WEBVTT 00:00:00.094 --> 00:00:03.607 Ladies and gentlemen, to the scene where in a few moments 00:00:03.728 --> 00:00:06.704 we will unveil the cornerstone of the new children's hospital, 00:00:06.825 --> 00:00:10.568 the following are coming: the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, 00:00:10.689 --> 00:00:12.388 Mr. Janez Janša, 00:00:12.509 --> 00:00:15.676 the Minister of Health, Mr. Janez Poklukar, 00:00:15.797 --> 00:00:20.855 and the acting director of the Šentvid pri Stični Children's Hospital, 00:00:20.976 --> 00:00:22.976 Mrs. Tanja Smrekar. 00:00:23.628 --> 00:00:26.897 Please, unveil the cornerstone. 00:00:27.018 --> 00:00:31.480 We shall accompany this symbolic act with applause 00:00:31.601 --> 00:00:34.344 and a commemorative photograph. 00:01:00.213 --> 00:01:05.200 Dear gathered, especially employees of the children's hospital, 00:01:05.321 --> 00:01:08.888 today is a big and special day for all of us. 00:01:09.009 --> 00:01:11.892 At the crossroads of the present and the future, 00:01:12.013 --> 00:01:14.879 many years of efforts are coming to fruition. 00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:18.346 I invite the local pastor, Mr. Izidor Grošelj, 00:01:18.467 --> 00:01:21.136 to bless the cornerstone. 00:01:23.589 --> 00:01:25.313 Brothers and sisters, 00:01:25.434 --> 00:01:29.028 the Bible tells us about Jesus' love, 00:01:29.149 --> 00:01:32.487 a loving attitude towards the sick and those in need. 00:01:32.608 --> 00:01:36.411 He instructed his disciples to imitate him in this. 00:01:36.532 --> 00:01:39.284 The cornerstone we bless today 00:01:39.405 --> 00:01:42.899 is a sign that we have not forgotten Jesus' command, 00:01:43.020 --> 00:01:45.776 and that we are willing to serve 00:01:45.897 --> 00:01:48.898 our suffering brothers and sisters to the best of our ability. 00:01:49.019 --> 00:01:52.296 So that the works will go according to plan and that those 00:01:52.417 --> 00:01:55.573 who come here seeking health, will get it, 00:01:55.694 --> 00:01:57.830 let us pray the Lord’s Prayer. 00:01:57.951 --> 00:02:00.308 Our Father, who art in heaven, 00:02:00.429 --> 00:02:02.609 hallowed be thy name. 00:02:03.008 --> 00:02:05.269 Thy kingdom come, 00:02:05.390 --> 00:02:10.069 thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 00:02:10.190 --> 00:02:12.730 Give us this day our daily bread 00:02:12.851 --> 00:02:15.057 and forgive us our trespasses 00:02:15.178 --> 00:02:18.147 as we forgive those who trespass against us. 00:02:18.268 --> 00:02:22.422 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 00:02:22.543 --> 00:02:25.313 Let us pray. Lord, our God. 00:02:25.434 --> 00:02:27.198 Your son healed our weaknesses 00:02:27.319 --> 00:02:29.579 and diseases in the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:32.205 He sent his disciples to preach the gospel 00:02:32.326 --> 00:02:34.735 and instructed them to visit the sick. 00:02:34.856 --> 00:02:38.672 We ask you that all the sick who will be or are here 00:02:38.793 --> 00:02:42.422 are kindly accepted by doctors and their assistants 00:02:42.543 --> 00:02:44.410 who will monitor the course of their disease 00:02:44.531 --> 00:02:47.296 and devote all their care to their healing. 00:02:47.417 --> 00:02:50.256 When they leave here healed in body and soul, 00:02:50.377 --> 00:02:56.009 may they continually praise your goodness through Christ our Lord. 00:03:06.458 --> 00:03:10.386 Thank you very much, pastor. Now I ask the Prime Minister, 00:03:10.507 --> 00:03:14.926 Minister and acting director for short statements. 