WEBVTT 00:00:01.313 --> 00:00:06.898 Greetings. First, my condolences to the family of the victim. 00:00:07.898 --> 00:00:10.880 We all hope this will be the only victim. 00:00:11.445 --> 00:00:14.804 We also wish a quick recovery 00:00:14.925 --> 00:00:20.039 to everyone who was injured in this disaster. 00:00:21.398 --> 00:00:25.727 I would also like to sincerely thank everyone 00:00:26.047 --> 00:00:30.641 who is helping people within the protection and rescue system. 00:00:31.703 --> 00:00:36.435 I think we have the best system of protection and rescue in Europe. 00:00:36.694 --> 00:00:41.663 This bright spot allows us to look at the future optimistically, 00:00:42.334 --> 00:00:46.092 even though nature truly battered most of Slovenia 00:00:46.213 --> 00:00:48.053 in an unprecedented way. 00:00:49.569 --> 00:00:53.486 I would also like to thank the Civil Protection, 00:00:53.623 --> 00:00:58.580 the firefighters, the police, the army and all volunteers 00:00:59.350 --> 00:01:02.434 who are doing their best in the field, 00:01:02.555 --> 00:01:05.555 regardless of the time or conditions, 00:01:05.967 --> 00:01:09.347 to safeguard lives 00:01:10.052 --> 00:01:14.639 and perhaps even minimise damage. 00:01:15.631 --> 00:01:18.685 But we know that damage will be record-high 00:01:19.044 --> 00:01:23.961 and that it will exceed the damage done by natural disasters 00:01:24.565 --> 00:01:28.247 ever since Slovenia's independence. 00:01:30.620 --> 00:01:36.518 We have called a meeting of the National Security Council 00:01:36.639 --> 00:01:39.136 for tomorrow at 11 a.m., 00:01:39.698 --> 00:01:44.282 because we all, including the opposition, wish to unite. 00:01:44.589 --> 00:01:48.073 We have to stand together in such times 00:01:48.386 --> 00:01:52.175 and be as efficient as possible with the measures 00:01:52.442 --> 00:01:57.051 that politics has to implement for the good of the people. 00:01:58.145 --> 00:02:01.047 We have a special meeting at 11 a.m., 00:02:01.168 --> 00:02:07.067 where we will discuss legislative changes with a single goal, 00:02:07.910 --> 00:02:14.285 municipalities and the people receiving assistance faster. 00:02:15.566 --> 00:02:19.483 We will also be discussing help that was offered 00:02:19.604 --> 00:02:23.104 by our neighbouring countries and Brussels. 00:02:23.496 --> 00:02:27.503 I would like to thank them as well, we got a lot of help. 00:02:27.832 --> 00:02:29.996 We will discuss this in detail 00:02:30.117 --> 00:02:33.451 and we will ask for help where necessary. 00:02:34.254 --> 00:02:37.480 Conditions truly are catastrophic 00:02:37.957 --> 00:02:41.280 and we should accept available help. 00:02:43.184 --> 00:02:45.851 I will end by saying that we know 00:02:46.566 --> 00:02:50.464 how terrible the situation in the field is, 00:02:51.004 --> 00:02:53.441 especially with the infrastructure. 00:02:53.562 --> 00:02:57.880 I am urging people to, at least for a little while longer, 00:02:58.048 --> 00:03:02.852 not go around doing things that are not of vital importance. 00:03:03.165 --> 00:03:06.653 They are not only endangering themselves, 00:03:06.774 --> 00:03:11.441 but rescue teams as well, who did truly heroic work today 00:03:11.603 --> 00:03:16.437 saving people from the roofs of flooded homes by helicopter 00:03:16.726 --> 00:03:19.726 and breaking through to cut off areas 00:03:19.847 --> 00:03:25.181 and establishing urgent medical and communication infrastructure. 00:03:25.529 --> 00:03:33.279 So, I am urging people to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. 00:03:34.771 --> 00:03:40.967 We are also preparing for the recovery once the water recedes. 00:03:41.412 --> 00:03:48.404 We will have to activate all available mechanisms and knowledge 00:03:49.006 --> 00:03:53.451 as the damage to infrastructure, especially roads, is enormous. 