WEBVTT 00:00:00.001 --> 00:00:04.825 Now, we will start with the second part. 00:00:04.945 --> 00:00:08.000 Minister of Education Mr. Felda will present 00:00:08.120 --> 00:00:11.622 the education system reform for the next two years. 00:00:11.742 --> 00:00:18.120 Please. -Thank you. We will focus on two things. 00:00:18.333 --> 00:00:23.407 We are thinking about the education system in ten years 00:00:23.527 --> 00:00:26.919 where we have to think long-term. 00:00:27.039 --> 00:00:30.487 We formed a group that does this. 00:00:30.607 --> 00:00:36.070 They got the relevant information 00:00:36.190 --> 00:00:41.160 about what we already know about the system 00:00:41.280 --> 00:00:48.200 and now they will see where this can bring us in ten years. 00:00:48.515 --> 00:00:53.077 It is clear that things will probably change in a year or so 00:00:53.197 --> 00:00:58.977 because a lot of unexpected things can happen. 00:00:59.097 --> 00:01:04.803 We saw that in the past when we had Covid and the crisis in Ukraine. 00:01:04.923 --> 00:01:08.448 These things affect the society and the education system. 00:01:08.568 --> 00:01:13.898 This is why we have to be ready to change things 00:01:14.018 --> 00:01:17.156 although this is a ten-year vision. 00:01:17.276 --> 00:01:22.728 This is one thing. The other thing is updating the curriculum 00:01:22.848 --> 00:01:28.000 for all of common subjects in high schools. 00:01:28.307 --> 00:01:32.003 We made an analysis 00:01:32.123 --> 00:01:38.570 and the teachers said that there are a lot of goals 00:01:38.690 --> 00:01:41.972 that take a lot of time. 00:01:42.092 --> 00:01:47.148 A lot of time is spent on new basic knowledge, 00:01:47.268 --> 00:01:51.887 but there is no time to strengthen the knowledge and take time 00:01:52.007 --> 00:01:56.840 to ask ourselves what something means, how we can comment on it. 00:01:56.960 --> 00:02:00.484 Schools don't raise children anymore. 00:02:00.604 --> 00:02:05.893 They shouldn't just educate, but also raise them. 00:02:06.013 --> 00:02:11.298 This is why they shouldn't only focus on knowledge standards. 00:02:11.418 --> 00:02:14.959 We want to have people 00:02:15.079 --> 00:02:19.643 that will not only learn something, but will also be able to use it 00:02:19.763 --> 00:02:24.008 in their everyday life. 00:02:24.128 --> 00:02:30.693 This is our goal. The third thing we will focus on in high schools 00:02:30.813 --> 00:02:37.123 is reforming the system as such. 00:02:37.243 --> 00:02:40.105 We want to find a solution 00:02:40.225 --> 00:02:45.493 that students who finish vocational or technical schools 00:02:45.613 --> 00:02:47.511 will be ready to work, 00:02:47.631 --> 00:02:52.065 not that they don't know what they should be doing. 00:02:52.185 --> 00:02:56.413 They need a lot of time to learn 00:02:56.533 --> 00:03:02.160 how to use their knowledge. We will focus on apprenticeship. 00:03:02.280 --> 00:03:05.880 It has already been reintroduced. 00:03:06.508 --> 00:03:09.406 It will be a gradual process because we have to prepare 00:03:09.526 --> 00:03:14.332 employees and schools to adapt to this system. 00:03:14.453 --> 00:03:18.292 This is what we have been doing 00:03:18.412 --> 00:03:22.600 and we should see the results in two years or a little more. 00:03:23.274 --> 00:03:28.138 The other topic is digitalisation. This means 00:03:28.657 --> 00:03:33.425 we have to make it possible for teachers and principals 00:03:33.545 --> 00:03:37.138 to accept it and know what it means. 