WEBVTT 00:00:00.250 --> 00:00:04.695 Good day. There's more of you each day. 00:00:05.148 --> 00:00:07.232 The scenery is beautiful. 00:00:08.828 --> 00:00:13.687 We've finished debating with economy representatives 00:00:14.182 --> 00:00:18.429 from The Chamber of Commerce and The Chamber of Craft 00:00:18.531 --> 00:00:21.921 in Pomurje and Prekmurje and several companies. 00:00:22.789 --> 00:00:27.507 We exchanged views on problems in the economic world, 00:00:28.570 --> 00:00:32.968 we had to avoid the situation with energy sources 00:00:33.652 --> 00:00:37.140 and the rising costs. 00:00:37.589 --> 00:00:42.117 We've explained what measures we're preparing this week 00:00:42.558 --> 00:00:45.046 and in the following year. 00:00:46.151 --> 00:00:52.415 I think we'll find an adequate solution to the economy of Pomurje. 00:00:53.043 --> 00:00:57.610 We've also discussed developmental opportunities of the region 00:00:58.651 --> 00:01:02.360 and its strategic aspirations. 00:01:03.652 --> 00:01:08.712 Besides agriculture and irrigation systems 00:01:09.402 --> 00:01:14.654 and how to help agriculture 00:01:15.058 --> 00:01:20.957 we've discussed another untapped opportunity, 00:01:22.034 --> 00:01:25.781 and that is geothermal energy. 00:01:27.120 --> 00:01:31.613 A huge part of the economy counts on this potential 00:01:32.065 --> 00:01:38.110 with its agricultural aspect in mind. 00:01:38.839 --> 00:01:42.556 We've also discussed 00:01:42.876 --> 00:01:47.985 how to exploit natural resources 00:01:48.902 --> 00:01:53.946 and strengthen food-processing industry 00:01:54.206 --> 00:01:58.597 with education systems and infrastructure investment. 00:01:59.761 --> 00:02:05.780 We've learned a lot in this meeting, 00:02:06.151 --> 00:02:11.351 the meeting was honest and direct and I believe 00:02:11.791 --> 00:02:17.716 we'll soon have concrete measures that will benefit both the economy 00:02:18.152 --> 00:02:20.319 and Slovenia as a country. 00:02:20.603 --> 00:02:23.536 I'm now ready to take questions. 00:02:35.034 --> 00:02:41.456 On Thursday, we'll be discussing electricity prices 00:02:42.402 --> 00:02:45.453 for the current year in accordance with the European directive 00:02:45.844 --> 00:02:51.742 on state aid. We'll propose a measure 00:02:52.151 --> 00:02:55.609 that will cover a part of the price difference compared to last year 00:02:55.922 --> 00:03:00.023 from the budgets. Funds are guaranteed. 00:03:00.519 --> 00:03:08.242 Luckily, only a handful were affected by the high prices, 00:03:08.901 --> 00:03:11.781 however, the following year will be different for the majority. 00:03:12.064 --> 00:03:18.748 We've discussed ways how we can help 00:03:18.956 --> 00:03:24.800 small and medium-sized consumers through escalation ladder. 00:03:27.152 --> 00:03:32.378 It's quite similar, but it's easier for the state in regards to electricity, 00:03:32.933 --> 00:03:35.032 because we have our own energy sources 00:03:35.261 --> 00:03:42.470 whereas we lack those for gas. We'll definitely not run out of gas, 00:03:43.612 --> 00:03:48.679 but the prices are very high. 00:03:49.651 --> 00:03:54.429 Many measures, including transition from gas to other energy sources, 00:03:54.652 --> 00:04:00.124 including consumption rationalization, seems to be the best solution. 00:04:08.917 --> 00:04:14.093 Companies are in different situations. No two cases are the same. 00:04:14.344 --> 00:04:18.106 Every company has its own purchasing prices 00:04:18.227 --> 00:04:25.638 that's why we have to figure out the difference and consumption by company. 00:04:27.112 --> 00:04:31.762 I am counting on energy providers, 00:04:32.035 --> 00:04:37.568 there aren't many, to verify all the data. 00:04:47.055 --> 00:04:51.531 No, we don't want to introduce further charges. 