WEBVTT 00:00:01.292 --> 00:00:04.213 Hello and welcome to the press conference 00:00:04.334 --> 00:00:08.526 in the wake of the extraordinary 61th meeting of the government 00:00:08.687 --> 00:00:13.340 devoted to the flooding in Slovenia. I invite Civil Defense Commander 00:00:13.485 --> 00:00:17.385 Srečko Seštan and the Acting Director of the Administration 00:00:17.506 --> 00:00:21.780 Civil Protection and Disaster Relief Leon Behin to take the floor 00:00:21.894 --> 00:00:28.020 and share the latest information. Environment Minister Uroš Brežan 00:00:28.141 --> 00:00:33.113 will introduce the legislative changes approved by the government. 00:00:33.240 --> 00:00:38.587 European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič will talk about 00:00:38.747 --> 00:00:42.686 Slovenia's chances of obtaining EU funds for flood damage. 00:00:43.453 --> 00:00:47.113 Unfortunately, police have confirmed that the floods 00:00:47.280 --> 00:00:50.560 claimed the fourth fatality today, an older male 00:00:50.681 --> 00:00:54.713 who lived by the Sava river. People are still being warned 00:00:54.854 --> 00:00:59.185 to obey road closures and instructions from first responders, 00:00:59.306 --> 00:01:02.053 to stay home and away from affected areas. 00:01:02.174 --> 00:01:05.814 Take care of your safety. Property comes second. 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:10.720 If you need first aid, dial 112 or 113. 00:01:10.887 --> 00:01:14.842 I now invite the representative of Civil Defense to speak. 00:01:17.067 --> 00:01:19.313 Hel... 00:01:20.260 --> 00:01:24.952 Hello. I would like to emphasize two things. 00:01:25.073 --> 00:01:29.086 First, the government and the relevant ministries 00:01:29.247 --> 00:01:35.200 considered the proposal that we allow stores to open 00:01:35.387 --> 00:01:38.786 on Sundays and holidays, primarily to facilitate 00:01:38.947 --> 00:01:43.300 urgent repairs, so people will be able 00:01:43.447 --> 00:01:48.600 to purchase various products there. We determined 00:01:48.721 --> 00:01:52.732 that we could only do that with an order from the Commander 00:01:52.853 --> 00:01:55.480 for the duration of the emergency. 00:01:55.653 --> 00:01:59.060 In less than an hour, this order will be given 00:01:59.220 --> 00:02:06.266 and will allow stores selling groceries, technology, 00:02:06.467 --> 00:02:10.627 or children's goods to remain open regardless 00:02:10.760 --> 00:02:15.293 of provisions in the Trade Act, including on Saturdays and holidays. 00:02:15.440 --> 00:02:21.540 Second, the government has decided 00:02:21.661 --> 00:02:26.367 that all communication from the ministries 00:02:26.500 --> 00:02:32.747 and anyone else who wants to help in this emergency, 00:02:32.954 --> 00:02:38.546 is carried out via the following email address: 00:02:38.693 --> 00:02:41.766 podpora@urszr.si 00:02:41.927 --> 00:02:46.066 We'll also set up a new domain that will be easier to use. 00:02:46.214 --> 00:02:50.226 I believe address will be: poplave@gov.si 00:02:50.354 --> 00:02:54.813 We'll notify the public and the ministries 00:02:54.934 --> 00:02:59.117 about these addresses. We would like our campaigns 00:02:59.280 --> 00:03:03.286 as well as help from NGOs and individuals 00:03:03.407 --> 00:03:06.892 to be conducted through a single support channel, 00:03:07.013 --> 00:03:11.687 through which all of these offers of assistance 00:03:11.820 --> 00:03:14.686 will be evaluated. When we find ourselves 00:03:14.867 --> 00:03:17.726 in a situation to take advantage of them, 00:03:17.867 --> 00:03:20.926 we'll do just that. -You'll be able to find 00:03:21.047 --> 00:03:23.026 everything on gov.si. 00:03:23.193 --> 00:03:26.840 Joining us with the latest about the situation 00:03:26.987 --> 00:03:31.166 in Črna na Koroškem, a town the Armed Forces were able to reach 00:03:31.286 --> 00:03:33.459 during the meeting, is Mr. Behin. 