WEBVTT 00:00:05.547 --> 00:00:09.560 I wish you a pleasant evening, dear viewers. 00:00:10.021 --> 00:00:13.349 Here Cankarjev Dom Congress Center, 00:00:13.540 --> 00:00:16.856 we're awaiting the ceremony marking 00:00:16.977 --> 00:00:19.564 the Day of Independence and Unity. 00:00:19.696 --> 00:00:25.063 Slovenia's independence plebiscite took place 31 years ago. 00:00:25.184 --> 00:00:30.655 It was one of the great historic steps to Slovenia's independence. 00:00:30.776 --> 00:00:36.936 Slovenian voters decided whether Slovenia should become 00:00:37.043 --> 00:00:40.176 an independent state. 00:00:40.836 --> 00:00:45.063 The results were announced on December 26. 00:00:45.184 --> 00:00:49.837 The turnout was higher than 93 percent, 00:00:50.656 --> 00:00:56.506 and 95 percent of the voters opted for independence, 00:00:57.003 --> 00:01:03.176 which amounts to 88.5 percent of all eligible voters. 00:01:04.263 --> 00:01:08.476 The result bound Slovenia's government 00:01:08.770 --> 00:01:12.223 to realize the decision within six months, 00:01:12.336 --> 00:01:14.915 and that's precisely what happened. 00:01:15.036 --> 00:01:21.303 Slovenia is now celebrating its Independence and Unity day. 00:01:22.083 --> 00:01:27.443 The leaders of the DEMOS coalition believed that independence 00:01:27.550 --> 00:01:31.183 cannot be a project of merely some political forces, 00:01:31.270 --> 00:01:37.001 but a national project with broad political 00:01:37.122 --> 00:01:40.242 and public support. 00:01:41.173 --> 00:01:45.509 Let's remember the historic words of the late Dr. Jože Pučnik, 00:01:45.863 --> 00:01:49.943 spoken on today's date 31 years ago: 00:01:51.190 --> 00:01:56.306 "Yugoslavia is no more. Now it's all about Slovenia." 00:01:57.470 --> 00:02:01.649 Among those attending today's ceremony will be 00:02:01.770 --> 00:02:06.035 Prime Minister Janez Janša, who'll be the featured speaker, 00:02:06.156 --> 00:02:08.736 and President Borut Pahor. 00:02:09.543 --> 00:02:15.643 The focus of the ceremony is the culture of seven regions: 00:02:16.180 --> 00:02:21.429 Primorska, Prekmurje, Dolenjska and Bela Krajina, Koroška, 00:02:21.570 --> 00:02:24.176 Gorenjska, Štajerska, and Notranjska. 00:02:24.243 --> 00:02:27.395 The cultural heritage will be conveyed 00:02:27.516 --> 00:02:31.995 through seven Slovenian dialects, seven poems, 00:02:32.116 --> 00:02:35.009 as well as through music and dance. 00:02:35.130 --> 00:02:37.829 Ivan Pirkovič conceived the ceremony, 00:02:37.956 --> 00:02:40.856 which will be directed by Roman Končar. 00:02:41.390 --> 00:02:45.309 Patrik Greblo will be the musical director. 00:02:46.483 --> 00:02:53.596 As we're waiting for President Pahor to arrive, 00:02:54.343 --> 00:02:59.202 we can remember that not everything went according to plan 00:02:59.323 --> 00:03:04.208 31 years ago. DEMOS representatives presented 00:03:04.329 --> 00:03:08.116 their plans for the plebiscite on November 10, 1990, 00:03:08.236 --> 00:03:12.156 at a meeting of their parliamentary faction. 00:03:12.693 --> 00:03:17.043 That's when they presented December 23 as the date 00:03:17.150 --> 00:03:20.016 of the plebiscite, as well as the question: 00:03:20.323 --> 00:03:25.469 "Should Slovenia become an independent country?" 00:03:26.496 --> 00:03:31.309 Despite the disapproval of the opposition Renewal Party... 00:03:35.783 --> 00:03:40.989 Dear guests, now entering the auditorium 00:03:41.110 --> 00:03:44.806 is President Borut Pahor. 00:06:13.870 --> 00:06:18.456 Jože Pučnik, November 9, 1990: "We're going right away. 00:06:18.630 --> 00:06:22.142 Yugoslavia is collapsing into eyalets 00:06:22.316 --> 00:06:26.383 and each republic will soon have its army. 00:06:26.497 --> 00:06:30.169 Let's surprise them. We'll be the first, 00:06:30.283 --> 00:06:34.723 and we'll do it before Belgrade becomes aware of it." 00:06:34.830 --> 00:06:39.283 These measures helped to protect the political decisions 00:06:39.423 --> 00:06:45.796 that the inner circle of DEMOS, led by Pučnik, helped to shape. 