WEBVTT 00:00:00.695 --> 00:00:05.524 As you know, the National Security Council convened today. 00:00:05.645 --> 00:00:09.562 I would first like to invite the Prime Minister, 00:00:09.683 --> 00:00:14.153 dr. Robert Golob, to speak. Go ahead, Prime Minister. 00:00:14.817 --> 00:00:16.417 Greetings. 00:00:17.122 --> 00:00:24.153 Slovenia is facing its worst natural disaster in recent history. 00:00:24.864 --> 00:00:28.698 This is now a fact. The damage is unimaginable. 00:00:29.044 --> 00:00:32.919 Two thirds of Slovenia have been affected. 00:00:33.122 --> 00:00:39.223 Efforts to restore life to normal will be immense. 00:00:40.091 --> 00:00:44.675 All political actors at today's Security Council meeting 00:00:44.796 --> 00:00:48.997 have demonstrated their will and decision to act in unison. 00:00:49.419 --> 00:00:52.086 We will all work toward one goal, 00:00:52.207 --> 00:00:59.130 helping our citizens to recover quickly from this natural disaster 00:00:59.251 --> 00:01:02.364 and live a normal life again. 00:01:03.883 --> 00:01:05.580 We have read the report 00:01:05.701 --> 00:01:09.829 by the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, 00:01:09.950 --> 00:01:13.917 the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior. 00:01:14.038 --> 00:01:18.226 Thankfully, last night was less punishing than the night before. 00:01:18.347 --> 00:01:22.890 Therefore, certain fears turned out to be excessive, 00:01:23.096 --> 00:01:29.260 but still, the important thing is that Slovenian infrastructure, 00:01:29.745 --> 00:01:35.026 meaning roads, energy facilities and habitations 00:01:35.190 --> 00:01:37.386 are largely damaged. 00:01:37.971 --> 00:01:41.526 We are talking about several hundred buildings 00:01:41.799 --> 00:01:47.706 and damage that will almost certainly exceed 500 million euros. 00:01:48.377 --> 00:01:51.294 If we want to solve this efficiently 00:01:51.415 --> 00:01:55.415 we will need to act differently than in the past. 00:01:56.081 --> 00:01:59.619 That is why legislative changes are being prepared. 00:01:59.740 --> 00:02:04.370 We will need to keep improving things as we go along. 00:02:04.593 --> 00:02:07.260 The government will convene today 00:02:07.381 --> 00:02:12.521 in order to begin amending the Natural Disaster Recovery Act 00:02:12.642 --> 00:02:14.168 with a single goal, 00:02:14.289 --> 00:02:17.543 how to empower municipalities and mayors 00:02:17.735 --> 00:02:22.805 so they can directly order urgent intervention measures in the field, 00:02:22.985 --> 00:02:25.798 bypassing the public procurement system. 00:02:26.046 --> 00:02:29.400 Measures that will enable people to live normally 00:02:29.557 --> 00:02:35.255 and that will reestablish the flow of people and goods 00:02:35.376 --> 00:02:37.293 as quickly as possible. 00:02:38.749 --> 00:02:43.655 Unfortunately, Črna na Koroškem is still cut off from Slovenia 00:02:44.202 --> 00:02:47.702 and there is already a shortage of certain things, 00:02:47.846 --> 00:02:50.014 including water and equipment. 00:02:50.499 --> 00:02:52.833 We are preparing an operation 00:02:53.148 --> 00:02:57.232 to start bringing things to Črna na Koroškem by air, 00:02:57.353 --> 00:03:00.497 as it is unfortunately impossible by land. 00:03:01.240 --> 00:03:07.319 The current activation of all forces in Slovenia 00:03:07.615 --> 00:03:10.482 is of vital importance to helping people. 00:03:11.099 --> 00:03:16.318 I wish to sincerely thank everyone who is in the field today, 00:03:16.654 --> 00:03:19.786 all firefighters, Civil Protection members, 00:03:19.907 --> 00:03:22.486 army and police members, 00:03:22.849 --> 00:03:26.818 who are really helping people get back on their feet. 00:03:28.276 --> 00:03:33.753 Many volunteers from all over Slovenia are also offering to help, 00:03:34.009 --> 00:03:39.204 however, we have a coordinated system of civil protection. 00:03:39.564 --> 00:03:43.103 I urge everyone who wishes to help 00:03:43.267 --> 00:03:47.851 to provide help through Civil Protection, 00:03:47.972 --> 00:03:49.972 even at the local level. 00:03:50.314 --> 00:03:54.481 That is the only way we can mount these operations. 00:03:54.892 --> 00:03:58.047 Good intentions can sometimes be harmful, 00:03:58.168 --> 00:04:00.704 when they cannot be coordinated 00:04:00.825 --> 00:04:06.689 or when they prevent existing systems from working. 