00:03:33.587 --> 00:03:39.620 Hello. The hardest to reach areas in Slovenia 00:03:39.733 --> 00:03:43.066 are in the Upper Savinja Valley and Carinthia. 00:03:43.200 --> 00:03:49.493 Whereas we have been able to reach the Upper Savinja Valley 00:03:49.647 --> 00:03:52.960 and establish communication with Solčava, 00:03:53.120 --> 00:04:00.073 in part with our own IT equipment, 00:04:00.233 --> 00:04:05.106 access to the Carinthian municipalities remains limited, 00:04:05.254 --> 00:04:07.706 notably the municipality of Črna, 00:04:07.847 --> 00:04:14.487 where all three road links, including the main artery 00:04:14.608 --> 00:04:16.847 to Austria, are impassable. 00:04:16.980 --> 00:04:19.453 However, our first units were able, 00:04:19.574 --> 00:04:23.479 with the support of the Armed Forces, to make their way 00:04:23.653 --> 00:04:27.820 to the town itself and to set up a ground link, 00:04:27.941 --> 00:04:32.580 and we're now establishing communication channels 00:04:32.767 --> 00:04:39.133 solely for emergency units and supply lines. 00:04:39.287 --> 00:04:42.460 This is difficult terrain and is accessible only 00:04:42.581 --> 00:04:45.901 with special vehicles, but they can be reinforced. 00:04:46.093 --> 00:04:53.593 With the support of airborne military and police units, 00:04:53.714 --> 00:04:57.851 we also delivered the first supplies 00:04:57.972 --> 00:05:01.606 of food and water to Črna na Koroškem. 00:05:01.727 --> 00:05:05.213 At the same time, much-needed fuel supplies 00:05:05.334 --> 00:05:07.134 were also sent to the town. 00:05:07.255 --> 00:05:11.233 It will be used for generators, repeater stations, 00:05:11.354 --> 00:05:17.360 and some private purposes, enabling communication links 00:05:17.481 --> 00:05:21.273 and the functioning of systems necessary 00:05:21.394 --> 00:05:24.353 to ensure somewhat normal living conditions. 00:05:24.480 --> 00:05:27.893 All of this indicates 00:05:28.073 --> 00:05:31.953 that while conditions will remain difficult in Črna, 00:05:32.107 --> 00:05:35.900 they are improving, at least in terms of access 00:05:36.021 --> 00:05:42.534 and necessities such as food, fuel, and water. 00:05:42.700 --> 00:05:46.666 At the moment, helicopters are being readied 00:05:46.840 --> 00:05:53.286 for the evacuation of some people in the area of Črna. 00:05:53.427 --> 00:05:58.073 This is now possible because we have a better view of the situation. 00:05:58.207 --> 00:06:01.793 Some buildings are no longer habitable, 00:06:01.927 --> 00:06:06.913 so we need to evacuate those people and move them 00:06:07.113 --> 00:06:13.526 outside the municipality to more suitable areas. 00:06:13.674 --> 00:06:18.500 We don't have any reports about injuries 00:06:18.621 --> 00:06:20.221 or anything similar. 00:06:20.333 --> 00:06:23.273 This is only about ensuring safe habitation 00:06:23.407 --> 00:06:26.106 and future activities. 00:06:26.280 --> 00:06:29.613 We're also seeing problems with access to Prevalje 00:06:29.787 --> 00:06:31.613 and other municipalities, 00:06:31.734 --> 00:06:35.047 but the situation there is improving by the hour. 00:06:35.207 --> 00:06:39.933 Access to food is always a problem, 00:06:40.100 --> 00:06:43.507 and we're currently collecting them 00:06:43.660 --> 00:06:50.313 to improve the situation in stores and normalize 00:06:50.580 --> 00:06:54.186 the supply chain in the affected areas. 00:06:54.340 --> 00:06:58.191 Finally, there's the Savinja Valley. 