00:03:37.258 --> 00:03:43.998 It is not only about working with digital devices, 00:03:44.118 --> 00:03:47.738 but we have to be aware of the risks as well. 00:03:47.858 --> 00:03:52.657 We have to prepare children already in kindergartens to be ready 00:03:52.777 --> 00:03:59.752 and tell them where the risks are and what parents have to do 00:03:59.872 --> 00:04:05.587 to avoid them. We have to use the digitalisation 00:04:05.707 --> 00:04:07.760 to benefit from it, 00:04:07.881 --> 00:04:12.840 not to get people addicted 00:04:12.960 --> 00:04:16.543 and have problems 00:04:16.663 --> 00:04:20.149 because they don't know how to use the devices 00:04:20.269 --> 00:04:26.280 and are not aware of the risks they bring. 00:04:27.267 --> 00:04:30.605 Thank you. Go ahead, Marko. 00:04:31.287 --> 00:04:34.610 Marko Valadžija, N1. I want to ask you to respond to something. 00:04:34.730 --> 00:04:38.034 We discovered a case of two primary school students 00:04:38.154 --> 00:04:41.952 that have not been going to school. The principal called child services, 00:04:42.072 --> 00:04:44.259 the inspection and the police. 00:04:44.379 --> 00:04:47.429 They should have returned to school, but they didn't. 00:04:47.550 --> 00:04:49.730 The authorities have been informed. 00:04:49.851 --> 00:04:55.280 Is the system adequate and can authorities take measures? 00:04:55.400 --> 00:04:58.891 The data also show some students stayed home after the pandemic. 00:04:59.483 --> 00:05:04.763 This shows a level of distrust in the system. How to approach this? 00:05:05.030 --> 00:05:10.270 Actually, I know this case very superficially 00:05:10.417 --> 00:05:13.937 and I can't say anything definite. But we received an information 00:05:14.103 --> 00:05:20.077 that a lot has happened with a help of institutions. 00:05:20.343 --> 00:05:25.937 But we often have troubles communicating 00:05:26.110 --> 00:05:31.657 with parents or other agents, because these are delicate things. 00:05:32.097 --> 00:05:34.257 We don't want to have a public discussion, 00:05:34.483 --> 00:05:39.683 because we can damage the children who are participants in this. 00:05:39.990 --> 00:05:42.090 Not through their own fault. 00:05:42.303 --> 00:05:47.783 As far as this home schooling is concerned, 00:05:48.283 --> 00:05:52.070 it has strengthened a bit after the pandemic. 00:05:52.223 --> 00:05:55.590 A lot of people don't understand what is teleworking, 00:05:55.763 --> 00:05:58.890 distance learning and home schooling. 00:05:59.103 --> 00:06:03.917 In distance learning a school is organizing and preparing everything. 00:06:04.097 --> 00:06:08.237 Later, classes continue in school, when possible. 00:06:08.623 --> 00:06:11.497 Home schooling is something completely different. 00:06:11.710 --> 00:06:17.150 Here, parents assume the responsibility to teach children 00:06:17.290 --> 00:06:23.363 who have to show their knowledge, when necessary, 00:06:23.563 --> 00:06:27.110 at the end of a school year. 00:06:27.643 --> 00:06:31.077 This phenomenon gains impetus 00:06:31.277 --> 00:06:37.283 and it also doesn't have the same purpose, as it was meant to be. 00:06:37.563 --> 00:06:42.543 Because of it, a part of the reform of the Act on Primary Schools, 00:06:42.763 --> 00:06:45.663 is planned to take care of this. 00:06:46.297 --> 00:06:48.990 Thank you. Kaja Kobetič, then the minister has to go. 00:06:49.237 --> 00:06:54.737 Could you make a timeline of the changes you have mentioned? 00:06:54.917 --> 00:06:58.497 You've said some of the changes will take place this and some next year 00:06:58.643 --> 00:07:00.543 or even until the year 2026. 00:07:00.717 --> 00:07:04.717 About curriculums, you mentioned more practical exercises. 00:07:04.863 --> 00:07:08.403 Can you name a few more substantial changes? 00:07:08.597 --> 00:07:14.043 Is there a change of evaluation in primary schools on the table? 