00:04:07.401 --> 00:04:12.505 Another important matter is that stores and people 00:04:12.677 --> 00:04:20.154 have started running out of food and technical equipment. 00:04:20.381 --> 00:04:26.519 That is why we will open stores with food and equipment 00:04:26.762 --> 00:04:31.186 on Sundays as well, and we will extend open hours 00:04:31.307 --> 00:04:36.582 so that this remediation can begin as quickly as possible. 00:04:38.754 --> 00:04:41.919 The last, very important message, 00:04:42.040 --> 00:04:45.392 is that all of us politicians have decided today 00:04:45.513 --> 00:04:49.400 that this is no time to look for differences between us 00:04:49.521 --> 00:04:53.239 or to look for who to blame for things in the past. 00:04:53.581 --> 00:04:56.018 Today we all showed unity 00:04:56.307 --> 00:04:59.901 in wanting to act with a single goal, 00:05:00.220 --> 00:05:05.306 our citizens recovering as quickly as possible. 00:05:05.526 --> 00:05:09.745 I hope that this political unity will last a long time, 00:05:09.947 --> 00:05:14.477 not just during this intervention and disaster. Thank you. 00:05:14.598 --> 00:05:18.224 Thank you, Prime Minister. If there are no questions 00:05:18.345 --> 00:05:22.013 we will invite the President to speak. Yes, please. 00:05:23.327 --> 00:05:27.313 One question, then we move on. -Gregor Drnovšek, RTV. 00:05:27.433 --> 00:05:30.161 Mr. Prime Minister, are you considering 00:05:30.282 --> 00:05:34.021 declaring a state of emergency for the whole country? 00:05:34.720 --> 00:05:39.993 We talked about this yesterday and decided it is unnecessary, 00:05:40.234 --> 00:05:43.318 mainly because we have one of the best 00:05:43.439 --> 00:05:48.286 systems of protection and rescue in Europe, and it works. 00:05:48.545 --> 00:05:52.185 Our Civil Protection, of which we are rightly proud, 00:05:52.306 --> 00:05:55.763 is working efficiently with the army and the police. 00:05:55.884 --> 00:05:58.755 We have also received several offers of help 00:05:58.876 --> 00:06:03.147 from the international community. We will also talk about those. 00:06:03.268 --> 00:06:06.091 I want to thank our neighbouring countries. 00:06:06.212 --> 00:06:10.388 Some have contacted us directly, Croatia, Hungary and Austria. 00:06:10.509 --> 00:06:13.130 It is only right that we accept 00:06:13.251 --> 00:06:16.932 the help that we can use, once we can use it, 00:06:17.053 --> 00:06:21.319 in order to help Slovenia recover as soon as possible. 00:06:21.747 --> 00:06:23.747 Thank you. Any questions? 00:06:24.600 --> 00:06:27.193 No? Thank you, Prime Minister. 00:06:27.600 --> 00:06:31.756 I am calling to the podium President Nataša Pirc Musar. 00:06:52.790 --> 00:06:55.719 Greetings, everyone. 00:06:56.861 --> 00:07:01.594 I would first like to say that I am extremely happy 00:07:01.715 --> 00:07:05.165 with the way our services are reacting. 00:07:05.618 --> 00:07:11.452 All praise goes to the army, police, firefighters and Civil Protection, 00:07:11.728 --> 00:07:16.986 which is organising the rescue efforts. 00:07:17.431 --> 00:07:20.227 Mr. Šestan will provide more statistics, 00:07:20.348 --> 00:07:24.359 but I remember from the National Security Council meeting 00:07:24.480 --> 00:07:28.416 that we have already rescued 121 people with helicopters 00:07:28.537 --> 00:07:31.604 and that there are about 2500 calls per day. 00:07:31.725 --> 00:07:36.427 I would like to urge people to only call emergency services 00:07:36.547 --> 00:07:38.381 if a life is in danger 00:07:38.502 --> 00:07:42.503 or if property of significant value is in danger. 00:07:42.703 --> 00:07:47.398 Emergency call centres are working at full steam. 00:07:47.570 --> 00:07:50.253 I am asking for understanding, 00:07:50.374 --> 00:07:55.656 because they cannot respond quickly to each and every call. 00:07:55.914 --> 00:07:58.694 There have been more than 3000 incidents 00:07:58.815 --> 00:08:02.695 in the past 48 hours alone in 145 municipalities. 00:08:03.109 --> 00:08:08.986 This data shows the terrible scale of the disaster, 00:08:09.107 --> 00:08:14.166 which Slovenia has not seen since its independence. 00:08:15.096 --> 00:08:20.362 I would also like to appeal to various event organisers. 