00:03:54.442 --> 00:03:57.547 I am sure we will be efficient 00:03:57.668 --> 00:04:00.835 and after tomorrow's government meeting 00:04:00.956 --> 00:04:07.018 we will submit an amendment to the Natural Disaster Recovery Act. 00:04:07.139 --> 00:04:10.556 Despite the holidays the National Assembly 00:04:10.677 --> 00:04:14.908 will have a special session, on Tuesday or Wednesday, 00:04:15.029 --> 00:04:17.605 where they will discuss the amendment 00:04:17.726 --> 00:04:21.152 so we can help the municipalities and the people, 00:04:21.273 --> 00:04:25.023 as soon as possible, during August. Thank you. 00:04:27.715 --> 00:04:31.382 Thank you. Minister of Defence, Marjan Šarec. 00:04:31.738 --> 00:04:33.338 Greetings. 00:04:33.459 --> 00:04:37.449 As the Prime Minister said, the situation is serious. 00:04:37.570 --> 00:04:43.799 All available units have been in the field since early morning. 00:04:44.346 --> 00:04:49.346 Civil Protection, firefighters and the army are in the field. 00:04:49.467 --> 00:04:52.338 Regarding the army I must say 00:04:52.748 --> 00:04:59.680 that we currently have up to 500 soldiers available to us 00:04:59.801 --> 00:05:02.615 who have not yet been activated 00:05:02.736 --> 00:05:06.236 because the progression of the intervention 00:05:06.357 --> 00:05:11.294 does not yet allow access everywhere. 00:05:11.474 --> 00:05:14.228 Units are breaking through to places 00:05:14.349 --> 00:05:16.576 and are already working in some. 00:05:16.697 --> 00:05:21.417 So, there is no fear that the Slovenian Army 00:05:21.538 --> 00:05:28.191 would not be activated in its full capacity. 00:05:28.539 --> 00:05:32.633 We must wait until tomorrow 00:05:32.754 --> 00:05:37.981 to see what happens with the rain during the night. 00:05:38.102 --> 00:05:43.880 I hope that roads will be passable enough tomorrow 00:05:44.001 --> 00:05:48.153 for the teams to be able to go where they are needed. 00:05:48.274 --> 00:05:51.672 The PM also mentioned international aid, 00:05:51.907 --> 00:05:56.821 the EU mechanism and bilateral aid from other countries. 00:05:56.942 --> 00:06:01.360 We will accept all of that, we will not reject it, 00:06:01.602 --> 00:06:04.747 but things need to calm down enough 00:06:04.868 --> 00:06:08.832 so we can efficiently distribute the teams 00:06:08.953 --> 00:06:11.821 that will come from abroad. 00:06:12.086 --> 00:06:18.414 Teams always need to be distributed for work to be done optimally. 00:06:18.535 --> 00:06:21.035 Other than the number of people 00:06:21.156 --> 00:06:25.659 the main thing is organising work in the field. 00:06:26.948 --> 00:06:34.107 Tomorrow we will be continuing with this intervention. 00:06:34.316 --> 00:06:40.339 Let us hope that the forecast does not come true 00:06:40.460 --> 00:06:44.044 and that the scale will be a little smaller. 00:06:44.790 --> 00:06:50.380 All available resources are already in the field. 00:06:50.549 --> 00:06:54.716 The government will also discuss the issue tomorrow 00:06:54.837 --> 00:06:59.502 and submit an amendment to the National Assembly. 00:06:59.697 --> 00:07:04.114 But, as the PM said and I have been repeating all day, 00:07:04.235 --> 00:07:11.228 we are urging citizens not to go anywhere unless necessary, 00:07:11.349 --> 00:07:15.183 do not take photos, do not go near watercourses 00:07:15.304 --> 00:07:17.820 and near intervention teams. 00:07:17.941 --> 00:07:24.935 We really do not want to have any accidents or unnecessary victims. 00:07:25.123 --> 00:07:29.404 That is now vital. All teams are saving lives. 00:07:29.525 --> 00:07:32.795 The secondary phase is saving property, 00:07:32.957 --> 00:07:37.347 and only then will the next phase be recovery. 00:07:37.582 --> 00:07:42.957 The system works. Please, be patient 00:07:43.078 --> 00:07:46.691 and only call emergency services when necessary. 00:07:46.863 --> 00:07:53.488 The situation will surely improve enough in the following days 00:07:53.699 --> 00:07:57.275 for things to take a more normal course. Thank you. 00:07:58.315 --> 00:08:01.232 Thank you. Minister of the Interior. 00:08:02.682 --> 00:08:07.361 Thank you. Despite the catastrophic floods across most of Slovenia 00:08:07.604 --> 00:08:09.736 internal security is working. 