00:03:19.106 --> 00:03:24.388 Dear locals, employees of the hospital, Mr. Mayor, 00:03:24.509 --> 00:03:26.509 everyone present. 00:03:26.975 --> 00:03:30.295 As I stepped over the threshold of the children's hospital, 00:03:30.416 --> 00:03:34.661 I remembered the days long gone, 00:03:34.782 --> 00:03:39.019 when I was still in high school in Stična and I had a classmate 00:03:39.140 --> 00:03:44.063 from the then centre. 00:03:44.510 --> 00:03:47.331 We visited him several times. 00:03:47.452 --> 00:03:52.218 When I saw these rooms today, some of the pictures were similar, 00:03:52.339 --> 00:03:56.836 but otherwise, a lot has happened during this time. 00:03:57.114 --> 00:04:02.083 We invested in hospital and working conditions, 00:04:02.504 --> 00:04:07.624 but not enough. So I’m glad that with this cornerstone 00:04:08.030 --> 00:04:12.956 we are starting a project that will give the hospital 00:04:13.077 --> 00:04:19.123 the necessary capacities to meet the prescribed standards. 00:04:20.851 --> 00:04:23.195 The results you have achieved so far 00:04:23.316 --> 00:04:27.031 in the treatment of children with chronic diseases 00:04:27.152 --> 00:04:30.282 you have achieved in difficult conditions. 00:04:30.403 --> 00:04:33.832 A sincere thank you to all of you who nonetheless 00:04:33.953 --> 00:04:38.242 lovingly cared for the children 00:04:38.363 --> 00:04:41.458 who need special care and attention. 00:04:42.218 --> 00:04:48.134 Thank you for your willingness to help during the pandemic. 00:04:50.985 --> 00:04:52.685 Unfortunately, this was not the case everywhere, 00:04:52.806 --> 00:04:55.061 but you immediately came to the rescue here. 00:04:55.182 --> 00:04:59.382 Both with the capacities you have made available 00:04:59.905 --> 00:05:03.095 and patient care, 00:05:03.216 --> 00:05:07.461 when we were looking for every free bed in Slovenia. 00:05:07.582 --> 00:05:13.429 Thank you to the nurses who helped in the medical centre at the time. 00:05:14.410 --> 00:05:16.604 We will never forget that. 00:05:16.942 --> 00:05:19.811 Thank you to the management for their ambitions, 00:05:19.932 --> 00:05:22.509 because without these ambitions and efforts 00:05:22.630 --> 00:05:28.785 to gain support for project financing, 00:05:28.906 --> 00:05:30.903 there would be no cornerstone, 00:05:31.024 --> 00:05:35.621 behind which is a project on a realistic financial basis. 00:05:35.742 --> 00:05:41.033 As we have heard, there are still some land issues and so on. 00:05:41.154 --> 00:05:45.790 Everywhere in Slovenia, where we are embarking on new projects, 00:05:45.911 --> 00:05:49.601 especially in healthcare, there are and will be a lot of investments, 00:05:49.726 --> 00:05:51.402 because this is one of our priorities, 00:05:51.523 --> 00:05:56.007 unfortunately we come across unresolved land registry conditions, 00:05:56.128 --> 00:06:01.867 things that in a country governed by the rule of law one cannot imagine. 00:06:01.988 --> 00:06:07.240 But we are solving them and government visits to Slovenian regions... 00:06:07.361 --> 00:06:12.691 Today, we conclude our last visit in this term. 00:06:14.227 --> 00:06:19.154 They help move things forward. I won't list them, 00:06:19.427 --> 00:06:23.815 because laying a cornerstone is not the time for such things, 00:06:23.936 --> 00:06:26.259 but everything we heard during the conversation... 00:06:26.380 --> 00:06:29.277 I promise that the government and the relevant ministries 00:06:29.398 --> 00:06:32.862 will try to solve it as soon as possible. 