00:07:14.710 --> 00:07:17.637 The changes are multilayered 00:07:17.870 --> 00:07:22.450 and I can't comment all of them, because it depends on the subject 00:07:22.630 --> 00:07:24.777 and from school to school. 00:07:24.963 --> 00:07:29.197 When you do a certain subject at primary school in one way, 00:07:29.417 --> 00:07:32.810 you do it in high school in another way. 00:07:33.003 --> 00:07:36.617 Practical exercises or practical thinking 00:07:36.830 --> 00:07:43.717 or finding solutions is a part of every class and each lesson. 00:07:44.170 --> 00:07:46.763 We have to stress the applicability. 00:07:46.950 --> 00:07:51.110 Otherwise, we learn by memorization and are not aware of, 00:07:51.277 --> 00:07:54.463 what we are capable to do with such knowledge. 00:07:54.763 --> 00:07:57.170 We have to make a difference here. 00:07:57.423 --> 00:08:03.063 Teachers will gain some knowledge, because we have to empower them 00:08:03.250 --> 00:08:06.890 with digitalization, which is running until the year 2026. 00:08:07.097 --> 00:08:11.290 As far as curriculum changes in primary schools goes, 00:08:11.550 --> 00:08:17.103 we could finish it until the end of the year 2025. 00:08:17.263 --> 00:08:22.843 This is a matter of a project, where there is a definite timeline. 00:08:23.077 --> 00:08:27.977 As far as a renewal is concerned or a vision until the year 2033, 00:08:28.150 --> 00:08:30.997 it should be noted in the beginning of the year 2024, 00:08:31.307 --> 00:08:36.753 so we could include some elements of the vision in the new curriculums 00:08:36.993 --> 00:08:41.190 and some of them in the changes of the new Act. 00:08:41.863 --> 00:08:46.417 I believe, it shall be necessary to change a way of assessment. 00:08:46.663 --> 00:08:51.370 This is for certain. What we have now, 00:08:51.663 --> 00:08:55.843 it is a unique situation in the world. 00:08:56.170 --> 00:08:59.777 We don't differentiate between honour students, 00:08:59.977 --> 00:09:04.190 when they enter high schools. Some high schools are very popular, 00:09:04.390 --> 00:09:09.670 although there is no reason, why we shouldn't go to other schools, 00:09:09.843 --> 00:09:15.057 which are of the same quality. But this is a personal decision. 00:09:15.323 --> 00:09:20.717 They have to look at educational achievements 00:09:20.877 --> 00:09:24.663 and achievements in individual subjects from 7th grade onward. 00:09:24.943 --> 00:09:28.203 Everybody has straight As. There is a problem, 00:09:28.463 --> 00:09:32.897 how to accept one person and not the other, 00:09:33.137 --> 00:09:36.970 if the grades are the same. Because there is a limit. 00:09:37.250 --> 00:09:42.963 Every school has a spatial limit. Even if we can have 100 students 00:09:43.130 --> 00:09:49.363 and 115 have the same grades, it's hard to say, who to reject. 00:09:49.557 --> 00:09:53.677 This is the biggest issue the schools are reporting about. 00:09:54.370 --> 00:09:59.663 And we know that pushing for grades 00:09:59.890 --> 00:10:03.383 and evaluating people on this basis only, is not good. 00:10:03.597 --> 00:10:06.943 We have to consider other things as well. 00:10:07.190 --> 00:10:13.330 We have also subjects like physical education, for example, 00:10:13.603 --> 00:10:16.703 which is in national level examinations tested in writing. 00:10:16.957 --> 00:10:22.083 I have said everything. We have to think it through 00:10:22.330 --> 00:10:26.983 to find a smart and appropriate educational institution, 00:10:27.110 --> 00:10:29.950 as school is supposed to be. -Thank you very much. -Thank you. 00:10:30.137 --> 00:10:33.780 Now you are invited to press photo session.