00:08:20.483 --> 00:08:24.523 Mr. Srečko Šestan said that there was a lot of rescuing 00:08:24.644 --> 00:08:30.850 due to the imprudence of organisers who did not react quickly enough 00:08:30.971 --> 00:08:38.545 and did not evacuate people and children at various events. 00:08:39.004 --> 00:08:43.088 Rescue by helicopter was also required a few times 00:08:43.209 --> 00:08:46.731 due to individuals' imprudence. 00:08:48.934 --> 00:08:54.018 I would also like to say that I was very happy with the report 00:08:54.139 --> 00:08:57.284 of the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Poklukar. 00:08:57.487 --> 00:09:00.987 Namely, the police has not been registering 00:09:01.108 --> 00:09:03.795 break-ins and thefts these days. 00:09:03.916 --> 00:09:11.375 I am truly happy that people are not exploiting others' distress 00:09:11.496 --> 00:09:15.080 and are not breaking in and stealing things. 00:09:16.173 --> 00:09:21.845 As President I hope that we will stand together, strong. 00:09:22.173 --> 00:09:26.462 Talks at the National Security Council went similarly. 00:09:26.634 --> 00:09:31.203 I am also very pleased that the opposition is standing with us 00:09:31.324 --> 00:09:36.399 and that we have this national awareness during these trying times. 00:09:36.520 --> 00:09:42.421 We will stand united and do what can be done. 00:09:42.671 --> 00:09:48.624 We would all like to tell our citizens and residents 00:09:48.745 --> 00:09:50.745 that they are not alone. 00:09:50.866 --> 00:09:56.966 The Republic of Slovenia will do everything in its power. 00:09:58.107 --> 00:10:00.685 I have already received calls 00:10:00.806 --> 00:10:04.281 from the presidents of two neighbouring countries 00:10:04.402 --> 00:10:07.546 and the President of the Republic of Kosovo. 00:10:07.750 --> 00:10:12.015 I received calls from Mr. Milanović and Mrs. Katalin Novák. 00:10:12.219 --> 00:10:16.687 Our neighbouring countries are watching what is going on here. 00:10:16.906 --> 00:10:21.758 Believe me, the international community will come to our aid. 00:10:22.484 --> 00:10:27.812 Slovenia is currently deciding what it requires the most. 00:10:28.173 --> 00:10:32.673 Thankfully, our water-pumping capacities are very good. 00:10:32.794 --> 00:10:36.602 Mr. Srečko Šestan emphasised today 00:10:36.723 --> 00:10:41.525 that this is of key importance in these vital moments. 00:10:41.851 --> 00:10:48.648 Today we also discussed what to do once the water runs off. 00:10:48.984 --> 00:10:54.366 The government will prepare a plan with all relevant departments, 00:10:54.851 --> 00:10:58.858 but I can already say that during post-flood restorations 00:10:58.979 --> 00:11:02.609 we will need interpersonal aid and solidarity. 00:11:02.843 --> 00:11:09.523 I am appealing to everyone to help once the water runs off. 00:11:09.857 --> 00:11:14.787 I remember, and Mr. Janša pointed it out today as well, 00:11:14.908 --> 00:11:18.213 how engaged the scouts were in previous years. 00:11:18.448 --> 00:11:24.347 The State's help will not be enough. 00:11:24.612 --> 00:11:29.127 We will have to help each other, as neighbours and as people. 00:11:29.248 --> 00:11:32.823 I believe that Slovenia will stand united, 00:11:32.944 --> 00:11:37.506 that we will help each other 00:11:37.627 --> 00:11:45.597 and that we will overcome this terrible disaster together. 00:11:45.718 --> 00:11:48.003 Thank you, that is all from me. 00:11:48.157 --> 00:11:54.032 Thank you, Madame President. Are there any questions? 00:11:54.970 --> 00:11:59.304 No? Thank you, Madame President. -Thank you, goodbye. 00:12:00.181 --> 00:12:05.587 I will now invite to the podium Mr. Luka Mesec, 00:12:05.978 --> 00:12:08.395 coordinator of the Left party 00:12:19.025 --> 00:12:20.886 and Vice-President. 00:12:21.970 --> 00:12:26.368 Go ahead, Mr. Mesec. -Thank you. Greetings. 00:12:28.431 --> 00:12:34.197 Today the National Security Council had an emergency meeting 00:12:34.318 --> 00:12:38.992 dedicated to the emergency across the country. 00:12:39.287 --> 00:12:46.153 I would also like to first thank everyone 00:12:46.428 --> 00:12:50.443 who helped with the situation in the field 00:12:50.709 --> 00:12:56.053 and everyone who did not exploit the situation 00:12:56.174 --> 00:13:00.653 to improve their political standing. 