WEBVTT 00:00:36.447 --> 00:00:39.876 Good morning. -Morning. -How are you? -All right. 00:00:39.997 --> 00:00:42.723 Sleepy? -Very, certainly more than you. 00:00:45.091 --> 00:00:51.638 Go ahead. -Yesterday you suspended the discussion on migration ... 00:00:51.849 --> 00:00:55.349 The discussion on migration actually concluded. 00:00:55.622 --> 00:01:00.817 The Council did not come to any specific conclusions, 00:01:00.938 --> 00:01:04.663 they were instead drafted by the President. 00:01:04.784 --> 00:01:08.073 There were differences in reaching conclusions, 00:01:08.194 --> 00:01:10.053 but not in the discussion. 00:01:10.173 --> 00:01:14.596 More importantly, the discussion was very substantive and good. 00:01:14.717 --> 00:01:18.332 We have made a leap forward in understanding 00:01:18.453 --> 00:01:21.820 how the EU should tackle migration successfully. 00:01:22.102 --> 00:01:27.679 The common conclusion was that once someone is already in Europe, 00:01:27.800 --> 00:01:29.448 it is already too late 00:01:29.569 --> 00:01:33.711 and finding common solutions unanimously is very difficult, 00:01:33.832 --> 00:01:37.107 as how to apply solidarity is always an unknown. 00:01:37.228 --> 00:01:39.802 However, we can find common solutions 00:01:39.923 --> 00:01:43.426 while the refugee or migrant is outside the border 00:01:43.547 --> 00:01:46.192 if we respond together and decisively. 00:01:46.313 --> 00:01:51.063 Yesterday's debate was on how the EU and the Member States 00:01:51.184 --> 00:01:54.351 should respond outside European borders 00:01:54.472 --> 00:01:58.806 in order to manage migration flows easier and better. 00:01:59.276 --> 00:02:01.783 Where did it go wrong then? 00:02:01.904 --> 00:02:06.464 Conclusions were expected, but apparently there were none? 00:02:06.721 --> 00:02:12.472 The conclusions have been summarised in the president's draft. 00:02:13.557 --> 00:02:16.480 The snag we hit was in the understanding 00:02:16.601 --> 00:02:21.330 whether the subject of migration, in internal affairs as well, 00:02:21.450 --> 00:02:25.177 should be decided on by a unanimous or majority vote, 00:02:25.298 --> 00:02:29.669 as was the case in the Home Affairs Ministers Council meeting. 00:02:29.790 --> 00:02:34.874 Because certain countries were reliving past traumas in a way, 00:02:34.995 --> 00:02:39.995 they tried to have the whole subject removed from the agenda. 00:02:40.116 --> 00:02:42.400 This was of course impossible, 00:02:42.521 --> 00:02:45.135 but we reached no common conclusions. 00:02:45.268 --> 00:02:50.880 Have Poland's and Hungary's demands been met in the draft? 00:02:51.001 --> 00:02:56.069 No, of course not. The draft covers external relations, 00:02:56.190 --> 00:03:01.351 so, how the EU manages migration issues outside its borders. 00:03:01.860 --> 00:03:08.440 An additional point notes that Hungary and Poland 00:03:08.561 --> 00:03:11.394 generally do not agree with the way 00:03:11.515 --> 00:03:16.349 the migration issue is being handled in the European Union. 00:03:16.843 --> 00:03:19.467 Did your suggestion to Croatia 00:03:19.588 --> 00:03:24.245 to send a Frontex unit to the Croatia-Bosnia border 00:03:24.366 --> 00:03:27.147 receive any support from others? 00:03:27.268 --> 00:03:32.456 Within the frame of these external relations the European Commission 00:03:32.577 --> 00:03:35.960 adopted an action plan for the Western Balkans. 00:03:36.081 --> 00:03:39.305 Certain measures have already been implemented 00:03:39.426 --> 00:03:43.832 and agreements for the deployment of Frontex are being prepared 00:03:43.953 --> 00:03:47.312 with all of the countries of the Western Balkans 00:03:47.433 --> 00:03:51.564 Yesterday we proposed that these processes be accelerated 00:03:51.685 --> 00:03:57.182 and that Frontex be used across the entire Western Balkans route, 00:03:57.372 --> 00:04:03.168 which begins in Greece and extends to all other countries. 00:04:03.418 --> 00:04:07.168 If we can implement Frontex as the institution 00:04:07.289 --> 00:04:13.840 that will monitor illegal migration flows in this corridor, 00:04:14.098 --> 00:04:16.320 there may no longer be any need 00:04:16.441 --> 00:04:20.434 to conduct any special activities on individual borders. 00:04:20.614 --> 00:04:25.944 Are China and the security of economic relations 00:04:26.065 --> 00:04:28.747 still on today's agenda? 00:04:28.868 --> 00:04:33.184 What direction do you expect the debate on this to go in? 00:04:33.394 --> 00:04:35.549 Yes, it is still on the agenda. 00:04:35.670 --> 00:04:40.587 China is a very important foreign trading partner to the EU. 00:04:40.708 --> 00:04:46.867 We will once again try to find a common foreign trade policy 00:04:46.988 --> 00:04:50.129 toward China as a major partner. 