WEBVTT 00:00:32.101 --> 00:00:33.797 Hello. 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:41.805 Yes, of course. Today's summit is interesting, 00:00:41.926 --> 00:00:46.614 because a big debate on the conclusions is not expected, 00:00:46.735 --> 00:00:49.191 it is more intended for exchange, 00:00:49.312 --> 00:00:52.498 but it is true that each country has its own agenda, 00:00:52.619 --> 00:00:54.249 Slovenia included. 00:00:54.370 --> 00:00:57.879 First of all, I would like to say that we welcome the unity 00:00:58.000 --> 00:01:02.699 shown by the European Union on the issue of support for Ukraine, 00:01:02.820 --> 00:01:04.902 and today this unity is maintained. 00:01:05.023 --> 00:01:06.881 I believe it will remain so in the end, 00:01:07.002 --> 00:01:09.314 even though the debate will be longer. 00:01:09.435 --> 00:01:12.095 One of the items that appears here is also, 00:01:12.216 --> 00:01:13.863 and this is very interesting, 00:01:13.984 --> 00:01:15.984 that the European Union is starting to organise itself 00:01:16.105 --> 00:01:18.612 not only for joint procurement of ammunition, 00:01:18.733 --> 00:01:20.973 but also for joint production. 00:01:21.094 --> 00:01:25.471 I think this is a very interesting, useful shift. 00:01:25.592 --> 00:01:30.305 Because, as we all know, the funds for the military budgets will increase 00:01:30.426 --> 00:01:35.518 and it is right that this money is spent as locally as possible, 00:01:35.639 --> 00:01:39.385 in the member states also for the purpose of economic development. 00:01:39.506 --> 00:01:42.602 This item is on the agenda and this is very positive. 00:01:42.723 --> 00:01:46.188 On the other hand there is an item about carbon neutral technologies 00:01:46.309 --> 00:01:50.676 and competitiveness. I've noticed progress here as well. 00:01:50.797 --> 00:01:54.389 The debates about controversial technology or solutions 00:01:54.510 --> 00:01:56.300 are being withdrawn, 00:01:56.421 --> 00:02:00.987 leaving room for all technologies to be included 00:02:01.108 --> 00:02:04.800 with respect to national interests. It's in Slovenia's national interest 00:02:04.921 --> 00:02:07.872 for nuclear technology to be an integral part of this package, 00:02:07.993 --> 00:02:11.659 not necessarily as the one mentioned by the whole of Europe as the main, 00:02:11.780 --> 00:02:15.891 but certainly one of those that is allowed within this aid framework 00:02:16.012 --> 00:02:19.191 for carbon neutral technologies, and we will also insist on this. 00:02:19.312 --> 00:02:21.808 Nuclear technology must have its place 00:02:21.929 --> 00:02:26.133 in the carbon neutral future of Europe. 00:02:26.254 --> 00:02:29.116 The third thing is related to energy, 00:02:29.237 --> 00:02:31.779 we have also been very active in the preparation, 00:02:31.900 --> 00:02:35.186 some conclusions were supplemented with our comments, 00:02:35.307 --> 00:02:37.376 and we are very satisfied with that. 00:02:37.497 --> 00:02:40.805 We expect a lot of exchange of views, 00:02:40.926 --> 00:02:45.697 but I hope no more than a few different opinions regarding the conclusions, 00:02:45.818 --> 00:02:50.188 so maybe this summit will finish a little faster than the previous one, 00:02:50.309 --> 00:02:56.299 although we have a lot of questions, but no hard conclusions among them. 00:02:57.903 --> 00:03:01.885 Regarding the draft legislation on clean technologies. 00:03:02.006 --> 00:03:04.001 What is Slovenia's position 00:03:04.122 --> 00:03:09.678 and what does this legislation mean for Slovenia 00:03:09.799 --> 00:03:13.174 in the light of preparations for the construction project 00:03:13.295 --> 00:03:17.091 of the second block of the nuclear power plant? 00:03:17.212 --> 00:03:20.298 Of course, this framework is very important. 