00:13:01.588 --> 00:13:05.679 The best message that politics has to convey 00:13:05.800 --> 00:13:09.631 in the following weeks is one of unity. 00:13:10.094 --> 00:13:15.859 Unity in helping people, standing together 00:13:16.110 --> 00:13:21.719 and finding solutions to the disastrous conditions in the field, 00:13:21.950 --> 00:13:27.153 which we are reading as a sum of all floods 00:13:27.274 --> 00:13:31.202 that have affected us since the year 1990. 00:13:32.094 --> 00:13:35.344 I remember the 2007 floods in Železniki, 00:13:35.465 --> 00:13:38.373 where I am from, very well. 00:13:38.657 --> 00:13:44.446 I remember how frightened we were of the water, 00:13:44.851 --> 00:13:47.019 the efforts of volunteers, 00:13:47.140 --> 00:13:50.531 firefighters and the Civil Protection 00:13:50.804 --> 00:13:52.972 and how long recovery took. 00:13:53.234 --> 00:13:56.853 Now, as Vice-President, I can assure you 00:13:56.974 --> 00:14:00.224 that we will do everything in our power, 00:14:00.345 --> 00:14:04.162 beginning with the government meeting in 15 minutes, 00:14:04.615 --> 00:14:09.386 to expedite and optimise recovery measures 00:14:09.639 --> 00:14:16.061 and to offer people all possible support. 00:14:16.365 --> 00:14:19.350 That is where I will end today. 00:14:19.471 --> 00:14:24.842 To conclude, I hope that things settle down quickly 00:14:25.045 --> 00:14:29.647 and we can begin remedying the situation. Thank you. 00:14:29.768 --> 00:14:31.518 Thank you, Mr. Mesec. 00:14:32.147 --> 00:14:38.586 Next, I am inviting Mr. Matjaž Han of the Social Democrats. 00:14:48.301 --> 00:14:54.086 My apologies. A slight change, go ahead, Mrs. Sukič. 00:14:54.606 --> 00:15:01.254 Greetings. The Cabinet of the President of the National Assembly 00:15:01.375 --> 00:15:08.995 is following this terrible disaster with great concern. 00:15:10.062 --> 00:15:13.991 Conditions in the field are critical 00:15:14.320 --> 00:15:19.154 and we are offering people our full support and solidarity. 00:15:19.491 --> 00:15:24.119 We are urging everyone to guard their life, 00:15:24.288 --> 00:15:27.986 the lives of others and the lives of animals. 00:15:28.568 --> 00:15:34.263 We are also calling for unity and solidarity. 00:15:34.607 --> 00:15:40.053 The National Assembly will do all it can to act quickly. 00:15:40.404 --> 00:15:44.584 We are rapidly preparing interventive legislation 00:15:44.826 --> 00:15:49.974 in order to act quickly, because we need to act now. 00:15:50.406 --> 00:15:57.429 The National Assembly is committed to being quick and responsive. 00:15:57.749 --> 00:16:05.296 The National Assembly will hold a special meeting these days, 00:16:05.417 --> 00:16:11.621 in which we will adopt measures for the initial intervention, 00:16:11.742 --> 00:16:15.941 whereas damage repair will follow later. 00:16:16.876 --> 00:16:20.244 Thank you. Any questions? Go ahead. 00:16:21.283 --> 00:16:27.086 Kaja Kobetič, POP TV. Is there a timeline for these measures? 00:16:27.290 --> 00:16:30.728 They will probably have to be adopted quickly. 00:16:30.849 --> 00:16:36.696 There is going to be a government meeting right now, 00:16:36.817 --> 00:16:41.001 where they will propose an intervention act. 00:16:41.208 --> 00:16:45.661 This act will then come to the National Assembly, 00:16:45.782 --> 00:16:50.986 so I am expecting a meeting of the relevant committees 00:16:51.107 --> 00:16:57.453 and a meeting of the National Assembly at the start of next week, 00:16:57.574 --> 00:17:03.586 presumably on Tuesday or Wednesday. -Thank you. 00:17:04.064 --> 00:17:08.431 Any other questions? No? Thank you, Mrs. Sukič. 00:17:08.915 --> 00:17:13.386 I am inviting the President of the Slovenian Democratic Party, 00:17:13.507 --> 00:17:15.072 Mr. Janez Janša. 00:17:29.236 --> 00:17:30.986 Greetings. 00:17:33.244 --> 00:17:40.314 In terms of scale and consequences this disaster is worse 00:17:40.435 --> 00:17:45.244 than anything we have experienced in past decades. 00:17:45.670 --> 00:17:48.853 The damage is enormous, even a life was lost, 00:17:48.974 --> 00:17:52.559 my sincere condolences to the family of the victim. 