00:08:45.810 in order to relieve the workers that are working here. 00:08:46.178 --> 00:08:49.209 A special app will launch tomorrow 00:08:49.330 --> 00:08:52.580 in which everyone will be able to choose 00:08:52.701 --> 00:08:58.000 from a list of items or activities that they wish to offer. 00:08:58.270 --> 00:09:01.020 Through this app we will also have 00:09:01.141 --> 00:09:05.920 a direct link to those in the field that require aid. 00:09:06.041 --> 00:09:12.098 This will be managed by the members of the two aforementioned regions 00:09:12.356 --> 00:09:17.668 in order to relieve the workers in Ljubljana and elsewhere. 00:09:17.996 --> 00:09:22.989 I have some news. Some are bad, some are thankfully good. 00:09:23.481 --> 00:09:25.814 I will point out two regions 00:09:25.935 --> 00:09:29.239 and touch on the third that Neža mentioned. 00:09:29.520 --> 00:09:33.437 The two regions that are critically inaccessible 00:09:33.558 --> 00:09:36.426 are Koroška and the Upper Savinja Valley. 00:09:37.442 --> 00:09:43.543 In Koroška, the attempt to break through to Črna 00:09:44.512 --> 00:09:46.489 has failed. 00:09:46.645 --> 00:09:53.160 We are still looking for a way to get to Koroška by land. 00:09:54.379 --> 00:09:58.731 We will find one. We have to, otherwise we will make one. 00:09:59.106 --> 00:10:02.160 Of course, air transport works. 00:10:02.543 --> 00:10:06.293 We still have six helicopters available to us, 00:10:06.414 --> 00:10:09.330 three each from the army and the police. 00:10:09.451 --> 00:10:14.600 Urgent transport is being carried out that way. 00:10:18.674 --> 00:10:23.611 Despite some saying otherwise, mobile phones in the area do work. 00:10:23.861 --> 00:10:27.320 This may have nothing to do with us, 00:10:27.596 --> 00:10:32.500 but it means a lot to those affected. 00:10:32.814 --> 00:10:34.680 Communication works. 00:10:34.963 --> 00:10:38.560 We also reinforced our office in Koroška 00:10:38.729 --> 00:10:41.900 with people from other regions, 00:10:42.119 --> 00:10:47.262 so we have a special officer in Koroška for the Črna area 00:10:47.383 --> 00:10:50.383 with whom we are in constant contact 00:10:50.504 --> 00:10:57.940 so we can act the moment we open up a land route. 00:10:58.203 --> 00:11:01.370 We did get some people there yesterday, 00:11:01.491 --> 00:11:07.555 we moved a number of soldiers and some equipment there, 00:11:07.676 --> 00:11:12.453 but we all know that this is too little for that area. 00:11:13.024 --> 00:11:17.996 In the Upper Savinja Valley, we are assured and we hope 00:11:18.117 --> 00:11:21.617 that the road to Luče will be cleared today 00:11:21.738 --> 00:11:26.420 and we will have a route to the upper part of the Savinja Valley. 00:11:26.857 --> 00:11:30.941 Plumbing in Mozirje, Nazarje and Rečica ob Savinji 00:11:31.062 --> 00:11:36.279 is also being fixed. I am certain they will succeed. 00:11:36.498 --> 00:11:43.514 We are still sending generators and everything else where it is needed. 00:11:43.764 --> 00:11:49.037 Mostly still by air, but it is getting there. 00:11:49.474 --> 00:11:53.474 Now, to touch on the subject that Neža talked about, 00:11:53.639 --> 00:11:59.279 the levees on the Mura. Late last night, at 11 p.m., 00:11:59.568 --> 00:12:03.912 we tried to help with the army's helicopters. 00:12:04.033 --> 00:12:08.400 They even provided two cooks, but we were unable to send them in. 00:12:08.521 --> 00:12:10.689 We waited until the morning 00:12:10.810 --> 00:12:14.060 and one of the helicopters came to help, 00:12:14.181 --> 00:12:17.066 while the other got another assignment. 00:12:17.254 --> 00:12:19.337 We did have a few problems 00:12:19.605 --> 00:12:26.050 because the concrete blocks that they had there were too heavy. 00:12:26.191 --> 00:12:30.605 But they quickly found lighter concrete blocks 00:12:30.726 --> 00:12:36.293 and the helicopter was able to put them in place 00:12:36.414 --> 00:12:41.957 and fill up the spaces with additional sandbags. 00:12:42.078 --> 00:12:46.683 The leak was therefore at least temporarily fixed. 00:12:46.804 --> 00:12:52.960 We also preventively evacuated three villages in the area, 00:12:53.081 --> 00:12:56.440 Dolnja Bistrica, Hotiza and Kot. 00:12:56.723 --> 00:13:03.777 In three villages downriver we made preparations for an evacuation, 00:13:04.090 --> 00:13:07.757 meaning people were at home, but on stand-by, 00:13:07.878 --> 00:13:10.840 in Gaberje, Benica and Petanjci. 