00:06:33.542 --> 00:06:37.530 The project of new hospital capacities, 00:06:37.651 --> 00:06:40.981 the cornerstone of which we just unveiled, 00:06:41.102 --> 00:06:44.601 goes on, of course. Funds are provided, 00:06:44.722 --> 00:06:46.722 as are all other conditions, 00:06:46.843 --> 00:06:50.629 even if some of these land complications are not resolved, 00:06:50.750 --> 00:06:56.207 it will be built and you will finally get the working conditions 00:06:56.497 --> 00:06:59.510 that you deserve, and most importantly, 00:06:59.631 --> 00:07:02.374 that the children deserve, 00:07:02.730 --> 00:07:07.990 because they need our greatest care. 00:07:08.111 --> 00:07:14.978 Something that only those of you who have it in your heart can give. 00:07:15.099 --> 00:07:20.560 Thank you so much for loving the children. 00:07:21.766 --> 00:07:29.635 I'm sure that we will dot the i's and cross the t's here soon, 00:07:29.883 --> 00:07:37.430 with the opening of new premises which will grant predispositions 00:07:37.651 --> 00:07:41.516 that you wished for in the last decades, 00:07:41.970 --> 00:07:47.983 but there was not enough will, courage or money. 00:07:48.412 --> 00:07:52.889 I'm happy we made this stride forward. Thank you. 00:08:03.014 --> 00:08:09.022 Dear guests, you know I've said that the youth is the future. 00:08:09.952 --> 00:08:16.983 As a father, I know what children bring to our lives. 00:08:17.343 --> 00:08:18.943 Happiness and joy. 00:08:19.252 --> 00:08:23.991 As a doctor I also know and understand what follows, 00:08:24.400 --> 00:08:27.108 if a child is chronically ill. 00:08:27.752 --> 00:08:32.960 I'd like to thank all 73 employees 00:08:33.627 --> 00:08:36.952 of the Children's Hospital Šentivd pri Stični. 00:08:37.713 --> 00:08:40.913 With your tireless work 00:08:41.758 --> 00:08:44.763 not only you cure children, 00:08:45.265 --> 00:08:50.694 but are preparing them for life, educating them about their illness 00:08:51.252 --> 00:08:56.264 you are helping them see positives. 00:08:57.634 --> 00:09:02.983 How important the work and message of the hospital are, 00:09:03.751 --> 00:09:09.569 showed after 20 years in December last year. 00:09:10.002 --> 00:09:16.709 It was called a "centre" before, offering secondary care since 1996, 00:09:17.420 --> 00:09:22.926 but since December bears the name Children's Hospital Šentivd pri Stični. 00:09:23.364 --> 00:09:27.770 Once again, sincere thanks and congratulations. 00:09:28.778 --> 00:09:32.278 You will be given conditions 00:09:32.802 --> 00:09:35.966 to carry out your calling in the future. 00:09:36.552 --> 00:09:40.075 The 4-storey building 00:09:41.222 --> 00:09:44.630 will come with a contemporary mess hall 00:09:45.051 --> 00:09:48.450 and a kitchen. The children can be hospitalized for months, 00:09:48.801 --> 00:09:54.216 so correct nutrition is an essential part of recovery. 00:09:55.692 --> 00:10:01.153 The ground floor will see a new ward with 16 beds, 00:10:01.683 --> 00:10:04.145 each room will have two. 00:10:04.331 --> 00:10:09.216 Each room will have its own bathroom. 00:10:09.552 --> 00:10:13.145 As I've learned today, it's especially important 00:10:13.450 --> 00:10:18.286 so that children can enter the society 00:10:18.757 --> 00:10:22.544 with their families after their treatment. 00:10:23.953 --> 00:10:27.645 There will be a clinic ward on the ground floor 00:10:28.061 --> 00:10:31.184 and the so-called Floor on the 1st floor. 00:10:31.452 --> 00:10:37.498 It will consist of 30 beds in 15 rooms. 00:10:37.853 --> 00:10:43.202 The same standards will be applied. 