WEBVTT 00:00:01.601 --> 00:00:07.144 Welcome, everyone. Today, the government passed two decrees 00:00:07.264 --> 00:00:10.954 to help the agriculture sector. The first decree 00:00:11.074 --> 00:00:16.420 talks about the help because of the loss of fodder in 2022. 00:00:16.540 --> 00:00:21.925 This help is meant for farms with at least two animals per ha 00:00:22.045 --> 00:00:28.600 and a stocking density of at least 0.9 that reported damage in 2022 00:00:28.720 --> 00:00:32.640 and are registered as an agricultural holding. 00:00:33.595 --> 00:00:36.633 The help is distributed in two categories. 00:00:36.753 --> 00:00:42.559 In the first category, there are farms with 30-60% damage, 00:00:42.679 --> 00:00:46.640 and in the second category, there are farms with more than 60% damage. 00:00:46.853 --> 00:00:51.600 All together, we will distribute 4.5 million euros. 00:00:51.720 --> 00:00:58.715 We decided to help because of high prices and the lack of fodder. 00:00:58.921 --> 00:01:03.560 We don't want the farmers to reduce the number of livestock. 00:01:03.891 --> 00:01:08.254 With the second decree, we will help the beekeepers. 00:01:08.374 --> 00:01:12.326 The help will be distributed to all beekeepers 00:01:12.446 --> 00:01:14.618 that have at least four bee families. 00:01:14.738 --> 00:01:19.080 On average, they will get €10 per family. 00:01:19.286 --> 00:01:23.880 The total amount is a little less than 2 million euros. 00:01:24.304 --> 00:01:28.962 The Slovenian Beekeepers' Association committed 00:01:29.082 --> 00:01:33.725 not to raise the price of honey, except for the inflation level. 00:01:33.845 --> 00:01:39.680 This way, we will try to control inflation. 00:01:45.553 --> 00:01:49.160 Thank you. Please. 00:01:49.928 --> 00:01:54.044 Rok Šuligoj, TV Slovenija. Have you talked 00:01:54.164 --> 00:01:58.148 with the agricultural and beekeeping organizations 00:01:58.268 --> 00:02:02.380 and how did they react? 00:02:02.500 --> 00:02:07.580 All the measures were accepted in consensus 00:02:07.700 --> 00:02:11.602 with the Beekeepers Association, professional beekeepers 00:02:11.722 --> 00:02:15.583 and organic beekeepers. We coordinated everything. 00:02:15.703 --> 00:02:20.220 The help for livestock farms 00:02:20.340 --> 00:02:26.520 was coordinated with the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry, 00:02:26.640 --> 00:02:30.600 the Countryside Youth Association and the Farmers' Union. 00:02:32.765 --> 00:02:34.365 Thank you. 00:02:35.292 --> 00:02:37.559 Are there questions through Zoom? 00:02:41.837 --> 00:02:46.050 Nobody applied. Thank you, minister. -You're welcome. 00:02:46.310 --> 00:02:50.703 Goodbye. -We have another topic. One moment, please. 00:03:02.470 --> 00:03:05.403 Go ahead, minister. -Hello. 00:03:05.890 --> 00:03:11.770 The government has adopted basis for preparing normative solutions 00:03:12.010 --> 00:03:14.117 in regards to misdemeanour proceedings 00:03:14.257 --> 00:03:18.257 that were administered during the Covid 19 epidemic. 00:03:18.550 --> 00:03:22.317 This basis shall be the framework of a normative solution, 00:03:22.590 --> 00:03:25.590 which we are preparing on Ministry of Justice 00:03:25.723 --> 00:03:28.503 in collaboration with Ministry of Internal Affairs 00:03:28.743 --> 00:03:30.757 and Government Legislation Office. 00:03:30.990 --> 00:03:38.043 The deadline for preparation of this basis is January 31st 2023. 00:03:38.637 --> 00:03:43.337 The main emphasis of this solution that we can already communicate, 00:03:43.557 --> 00:03:47.563 although the basis is not ready yet, are as follows: 00:03:47.790 --> 00:03:51.923 We will make a legal basis for returning paid penalties, 00:03:52.110 --> 00:03:56.577 costs of the procedures and costs for enforced recovery 00:03:56.690 --> 00:04:01.603 in relation to those procedures that were introduced during the epidemic 00:04:01.743 --> 00:04:06.137 based on invalid or unconstitutional legal basis. 