00:06:58.312 --> 00:07:06.246 We're seeing a moderate decline of the water level there. 00:07:06.380 --> 00:07:11.806 Our crews are inspecting bridges and communication lines. 00:07:11.960 --> 00:07:15.946 Some new connections have been set up, 00:07:16.153 --> 00:07:19.506 and at least the central part of the Savinja Valley 00:07:19.614 --> 00:07:21.986 is now normally accessible, 00:07:22.227 --> 00:07:25.640 but access to the northern part is very difficult 00:07:25.761 --> 00:07:30.327 or impossible, but with the establishment 00:07:30.493 --> 00:07:34.660 of communication lines that have been and will be set up, 00:07:34.874 --> 00:07:41.773 we'll make it easier for loved ones and residents to get in touch. 00:07:41.913 --> 00:07:44.813 Thank you. Do we have any questions? 00:07:44.960 --> 00:07:51.966 Kaja Kobetič of POP TV has a question via Zoom. Go ahead. 00:07:54.327 --> 00:07:59.613 Hello. First, a question for Mr. Šestan about store openings. 00:07:59.753 --> 00:08:03.086 You mentioned Saturdays and holidays. 00:08:03.207 --> 00:08:07.540 Does this include extended opening hours during the week? 00:08:07.693 --> 00:08:13.186 Also, I don't know who will be able to answer this better, 00:08:13.340 --> 00:08:18.317 but you said that the floods claimed another fatality, 00:08:18.494 --> 00:08:22.166 that a man was found on the banks of the Sava. 00:08:22.287 --> 00:08:25.026 Do you have more information about this? 00:08:25.160 --> 00:08:29.133 The extension of opening hours will be allowed. 00:08:29.260 --> 00:08:32.780 This order does not determine opening hours, 00:08:32.940 --> 00:08:36.726 so that is up to individual stores. 00:08:36.907 --> 00:08:41.153 As for the fatality, our coordinator has already mentioned 00:08:41.320 --> 00:08:47.886 that it was confirmed and that it happened on the banks of the Sava. 00:08:48.033 --> 00:08:53.133 An older resident was found dead. 00:08:53.314 --> 00:08:58.386 As the Interior Minister has confirmed, 00:08:58.513 --> 00:09:02.326 that the fatality was an older man who lived by the Sava. 00:09:02.487 --> 00:09:06.406 This is the fourth tragic fatality of these floods. 00:09:06.727 --> 00:09:09.620 Any other questions? 00:09:09.773 --> 00:09:12.333 If not, I thank both our speakers. 00:09:12.540 --> 00:09:15.480 I wish you a successful day. 00:09:17.507 --> 00:09:21.620 Joining us now is European Commissioner Lenarčič, 00:09:21.787 --> 00:09:24.066 who attended today's meeting 00:09:24.193 --> 00:09:26.900 and spoke about Slovenia's chances 00:09:27.047 --> 00:09:30.646 of obtaining EU funds. 00:09:36.933 --> 00:09:42.626 Hello. Please let us know what you told the government. 00:09:42.780 --> 00:09:47.045 Hello. First, I would like to express my condolences 00:09:47.166 --> 00:09:53.680 to the loved ones of those lost in this weather disaster 00:09:54.278 --> 00:10:02.245 and my solidarity to everyone affected by the flooding. 00:10:03.654 --> 00:10:10.333 I would also like to thank all the first responders 00:10:10.840 --> 00:10:18.726 whose work saved many lives, protected considerable property, 00:10:19.167 --> 00:10:23.154 and deserve our gratitude. 00:10:23.314 --> 00:10:28.433 This is not just me being polite. 00:10:28.587 --> 00:10:35.850 It's a fact that similar natural disasters in other countries 00:10:35.987 --> 00:10:38.506 resulted in many fatalities. 00:10:38.654 --> 00:10:42.333 So far, this has not been the case in Slovenia, 00:10:42.527 --> 00:10:46.639 and this shows how effective 00:10:46.787 --> 00:10:51.320 Slovenia's system of civil defense and rescue has been. 00:10:51.447 --> 00:10:55.206 At the government meeting, we discussed various options 00:10:55.373 --> 00:10:58.133 for EU assistance. 