00:17:54.504 --> 00:18:00.372 Weather forecasts are currently relatively optimistic, 00:18:00.772 --> 00:18:05.897 so we have a big clean-up campaign ahead of us. 00:18:08.123 --> 00:18:14.319 I would like to thank all protection and rescue services, 00:18:14.440 --> 00:18:18.772 the Slovenian firefighters, army and police, 00:18:18.893 --> 00:18:25.116 the mayors of the most affected municipalities that reacted in time, 00:18:25.237 --> 00:18:29.501 the volunteers that helped and are still helping, 00:18:30.504 --> 00:18:36.989 and everyone who did everything in order to minimise damage 00:18:37.110 --> 00:18:42.473 and the consequences of this disaster as much as possible. 00:18:43.176 --> 00:18:49.186 The National Security Council was governed by the realisation, 00:18:49.307 --> 00:18:54.121 that this is a time when we need to stand united. 00:18:54.678 --> 00:18:57.928 Discussions on what could have been done 00:18:58.049 --> 00:19:03.133 or what could have prevented the consequences of this disaster 00:19:03.254 --> 00:19:05.844 can wait until later. 00:19:06.485 --> 00:19:12.938 Right now we must focus on preventing further damage 00:19:13.059 --> 00:19:15.986 by these floods and previous disasters. 00:19:16.195 --> 00:19:19.195 We are not only talking about floods, 00:19:19.316 --> 00:19:23.066 but also hail and everything that has affected 00:19:23.187 --> 00:19:25.860 Slovenian agriculture and rural areas. 00:19:26.620 --> 00:19:28.453 We require measures. 00:19:28.661 --> 00:19:30.924 We proposed to the government, 00:19:31.045 --> 00:19:35.018 and I believe this was also a common view, 00:19:35.438 --> 00:19:39.348 an inclusive approach to preparing the intervention act. 00:19:40.519 --> 00:19:43.553 The act must also include measures 00:19:43.674 --> 00:19:47.091 that will completely cover the remediation 00:19:47.212 --> 00:19:50.302 of the damage caused by these floods 00:19:50.423 --> 00:19:57.953 and everything that has recently affected Slovenian agriculture. 00:19:58.793 --> 00:20:04.926 I think that Slovenians do not have such a summer in living memory. 00:20:05.621 --> 00:20:09.652 We must also change our priorities. 00:20:09.773 --> 00:20:12.996 There are things that were urgent yesterday 00:20:13.251 --> 00:20:15.417 and are less urgent today, 00:20:15.538 --> 00:20:20.048 as we have to focus on remedying all of these consequences. 00:20:20.169 --> 00:20:25.586 I think it is also time to put on the table everything 00:20:25.707 --> 00:20:32.145 that has not been done due to various bureaucratic obstacles 00:20:32.613 --> 00:20:36.786 and to include measures in the act 00:20:36.907 --> 00:20:40.754 that will allow preventative measures to be taken 00:20:40.875 --> 00:20:46.953 in urban planning, the settlement of Slovenia, 00:20:47.074 --> 00:20:49.776 building anti-flood structures 00:20:50.237 --> 00:20:52.686 and in expediting procedures. 00:20:52.807 --> 00:20:56.741 For instance, if the Mokrice hydroelectric power station 00:20:56.862 --> 00:21:01.862 had been built with all of the projected anti-flood additions 00:21:01.983 --> 00:21:05.567 and if it hadn't been stopped for ten years, 00:21:06.547 --> 00:21:14.086 a large part of Brežice would no longer be at risk of flooding. 00:21:15.719 --> 00:21:19.953 I believe that decision-makers, 00:21:20.074 --> 00:21:23.086 the State of Slovenia and local communities 00:21:23.207 --> 00:21:26.291 have a sober assessment ahead of them. 00:21:26.829 --> 00:21:31.253 This is also a time for us all to take a step back 00:21:31.374 --> 00:21:33.791 in terms of not being arrogant 00:21:33.912 --> 00:21:39.759 and thinking that we can hoodwink nature 00:21:39.880 --> 00:21:42.380 by writing something in an act 00:21:42.501 --> 00:21:45.186 and thinking it will all turn out well. 00:21:46.410 --> 00:21:53.297 Humanity will probably never control nature completely, 00:21:53.418 --> 00:22:00.153 but we can prepare for disasters such as this one 00:22:00.698 --> 00:22:05.206 and minimise consequences as much as possible. 00:22:06.766 --> 00:22:10.119 Slovenia is certainly also facing 00:22:11.151 --> 00:22:15.153 a redistribution of competencies and funding 00:22:15.274 --> 00:22:18.034 for watercourse maintenance. 00:22:18.388 --> 00:22:23.138 It is impossible to make decisions on this from Ljubljana. 00:22:23.259 --> 00:22:26.904 This needs to be in the hands of municipalities, 00:22:27.121 --> 00:22:32.176 whom we also have to provide with additional funding. 