00:06:49.340 --> 00:06:55.868 On December 17, 1990, we showed off our new units and weaponry 00:06:55.989 --> 00:06:58.883 at that parade in Kočevska Reka. 00:06:59.330 --> 00:07:02.763 This helped to raise the people's self-confidence 00:07:02.884 --> 00:07:05.476 as they were preparing to vote. 00:07:05.597 --> 00:07:10.382 The Territorial Defense is not a trick. It's a real organization 00:07:10.503 --> 00:07:15.356 ready to withstand pressure. If necessary, Slovenia 00:07:15.473 --> 00:07:21.529 will show that it doesn't allow threats from anyone. 00:07:27.399 --> 00:07:33.329 If we want the world to recognize us, we must recognize ourselves. 00:07:33.956 --> 00:07:37.709 We're not looking for any compromises. 00:07:37.843 --> 00:07:42.396 We'll set up our own statehood and set 00:07:42.483 --> 00:07:46.702 the foundations for our economic independence. 00:07:46.823 --> 00:07:50.403 We Slovenians are a stateless people and we want 00:07:50.530 --> 00:07:52.969 to change that. 00:07:53.210 --> 00:07:56.943 On December 23, the citizens of Slovenia 00:07:57.076 --> 00:08:00.340 will decide on an independent and sovereign country. 00:08:03.190 --> 00:08:07.383 I hope many people will go out, cast a vote 00:08:07.543 --> 00:08:12.236 for a new chapter in Slovenian history, 00:08:12.596 --> 00:08:17.769 and express their determination to build a better future together. 00:08:17.873 --> 00:08:23.329 My land is our country. Slovenia. 00:08:25.156 --> 00:08:28.469 The plebiscite will be the realization of wishes 00:08:28.570 --> 00:08:31.416 expressed by different segments of society, 00:08:31.537 --> 00:08:34.717 and Slovenian communities around the world. 00:08:34.803 --> 00:08:38.016 By opting for statehood, the Slovenian people 00:08:38.137 --> 00:08:41.749 will finally get a homeland that won't be dependent 00:08:41.870 --> 00:08:43.636 on foreign entities. 00:08:43.690 --> 00:08:45.823 I came back home because of this. 00:08:45.957 --> 00:08:49.503 There were several buses bringing people from Germany 00:08:49.830 --> 00:08:56.109 so they could cast their vote for independence. 00:08:56.230 --> 00:09:00.603 Everyone who says "no" or fails to vote will hurt us. 00:09:00.724 --> 00:09:04.456 The entire world will praise our unity. 00:09:04.723 --> 00:09:09.349 Ms. Marija, here is your ballot. 00:09:10.170 --> 00:09:17.373 Today we're deciding whether Slovenia should become independent. 00:09:17.743 --> 00:09:21.670 -Yes. -We'll leave you... -I'm for it. 00:09:22.423 --> 00:09:27.303 We'll leave you alone -Just wait for us to leave. 00:09:27.690 --> 00:09:32.876 Then fold the ballot and we'll place it in an envelope. 00:09:38.530 --> 00:09:41.815 If we want the world to recognize us, 00:09:41.936 --> 00:09:45.003 we must first recognize ourselves. 00:09:45.110 --> 00:09:51.269 May God bless us and grant us a nice life in our Slovenia. 00:09:52.250 --> 00:09:57.706 In favor, in favor, in favor... 00:10:01.169 --> 00:10:08.389 What more could you wish to experience when you are 92 00:10:11.003 --> 00:10:15.229 than Slovenia being able to decide its own fate. 00:10:15.406 --> 00:10:19.536 With today's plebiscite in Slovenia, a crucial period 00:10:19.673 --> 00:10:24.009 for Yugoslavia's restructuring is beginning. It's clear that most 00:10:24.243 --> 00:10:27.643 Slovenians have voted for independence. 00:10:27.923 --> 00:10:31.663 Dr. Pučnik, what will happen to Yugoslavia? 00:10:32.390 --> 00:10:37.243 Yugoslavia? Yugoslavia is no more. It's all about Slovenia now. 00:10:37.782 --> 00:10:44.809 And in Slovenia, politicians have received an order from the voters. 00:10:44.930 --> 00:10:50.096 It must execute the decision. This means that Slovenia's 00:10:50.230 --> 00:10:54.973 independence is no longer up for debate. 00:10:55.309 --> 00:10:59.943 I think the politicians will be able to carry it out. 00:11:00.496 --> 00:11:04.723 We're a group of young Carinthian Slovenians. We have been around 00:11:04.857 --> 00:11:08.121 for several years, working to preserve our identity. 