00:10:58.693 --> 00:11:02.520 I'd like to emphasize that Slovenia is not alone 00:11:02.673 --> 00:11:04.900 at this difficult time. 00:11:05.020 --> 00:11:11.937 Slovenia can count on EU assistance from member states 00:11:12.058 --> 00:11:17.660 in various forms. The first form, which comes under my jurisdiction, 00:11:17.813 --> 00:11:22.440 is through the European Civil Protection Pool. 00:11:22.593 --> 00:11:27.499 Slovenia can use this mechanism to ask for specific aid, 00:11:27.633 --> 00:11:31.960 and we can then organize the aid on behalf of the member states. 00:11:32.107 --> 00:11:36.033 For now, Slovenia has asked for satellite maps 00:11:36.174 --> 00:11:41.317 that will help it determine the extent of damage 00:11:41.473 --> 00:11:46.313 and better direct recovery funds. 00:11:48.407 --> 00:11:53.539 We also discussed other sources of EU aid. 00:11:53.720 --> 00:11:57.213 This is primarily about the EU's Solidarity Fund, 00:11:57.407 --> 00:12:03.826 which is intended for countries affected by natural disasters. 00:12:04.754 --> 00:12:10.500 I explained the procedure for obtaining aid from this source. 00:12:10.680 --> 00:12:14.966 As I understand it, Slovenia will ask for assistance 00:12:15.113 --> 00:12:17.984 from the EU Solidarity Fund. 00:12:18.474 --> 00:12:21.440 We also discussed other potential sources. 00:12:21.561 --> 00:12:26.384 One of those potential sources 00:12:26.561 --> 00:12:31.047 is the European Crisis Reserve for Farmers. 00:12:31.207 --> 00:12:38.466 This could provide funding to cover crop losses 00:12:38.627 --> 00:12:43.080 or damage to farm equipment. 00:12:43.334 --> 00:12:46.773 Significant funding has also been set aside 00:12:46.954 --> 00:12:50.433 in existing programs, 00:12:50.580 --> 00:12:54.780 which provide Slovenia with support for the EU budget. 00:12:54.907 --> 00:12:57.593 These are primarily cohesion funds, 00:12:57.753 --> 00:13:02.560 funds from the Regional Development Fund, 00:13:02.700 --> 00:13:08.460 as well as from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. 00:13:08.620 --> 00:13:12.213 Significant funds are available there, 00:13:12.354 --> 00:13:19.773 and in light of this weather disaster 00:13:19.933 --> 00:13:22.880 and flooding, these funds can be redirected 00:13:23.001 --> 00:13:26.626 to address the consequences of the disaster. 00:13:26.754 --> 00:13:30.573 I'd like to conclude with the following thought. 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:37.713 I believe that these horrible floods provide an opportunity 00:13:37.847 --> 00:13:43.206 for a long-term perspective and for us to invest more 00:13:43.387 --> 00:13:50.480 in improving our readiness for, and resilience to, such disasters. 00:13:50.640 --> 00:13:55.133 Over the past two years, Slovenia experiences catastrophic fires 00:13:55.307 --> 00:14:00.940 and now devastating flooding. This calls for Slovenia 00:14:01.073 --> 00:14:05.347 to consider more investment in improving 00:14:05.520 --> 00:14:09.746 our readiness and resilience to phenomena 00:14:09.893 --> 00:14:14.326 that we'll continue to experience. -Apparently, this was a success 00:14:14.447 --> 00:14:18.186 in Celje, where flood protection was built from EU funds, 00:14:18.307 --> 00:14:20.147 and there was no flood. 00:14:20.268 --> 00:14:23.514 We have a question. Špela Novak, Radio Slovenia. 00:14:23.673 --> 00:14:30.084 Hello. Can you tell us more about the European Civil Protection Pool? 00:14:30.220 --> 00:14:37.933 What additional funds can you offer and when? 00:14:38.053 --> 00:14:41.586 As for the other sources of aid, 00:14:41.753 --> 00:14:47.560 how much funding we're talking about and what is the time frame? 