00:22:32.691 --> 00:22:35.386 As I said, this is also the time 00:22:36.253 --> 00:22:39.668 for an inclusive approach to proposals. 00:22:39.789 --> 00:22:42.956 The SDP has already given its proposals 00:22:43.077 --> 00:22:46.389 regarding minimising the damage to agriculture. 00:22:46.510 --> 00:22:48.844 We proposed to the government 00:22:48.965 --> 00:22:52.215 to include them in the intervention act, 00:22:52.336 --> 00:22:55.086 which should be adopted next week. 00:22:55.207 --> 00:23:00.207 The representatives of the SDP will cooperate constructively. 00:23:00.497 --> 00:23:06.090 This is a time when we need to stand together. 00:23:06.211 --> 00:23:10.711 You will not find our MPs protesting on bicycles today, 00:23:10.832 --> 00:23:14.666 you can find them in Mozirje cleaning the town. 00:23:15.364 --> 00:23:18.598 That is how it will be in the coming days. 00:23:18.719 --> 00:23:21.386 This is a time to stand together, 00:23:21.507 --> 00:23:24.724 to pacify the debate on social media 00:23:24.845 --> 00:23:27.936 and to focus on everything that we can do 00:23:28.057 --> 00:23:35.008 to minimise the consequences of this terrible natural disaster 00:23:35.250 --> 00:23:38.148 that has affected us all. 00:23:38.437 --> 00:23:40.687 Even those in larger cities 00:23:40.808 --> 00:23:45.766 that have not directly felt the effects of this disaster 00:23:46.234 --> 00:23:49.906 are calling and offering to help. 00:23:50.211 --> 00:23:56.953 Many volunteers are stepping forward to help the affected. 00:23:57.281 --> 00:24:01.153 As per our experiences from 2007, 00:24:01.805 --> 00:24:06.984 when the natural disaster affected mainly Železniki, 00:24:07.484 --> 00:24:12.602 we are urging everyone who is offering help to be patient. 00:24:12.723 --> 00:24:17.567 Do not just go help where the cameras are. 00:24:17.688 --> 00:24:22.986 We all have family and friends across the country. 00:24:23.107 --> 00:24:24.787 We can get informed. 00:24:24.908 --> 00:24:31.919 The best point of information for where help is needed most 00:24:32.434 --> 00:24:37.645 are mayors and Civil Protection leadership at the municipal level, 00:24:38.083 --> 00:24:45.481 who know the situation and know where to direct aid. 00:24:45.825 --> 00:24:50.492 As President of the SDP I would like to thank our members 00:24:51.255 --> 00:24:57.856 who reacted with great solidarity everywhere that help was needed. 00:24:58.566 --> 00:25:03.589 We are appealing to our colleagues from other parties 00:25:03.948 --> 00:25:06.453 to follow this example. Thank you. 00:25:06.574 --> 00:25:11.086 Thank you, Mr. Janša. We have a question. Go ahead. 00:25:11.370 --> 00:25:13.370 Marko Valadžija, N1. 00:25:13.620 --> 00:25:17.151 These are the worst floods since our independence. 00:25:17.272 --> 00:25:18.924 The Prime Minister said 00:25:19.045 --> 00:25:22.246 that he will not declare a state of emergency. 00:25:22.367 --> 00:25:26.117 Do you think it should be declared? Thank you. 00:25:29.450 --> 00:25:33.534 The state of emergency may not have been declared, 00:25:33.655 --> 00:25:38.442 but it was recognised, as the national plan was activated 00:25:39.416 --> 00:25:42.750 by the commander of the Civil Protection. 00:25:44.027 --> 00:25:47.611 A state of emergency as per the constitution 00:25:47.732 --> 00:25:50.348 may be a broader subject. 00:25:51.886 --> 00:25:55.309 I personally do not care what we call it, 00:25:55.430 --> 00:25:58.962 as long as we respond to the challenge. 00:25:59.712 --> 00:26:04.129 I think that today's National Security Council meeting 00:26:04.250 --> 00:26:06.806 went in the right direction. 00:26:07.470 --> 00:26:12.319 The fact is that in such times 00:26:12.978 --> 00:26:16.696 the government must reevaluate priorities, 00:26:16.817 --> 00:26:21.508 the budget and funding for individual things, 00:26:22.250 --> 00:26:27.367 and it must respond appropriately. 00:26:27.688 --> 00:26:34.789 We can say that this disaster of national proportions 00:26:34.910 --> 00:26:38.410 has shown that Slovenia has a robust system 00:26:38.672 --> 00:26:40.756 of protection and rescue. 00:26:40.877 --> 00:26:44.891 Civil Protection has proven itself several times. 