00:11:08.190 --> 00:11:11.643 Today, we brought over the Princes' Stone 00:11:11.750 --> 00:11:14.795 as a symbol of Slovenian statehood, 00:11:14.916 --> 00:11:18.343 which is what it was in Old Carantania. 00:11:18.670 --> 00:11:23.803 Today, we brought it because we share your happiness, 00:11:23.956 --> 00:11:28.043 as do Slovenians around the world. 00:11:28.173 --> 00:11:33.843 Christmas is about new beginnings and even though winter has begun, 00:11:33.963 --> 00:11:38.863 spring is here for the Slovenian people. I hope that spring 00:11:38.984 --> 00:11:43.650 is fertile and that Christmas will give us new hope and new life. 00:11:43.806 --> 00:11:47.969 We've been waiting for this moment for 45 years. 00:11:49.117 --> 00:11:55.506 Our kids are waiting too and it's crucial how they'll live. 00:11:56.016 --> 00:12:01.283 This is extraordinary. Things have never been this nice before. 00:12:03.043 --> 00:12:08.389 This referendum result allows me, on the basis of Article 10, 00:12:08.610 --> 00:12:13.389 to solemnly declare, in front of this assembly, the Slovenian, 00:12:13.510 --> 00:12:18.476 the Yugoslav, and the international public, that the Slovenian people, 00:12:18.597 --> 00:12:22.596 on the basis on the right to self-determination, 00:12:22.743 --> 00:12:27.769 decided that Slovenia should become an independent nation. 00:12:32.817 --> 00:12:36.943 Yugoslavia is gone. It's all about Slovenia now. 00:17:15.824 --> 00:17:21.538 Dear guests, our featured speaker, 00:17:21.645 --> 00:17:25.022 Prime Minister Janez Janša. 00:17:37.396 --> 00:17:43.709 Mr. President, the people of Slovenia, 00:17:44.677 --> 00:17:49.223 dear compatriots in Slovenia and around the world. 00:17:49.663 --> 00:17:53.069 The holidays are about to begin. 00:17:53.190 --> 00:18:00.089 It seems that the crisis is preventing us from celebrating 00:18:01.146 --> 00:18:06.206 and forcing us to go around in circles without hope. 00:18:07.584 --> 00:18:15.545 After three decades, are we really a valley of tears and conflict? 00:18:17.777 --> 00:18:25.743 Or is this merely a self-image created by opinion makers, 00:18:27.776 --> 00:18:33.496 an imposed self-image built on of a sense of inferiority 00:18:34.313 --> 00:18:39.643 that had been imposed on us from the capitals of multinational 00:18:39.723 --> 00:18:46.406 countries, which we once inhabited? 00:18:49.116 --> 00:18:56.542 In those solemn days 30 years ago, we believed that this false sense 00:18:56.663 --> 00:19:01.129 of inferiority had become a thing of the past. 00:19:03.377 --> 00:19:06.203 Unfortunately, it's still with us, 00:19:07.403 --> 00:19:12.509 as we had forgotten the central message of the plebiscite. 00:19:12.803 --> 00:19:15.909 If we want the recognition of others, 00:19:16.576 --> 00:19:19.562 we need our own recognition first. 00:19:19.683 --> 00:19:23.062 This raises the logical question: 00:19:23.690 --> 00:19:29.536 Do others also see us as a valley of tears and unhappiness? 00:19:31.683 --> 00:19:35.996 On Independence and Unity Day, we remember a time 00:19:36.777 --> 00:19:44.629 when we were the masters of our own destiny for the first time ever. 00:19:45.540 --> 00:19:53.109 We showed our unity in the most democratic way possible. 00:19:54.356 --> 00:19:58.456 We carried out that decision despite all the hurdles. 00:19:58.577 --> 00:20:03.656 Slovenia's independence was an innovation. 00:20:04.450 --> 00:20:06.896 It was something special. 00:20:07.017 --> 00:20:11.963 History tells us that no other nation became independent, 00:20:12.084 --> 00:20:16.496 defended itself against aggression, and stood on its own two feet 00:20:16.597 --> 00:20:19.256 precisely the way we did. 00:20:19.676 --> 00:20:24.689 Our independence with a plebiscite as the central political act 00:20:25.497 --> 00:20:30.983 and a successful defense of the new state was unique, never before 00:20:31.090 --> 00:20:33.649 carried out in a similar way. 00:20:34.796 --> 00:20:41.009 Just as Dr. Pučnik had predicted or wished, 00:20:42.543 --> 00:20:48.116 a big surprise, especially in its final execution. 