WEBVTT 00:00:01.366 --> 00:00:04.910 Welcome to the press conference 00:00:05.031 --> 00:00:08.163 after the 34th regular session of the Government. 00:00:08.284 --> 00:00:11.206 Today, the Government, which on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia 00:00:11.327 --> 00:00:14.595 exercises the rights of a partner in the Slovenian Press Agency, 00:00:14.716 --> 00:00:17.487 approved the contract on the management of the public service 00:00:17.608 --> 00:00:20.789 of the Slovenian Press Agency for this year. 00:00:20.910 --> 00:00:26.876 The value of the contract is €243,600 higher than last year, 00:00:26.997 --> 00:00:29.685 which amounts to 10% higher. 00:00:29.806 --> 00:00:31.446 The Government authorised 00:00:31.567 --> 00:00:34.283 the acting director of the Government Communication Office, i.e. me, 00:00:34.404 --> 00:00:36.340 to sign and implement the contract. 00:00:36.461 --> 00:00:39.803 With this contract and after the disputed regulation 00:00:39.924 --> 00:00:43.026 on the operation of STA was abolished, 00:00:43.147 --> 00:00:47.147 STA is guaranteed normal financing for the performance of public service. 00:00:47.268 --> 00:00:50.599 The Slovenian Press Agency performs important journalistic work 00:00:50.720 --> 00:00:56.410 of constant, comprehensive, accurate and objective provision of information 00:00:56.531 --> 00:00:58.892 about events in Slovenia and around the world. 00:00:59.013 --> 00:01:03.276 The financial uncertainty that has plagued STA recently is now over. 00:01:03.397 --> 00:01:05.474 According to the STA business plan, 00:01:05.595 --> 00:01:10.508 the money allocated is sufficient for the normal operation of the agency. 00:01:10.629 --> 00:01:12.969 The Government reduced the cost of energy 00:01:13.090 --> 00:01:17.797 of the other public medium in Slovenia, RTV Slovenia, 00:01:17.918 --> 00:01:21.078 in the amount of 3.5 million euros. 00:01:21.460 --> 00:01:24.153 In both laws that apply to public media, 00:01:24.274 --> 00:01:27.153 it is written that it is the duty of the founder 00:01:27.274 --> 00:01:31.871 to ensure institutional autonomy, editorial independence 00:01:31.991 --> 00:01:35.804 and adequate funding for the implementation of the public service, 00:01:35.924 --> 00:01:39.469 which the Government is implementing with the aforementioned measures. 00:01:39.590 --> 00:01:43.359 The economic, financial and cultural ministries 00:01:43.480 --> 00:01:46.539 are also looking for solutions for private media. 00:01:46.660 --> 00:01:51.799 The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Bojan Kumer 00:01:51.920 --> 00:01:55.085 will, as he announced yesterday, present the regulation 00:01:55.206 --> 00:01:57.985 which will limit the price of natural gas 00:01:58.106 --> 00:02:02.375 for protected consumers of remote heating systems. 00:02:07.338 --> 00:02:12.497 Hello. As we said yesterday, 00:02:12.815 --> 00:02:16.549 today the Government adopted an amendment to the regulation 00:02:16.670 --> 00:02:20.319 to limit the maximum retail price of natural gas 00:02:20.440 --> 00:02:23.444 for remote heating systems and the consumers 00:02:23.565 --> 00:02:28.291 that meet the criteria of protected consumers. 00:02:28.412 --> 00:02:32.604 The price of natural gas is limited 00:02:32.725 --> 00:02:36.642 to a maximum of €79 per megawatt hour. 00:02:36.763 --> 00:02:41.346 This regulation is valid from 1 January 2023 onwards. 00:02:41.467 --> 00:02:44.178 Who are protected consumers? 00:02:44.299 --> 00:02:49.374 Social services, kindergartens, primary schools, medical centres 00:02:49.494 --> 00:02:53.582 and all those included in this amendment to the regulation 00:02:53.703 --> 00:02:59.305 connected to remote heating systems or heat distributors. Thank you. 00:03:00.749 --> 00:03:04.013 Any question here? No. 00:03:04.134 --> 00:03:08.888 Ema Čepon, you had questions yesterday, go ahead. Pop TV. 00:03:12.801 --> 00:03:16.065 Just a moment, we can't hear you yet. 00:03:17.015 --> 00:03:18.615 Can you hear me? 00:03:21.225 --> 00:03:22.825 Can you hear me? 00:03:27.869 --> 00:03:29.469 Can you hear me? 00:03:30.316 --> 00:03:33.086 Yes, we can hear you. -Okay. 00:03:33.207 --> 00:03:36.101 Limited prices apply for kindergartens, schools, 00:03:36.222 --> 00:03:39.104 and all other protected consumers, as you announced. 