00:14:47.760 --> 00:14:52.527 The European Civil Protection Pool is activated upon specific requests 00:14:52.667 --> 00:14:55.493 for aid from the affected countries. 00:14:55.674 --> 00:15:00.306 The affected country asks for specific aid, 00:15:00.460 --> 00:15:07.260 be it high-capacity water pumps, which is what Italy asked for 00:15:07.373 --> 00:15:10.706 during the May floods in Emilia-Romagna. 00:15:10.907 --> 00:15:13.700 Slovenia also contributed to that aid 00:15:13.833 --> 00:15:18.200 via the Civil Protection Pool, which is available 00:15:18.360 --> 00:15:24.366 almost immediately. It takes a few hours or a day. 00:15:24.547 --> 00:15:30.833 If and when a country asks for aid, we try to organize 00:15:30.954 --> 00:15:35.400 and send that aid as soon as possible. 00:15:35.587 --> 00:15:41.593 As for the other sources, such as the Solidarity Fund, 00:15:41.793 --> 00:15:44.906 we need to have an estimate of the damage. 00:15:45.060 --> 00:15:48.300 Based on that estimate, we can determine 00:15:48.474 --> 00:15:53.906 if the damage reached the threshold set by the rules 00:15:54.067 --> 00:15:57.313 that govern that fund. That threshold is 0.6% 00:15:57.467 --> 00:16:01.787 of the GNP of the affected member state. 00:16:01.987 --> 00:16:09.479 If this threshold is reached, an aid proposal can be drafted 00:16:09.600 --> 00:16:12.473 using our methodology. 00:16:12.594 --> 00:16:16.572 In the legislative process, that proposal is then taken up 00:16:16.693 --> 00:16:21.100 by the European Council and the European Parliament. 00:16:21.540 --> 00:16:23.760 Gašper Petovar, RTV Slovenia. 00:16:23.893 --> 00:16:27.133 You answered a part of this, but based on what 00:16:27.307 --> 00:16:33.113 you heard from the ministers, Mr. Šestan, and the Prime Minister, 00:16:33.480 --> 00:16:36.320 could you provide an estimate 00:16:36.441 --> 00:16:40.559 of how much funding Slovenia may end up receiving from the EU? 00:16:40.740 --> 00:16:44.866 It's too early for me to answer that. 00:16:45.027 --> 00:16:48.286 As I mentioned, the first condition 00:16:48.440 --> 00:16:52.780 is for a damage estimate to be completed, and based on that, 00:16:52.947 --> 00:16:57.560 we'll get a proposal for aid from the Solidarity Fund. 00:16:57.687 --> 00:17:00.826 There are some rules about the maximum amount 00:17:00.947 --> 00:17:04.286 that can come from the fund. It's not 100%. 00:17:04.507 --> 00:17:08.700 That's why there are several opportunities to deal 00:17:08.880 --> 00:17:11.684 with the consequences of the flooding 00:17:11.834 --> 00:17:15.786 in the existing programs and funds from which Slovenia 00:17:15.907 --> 00:17:19.379 is already receiving substantial funds. 00:17:19.520 --> 00:17:25.966 In cases such as this one, it's possible to divert some funds 00:17:26.113 --> 00:17:30.060 to deal with the consequences of the flooding. 00:17:30.867 --> 00:17:36.573 Thank you. Kaja Kobetič of POP TV has a question via Zoom. 00:17:36.854 --> 00:17:42.393 Hello. The third question will be very similar. 00:17:42.540 --> 00:17:46.133 I'd like to ask you for a rough estimate of the funds 00:17:46.293 --> 00:17:49.586 that Slovenia can look forward to, so we know 00:17:49.707 --> 00:17:52.960 what extent we're talking about. 00:17:53.660 --> 00:17:59.760 My reply to this question depends on the damage estimate. 00:17:59.940 --> 00:18:04.593 Based on that estimate and Slovenia's request, 00:18:04.714 --> 00:18:08.026 the Commission will draft an aid proposal. 00:18:08.173 --> 00:18:11.873 But I repeat, the Solidarity Fund is just one of several 00:18:11.994 --> 00:18:14.713 potential sources of aid for Slovenia. 