00:04:51.652 --> 00:04:58.276 We're taking measures to limit the price of gas and electricity downwards. 00:04:58.636 --> 00:05:03.812 We don't want to follow steps taken by other countries 00:05:04.096 --> 00:05:07.805 that put the higher cost on the consumer alone. 00:05:08.003 --> 00:05:10.469 Primarily on household consumers. 00:05:11.199 --> 00:05:14.383 We'll shortly prepare an analysis 00:05:15.152 --> 00:05:19.320 on gas and electricity price differences compared 00:05:19.516 --> 00:05:21.849 to other European countries. 00:05:21.985 --> 00:05:26.044 You'll then see how big the difference really is. 00:05:26.216 --> 00:05:28.794 We're not talking about a 20% difference 00:05:28.997 --> 00:05:31.309 but about 200% or more 00:05:31.529 --> 00:05:37.888 when you compare our consumers and those from other countries. 00:05:38.154 --> 00:05:40.737 We're not thinking about taxes. 00:05:58.256 --> 00:06:05.193 We've discussed how to improve the efficacy of existing boreholes. 00:06:05.893 --> 00:06:10.661 We'll review the situation 00:06:10.902 --> 00:06:17.200 and prepare an analysis with the relevant experts. 00:06:17.652 --> 00:06:20.656 We need to prepare a plan on geothermal energy 00:06:20.852 --> 00:06:22.685 for the entire region. 00:06:22.806 --> 00:06:26.578 This potential is rather untapped today. 00:06:26.890 --> 00:06:30.576 It is unusual that today, 00:06:30.697 --> 00:06:36.948 when only a small portion is in use, we would limit those who use it. 00:06:37.652 --> 00:06:42.847 Geothermal energy is a big opportunity for Pomurje that we should focus on 00:06:43.214 --> 00:06:44.814 more ambitiously. 00:06:50.589 --> 00:06:55.930 Shortage of labour is a problem everywhere. 00:06:56.401 --> 00:07:02.070 We have daily migrants 00:07:02.308 --> 00:07:06.586 in neighbouring countries, 00:07:07.019 --> 00:07:11.758 and we've slept on migration policies as a country, 00:07:12.151 --> 00:07:17.423 especially work permits and we need to tackle this challenge. 00:07:17.753 --> 00:07:21.173 How to obtain work permits faster 00:07:21.486 --> 00:07:26.093 to offset shortage of labour that migrates abroad 00:07:26.214 --> 00:07:31.454 either in Austria or Italy. 00:07:36.487 --> 00:07:39.985 You know very well that the employers define salaries. 00:07:40.120 --> 00:07:45.199 Those present today did not suggest this, however, they thought 00:07:45.402 --> 00:07:50.037 that the taxes could be lower. Even if we abolished them completely, 00:07:50.158 --> 00:07:53.490 we can't compete with the situation abroad. 00:07:53.611 --> 00:07:56.099 Because of the higher value added per employee. 00:07:56.358 --> 00:07:59.258 That's why we'll take two measures. 00:07:59.709 --> 00:08:03.670 We need to invest in those branches that will boost the value added. 00:08:03.885 --> 00:08:07.834 This way, salaries can be higher, too. Meanwhile, we need to take care 00:08:08.152 --> 00:08:12.888 that we'll acquire labour force 00:08:13.076 --> 00:08:16.881 that wants to work here faster. 00:08:37.611 --> 00:08:42.188 I believe the Statistical Office published this today, 00:08:42.309 --> 00:08:45.726 but I haven't looked at the data. 00:08:46.035 --> 00:08:49.242 I'm happy. This was expected 00:08:49.902 --> 00:08:52.609 for the second quarter. 00:08:53.260 --> 00:08:58.382 I'm more worried about the last quarter, 00:08:58.901 --> 00:09:01.883 because things might get cold. 00:09:02.057 --> 00:09:05.281 The key, however, will be the first quarter of next year. 00:09:05.541 --> 00:09:11.156 All those measures will have that in mind. 00:09:11.652 --> 00:09:14.868 How to help people through the winter and how to upstart 00:09:14.989 --> 00:09:16.589 the economy in January. 