WEBVTT 00:00:00.049 --> 00:00:06.039 We are here to admire your courage, admire your fight, 00:00:06.365 --> 00:00:11.955 in which you are destroying the myth of the invincible Russian army. 00:00:12.076 --> 00:00:15.881 We are here because you are also fighting our fight. 00:00:16.002 --> 00:00:18.293 You're not only defending your homeland, 00:00:18.414 --> 00:00:22.850 you're not only defending the territory of Ukraine and Europe, 00:00:23.327 --> 00:00:30.000 you're also defending fundamental European values. 00:00:30.407 --> 00:00:37.332 Freedom, democracy, every person's right 00:00:37.726 --> 00:00:40.901 to choose their own life and every country's right 00:00:41.022 --> 00:00:44.758 to be sovereign and to choose its own path. 00:00:44.879 --> 00:00:48.097 We are doing everything in our capacity 00:00:48.218 --> 00:00:52.722 to help you and the refugees coming from Ukraine. 00:00:52.940 --> 00:00:56.098 We are totally aware that the most important thing 00:00:56.219 --> 00:01:02.998 is to help Ukraine with defensive and offensive weapons 00:01:03.119 --> 00:01:08.043 for them to be able to defend the land, the sea and the sky. 00:01:08.791 --> 00:01:16.690 We are also here to deliver the message of European unity, 00:01:16.998 --> 00:01:19.388 the unity inside the European Union, 00:01:19.509 --> 00:01:23.397 which is a complicated family with 27 members. 00:01:23.518 --> 00:01:30.078 The unity in supporting your fight and your sovereignty 00:01:30.399 --> 00:01:34.856 has been achieved in a very short time, 00:01:34.977 --> 00:01:40.403 if we compare this situation with some historic situations. 00:01:43.261 --> 00:01:50.173 We are also here to tell you to be brave. 00:01:50.294 --> 00:01:55.658 Ukraine is a European country, every path in Ukraine is European. 00:01:55.835 --> 00:02:00.999 We will do everything in our power 00:02:01.600 --> 00:02:06.431 for these paths to also become EU membership paths. 00:02:06.552 --> 00:02:08.779 We strongly support 00:02:09.215 --> 00:02:13.627 the candidate status for Ukraine to be delivered as soon as possible. 00:02:13.748 --> 00:02:17.936 Not only as a concrete step of support, 00:02:18.057 --> 00:02:22.499 but also as a message to those who invaded Ukraine 00:02:22.620 --> 00:02:25.206 that you are a part of our family 00:02:25.327 --> 00:02:31.801 and that our family is prepared to defend and support Ukraine. 00:02:32.418 --> 00:02:34.823 I think that currently 00:02:36.205 --> 00:02:38.841 it's no question that 00:02:40.169 --> 00:02:44.231 the country which is defending the European values the most 00:02:44.352 --> 00:02:47.081 is Ukraine. 00:02:47.202 --> 00:02:50.897 And suddenly, inside of the European Union, 00:02:51.018 --> 00:02:56.961 where we are speaking about all kinds of fundamental values, 00:02:57.409 --> 00:03:01.204 we realized that such values actually exist. 00:03:02.598 --> 00:03:07.187 There are Europeans who are fighting for them, 00:03:08.038 --> 00:03:12.746 defending them with their own lives in Ukraine. 00:03:13.864 --> 00:03:21.681 This is why the mood inside the EU member countries 00:03:21.858 --> 00:03:25.752 has changed significantly. 00:03:25.873 --> 00:03:27.873 This is a key moment. 00:03:28.223 --> 00:03:33.184 Hundreds of thousands of people are coming to European squares 00:03:33.305 --> 00:03:35.099 and streets to support you. 00:03:35.220 --> 00:03:38.508 You are not alone, you are a part of the family. 00:03:38.629 --> 00:03:43.906 Stay brave. You will win. Together we will prevail. Thank you.