00:18:14.893 --> 00:18:18.473 The others include the European Civil Protection Pool, 00:18:18.627 --> 00:18:23.893 which doesn't provide financial aid, but equipment and personnel 00:18:24.053 --> 00:18:29.926 when the state determines that such aid is needed. 00:18:30.094 --> 00:18:34.673 There are other sources as well. Most of the funding is available 00:18:34.827 --> 00:18:41.846 from existing sources: cohesion funds, 00:18:42.007 --> 00:18:45.566 the Regional Development Fund, 00:18:45.687 --> 00:18:50.140 and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. 00:18:50.300 --> 00:18:54.820 Substantial funds can be redirected from these sources 00:18:55.027 --> 00:18:59.293 to deal with the consequences of today's flooding. 00:18:59.647 --> 00:19:04.186 Thank you. I wish you plenty of success. 00:19:05.253 --> 00:19:08.960 We're now joined by Environment Minister 00:19:09.133 --> 00:19:13.466 Uroš Brežan because the government approved wide-ranging 00:19:13.654 --> 00:19:20.327 emergency legislation to help people who were left 00:19:20.448 --> 00:19:23.534 without everything as soon as possible. 00:19:23.947 --> 00:19:28.993 Minister, please tell us what the government approved. 00:19:29.193 --> 00:19:33.800 Hello. Today, the government approved changes 00:19:33.933 --> 00:19:37.526 to the Natural Disaster Recovery Act. 00:19:37.694 --> 00:19:43.833 Three elements need to be emphasized. 00:19:44.027 --> 00:19:49.086 We're considering the distribution of advance payments 00:19:49.234 --> 00:19:53.806 to affected municipalities for urgent repairs 00:19:53.947 --> 00:20:00.580 up to 20% of the assessed damage. 00:20:00.720 --> 00:20:07.373 This will speed up the distribution of advance payments 00:20:07.487 --> 00:20:11.153 even before the damage estimates 00:20:11.320 --> 00:20:15.953 and damage repair programs are completed. 00:20:16.506 --> 00:20:22.850 Furthermore, an amendment to the Natural Disaster Recovery Act 00:20:22.987 --> 00:20:27.160 will enable compensation for damage in agriculture. 00:20:27.334 --> 00:20:33.546 The amendment expands the eligibility 00:20:33.687 --> 00:20:38.133 of compensation covered by insurance 00:20:38.247 --> 00:20:44.774 and enables 100% compensation for crop damage 00:20:44.895 --> 00:20:47.228 based on the de minimis principle. 00:20:47.349 --> 00:20:55.346 It's also significant that this damage 00:20:55.654 --> 00:21:00.413 will be addressed according to the principle of retroactivity. 00:21:00.600 --> 00:21:05.433 This applies to damage that occurred this year, 00:21:05.587 --> 00:21:09.546 since January 1, 2023. 00:21:09.707 --> 00:21:13.226 It seems that the Parliament could take this up soon. 00:21:13.347 --> 00:21:16.253 Do you have any information regarding that? 00:21:16.387 --> 00:21:21.900 That's right. Apparently, we'll send this bill to the National Assembly 00:21:22.107 --> 00:21:27.020 early next week, which means 00:21:27.167 --> 00:21:31.840 that the bill will be taken up on a priority basis, 00:21:31.961 --> 00:21:34.514 also in the week ahead. 00:21:34.674 --> 00:21:38.640 Thank you very much. Do we have any questions here? 00:21:38.761 --> 00:21:42.974 Kaja Kobetič, who is the only one joining us remotely? 00:21:43.100 --> 00:21:46.553 No. In that case, I'd like to thank you, Minister. 00:21:46.674 --> 00:21:52.450 I hope your day and the day of all crews on the ground is peaceful. 00:21:52.627 --> 00:21:56.286 You can find all the important and relevant information 00:21:56.467 --> 00:22:00.739 on gov.si, where we'll keep you up to date. 00:22:00.887 --> 00:22:04.806 I wish you all a successful and peaceful day. Goodbye.