00:03:39.377 --> 00:03:43.482 I would point out a concrete example. 00:03:43.603 --> 00:03:47.902 The municipality of Hrastnik is concerned about other consumers. 00:03:48.023 --> 00:03:50.780 From volunteer fire brigades 00:03:50.984 --> 00:03:55.830 to the only swimming pool in the region, a gym, the Red Cross. 00:03:55.951 --> 00:03:58.880 They are concerned about business consumers 00:03:59.001 --> 00:04:01.486 who also have very high bills. 00:04:01.607 --> 00:04:06.655 Are they protected consumers, are you preparing something for them 00:04:06.776 --> 00:04:11.177 or should each municipality solve this 00:04:11.298 --> 00:04:14.324 in agreement with the energy providers? 00:04:14.445 --> 00:04:18.080 In Hrastnik, they met with Petrol today. 00:04:19.312 --> 00:04:23.102 The Government and the competent ministry 00:04:23.223 --> 00:04:29.713 addressed the energy costliness in the second half of 2022. 00:04:30.167 --> 00:04:34.392 We tried to cover as many consumers as possible, from households, 00:04:34.513 --> 00:04:38.587 small businesses, protected consumers, public institutions, 00:04:38.708 --> 00:04:42.058 medium and large consumers. 00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:49.466 As far as the public service of heat supply from remote heating systems, 00:04:49.642 --> 00:04:52.923 we decided to share the burden. 00:04:53.044 --> 00:04:57.051 The Government limited the input energy source, natural gas, 00:04:57.172 --> 00:05:03.840 for household consumers, vulnerable consumers, protected consumers, 00:05:03.961 --> 00:05:11.231 while certain business consumers could get an aid refund. 00:05:11.401 --> 00:05:17.723 All those consumers who do not have a regulated retail price 00:05:17.844 --> 00:05:19.844 or are not covered by regulations, 00:05:19.965 --> 00:05:25.138 have the possibility to get help according to the law prepared 00:05:25.259 --> 00:05:30.929 by the previous Ministry of Economy, Development and Technology. 00:05:32.816 --> 00:05:35.940 Ema Čepon, go ahead. 00:05:36.787 --> 00:05:40.095 If I understand correctly, for everyone else, 00:05:40.216 --> 00:05:45.308 i.e. societies, fire brigades, swimming pools, gyms, 00:05:46.084 --> 00:05:49.496 this is in the domain of the Ministry of Economy. 00:05:49.617 --> 00:05:52.502 Who can provide them with help? 00:05:53.928 --> 00:05:57.656 We offered several types of aid. 00:05:58.587 --> 00:06:03.179 It was agreed upon and communicated 00:06:03.300 --> 00:06:07.842 also with the remote heating sector 00:06:09.431 --> 00:06:15.719 to distribute the costs of district heating systems. 00:06:15.840 --> 00:06:23.507 The highest costs are for those systems that use gas, 00:06:23.700 --> 00:06:28.290 but they didn't buy it in time for this year. 00:06:28.411 --> 00:06:30.011 For what you are asking, 00:06:30.132 --> 00:06:34.496 the Economic Assistance Act should be looked at. 00:06:34.617 --> 00:06:42.258 I think that it is currently being amended in the National Assembly. 00:06:42.379 --> 00:06:46.101 We amended it 00:06:46.222 --> 00:06:50.412 so that those consumers who are not covered by the regulation, 00:06:50.533 --> 00:06:56.829 if they meet the conditions specified in the law, 00:06:56.950 --> 00:07:03.228 can ask for an aid refund through Spirit. 00:07:05.575 --> 00:07:08.075 Again Ema Čepon, go ahead. 00:07:09.993 --> 00:07:12.893 Perhaps a look back at the core of the problem. 00:07:13.014 --> 00:07:18.171 Why is there such a gap between the prices of remote heating 00:07:18.292 --> 00:07:22.669 between different municipalities, different energy companies? 00:07:22.818 --> 00:07:26.811 Because the energy companies did not catch the right time 00:07:26.932 --> 00:07:31.889 to buy natural gas at its best price? 00:07:32.010 --> 00:07:34.498 Is this the crux of the problem? 00:07:34.619 --> 00:07:36.518 There are several reasons. 00:07:36.639 --> 00:07:43.863 We entered the energy crisis period 00:07:44.155 --> 00:07:45.796 with very different starting points. 