00:08:09.857 --> 00:08:12.119 The police has been carrying out 00:08:12.240 --> 00:08:15.783 regular and emergency tasks since the early morning 00:08:15.904 --> 00:08:20.180 in accordance with the National Flood Plan. 00:08:21.749 --> 00:08:25.484 The police used its aviation unit, 00:08:25.605 --> 00:08:30.380 first two helicopters and a third in the afternoon, 00:08:30.501 --> 00:08:36.015 to conduct rescue operations in affected areas. 00:08:36.136 --> 00:08:40.242 They saved people from rooftops 00:08:40.363 --> 00:08:46.765 in three locations that are cut off from the rest of the country 00:08:47.031 --> 00:08:50.406 and brought them to safety. 00:08:51.166 --> 00:08:55.480 The administrative system is also still working. 00:08:55.601 --> 00:09:02.166 We still issued all documents in the affected areas, 00:09:02.287 --> 00:09:08.119 both ID cards and passports for those who urgently needed them, 00:09:09.275 --> 00:09:13.689 so we wouldn't hinder their travels abroad. 00:09:13.931 --> 00:09:17.348 I must point out that the Slovenian police 00:09:17.469 --> 00:09:20.803 has opened up the police academy in Tacen 00:09:20.924 --> 00:09:26.101 to affected people who require accommodation. 00:09:26.351 --> 00:09:32.339 Because of the increased water level of the river Sava 00:09:32.460 --> 00:09:40.447 we had a number of residents housed in the police academy. 00:09:40.568 --> 00:09:44.297 The academy has ensured accommodation. 00:09:44.851 --> 00:09:50.031 We have the capacity for 120 people with food taken care of. 00:09:50.359 --> 00:09:55.422 So, the police also did their part. 00:09:55.695 --> 00:09:57.779 If necessary, we also have 00:09:57.900 --> 00:10:01.758 the Vinko Beznik training centre in Gotenica. 00:10:01.930 --> 00:10:08.219 We have the capacity for affected residents that require housing. 00:10:08.531 --> 00:10:10.864 But, as my predecessors said, 00:10:10.985 --> 00:10:15.152 it is necessary to follow explicit orders, warnings 00:10:15.273 --> 00:10:19.797 and instructions by the police and other competent services. 00:10:19.960 --> 00:10:23.127 We have heavily damaged infrastructure, 00:10:23.248 --> 00:10:25.416 meaning bridges and roads, 00:10:25.537 --> 00:10:29.204 and despite blockades there is still traffic. 00:10:29.325 --> 00:10:32.325 People are still driving across them. 00:10:32.446 --> 00:10:37.151 I must also say that quite a lot of people 00:10:37.772 --> 00:10:44.950 go and look at the damaged infrastructure, 00:10:45.071 --> 00:10:50.413 which hinders intervention services and is dangerous in itself. 00:10:50.534 --> 00:10:53.210 We strongly advise against this. 00:10:53.363 --> 00:10:56.113 If such people need to be punished 00:10:56.234 --> 00:11:01.901 in order for emergency services to be able to operate, we will do so. 00:11:02.022 --> 00:11:04.272 Right now we need to ensure 00:11:04.393 --> 00:11:10.504 that intervention services are able to do their job. 00:11:11.315 --> 00:11:13.898 Again, Ministers of the Interior 00:11:14.019 --> 00:11:17.769 that are also responsible for civil protection 00:11:17.890 --> 00:11:19.640 have offered to help. 00:11:19.761 --> 00:11:24.678 As the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence have said, 00:11:24.799 --> 00:11:28.685 we will discuss this tomorrow at the government meeting 00:11:28.806 --> 00:11:32.771 and determine what exactly Slovenia needs. 00:11:33.121 --> 00:11:34.721 To summarise, 00:11:34.842 --> 00:11:39.695 I am urging all residents of Slovenia to stay at home 00:11:39.816 --> 00:11:47.573 unless they urgently require something of vital importance. 00:11:47.894 --> 00:11:55.731 We are already helping people in affected areas, 00:11:55.852 --> 00:12:00.449 but the operation of intervention services needs to be ensured, 00:12:00.570 --> 00:12:03.760 especially in impassable areas 00:12:03.881 --> 00:12:07.715 where rescue services are also in great danger, 00:12:07.836 --> 00:12:10.836 so something wouldn't happen to them. 00:12:11.075 --> 00:12:14.903 We are being especially careful. 00:12:15.106 --> 00:12:22.927 We also conducted urgent evacuations by helicopter today. 