00:09:16.710 --> 00:09:22.235 The prospects seem good which is an extenuating circumstance 00:09:22.652 --> 00:09:29.048 that will be used to alleviate our people's troubles in the winter. 00:09:29.302 --> 00:09:35.906 We've discussed prices before. Our prices will be much 00:09:36.292 --> 00:09:40.134 lower than those abroad, for example in Austria. 00:09:40.501 --> 00:09:45.126 Migrant workers have Austrian salaries and Slovenian prices. 00:09:45.475 --> 00:09:49.610 This is an unbelievable combination which won't last. 00:10:04.537 --> 00:10:08.333 I don't know exactly. 00:10:08.454 --> 00:10:12.005 There's been fewer applicants than expected. 00:10:12.205 --> 00:10:18.155 Apparently, our farmers didn't have problems selling their crops. 00:10:18.714 --> 00:10:21.163 They sold to the highest bidder. 00:10:21.619 --> 00:10:27.051 If we don't acquire everything, we'll reopen the call to tenders. 00:10:27.401 --> 00:10:32.801 It's good news that the port of Odessa is not under blockade. 00:10:32.922 --> 00:10:40.426 I believe there won't be shortage of wheat as it seemed a month ago. 00:10:55.813 --> 00:11:00.719 No, we can't talk about energy poverty. 00:11:00.840 --> 00:11:03.886 Several experts are working on the criteria for energy poverty. 00:11:04.007 --> 00:11:07.325 We'll skip this phase. 00:11:07.651 --> 00:11:11.708 We'll define poverty. Not on Thursday. 00:11:12.221 --> 00:11:14.255 This will be done in the course of next month. 00:11:14.573 --> 00:11:19.811 We'll appeal to all those who aren't documented 00:11:20.401 --> 00:11:26.041 but would be eligible for help, to come forward so that they can 00:11:26.143 --> 00:11:31.684 be included in the next wave of benefits. 00:11:36.152 --> 00:11:40.541 We'll present the measures on Thursday. 00:11:41.214 --> 00:11:45.892 We'll know more on Thursday. 00:12:02.154 --> 00:12:06.467 No comment. Time will show that the difference is huge. 00:12:06.901 --> 00:12:12.076 We don't expect 00:12:12.651 --> 00:12:16.892 any additional measures in schools 00:12:17.151 --> 00:12:20.767 apart from proper ventilation and that symptomatic students 00:12:20.923 --> 00:12:22.523 will stay home. 00:12:22.652 --> 00:12:26.970 We've stressed that we don't expect additional measures. 00:12:27.277 --> 00:12:32.538 For the first time NIPH leads a taskforce of school personnel 00:12:32.855 --> 00:12:34.455 who focus only on that. 00:12:35.151 --> 00:12:38.945 We'll communicate more about that this week. 00:12:39.254 --> 00:12:45.874 They waited for people to come back from vacation. 00:12:46.300 --> 00:12:53.820 But we've already mentioned in July that we don't expect any measures. 00:13:06.109 --> 00:13:11.646 If we go down this route, we have to think carefully. 00:13:12.652 --> 00:13:17.943 Because of climate change that we're witnessing every day 00:13:18.902 --> 00:13:26.800 and the fact that we have water but we can't properly store it, 00:13:27.153 --> 00:13:33.987 we'll have to rethink the concepts of water tanks and the supply network. 00:13:35.152 --> 00:13:41.367 We'll discuss this in the Autumn, as it's not a region-specific issue, 00:13:41.488 --> 00:13:44.398 as we can see in the Slovenian Istria and the Karst regions. 00:13:45.313 --> 00:13:48.625 We'll probably amend the laws 00:13:48.878 --> 00:13:55.078 and try to find a balance between national interest of draught prevention 00:13:55.901 --> 00:14:01.406 and ecological interests. We'll speed up the process 00:14:01.744 --> 00:14:07.390 which is the only way to introduce such systems 00:14:07.736 --> 00:14:10.640 in our environment.