00:20:49.057 --> 00:20:54.816 That's why it was a success despite the unfavorable balance of power, 00:20:55.406 --> 00:21:02.383 within Yugoslavia, Europe, and the world. 00:21:03.206 --> 00:21:08.449 We said that no one was counting on our success, 00:21:09.223 --> 00:21:14.295 but we knew that we had to recognize ourselves 00:21:14.416 --> 00:21:18.643 before others would recognize us. That's why we succeeded. 00:21:18.790 --> 00:21:22.316 We could do it, and history has proven us right. 00:21:22.749 --> 00:21:29.506 Nowadays, Slovenia produces more than any other Yugoslav 00:21:29.590 --> 00:21:35.163 successor state, even though some are three times Slovenia's size. 00:21:36.126 --> 00:21:42.133 Slovenia is among the world's ten safest countries, 00:21:43.016 --> 00:21:46.696 and safety is a fundamental social good. 00:21:47.090 --> 00:21:51.903 We're the seventh greenest and the ninth most sustainable country. 00:21:52.076 --> 00:21:58.836 Lonely Planet ranked Slovenia as the fifth best destination 00:21:58.943 --> 00:22:00.996 for the following year. 00:22:01.697 --> 00:22:06.276 In 2000, Slovenia was ranked eighth in the world 00:22:07.070 --> 00:22:14.256 on an index of childcare and preschool care. 00:22:14.929 --> 00:22:20.843 Slovenia is now ranked tenth on the UNICEF index 00:22:21.443 --> 00:22:23.706 of childhood well-being. 00:22:24.730 --> 00:22:29.883 Since Slovenia's admission into the EU in 2004, 00:22:30.429 --> 00:22:38.316 we can compare ourselves with our EU partners on an equal basis, 00:22:38.450 --> 00:22:43.796 because we are active in a single market. 00:22:45.806 --> 00:22:50.372 This year, Slovenia leads the EU in terms of per capita 00:22:50.493 --> 00:22:52.429 sports achievements. 00:22:55.130 --> 00:22:59.963 This has surprised many, and we're proud of our athletes. 00:23:00.136 --> 00:23:04.068 Slovenia is among the top three EU countries in terms 00:23:04.189 --> 00:23:09.516 of the percentage of university students in the 20-24 age group. 00:23:10.290 --> 00:23:15.222 In the time after independence, even though we sometimes 00:23:15.343 --> 00:23:19.702 hear otherwise, became a more egalitarian society 00:23:19.823 --> 00:23:22.769 than we were under one-party rule. 00:23:24.276 --> 00:23:31.606 We are the second best in the EU in terms of income differences. 00:23:32.470 --> 00:23:37.222 Slovenia's risk of poverty and social exclusion 00:23:37.310 --> 00:23:40.976 is the third lowest in the EU. 00:23:42.049 --> 00:23:49.089 Last year, the risk of poverty and exclusion among children 00:23:49.210 --> 00:23:52.329 was 12% in Slovenia. 00:23:52.823 --> 00:23:58.033 Even one percent is too much, but this is the least in the EU, 00:23:58.143 --> 00:24:00.403 where the average in 24%. 00:24:01.130 --> 00:24:06.109 It's now particularly relevant that Slovenia also has 00:24:06.303 --> 00:24:10.823 Europe's fourth lowest share of households that cannot 00:24:11.037 --> 00:24:14.249 afford proper heating. 00:24:14.923 --> 00:24:19.563 Much richer countries have bigger problems in this regard. 00:24:19.723 --> 00:24:24.603 Slovenia has the seventh's lowest gender gap in employment, 00:24:25.162 --> 00:24:32.195 and it leads the EU in employment programs 00:24:32.316 --> 00:24:36.329 that fall under the responsibility of the state. 00:24:37.450 --> 00:24:42.142 Slovenia is the EU's leader in the employment of women 00:24:42.250 --> 00:24:44.282 with children. 00:24:44.403 --> 00:24:52.196 The dull statistics that we often use to praise ourselves 00:24:52.343 --> 00:24:59.473 also tell us who carries the biggest everyday burden 00:24:59.617 --> 00:25:05.323 and does two jobs at once: mothers with children. 00:25:08.743 --> 00:25:14.369 Your excess work, which is valued far too little, 00:25:14.615 --> 00:25:19.242 enables our high ranking in other social indicators. 