00:12:23.048 --> 00:12:27.974 The police is ensuring the highest level of security 00:12:28.095 --> 00:12:31.512 and full cooperation with Civil Protection 00:12:31.633 --> 00:12:35.119 in line with Civil Protection ordinances. 00:12:35.314 --> 00:12:39.767 I would also like to thank the representatives of the media 00:12:39.888 --> 00:12:44.017 for reporting and quickly conveying information 00:12:44.158 --> 00:12:49.089 and police orders and instructions to the public. 00:12:49.210 --> 00:12:52.247 My sincere thanks to you. 00:12:53.151 --> 00:12:56.485 Thank you. The Commander of Civil Protection. 00:12:58.721 --> 00:13:02.182 Greetings. I will take this opportunity 00:13:02.400 --> 00:13:06.817 to first thank my own units for today's response, 00:13:07.158 --> 00:13:11.260 which will be even more extensive tomorrow. 00:13:11.437 --> 00:13:16.836 I believe that we will not have any problems with this. 00:13:17.047 --> 00:13:19.214 I would also like to thank 00:13:19.335 --> 00:13:23.305 the helicopter units of the Slovenian police and army. 00:13:23.820 --> 00:13:26.898 With three aircraft each they rescued people 00:13:27.019 --> 00:13:31.019 who were too late or unable to leave their homes. 00:13:31.140 --> 00:13:33.218 I do not know the exact number 00:13:33.339 --> 00:13:36.124 because I have not read the reports yet, 00:13:36.423 --> 00:13:40.353 but it is probably close to 200 people. 00:13:41.009 --> 00:13:47.408 I would like to thank these two units on their behalf, 00:13:47.570 --> 00:13:54.165 as well as everyone else from the police and the army that helped. 00:13:54.286 --> 00:13:58.953 I believe that we will keep these efforts up successfully 00:13:59.074 --> 00:14:04.324 with as little loss of life and material as possible. Thank you. 00:14:04.772 --> 00:14:08.866 Thank you. Lastly, hydrologist Janez Polajnar. 00:14:12.373 --> 00:14:15.935 A few words on what is coming tonight and tomorrow. 00:14:16.056 --> 00:14:19.116 Floods from affected areas 00:14:19.237 --> 00:14:23.694 are now moving toward the middle and lower parts of rivers. 00:14:24.061 --> 00:14:27.811 That will be most evident at the large rivers, 00:14:27.932 --> 00:14:31.947 like the Sava, which has reached record-high water flow. 00:14:32.068 --> 00:14:36.447 During the night and morning this water flow will travel 00:14:36.568 --> 00:14:40.735 through Zasavje and Posavje to the Croatian border, 00:14:40.856 --> 00:14:45.606 where we are also expecting a record-high flow, 3800 m3/s, 00:14:45.727 --> 00:14:47.714 similarly as in 2010. 00:14:48.520 --> 00:14:51.807 The Savinja river will not recede much tonight, 00:14:51.928 --> 00:14:54.830 at least in its middle and lower streams. 00:14:54.951 --> 00:14:58.080 It will begin receding toward the morning. 00:14:58.588 --> 00:15:02.510 The Drava will thankfully not rise anymore. 00:15:02.713 --> 00:15:08.260 Austria informed us that they will reduce the flow to Slovenia. 00:15:08.481 --> 00:15:13.457 The flow from Austria to Slovenia amounted to 900 m3/s, 00:15:13.578 --> 00:15:16.828 which means that under the Markovci dam, 00:15:16.949 --> 00:15:19.617 in the lower stream of the Drava, 00:15:19.738 --> 00:15:24.442 the water flow is just under 2000 m3/s. 00:15:24.629 --> 00:15:29.043 The river Mura will rise a little tonight. 00:15:29.231 --> 00:15:32.754 Its water flow will be around 1350 m3/s, 00:15:32.875 --> 00:15:37.813 which means that it will reach the top of the levees. 00:15:37.934 --> 00:15:41.717 Let us hope that the levees hold tonight and tomorrow. 00:15:41.895 --> 00:15:49.660 For a few hours during the night there will still be showers, 00:15:49.781 --> 00:15:53.411 especially in Central, Eastern and Southern Slovenia. 00:15:53.532 --> 00:15:58.653 In the areas where these showers can stagnate a short while 00:15:58.872 --> 00:16:02.762 there may be torrential flooding of smaller rivers, 00:16:02.883 --> 00:16:07.067 which will bring additional water to the larger rivers. 00:16:07.317 --> 00:16:13.473 We expect that the hydrological situation will begin easing 00:16:13.747 --> 00:16:18.847 during the day on Saturday and into the night. Thank you. 00:16:19.677 --> 00:16:22.880 Thank you all. Are there any questions? 