00:26:45.484 --> 00:26:50.000 Yesterday and last night 00:26:50.781 --> 00:26:58.753 it had to activate across a large part of the country 00:26:58.874 --> 00:27:00.791 and it passed the test. 00:27:01.133 --> 00:27:04.648 Again, congratulations to all intervention forces, 00:27:04.769 --> 00:27:06.835 including the army and police, 00:27:06.956 --> 00:27:10.210 which provided gear and experienced personnel, 00:27:10.813 --> 00:27:14.153 and to the mayors of the affected areas. 00:27:14.274 --> 00:27:21.181 They were the ones who had to respond and make decisions. 00:27:21.302 --> 00:27:25.539 There are small municipalities that provided accommodation 00:27:25.836 --> 00:27:28.476 to hundreds or even a thousand people, 00:27:28.597 --> 00:27:35.711 foreign tourists that were rescued from camps and other resorts. 00:27:36.497 --> 00:27:41.668 This was a very mature reaction 00:27:41.789 --> 00:27:46.653 by the structure as well as much of the population. 00:27:47.442 --> 00:27:53.559 Considering our experiences with natural disasters, 00:27:53.680 --> 00:27:55.644 that were less extensive, 00:27:55.765 --> 00:28:00.586 but equally catastrophic in smaller areas of Slovenia, 00:28:01.715 --> 00:28:05.386 we are now faced with a situation 00:28:05.507 --> 00:28:12.604 in which many people can also help directly. 00:28:12.725 --> 00:28:15.142 Cleaning apartment complexes, 00:28:15.263 --> 00:28:19.062 outbuildings and agricultural holdings, 00:28:19.183 --> 00:28:22.835 so they can once again become habitable, 00:28:23.109 --> 00:28:29.851 will occupy the lives of many Slovenians in the coming days. 00:28:29.972 --> 00:28:34.441 We are talking about tens of thousands of such buildings. 00:28:34.562 --> 00:28:38.151 Imagine how much labour is needed 00:28:38.272 --> 00:28:43.253 to at least partially clean up flooded spaces. 00:28:43.640 --> 00:28:50.140 In 1990, when I was Minister of Defence, 00:28:51.015 --> 00:28:54.182 I was also responsible for the response 00:28:54.694 --> 00:28:58.928 to the catastrophic floods in Slovenia in November. 00:28:59.757 --> 00:29:02.669 It was worst in Zgornja Savinjska dolina. 00:29:02.790 --> 00:29:06.083 I was there. It was very difficult, 00:29:06.204 --> 00:29:10.020 but what I saw yesterday in Nazarje, Mozirje and Ljubno 00:29:10.141 --> 00:29:14.638 is significantly worse. The damage will be greater 00:29:14.759 --> 00:29:17.989 and greater clean-up efforts will be required. 00:29:18.255 --> 00:29:21.090 But right now the important message 00:29:21.211 --> 00:29:26.052 is the one that came from the National Security Council today, 00:29:26.173 --> 00:29:30.919 that Slovenia stands united. No one will be left alone 00:29:31.040 --> 00:29:34.296 and we will join forces in the relief efforts. 00:29:34.765 --> 00:29:36.515 Thank you, Mr. Janša. 00:29:38.765 --> 00:29:43.859 I am inviting the President of New Slovenia, Matej Tonin. 00:29:46.950 --> 00:29:48.630 Go ahead, Mr. Tonin. 00:29:51.153 --> 00:29:52.753 Greetings. 00:29:53.333 --> 00:29:58.630 In these trying times it is crucial that we stick together 00:29:59.036 --> 00:30:01.996 and help each other as much as we can. 00:30:02.177 --> 00:30:08.419 How we prepare for such challenges in the future is also vital. 00:30:08.903 --> 00:30:14.700 Unfortunately, this is likely not the last of such natural disasters, 00:30:14.919 --> 00:30:21.278 but it is vital how we recover and prepare for the future. 00:30:21.559 --> 00:30:25.919 I see two important things we can do. 00:30:26.040 --> 00:30:28.739 One is at the human level 00:30:28.860 --> 00:30:33.350 and the other is systemic, between municipalities and the state. 00:30:33.891 --> 00:30:38.563 I think it is important to protect our properties 00:30:38.852 --> 00:30:41.453 and to establish a system 00:30:41.782 --> 00:30:46.454 in which individuals could easily protect their real estate. 00:30:46.766 --> 00:30:50.683 The State should especially create such a system 00:30:50.804 --> 00:30:55.259 for the most vulnerable people who cannot afford this. 00:30:55.854 --> 00:31:00.521 On the other hand, the extent of this disaster is so great 00:31:00.642 --> 00:31:04.853 that the State cannot take care of everything by itself. 00:31:05.102 --> 00:31:12.286 Municipalities have proven to be an extremely effective system. 