00:13:11.238 --> 00:13:16.082 I mean the evacuation of the parts between the road and the Mura, 00:13:16.203 --> 00:13:18.504 not the entire villages. 00:13:18.965 --> 00:13:22.973 We did one more thing after our meeting at 10 a.m., 00:13:23.176 --> 00:13:31.043 we prepared an outline for a request for international aid. 00:13:31.723 --> 00:13:34.925 This went to the office of the Prime Minister. 00:13:35.046 --> 00:13:40.920 We proposed two options. We asked for helicopters, 00:13:41.644 --> 00:13:47.348 and we will ask for infantry in inter-army communication. 00:13:48.277 --> 00:13:53.926 We will also ask for machinery and prefabricated bridges. 00:13:54.098 --> 00:13:59.372 This will go through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. 00:13:59.622 --> 00:14:03.039 If the response does not meet expectations 00:14:03.160 --> 00:14:07.067 we will go through bilateral agreements. 00:14:07.762 --> 00:14:13.622 I am sure we will receive this equipment shortly. 00:14:13.743 --> 00:14:21.036 Of course, we also asked for engineers along with the equipment 00:14:21.322 --> 00:14:26.689 because we do not know how to operate this machinery. 00:14:27.077 --> 00:14:28.677 Thank you. 00:14:30.429 --> 00:14:37.889 For everyone who wishes to offer physical help, 00:14:38.010 --> 00:14:40.094 do not go into the field, 00:14:40.215 --> 00:14:45.715 the conditions are not good enough to help people in the field yet. 00:14:45.836 --> 00:14:50.560 It is sunny in Ljubljana, but we are expecting another storm. 00:14:50.681 --> 00:14:55.651 Conditions are not good enough to go help immediately as volunteers. 00:14:55.772 --> 00:14:58.272 Let's move on to the questions. 00:15:01.903 --> 00:15:09.434 Mr. Šestan, regarding the workers that Petra just mentioned, 00:15:09.770 --> 00:15:17.120 what sort of physical labour will you require? 00:15:17.481 --> 00:15:23.512 You can see yourselves that the scale of this event is very big. 00:15:23.723 --> 00:15:27.481 I am certain we will require many people 00:15:27.602 --> 00:15:33.270 who will be able to help perform simple jobs. 00:15:33.551 --> 00:15:38.215 We do not expect any specialists, 00:15:38.410 --> 00:15:41.512 we will find specialists ourselves. 00:15:41.633 --> 00:15:46.504 Some specialists may even volunteer this way. 00:15:46.746 --> 00:15:51.356 I cannot say that we will use everyone who offers help, 00:15:51.567 --> 00:15:54.734 but this app and database will allow us 00:15:54.855 --> 00:16:00.189 to perhaps call someone in 10 days and ask if they can come help. 00:16:00.531 --> 00:16:02.781 We will know more tomorrow. 00:16:02.902 --> 00:16:10.674 I think it will help us enormously. -Will transportation be organised? 00:16:10.795 --> 00:16:16.096 People will also specify in the app whether they need transportation. 00:16:16.287 --> 00:16:22.100 We hope that everyone who would like to help 00:16:22.221 --> 00:16:26.834 will be self-sufficient for at least that one day. 00:16:27.096 --> 00:16:31.284 If we, for instance, send 300 people to Črna, 00:16:31.455 --> 00:16:37.541 we cannot ask that they cook lunch for those 300 people in Črna. 00:16:38.103 --> 00:16:43.182 There will also be a special press conference tomorrow 00:16:43.346 --> 00:16:51.180 with Sandi Curk, who will explain how to use the app. -Yes. 00:16:51.376 --> 00:16:53.587 Today we are only announcing it. 00:16:53.708 --> 00:16:58.496 Some say that certain emails do not work. We also have a lot of work 00:16:58.617 --> 00:17:01.456 and we are asking for your understanding. 00:17:01.577 --> 00:17:05.744 We will present the app tomorrow, when it launches. 00:17:06.324 --> 00:17:08.658 Thank you. One more question, 00:17:08.779 --> 00:17:12.476 The mayor of Dravograd wrote a public letter 00:17:12.597 --> 00:17:18.371 asking employers to allow their workers to restore their homes. 00:17:18.492 --> 00:17:20.440 What does this mean? 00:17:21.871 --> 00:17:26.871 You will have to ask him. I do not know what you or he meant. 00:17:27.402 --> 00:17:31.691 It means that they will not go to work until restorations are done. 00:17:31.812 --> 00:17:34.105 Don't ask me this, please. 00:17:38.668 --> 00:17:40.348 Any other questions, 00:17:40.469 --> 00:17:44.512 seeing as only Marta Razboršek from RTV is here with us? 00:17:45.375 --> 00:17:50.160 No? Thank you all. We will keep you updated. 00:17:50.281 --> 00:17:53.437 Thank you for understanding, have a nice day.