00:16:24.083 --> 00:16:25.683 Go ahead. 00:16:25.887 --> 00:16:29.142 Mr. Prime Minister, will the amendment contain 00:16:29.263 --> 00:16:32.278 the changes that were already presented 00:16:32.399 --> 00:16:36.556 or does the current situation require something else as well? 00:16:36.677 --> 00:16:38.755 Yes, it is vital that we adopt 00:16:38.938 --> 00:16:43.264 the presented changes to the Natural Disaster Recovery Act 00:16:43.384 --> 00:16:45.064 with a single goal, 00:16:45.185 --> 00:16:51.994 to help municipalites receive intervention and recovery faster. 00:16:52.567 --> 00:16:56.346 That is the main thing. Data from the field also shows 00:16:56.467 --> 00:17:00.885 that the municipalities are well acquainted with their options. 00:17:01.006 --> 00:17:03.801 They no longer delay in calling for help 00:17:03.922 --> 00:17:06.614 from other municipalities and regions. 00:17:06.735 --> 00:17:09.450 Aid within Slovenia is running well. 00:17:10.192 --> 00:17:13.109 This legislation is mainly important 00:17:13.286 --> 00:17:17.926 to safeguard municipal budgets. 00:17:18.047 --> 00:17:23.616 The State will cover the costs of the intervention and recovery, 00:17:23.737 --> 00:17:28.890 so municipal authorities can begin implementing measures immediately. 00:17:29.409 --> 00:17:35.331 At tomorrow's meeting we will also discuss international aid. 00:17:35.930 --> 00:17:42.234 European Commissioner Lenarčič confirmed that he will also come 00:17:42.355 --> 00:17:48.312 to see what can be done with the EU Solidarity Fund. 00:17:48.749 --> 00:17:53.166 We will also see where we can apply international aid, 00:17:53.287 --> 00:17:55.787 which has already been offered. 00:17:55.908 --> 00:18:00.158 Most likely in establishing the road infrastructure, 00:18:00.279 --> 00:18:01.959 among other fields. 00:18:02.080 --> 00:18:05.330 The third thing we will discuss tomorrow 00:18:05.451 --> 00:18:08.580 is opening stores this Sunday, 00:18:08.701 --> 00:18:14.634 so people wouldn't think that they need to go shopping tomorrow. 00:18:14.871 --> 00:18:21.879 We will seriously consider opening stores on Sunday, 00:18:22.000 --> 00:18:25.250 so that people can stay at home tomorrow 00:18:25.371 --> 00:18:28.419 and not put themselves in danger, 00:18:28.540 --> 00:18:34.434 especially in areas with severe flooding projected. 00:18:35.892 --> 00:18:39.147 Thank you. -One more question. 00:18:39.268 --> 00:18:43.962 Some residents definitely have a difficult night ahead. 00:18:44.083 --> 00:18:48.275 Have you considered ordering an evacuation in advance? 00:18:48.486 --> 00:18:51.236 What are the residents of Zasavje, 00:18:51.357 --> 00:18:54.780 Posavje and Bela Krajina supposed to do? 00:18:56.480 --> 00:19:01.933 The residents of those areas know such situations well. 00:19:02.144 --> 00:19:05.745 This is not the first, nor the last time, 00:19:05.866 --> 00:19:11.144 but they were alerted in time by sirens and local media. 00:19:11.376 --> 00:19:14.986 Every responsible resident should know 00:19:15.134 --> 00:19:21.228 where their home is and in what danger it is from water. 00:19:21.416 --> 00:19:24.455 I hope their responses will be better 00:19:24.576 --> 00:19:27.613 than in the areas that were flooded today. 00:19:27.767 --> 00:19:33.267 However, those were torrential flows that caught people by surprise. 00:19:33.445 --> 00:19:38.445 Let us hope that there will indeed be fewer torrents tomorrow 00:19:38.566 --> 00:19:41.070 and that people will be able to act. 00:19:41.191 --> 00:19:44.340 But we have been warning them for a few days. 00:19:44.461 --> 00:19:47.461 I saw today that those municipalities 00:19:47.582 --> 00:19:51.847 are already preparing and distributing sandbags. 00:19:51.968 --> 00:19:58.747 I am certain that the residents of those areas are well informed. 00:19:58.868 --> 00:20:02.154 I think there should be no major problems. 00:20:03.547 --> 00:20:06.047 Thank you. Any other questions? 00:20:07.625 --> 00:20:09.647 Thank you for coming.