00:25:19.930 --> 00:25:23.430 Someone is making great sacrifices for this. 00:25:23.616 --> 00:25:28.196 That's one reason why Slovenia has the EU's second-lowest 00:25:28.317 --> 00:25:31.050 child mortality rate below the age of one. 00:25:31.143 --> 00:25:37.015 Contrary to commonly heard claims, Slovenia ranked seventh in the EU 00:25:37.136 --> 00:25:44.773 in satisfaction with the healthcare system during the pandemic. 00:25:45.850 --> 00:25:49.703 Slovenia spends the fourth highest share of the GDP 00:25:49.776 --> 00:25:52.728 on healthcare and social services, 00:25:52.849 --> 00:25:56.449 right after Germany, France, and Belgium. 00:25:56.657 --> 00:26:01.489 Slovenia is in fifth place in expenditure for culture, 00:26:01.590 --> 00:26:06.929 which far surpasses the EU average. 00:26:07.763 --> 00:26:13.076 For the first time since 1992, we're spending more than 2% 00:26:13.223 --> 00:26:16.356 of the GDP on culture. 00:26:17.002 --> 00:26:19.516 This is practically unheard of. 00:26:19.843 --> 00:26:25.649 Slovenia has the EU's highest share of Natura 2000 protected areas. 00:26:25.770 --> 00:26:33.196 Thirty-eight percent of Slovenia is protected this way. 00:26:34.190 --> 00:26:38.016 The EU average is 18 percent. 00:26:39.229 --> 00:26:44.029 Slovenia is also number two in recycling household waste 00:26:44.156 --> 00:26:48.463 and is Europe's third most forested country and the fourth 00:26:48.584 --> 00:26:51.929 most forested in the northern hemisphere. 00:26:52.050 --> 00:26:56.462 We have a tremendous wealth that we don't know how to make use of. 00:26:56.583 --> 00:27:03.596 Despite the pandemic here and around the world, 00:27:05.076 --> 00:27:09.129 we managed to make up last year's fall in growth, 00:27:09.250 --> 00:27:12.649 and we did it before the end of the year. 00:27:12.770 --> 00:27:16.122 Slovenia now has a higher employment rate 00:27:16.243 --> 00:27:24.206 than before the pandemic. In fact, it's the highest in history. 00:27:25.129 --> 00:27:30.622 More than 900,000 people now have employment. 00:27:31.295 --> 00:27:37.209 That's almost 20,000 more than before the pandemic. 00:27:38.030 --> 00:27:42.329 The average wage is higher than before Covid-19. 00:27:43.057 --> 00:27:45.983 The same is true for pensions. 00:27:46.496 --> 00:27:50.656 In the period since December 2019, 00:27:50.777 --> 00:27:56.036 household savings in Slovenian banks alone 00:27:56.803 --> 00:28:01.609 increased by €3.5 billion, while the savings of businesses 00:28:01.717 --> 00:28:06.889 increased by almost €2 billion during the pandemic. 00:28:07.689 --> 00:28:12.256 We managed to retain our potential and even improve on it. 00:28:12.370 --> 00:28:17.863 We took on a fifth less debt than the average EU member. 00:28:17.997 --> 00:28:25.883 In the field of introducing digital technology to businesses, 00:28:26.523 --> 00:28:29.643 which is a hot trend in Europe, 00:28:29.863 --> 00:28:35.216 Slovenia shot up from 15th to 8th place in the EU. 00:28:36.763 --> 00:28:41.923 Despite all the positive trends, the data shows that we Slovenians 00:28:42.057 --> 00:28:45.076 don't feel entirely free, 00:28:45.197 --> 00:28:48.043 and we're not among the happiest and most content. 00:28:48.369 --> 00:28:52.135 According to the Freedom Index, we're 33rd in the world, 00:28:52.256 --> 00:28:55.469 but we're 126th according to the Happiness Index. 00:28:55.590 --> 00:28:59.056 There's a mismatch with the other data, 00:28:59.173 --> 00:29:03.116 which is a challenge for our experts. 00:29:04.143 --> 00:29:11.973 Still, we did gain seven places on the Happiness Index. 00:29:13.679 --> 00:29:18.515 On the global Innovation and Competitiveness Index, 00:29:18.636 --> 00:29:23.223 we sadly rank only between 35th and 40th place. 00:29:24.960 --> 00:29:30.576 Our progress is too slow in areas where we should have an advantage, 00:29:30.697 --> 00:29:34.642 besides our wonderful nature and our geostrategic position. 00:29:34.763 --> 00:29:39.509 People are our greatest competitive advantage. 