00:03:20.419 --> 00:03:22.694 I wouldn't tie it to a specific project, 00:03:22.814 --> 00:03:24.417 maybe it's too early for that. 00:03:24.538 --> 00:03:29.402 It's important so that technology, in Slovenia's case nuclear, 00:03:29.523 --> 00:03:36.696 gets clear rules on how it can access capital, 00:03:36.817 --> 00:03:42.456 capital markets, how the placement procedures will take place, 00:03:42.577 --> 00:03:45.544 how the development resources, 00:03:45.665 --> 00:03:48.128 which are still needed for nuclear energy, 00:03:48.249 --> 00:03:53.857 will be made possible at all. Nuclear technology is at a crossroads. 00:03:53.978 --> 00:03:58.485 That's why this framework is not tied to a specific project. 00:03:58.606 --> 00:04:02.502 Projects are projects, while the framework opens up 00:04:02.623 --> 00:04:07.287 the possibility of re-establishing the nuclear industry in Europe, 00:04:07.408 --> 00:04:10.199 not only building capacities, but establishing the industry 00:04:10.320 --> 00:04:12.562 which will also be able to build capacities. 00:04:12.683 --> 00:04:15.577 From this point of view, this issue is even more important 00:04:15.698 --> 00:04:17.916 in the long term than the issue of one block. 00:04:18.037 --> 00:04:21.395 If we manage to obtain certain benefits in some part 00:04:21.516 --> 00:04:24.094 for the realisation of the second block, all the better, 00:04:24.215 --> 00:04:27.876 because the main risk in the nuclear industry today is 00:04:27.997 --> 00:04:31.503 that we do not have a real industry within Europe, 00:04:31.624 --> 00:04:34.915 and it is therefore all the more difficult to plan reliably enough 00:04:35.036 --> 00:04:38.412 from the point of view of time and budget 00:04:38.533 --> 00:04:41.869 how such projects as JEK 2 would actually look like. 00:04:41.990 --> 00:04:45.204 Could we look for an alternative to the second block 00:04:45.325 --> 00:04:47.966 within the framework of this legislation? 00:04:48.087 --> 00:04:50.797 Not in the short term. In the long term, 00:04:50.918 --> 00:04:53.173 if, of course, the funds are also available 00:04:53.294 --> 00:04:57.997 and if it were to happen that through research funds 00:04:58.118 --> 00:05:02.439 Europe would manage to develop some alternative nuclear technology. 00:05:02.560 --> 00:05:05.892 Develop for the commercial level of exploitation. 00:05:06.013 --> 00:05:11.489 Regarding the regulation on carbon-free cars by 2035, 00:05:11.610 --> 00:05:15.870 are you expecting a discussion and what is Slovenia's position? 00:05:15.991 --> 00:05:18.808 Not a special discussion. There will probably be an exchange of opinions. 00:05:18.929 --> 00:05:20.630 This isn't among the conclusions. 00:05:20.751 --> 00:05:24.473 Slovenia's position is what is good for the German automobile industry 00:05:24.594 --> 00:05:27.897 is in principle always good for the Slovenian automobile industry. 00:05:28.018 --> 00:05:31.683 Slovenian automobile industry is a very important part 00:05:31.804 --> 00:05:35.971 of our industrial production, as well as exports, 00:05:36.092 --> 00:05:40.298 which means that the compromise proposal prepared by the Commission 00:05:40.419 --> 00:05:44.145 is acceptable for us and we don't see a great need 00:05:44.266 --> 00:05:47.164 for a debate on this topic, because it does not exclude anything. 00:05:47.285 --> 00:05:49.488 At the moment, it is perfectly fine. 00:05:49.609 --> 00:05:53.495 Regarding joint procurement of ammunition. 00:05:53.616 --> 00:05:56.493 Slovenia will participate. 00:05:56.614 --> 00:05:59.280 Will we procure anything for ourselves? 