00:07:45.917 --> 00:07:49.410 The consumers had very different starting points. 00:07:49.531 --> 00:07:55.780 Some procured the input energy for several years in advance, 00:07:55.911 --> 00:08:00.184 and some bought it on the fly, 00:08:00.305 --> 00:08:04.481 maybe yearly, some even quarterly or monthly. 00:08:05.523 --> 00:08:07.221 There were different strategies. 00:08:07.342 --> 00:08:09.903 The Government tried to cover as much as possible 00:08:10.024 --> 00:08:14.750 and limit the prices of energy. 00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:21.449 Those consumers who followed the markets in the past 00:08:21.570 --> 00:08:24.908 may have been able to catch lower prices. 00:08:25.372 --> 00:08:29.811 Those who did not buy energy for last year the year before, 00:08:29.932 --> 00:08:33.052 that is 2021 for 2022... 00:08:33.173 --> 00:08:38.885 Due to the crisis in Ukraine, energy prices rose in February, 00:08:39.006 --> 00:08:41.006 so they missed the right moment. 00:08:41.127 --> 00:08:45.266 We had to address these consumers first. 00:08:45.523 --> 00:08:49.960 The situations are really very different. 00:08:50.139 --> 00:08:56.009 With various measures, we tried to cover all consumer groups. 00:08:57.407 --> 00:08:59.007 Go ahead. 00:09:01.895 --> 00:09:04.656 One last question. 00:09:04.836 --> 00:09:08.984 So the kindergartens will now 00:09:09.880 --> 00:09:13.681 be affected by the price cap. 00:09:13.895 --> 00:09:19.963 What will the financial consequences be and who will must bear them? 00:09:20.880 --> 00:09:25.353 We'll edit the regulation on reimbursements. 00:09:25.723 --> 00:09:32.043 As you know we've pushed through two regulations. 00:09:32.585 --> 00:09:39.672 The difference in price for the suppliers 00:09:40.313 --> 00:09:44.203 and their actual costs will be monitored 00:09:45.196 --> 00:09:48.716 by Borzen. 00:09:49.148 --> 00:09:53.380 There are two regulations. One for gas and one for electricity. 00:09:53.657 --> 00:09:59.349 We'll include this in the regulation appendix that is yet to be prepared. 00:09:59.937 --> 00:10:04.008 We're not in a hurry, because no invoices were issued. 00:10:04.220 --> 00:10:07.976 We have a week or two to prepare the appendix. 00:10:08.717 --> 00:10:15.739 It's really good that the majority of the energy costs 00:10:15.946 --> 00:10:23.749 in the approximation of the natural gas costs, 00:10:24.070 --> 00:10:32.417 even if used by an individual or by remote heating 00:10:32.649 --> 00:10:36.055 are already included in financial consequences of those regulations. 00:10:36.696 --> 00:10:39.696 We have a whole year ahead. 00:10:40.360 --> 00:10:45.664 Another important factor is the temperature. 00:10:45.946 --> 00:10:49.227 If the year is warmer, as the first half of January suggests, 00:10:49.500 --> 00:10:53.414 the financial consequences will be diminished because the costs will be lower 00:10:53.946 --> 00:10:55.546 as well as the energy consumption. 00:10:55.696 --> 00:10:59.311 If the year is cold, 00:10:59.696 --> 00:11:05.717 then we'll stop at the approximated costs. 00:11:05.991 --> 00:11:10.373 We had to foresee the worst possible scenario. 00:11:10.946 --> 00:11:15.092 Let's wait how the events unfold. 00:11:15.446 --> 00:11:20.561 I don't expect more severe financial consequences. 00:11:24.921 --> 00:11:29.068 This one will really be the last. 00:11:29.945 --> 00:11:31.545 Just a second. 00:11:37.828 --> 00:11:40.303 I lost it. 00:11:41.093 --> 00:11:42.693 Thank you very much, that would be all. 00:11:43.603 --> 00:11:47.822 Don't worry, it happens. Thank you, Minister. -Thank you. 00:11:48.174 --> 00:11:54.751 The two journalists who are present wanted to ask me a few questions. 00:12:01.861 --> 00:12:03.759 Lea Majcen, STA. 00:12:03.838 --> 00:12:08.642 We'd like to know when the contract with STA will be signed. 00:12:09.119 --> 00:12:14.667 Are there any changes to the Act on the STA planned to prevent 00:12:14.824 --> 00:12:20.245 that the agency receives no funding. 00:12:20.574 --> 00:12:24.362 The Director is signing the contract tomorrow at 12.00. 00:12:24.706 --> 00:12:28.776 The media will be invited. 