00:04:50.457 --> 00:04:53.098 There will likely be many proposals 00:04:53.286 --> 00:04:56.870 and some countries may try to go solo again, 00:04:56.991 --> 00:05:02.376 but the conclusions are clear and we expect no interference, 00:05:02.497 --> 00:05:05.600 but, as we have seen yesterday, let's wait. 00:05:05.721 --> 00:05:11.473 Why is Slovenia advocating for China and these relations? 00:05:11.648 --> 00:05:15.982 We believe that China is such a major economic power, 00:05:16.103 --> 00:05:19.466 that we need to have an active dialogue with it. 00:05:19.587 --> 00:05:23.235 Slovenia will strive for this dialogue to strengthen 00:05:23.356 --> 00:05:26.075 at the bilateral and multilateral level 00:05:26.196 --> 00:05:30.530 and for Europe to find its place within this dialogue 00:05:30.651 --> 00:05:33.443 and behave as independently as possible. 00:05:33.564 --> 00:05:37.731 If you will allow me a question on domestic policy, 00:05:37.852 --> 00:05:42.580 a vote of no confidence has been filed against Minister Loredan. 00:05:42.814 --> 00:05:47.231 What is your comment on this? -I have not read it yet. 00:05:47.352 --> 00:05:52.345 We finished it yesterday at 2 a.m., I haven't been able to read it yet. 00:05:52.466 --> 00:05:55.184 I will probably get it on the airplane, 00:05:55.305 --> 00:05:59.742 I am currently focusing on this, so I would rather not comment. 00:05:59.863 --> 00:06:02.613 Do you still support the Minister? 00:06:02.734 --> 00:06:05.664 I get this question every other day. 00:06:05.785 --> 00:06:09.586 I have not even talked to the Minister about this yet. 00:06:09.707 --> 00:06:13.856 In truth, nothing has changed since I was first asked this. 00:06:14.325 --> 00:06:19.176 Last question. Yesterday, before the summmit, 00:06:19.297 --> 00:06:22.106 political parties had their own meeting. 00:06:22.348 --> 00:06:25.411 The EPP issued an official statement 00:06:25.532 --> 00:06:30.199 saying that the rule of law in Slovenia is disintegrating 00:06:30.320 --> 00:06:34.487 and that the media is being taken over by politics 00:06:34.608 --> 00:06:37.960 through absolute control over RTV. 00:06:38.081 --> 00:06:40.367 I will dare to venture a comment. 00:06:40.488 --> 00:06:44.788 Some political groups, especially the more conservative ones, 00:06:44.909 --> 00:06:48.851 live in the past. This statement would have been fitting 00:06:48.972 --> 00:06:54.040 15 months ago, but they missed the opportunity to make it. Thank you. 00:06:54.789 --> 00:06:59.011 Based on yesterday's discussion, to what extent do you think 00:06:59.131 --> 00:07:02.491 it is likely to reach an agreement on migration? 00:07:03.549 --> 00:07:07.554 I don't think there is going to be another push for that. 00:07:07.675 --> 00:07:10.724 Yesterday the conclusions were that the ... 00:07:10.845 --> 00:07:13.138 The Council made no conclusions, 00:07:13.259 --> 00:07:17.593 but the President of the Council, Mr. Charles Michel, 00:07:17.714 --> 00:07:20.869 is going to issue his own statement, 00:07:21.647 --> 00:07:26.423 meaning that during the discussions we were all on board 00:07:26.803 --> 00:07:30.982 that we need to bring the management of the migration 00:07:31.103 --> 00:07:33.320 out of the internal borders, 00:07:33.441 --> 00:07:38.928 that we need to do more on the external dimension of it. 00:07:39.049 --> 00:07:41.435 There was no dissent on that, 00:07:41.556 --> 00:07:44.230 meaning that everyone agreed on that. 00:07:44.382 --> 00:07:47.840 The real trouble began because two Member States 00:07:47.961 --> 00:07:51.032 didn't want to have any conclusions at all. 00:07:51.423 --> 00:07:55.689 That's why we decided not to push and try to find consensus 00:07:55.810 --> 00:08:01.129 on something that individual Member States oppose in principle. 00:08:01.250 --> 00:08:03.827 Still, the discussion was very lively 00:08:03.948 --> 00:08:08.101 and there was a common agreement that the only way forward, 00:08:08.222 --> 00:08:11.648 if we want to effectively manage migration flows, 00:08:11.769 --> 00:08:14.550 we need to focus on the external dimensions. 00:08:14.671 --> 00:08:16.788 So, there will most likely 00:08:16.909 --> 00:08:19.991 be no reference to migration in the conclusions 00:08:20.112 --> 00:08:24.319 and Charles Michel will make a separate statement? -Correct. 00:08:24.440 --> 00:08:29.054 Okay. What was the specific request from Poland and Hungary? 00:08:29.175 --> 00:08:33.904 There was no specific request. Hungary was totally adamant, 00:08:34.025 --> 00:08:38.264 saying they will not vote for any conclusions at all, 00:08:38.385 --> 00:08:40.638 they don't want to see any. 00:08:40.759 --> 00:08:43.760 It was not about doing it this way or that, 00:08:43.881 --> 00:08:46.916 they don't want migration mentioned at all. 00:08:47.037 --> 00:08:49.588 So they weren't repressing ... 00:08:49.709 --> 00:08:54.026 No, it seemed that way at the beginning of the discussion, 00:08:54.147 --> 00:08:59.682 but as it developed, we reached a point where they wanted none. 00:09:00.197 --> 00:09:02.365 Thank you. -You're welcome.