00:29:39.630 --> 00:29:44.309 This is reflected in our values if we are innovative. 00:29:44.990 --> 00:29:48.816 We have every chance to improve in this area 00:29:48.963 --> 00:29:51.202 because we can do better. 00:29:51.690 --> 00:29:55.049 We have to keep in mind 00:29:55.763 --> 00:30:00.283 that we became independent in an innovative way. 00:30:00.969 --> 00:30:05.001 That's why we don't owe anything a thing historically speaking-- 00:30:05.122 --> 00:30:07.961 not neighbors, not Europe, and not the world. 00:30:08.082 --> 00:30:11.449 We achieved everything ourselves. 00:30:12.182 --> 00:30:15.785 Different successes came at different costs. 00:30:15.906 --> 00:30:22.416 The costs were smaller when we were united and innovative. 00:30:23.206 --> 00:30:27.329 Nowadays, we know that. We know we succeeded then, 00:30:27.463 --> 00:30:30.743 and we can do at least as much today. 00:30:31.676 --> 00:30:35.283 We don't just know that, we keep proving it. 00:30:35.509 --> 00:30:40.429 We don't feel second-rate, either in Europe or the world. 00:30:40.550 --> 00:30:46.419 We also know that the world is moving much faster now 00:30:46.540 --> 00:30:50.156 than 30 years ago. We've all noticed that. 00:30:51.439 --> 00:30:57.116 We live in a time when we have much better access to timely 00:30:57.273 --> 00:31:04.663 and accurate information about Slovenia and the world. 00:31:05.540 --> 00:31:12.809 More information and knowledge is accessible to ever more people. 00:31:13.990 --> 00:31:20.816 If you don't believe me, just watch your kids look up information. 00:31:21.306 --> 00:31:24.709 They'll do it before you finish asking the question. 00:31:24.830 --> 00:31:30.809 The century we entered a while ago, 00:31:31.716 --> 00:31:37.110 will move at a different pace than what those of us 00:31:37.270 --> 00:31:42.610 who spent parts of our lives in the 20th century are used to. 00:31:42.943 --> 00:31:50.483 Science tells us that in our expanding universe, 00:31:51.190 --> 00:31:54.736 there are between two and 12 trillion galaxies. 00:31:54.896 --> 00:32:00.573 Our own Milky Way galaxy is just one of them. 00:32:02.923 --> 00:32:07.643 We share this galaxy with 100 billion other solar systems 00:32:07.764 --> 00:32:12.468 and at least as many planets. From one edge of our galaxy 00:32:12.589 --> 00:32:15.661 to another, light travels 100,000 years. 00:32:15.806 --> 00:32:20.309 For comparison, light needs two seconds 00:32:20.396 --> 00:32:24.143 to get from the Earth to the Moon. 00:32:24.740 --> 00:32:28.562 It needs 100,000 year to cover the distance from one edge 00:32:28.683 --> 00:32:32.892 of the galaxy to another. Scientists tell us that about seven 00:32:33.013 --> 00:32:38.883 percent of stars in the known universe resemble our Sun. 00:32:40.373 --> 00:32:45.389 As a consequence, there are billions of planets 00:32:45.510 --> 00:32:51.148 that are similar to our Earth. This means that the future 00:32:51.269 --> 00:32:54.996 space for humanity is practically limitless. 00:32:55.117 --> 00:33:00.650 and we already live in a time when we can reach 00:33:00.764 --> 00:33:03.706 other solar systems. 00:33:04.149 --> 00:33:08.143 And so on. We've already reached other planets. 00:33:08.264 --> 00:33:13.697 We are also facing a time that will determine whether humanity 00:33:13.784 --> 00:33:18.295 is capable of working together to protect the environment 00:33:18.416 --> 00:33:23.296 of our wonderful planet, eliminate hunger, unite our knowledge, 00:33:23.383 --> 00:33:25.529 and aim for the stars. 00:33:25.606 --> 00:33:32.183 Literally so. When we follow world events, we see that this 00:33:32.290 --> 00:33:38.296 can be humanity's only common goal 00:33:38.983 --> 00:33:44.140 in the foreseeable future. This common goal can 00:33:44.956 --> 00:33:48.756 unite the human race, despite our differences, 00:33:48.877 --> 00:33:54.416 for the good of the generations to come. 00:33:55.340 --> 00:34:00.095 They are, as far as we know, the only alternative 00:34:00.216 --> 00:34:06.369 to radical divisions, even though they are flaring up again, 00:34:06.753 --> 00:34:11.956 to hybrid warfare, an arms race in space, and the risk 00:34:12.070 --> 00:34:14.863 of nuclear warfare. 