00:10:44.906 --> 00:10:50.100 A novelty is a post-discharge ward 00:10:50.402 --> 00:10:53.491 with additional 25 beds. 00:10:53.902 --> 00:10:57.514 In total, this building will bring 71 new hospital beds 00:10:57.902 --> 00:11:00.725 on 3200 square metres. 00:11:01.022 --> 00:11:04.592 The current hospital amounts to 2700 sq metres. 00:11:04.866 --> 00:11:09.194 The extension will have 3200 square metres. 00:11:09.600 --> 00:11:16.577 We'll get from 40 hospital beds to over 70. This means 00:11:17.452 --> 00:11:22.850 additional capacities for our youngest and most vulnerable. 00:11:23.202 --> 00:11:27.186 The project is worth €5.8 million. 00:11:27.701 --> 00:11:30.600 €5.5 is funded by the EU, 00:11:30.721 --> 00:11:34.577 300.000 from the budget. 00:11:35.263 --> 00:11:40.033 This project will enable better treatment for our children. 00:11:40.833 --> 00:11:44.626 It will be shorter 00:11:44.747 --> 00:11:49.962 so the possibility of nosocomial infections will be reduced. 00:11:50.786 --> 00:11:55.205 It will increase the level of healthcare services. 00:11:55.817 --> 00:12:03.590 I also learned today that new services will be possible. 00:12:04.442 --> 00:12:09.549 And all the employees will work in proper working conditions. 00:12:12.263 --> 00:12:17.192 The new kitchen will provide that extra spark 00:12:17.355 --> 00:12:22.669 because both the employees and our children need it. 00:12:24.831 --> 00:12:30.088 I'd like to thank all the employees again. 00:12:30.402 --> 00:12:34.760 Because you've decided to choose your profession and workplace. 00:12:35.651 --> 00:12:39.135 This shows your high moral values 00:12:39.402 --> 00:12:44.233 and a sense of belonging to each and every child you treat. 00:12:46.653 --> 00:12:51.250 The children are our future, so we better take care of them. 00:12:51.477 --> 00:12:53.797 Thank you. 00:13:02.749 --> 00:13:07.131 After 7 years of efforts 00:13:07.352 --> 00:13:10.748 the day has finally come. It gives hope, 00:13:10.921 --> 00:13:12.521 strength and momentum 00:13:12.664 --> 00:13:17.326 for such valiant work that my colleagues carry out daily. 00:13:17.985 --> 00:13:22.655 I'm happy the new extension will grant us quality units 00:13:22.776 --> 00:13:25.030 for child healthcare. 00:13:25.750 --> 00:13:32.297 I'm honoured that the PM Janez Janša 00:13:33.430 --> 00:13:36.617 and the Minister for Health Janez Poklukar are here today. 00:13:36.969 --> 00:13:40.164 I'd like to thank all the investors, 00:13:40.285 --> 00:13:44.250 the Ministry for Health who co-funded this project 00:13:44.402 --> 00:13:46.242 along with the EU funds and the government budget. 00:13:46.652 --> 00:13:50.289 I'd like to thank all who prepared project documentation 00:13:50.652 --> 00:13:54.484 who persevered with us and adjusted to our needs. 00:13:55.652 --> 00:13:58.930 Thank you, Mr. Izidor Grošelj for your blessing. 00:13:59.652 --> 00:14:02.852 Despite the difficult times 00:14:02.973 --> 00:14:06.406 we will see this project through 00:14:06.527 --> 00:14:09.118 and the extension will help us soon. 00:14:09.831 --> 00:14:13.953 The children's hospital is important for our town 00:14:14.251 --> 00:14:16.984 in terms of employment, 00:14:17.105 --> 00:14:22.797 but it is even more important for all the children from across the country. 00:14:23.782 --> 00:14:27.427 In the name of the employees 00:14:27.833 --> 00:14:31.059 and the children and their parents, thank you. 00:14:39.521 --> 00:14:42.354 Thank you to all the participants. 00:14:42.450 --> 00:14:44.700 The ceremony has concluded. 00:14:44.857 --> 00:14:48.130 A pleasant day to everyone.