00:05:59.401 --> 00:06:02.385 Will we support the further expansion of the EPF? 00:06:02.506 --> 00:06:05.904 This mechanism is just now being established, 00:06:06.025 --> 00:06:09.011 but the most important is not only the establishment of the mechanism 00:06:09.132 --> 00:06:11.203 for procurement, because the question arises 00:06:11.324 --> 00:06:15.408 as to who is the one who will sell, just the big countries? 00:06:15.529 --> 00:06:17.842 The debate is already moving in the direction 00:06:17.963 --> 00:06:22.731 of establishing evenly distributed production capacities within the EU, 00:06:22.852 --> 00:06:24.825 evenly distributed geographically, 00:06:24.946 --> 00:06:27.783 so that Slovenia is also involved in the production part, 00:06:27.904 --> 00:06:31.990 not only in the procurement part, and that this part is truly European. 00:06:32.111 --> 00:06:34.477 This is the position we will represent. 00:06:34.598 --> 00:06:37.204 If I may, two domestic questions. 00:06:37.325 --> 00:06:41.801 How do you comment on the medical strike announcement? 00:06:41.922 --> 00:06:46.681 I really won't comment on that, this is the first I'm hearing of it. 00:06:46.802 --> 00:06:52.727 Regarding the decision to extend the regulation of electricity prices 00:06:52.848 --> 00:06:56.977 for small and medium consumers. When will this decision be made? 00:06:57.098 --> 00:07:01.606 I think this debate is scheduled for the next few weeks. 00:07:01.727 --> 00:07:06.700 It will definitely be early enough, in the course of April, 00:07:06.821 --> 00:07:10.398 so for now I am optimistic that such decisions will be confirmed, 00:07:10.519 --> 00:07:13.108 but I would wait for that. 00:07:13.741 --> 00:07:17.619 There is no fear that small business consumers 00:07:17.740 --> 00:07:20.386 would be left to their own devices in any way. 00:07:20.507 --> 00:07:23.413 Today, the most important thing is to ensure enough energy 00:07:23.534 --> 00:07:26.130 for next winter at favourable prices. 00:07:26.251 --> 00:07:29.506 The moment is right, so from this point of view, 00:07:29.627 --> 00:07:33.579 we have more to be optimistic about than we had twelve months ago. 00:07:35.011 --> 00:07:37.893 Thank you. -Regarding ammunition production. 00:07:38.014 --> 00:07:44.783 Are specific projects being prepared in Slovenia or is this just a wish? 00:07:44.904 --> 00:07:47.681 You always ask me about things that are being prepared, 00:07:47.802 --> 00:07:51.450 and then you realise that I promised too much. I've learned my lesson. 00:07:51.571 --> 00:07:54.636 More importantly, Commissioner Berton is coming to Slovenia. 00:07:54.757 --> 00:07:56.960 This is the purpose of his visit. 00:07:57.081 --> 00:07:59.927 Then we will be able to say more on this topic. 00:08:00.048 --> 00:08:02.887 We will play out scenarios 00:08:03.008 --> 00:08:06.145 of what is possible within the European framework 00:08:06.266 --> 00:08:09.349 and what the European Commission will also support. 00:08:09.470 --> 00:08:13.199 Then we will be able to talk more about it, but the drafts are ready. 00:08:13.320 --> 00:08:18.705 European values are part of the EU vision. 00:08:18.826 --> 00:08:23.188 Will Slovenia join the European Commission's lawsuit 00:08:23.309 --> 00:08:26.358 against Hungary regarding the LGBTI legislation? 00:08:26.479 --> 00:08:29.572 Time is running out. 00:08:29.693 --> 00:08:32.897 A bunch of countries joined, including your partner Benelux. 00:08:33.018 --> 00:08:36.547 What is Slovenia's position? -Slovenia supports the lawsuit. 00:08:36.668 --> 00:08:39.508 For the time being, we do not see a special need 00:08:39.629 --> 00:08:42.783 to go a step further. If it turns out we can help, 00:08:42.904 --> 00:08:45.507 we will decide on the next steps. But we support it, 00:08:45.628 --> 00:08:47.628 we're not hiding that. 00:08:47.749 --> 00:08:50.476 Thank you. -Thank you very much.