00:34:15.416 --> 00:34:21.429 This challenge will be a test for both politics and science. 00:34:22.463 --> 00:34:26.869 It will be a test for all nations, including us Slovenians. 00:34:27.477 --> 00:34:31.206 Everyone can and must contribute here. 00:34:31.736 --> 00:34:37.183 Throughout history, we have shown that we can succeed and innovate. 00:34:37.323 --> 00:34:42.369 The author of the theory that allowed man to walk on the moon 00:34:42.490 --> 00:34:45.743 was our fellow Slovenian, Herman Potočnik Noordung. 00:34:45.863 --> 00:34:49.869 The Law on the Thermal Radiation of Black Bodies was discovered 00:34:49.990 --> 00:34:54.156 by Jožef Stefan. Inventor France Rode developed 00:34:54.277 --> 00:34:59.083 the pocket calculator. The steering system for the rocket 00:34:59.197 --> 00:35:03.456 that took the first American astronaut to space in 1962 00:35:03.530 --> 00:35:08.336 was developed by France Puhek. Anton Mavretiič contributed 00:35:08.457 --> 00:35:12.016 to the Voyager program by developing a plasma device. 00:35:12.137 --> 00:35:17.983 This device continues to measure solar plasma in many instruments. 00:35:19.720 --> 00:35:24.626 Janez Repar, a Slovenian, developed ethylene propylene rubber, 00:35:24.753 --> 00:35:29.296 which allows spacecraft to travel to other planets, 00:35:29.370 --> 00:35:32.943 and that is happening in front of our eyes. 00:35:33.150 --> 00:35:37.169 Measuring instruments from a Slovenian company are built 00:35:37.290 --> 00:35:43.383 into most spacecraft. John Hrastar developed weather and surveillance 00:35:43.504 --> 00:35:47.356 satellites and received NASA's most prestigious prize. 00:35:47.450 --> 00:35:51.349 Marija Strojnik developed a system 00:35:51.470 --> 00:35:54.703 now built into all GPS satellites. 00:35:56.873 --> 00:36:02.216 A Slovenian company's innovation drastically reduced the time 00:36:02.337 --> 00:36:06.183 needed for real-time satellite photos. 00:36:07.373 --> 00:36:12.849 Maruša Bradač worked on NASA's new Webb Telescope. 00:36:13.773 --> 00:36:18.396 A Slovenian company is working on balloons for storage in space. 00:36:18.483 --> 00:36:24.036 Another company is helping NASA develop an electrical airplane. 00:36:24.990 --> 00:36:30.696 When revolutionary photos of black holes were taken in 2019, 00:36:30.817 --> 00:36:34.582 Slovenian scientists were among those who took part. 00:36:34.706 --> 00:36:38.830 Former Kranj High School student Dušan Petrač 00:36:38.923 --> 00:36:44.162 is a top expert in space technology and NASA's Sun Ambassador. 00:36:44.283 --> 00:36:48.082 He took part in many of NASA's successes. 00:36:48.559 --> 00:36:53.249 These days, Slovenian satellites can be found in orbit. 00:36:53.443 --> 00:36:55.856 And we could go on. 00:36:56.770 --> 00:37:00.489 We know where the challenge lay 30 years ago 00:37:00.610 --> 00:37:04.636 and where it lies today. But we also know 00:37:04.796 --> 00:37:09.649 that all the science and smarts and prosperity cannot help us 00:37:09.770 --> 00:37:14.982 if there are no people. That's why demography is one of Slovenia's 00:37:15.103 --> 00:37:17.449 and Europe's top priorities. 00:37:18.243 --> 00:37:21.396 We need more love of life and more children. 00:37:21.517 --> 00:37:26.270 Without our people, our language and our culture, we can still 00:37:26.396 --> 00:37:30.189 have a country of some sort, but it won't be Slovenia. 00:37:30.290 --> 00:37:36.229 Let's never forget that we voted for an independent Slovenia. 00:37:36.943 --> 00:37:43.736 And let's not forget that members of the Hungarian, the Italian, 00:37:43.837 --> 00:37:47.496 and other communities also voted for independence, 00:37:47.583 --> 00:37:51.576 and that for 30 years, we built Slovenia as a homeland 00:37:51.697 --> 00:37:54.549 for everyone. 