00:12:29.996 --> 00:12:33.518 The Ministry for Culture will oversee any changes to the Act. 00:12:33.878 --> 00:12:38.112 I suggest you ask them for comments. 00:12:38.244 --> 00:12:42.964 I am certain they will listen to your wishes. 00:12:43.347 --> 00:12:47.548 The Act is 10 years old and could use some freshening up. 00:12:47.669 --> 00:12:49.892 But they definitely know more. 00:12:54.003 --> 00:12:57.782 Lea Kalc Furlanič, Demokracija. 00:12:58.496 --> 00:13:02.775 I'd like to ask about the photographs. 00:13:02.916 --> 00:13:07.876 Apparently there were some irregularities with Mr. Veselinovič. 00:13:08.041 --> 00:13:12.876 The photos are deemed a public service which is free of charge. 00:13:13.121 --> 00:13:16.915 Despite that he sold them. What will happen now? 00:13:17.668 --> 00:13:21.964 The same applies. Four photographs must be free of charge. 00:13:22.229 --> 00:13:26.066 As a public service in that format. 00:13:26.255 --> 00:13:30.128 Because the photographers complained that their market is being crashed, 00:13:30.503 --> 00:13:34.755 we tried to cater to them while following the Act 00:13:34.876 --> 00:13:42.702 which says that four high-resolution photographs must be free of charge. 00:13:43.455 --> 00:13:45.055 Thank you. 00:13:49.643 --> 00:13:53.048 The Court of Audit ... 00:13:54.409 --> 00:14:00.236 The public has not yet been informed 00:14:01.746 --> 00:14:07.286 about the audit of STA operations. 00:14:07.612 --> 00:14:10.043 Do you have any information about that? -We do. 00:14:10.283 --> 00:14:14.075 Last year we held a discussion with the Court of Audit. 00:14:15.559 --> 00:14:19.767 We presented our situation at UKOM and Ministry for Culture. 00:14:19.888 --> 00:14:23.173 The audit began at the end of last year. 00:14:23.496 --> 00:14:26.579 We expect the conclusion in the second quarter of 2023. 00:14:27.112 --> 00:14:33.084 We expect additional guidelines on how to change the Act. 00:14:33.496 --> 00:14:39.634 We are cooperating with them fully and hope we receive the guidelines 00:14:39.988 --> 00:14:43.923 on how STA should function. 00:14:44.136 --> 00:14:47.518 They will find out if there were irregularities. 00:14:48.496 --> 00:14:52.532 Could you shortly sum up 00:14:53.199 --> 00:14:57.470 the reason for the 10% increase 00:14:57.745 --> 00:14:59.962 in STA financing. 00:15:00.083 --> 00:15:04.292 It is well known that the costs are higher, there is inflation, 00:15:04.573 --> 00:15:09.440 so I believe it's correct that the Government pledged 00:15:09.807 --> 00:15:15.814 more financing so that they wouldn't must operate off donations like before. 00:15:15.996 --> 00:15:18.598 They still have to continue with market services 00:15:18.718 --> 00:15:21.950 which amount to a half of their income. 00:15:22.325 --> 00:15:25.465 They must have a great understanding of the market. 00:15:25.583 --> 00:15:29.428 Does this mean more employees? 00:15:29.549 --> 00:15:35.806 This is their job. 00:15:35.996 --> 00:15:41.064 Maybe their salaries will rise. 00:15:41.294 --> 00:15:45.853 More on that from the company itself, which is completely independent. 00:15:46.207 --> 00:15:50.511 They need to retain this independence 00:15:50.632 --> 00:15:55.183 and we can't dictate them what to do. 00:15:55.332 --> 00:16:00.339 We've enabled this together with their working plan that was confirmed. 00:16:01.449 --> 00:16:05.327 One more thing about UKOM. 00:16:06.362 --> 00:16:11.921 The public tender for the director is in progress. 00:16:12.066 --> 00:16:16.225 You can apply by February 1. -Will you? -I will. 00:16:16.863 --> 00:16:23.278 It's for a five-year mandate. 00:16:23.412 --> 00:16:25.528 It's like before. 00:16:25.685 --> 00:16:29.186 Any government can relieve you of your duties in an instant. 00:16:29.496 --> 00:16:33.155 Thank you and good luck. -Thank you. 00:16:33.769 --> 00:16:35.369 Yes, go ahead. 00:16:36.691 --> 00:16:39.625 Majcen STA. 00:16:39.746 --> 00:16:43.141 Has the government confirmed the Act on judges' salaries? 00:16:43.290 --> 00:16:49.186 Due to the nomotechnical corrections it will be confirmed shortly. 00:16:49.597 --> 00:16:51.197 Thank you. 00:16:52.008 --> 00:16:55.656 Today's press conference is ending. Thank you.