00:31:12.667 --> 00:31:16.240 New Slovenia will propose that the State transfers 00:31:16.360 --> 00:31:19.987 as much funding as possible to the municipalites, 00:31:20.157 --> 00:31:25.423 as they know their areas and their problems best, 00:31:25.689 --> 00:31:30.068 so they can remedy the consequences of this disaster 00:31:30.189 --> 00:31:33.095 quickly and efficiently. 00:31:33.361 --> 00:31:40.253 This would expedite recovery and the restoration of infrastructure. 00:31:40.447 --> 00:31:46.267 So, distributing the money and restoration as much as possible 00:31:46.436 --> 00:31:48.163 is the quickest way 00:31:48.284 --> 00:31:52.070 for us to get back on the horse after this disaster. 00:31:52.368 --> 00:31:57.548 This may turn out to be a good systemic approach 00:31:57.669 --> 00:32:03.618 for dealing with natural disasters in the future. 00:32:03.739 --> 00:32:06.149 So, a bottom-up approach 00:32:06.298 --> 00:32:11.486 that will significantly speed up recovery and restoration. 00:32:12.009 --> 00:32:14.926 Thank you, Mr. Tonin. Any questions? 00:32:15.097 --> 00:32:16.697 No? Thank you. 00:32:18.718 --> 00:32:21.135 Lastly, I invite to the podium 00:32:21.256 --> 00:32:24.423 Mr. Matjaž Han of the Social Democrats. 00:32:24.544 --> 00:32:27.833 Thank you. Interestingly, my counterparts and I 00:32:27.954 --> 00:32:31.107 did not listen to each other's reports today, 00:32:31.228 --> 00:32:34.075 so I do not know what they said before me. 00:32:34.196 --> 00:32:39.068 But I do know that now is the most crucial time for unity 00:32:39.374 --> 00:32:44.435 in remedying this last of a series of disasters in Slovenia, 00:32:44.556 --> 00:32:48.306 as we have had hail and similar things before. 00:32:48.717 --> 00:32:54.670 I would like to thank the representatives of Civil Protection 00:32:55.904 --> 00:33:00.119 who are working in the field day and night. 00:33:01.271 --> 00:33:07.998 Our party will also make a coordinated response. 00:33:08.575 --> 00:33:12.217 I would also like to thank you, the media. 00:33:13.006 --> 00:33:17.756 I think you have done a great job in informing Slovenians, 00:33:18.248 --> 00:33:22.719 covering the situation across Slovenia 00:33:23.170 --> 00:33:28.486 and pointing out certain dangers. So, thank you again, 00:33:28.910 --> 00:33:31.504 we now have to stick together. 00:33:31.625 --> 00:33:37.504 At the Ministry for the Economy we wrote a few intervention acts. 00:33:37.625 --> 00:33:39.959 We know what needs to be done, 00:33:40.080 --> 00:33:43.894 we will propose some things to the government today 00:33:44.015 --> 00:33:50.449 and then try to quickly coordinate them in Parliament. 00:33:50.570 --> 00:33:56.626 We want to open stores on Sundays, at least during these times, 00:33:56.887 --> 00:34:01.371 since people are lacking basic goods. 00:34:01.613 --> 00:34:05.848 That is what the Ministry will do right now, 00:34:05.969 --> 00:34:11.043 but the members of the SD are also prepared to help. 00:34:11.164 --> 00:34:14.402 We really do have to stick together. 00:34:14.645 --> 00:34:18.277 Even if you do not see any politicians in the field, 00:34:18.398 --> 00:34:22.042 it does not mean we are not working with the people. 00:34:22.163 --> 00:34:28.629 We do not want to appear to be trying to increase our popularity, 00:34:28.750 --> 00:34:33.326 but I know that everyone will go help in their hometowns. 00:34:33.447 --> 00:34:37.818 Thank you. -Thank you, Mr. Han. I think we have a question. 00:34:37.939 --> 00:34:40.943 Kaja Kobetič, POP TV. Regarding the stores, 00:34:41.064 --> 00:34:45.583 for now it is only a proposal that needs to be adopted? 00:34:45.704 --> 00:34:50.521 And is there a set time for the extended work hours? 00:34:50.706 --> 00:34:56.290 We will discuss this today. I spoke to the Prime Minister yesterday. 00:34:56.411 --> 00:34:58.995 The law does not allow us to do this, 00:34:59.116 --> 00:35:03.128 but Mr. Šestan of the Civil Protection can make a decree 00:35:03.249 --> 00:35:06.325 and then we respond. The Chamber of Commerce 00:35:06.446 --> 00:35:10.927 is waiting for this decision and I know we will make it soon. 00:35:11.048 --> 00:35:15.719 So you agree with this? -Absolutely, we should do this right now. 00:35:15.884 --> 00:35:19.603 Thank you. -Thank you. -No further questions? 00:35:19.804 --> 00:35:27.804 Thank you all for coming to this press conference, have a nice day.