00:37:56.373 --> 00:38:01.856 Decades ago, still in the dark ages, 00:38:01.977 --> 00:38:07.636 Franc Jeza wrote the following: "We can take solace in knowing 00:38:07.757 --> 00:38:13.116 that many little, unknown people live in Slovenia, who remain 00:38:13.256 --> 00:38:16.996 real, unknown soldiers of freedom 00:38:17.103 --> 00:38:23.263 and national consciousness, who will emerge miraculously 00:38:23.363 --> 00:38:28.083 like flowers in springtime, even though everything 00:38:28.190 --> 00:38:33.616 seems dead under the midwinter snow, and play a decisive role." 00:38:34.370 --> 00:38:38.056 Jeza, who died in 1985, I believe, 00:38:38.669 --> 00:38:43.296 was seen as a dreamer even by some of his friends. 00:38:44.322 --> 00:38:47.689 But he turned out to have been a visionary. 00:38:47.790 --> 00:38:52.943 His predictions came true during the Slovenian Spring 00:38:53.230 --> 00:38:57.223 and the watershed year that was 1990. 00:38:58.717 --> 00:39:04.323 That's when we made the fateful decision to have our own country. 00:39:05.536 --> 00:39:09.496 Miraculously, the unknown soldiers of freedom emerged, 00:39:09.723 --> 00:39:17.383 and there are thousands of quotes like the ones we saw in the video. 00:39:19.783 --> 00:39:27.549 Based on what is happening, we face great challenges 00:39:27.630 --> 00:39:34.056 and even tests. We hope otherwise, but they can be even greater 00:39:34.176 --> 00:39:39.849 than those three decades ago. That's why we should once again, 00:39:40.373 --> 00:39:46.749 or for the first time as the case may be, recall Jeza's words 00:39:47.650 --> 00:39:50.749 or those of Solzhenitsyn: 00:39:52.650 --> 00:39:57.143 Let's rise to the occasion. Slovenia needs the everyman, 00:39:57.303 --> 00:40:00.956 with no one excluded. It needs giants. 00:40:01.917 --> 00:40:05.623 Not just the exceptional, but truly great people. 00:40:05.730 --> 00:40:10.329 Therefore, dear guests, find the hero of freedom in your hearts. 00:40:10.450 --> 00:40:15.682 Find him in your souls. Find him in the depths of your homeland. 00:40:15.803 --> 00:40:20.449 And miraculously, something exceptional can reemerge 00:40:20.530 --> 00:40:24.856 from any of us like flowers in springtime 00:40:25.077 --> 00:40:29.696 even though everything seems dead under the midwinter snow, 00:40:30.456 --> 00:40:33.343 and play a decisive role. 00:40:34.363 --> 00:40:38.463 I wish you a blessed and merry Christmas and a proud 00:40:38.557 --> 00:40:41.223 day of remembering the bravest among us. 00:40:41.296 --> 00:40:47.423 I wish you wise decisions, health, goodwill, 00:40:47.990 --> 00:40:51.056 and courage in the New Year. 00:40:51.250 --> 00:40:54.523 God bless Slovenia the brave. Thank you. 01:30:32.382 --> 01:30:38.636 Dear viewers, this was the ceremony marking Slovenia's Independence 01:30:38.797 --> 01:30:45.436 and Unity Day. The main speaker, Prime Minister Janša, 01:30:45.590 --> 01:30:49.796 reminded us of the various accomplishments 01:30:49.856 --> 01:30:57.209 that put Slovenians on the global leading edge. 01:30:57.777 --> 01:31:02.989 This poses the logical question, he said: Do others also see us 01:31:03.090 --> 01:31:06.609 as a valley of tears and unhappiness? 01:31:07.563 --> 01:31:11.149 It's as if we forgot the message of the plebiscite: 01:31:11.270 --> 01:31:15.916 If we want others to recognize us, we must recognize ourselves. 01:31:17.163 --> 01:31:21.662 On Independence and Unity Day, we remember a time 01:31:21.783 --> 01:31:26.406 when we bravely, for the only time in history, 01:31:26.517 --> 01:31:29.343 decided our own fate. 01:31:29.477 --> 01:31:32.689 Slovenia's independence was an innovation. 01:31:32.903 --> 01:31:37.973 It was something special, the Prime Minister stated. 01:31:40.657 --> 01:31:45.256 Dear viewers, one behalf of everyone at TV Slovenia, 01:31:45.383 --> 01:31:49.403 I bid you goodbye and wish you a blessed Christmas 01:31:49.636 --> 01:31:53.389 and a happy, healthy New Year. 01:31:53.850 --> 01:31:57.089 I'm Vida Petrovčič.