00:04:06.463 --> 00:04:11.403 The solution shall establish that current procedures should stop, 00:04:11.697 --> 00:04:15.923 as well as procedures about community service 00:04:16.103 --> 00:04:21.117 procedures of imprisonment, enforced recovery 00:04:21.343 --> 00:04:24.889 and procedures of recovery of costs of criminal procedure. 00:04:25.343 --> 00:04:30.523 The procedure of returning of fines will be governed of its own motion. 00:04:30.850 --> 00:04:36.837 That means automatically. Affected don't have to act on their own. 00:04:37.163 --> 00:04:41.463 The goal of this government is that the returning runs smoothly 00:04:41.657 --> 00:04:46.830 and centralized. The affected shall automatically get a calculation, 00:04:46.997 --> 00:04:53.197 they can dispute, but the payment shall also be automatic. 00:04:53.630 --> 00:04:58.297 It will be modelled on restitution of overpaid advance on income tax. 00:04:58.506 --> 00:05:00.678 Financial resources for the reimbursement 00:05:00.799 --> 00:05:02.905 will of course be provided entirely 00:05:03.026 --> 00:05:06.017 from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia. 00:05:13.595 --> 00:05:17.407 Thank you. Go ahead. -Rok Šuligoj, TV Slovenia. 00:05:17.528 --> 00:05:22.360 Do you have an estimate of how many resources will be needed? 00:05:22.481 --> 00:05:27.824 When will people start receiving notifications? 00:05:27.945 --> 00:05:32.808 When will all this be carried out? 00:05:33.329 --> 00:05:38.985 What if there is an error, if someone is left out? Thank you. 00:05:39.121 --> 00:05:42.600 The deadline for the preparation of a normative solution, 00:05:42.721 --> 00:05:45.428 which will be a special law, 00:05:45.549 --> 00:05:48.464 is January 31, 2023. 00:05:48.611 --> 00:05:54.006 The preparation of the legal basis is going very well and very quickly. 00:05:54.127 --> 00:05:59.600 The solutions for the legislative procedure might be prepared earlier, 00:05:59.721 --> 00:06:02.980 but definitely by January 31 at the latest. 00:06:03.101 --> 00:06:06.699 Then, of course, the law must be passed by the National Assembly 00:06:06.820 --> 00:06:11.714 and it will be implemented as scheduled. 00:06:11.835 --> 00:06:13.802 The minor offence authorities 00:06:13.923 --> 00:06:16.574 that have introduced the minor offence procedures 00:06:16.695 --> 00:06:24.522 will also carry out the calculations and send them to citizens 00:06:24.643 --> 00:06:31.652 who were the subject of minor offence proceedings. 00:06:31.773 --> 00:06:35.923 Then they will get an automatic calculation, 00:06:36.044 --> 00:06:39.631 similar to income tax calculations. 00:06:39.752 --> 00:06:44.115 They will be able to object to this calculation if there are mistakes. 00:06:44.241 --> 00:06:47.079 In there is no objection, when the deadline expires 00:06:47.200 --> 00:06:49.813 or when a replacement calculation is issued, 00:06:49.934 --> 00:06:54.574 fines and costs will be refunded automatically. 00:06:55.613 --> 00:06:59.597 Thank you. Go ahead. -What is the amount? 00:06:59.718 --> 00:07:04.162 I'm sorry, I forgot to answer. 00:07:04.283 --> 00:07:07.319 The fines imposed in these minor offence proceedings 00:07:07.440 --> 00:07:10.293 amounted to a little over five million euros. 00:07:10.414 --> 00:07:16.985 Voluntarily paid fines totalled around 1,700,000 euros. 00:07:17.106 --> 00:07:22.740 This is also the estimated amount that will have to be paid back. 00:07:22.861 --> 00:07:26.152 This is around 30% of all imposed fines. 00:07:26.273 --> 00:07:30.178 We will have to add the costs of procedures. 00:07:30.299 --> 00:07:34.412 Almost four million euros is the amount of fines 00:07:34.533 --> 00:07:36.954 which are still in enforced recovery procedures. 00:07:37.075 --> 00:07:39.772 When this law comes into force, 00:07:39.893 --> 00:07:44.779 we will have a legal basis to stop these procedures. 00:07:45.641 --> 00:07:48.594 Thank you. Any questions over Zoom? 00:07:52.242 --> 00:07:55.178 No. Minister, thank you. -Thank you very much. 00:07:55.299 --> 00:07:57.299 Thank you for your attention.