WEBVTT 00:00:35.843 --> 00:00:40.383 Great. The whole team, I see. Always more numerous. 00:00:40.537 --> 00:00:42.137 Yeah, okay. 00:00:45.317 --> 00:00:48.669 There are many topics to discuss today, 00:00:48.790 --> 00:00:52.456 but I'd venture to say that this was a regular meeting 00:00:52.597 --> 00:00:54.643 without a crisis situation. 00:00:54.770 --> 00:00:57.883 Perhaps we've gotten used to crisis situations, 00:00:58.004 --> 00:01:01.563 and things are now moving in a common direction. 00:01:01.684 --> 00:01:06.016 We'll have a debate, but I don't expect any major surprises. 00:01:06.170 --> 00:01:10.035 There's plenty of interest, from the situation in Russia 00:01:10.156 --> 00:01:12.643 and our continued support for Ukraine. 00:01:12.797 --> 00:01:15.043 This will take most of our time. 00:01:15.217 --> 00:01:18.416 We'll also look at the situation closer to home, 00:01:18.537 --> 00:01:21.770 in the Western Balkans and particularly in Kosovo; 00:01:21.937 --> 00:01:26.196 both the economy and the issue of migrants, 00:01:26.330 --> 00:01:30.590 what joint policies to adopt 00:01:30.711 --> 00:01:34.756 so we could deal with future migrant crises more effectively. 00:01:34.890 --> 00:01:37.643 Again, these are all major topics, 00:01:37.764 --> 00:01:39.856 but there are no major dilemmas 00:01:39.977 --> 00:01:43.210 because we're now dealing with gradual policies. 00:01:43.331 --> 00:01:47.250 Are there any concerns about the slow progress 00:01:47.423 --> 00:01:51.563 of the Ukrainian counter-offensive? And a financial question. 00:01:51.710 --> 00:01:55.543 How do you view the development of monetary policy? 00:01:55.703 --> 00:02:00.503 Further tightening is expected. Is this a potential risk... 00:02:01.777 --> 00:02:07.077 As for monetary policy, it's a fact 00:02:07.890 --> 00:02:12.122 that inflation remains higher than forecast 00:02:12.243 --> 00:02:17.096 by the European Central Bank, so the actions make sense. 00:02:17.263 --> 00:02:20.183 The situation will probably remain unchanged 00:02:20.337 --> 00:02:22.236 for the rest of the year. 00:02:22.350 --> 00:02:26.770 We'll need to be patient 00:02:26.870 --> 00:02:31.423 and an understanding that until inflation stops, 00:02:31.577 --> 00:02:35.743 and it doesn't look like that's happening, 00:02:35.864 --> 00:02:38.897 such actions will continue to be needed. 00:02:39.037 --> 00:02:44.590 As for the military matters, no, there are no concerns. 00:02:44.710 --> 00:02:48.916 I believe this will be discussed at the NATO summit 00:02:49.070 --> 00:02:53.977 in Vilnius. Today, we discussed Ukraine in the context 00:02:54.098 --> 00:02:58.023 of how the EU could help with supplies, 00:02:58.177 --> 00:03:01.976 and financial aid to help Ukraine function as a country. 00:03:02.110 --> 00:03:05.390 Today, we'll discuss security guarantees, 00:03:05.543 --> 00:03:09.077 which balance measures taken by the EU 00:03:09.198 --> 00:03:11.916 with those taken by NATO. 00:03:12.017 --> 00:03:16.210 We'll be joined by the Secretary General of NATO, 00:03:16.331 --> 00:03:19.123 and I believe we'll discuss that as well. 00:03:19.270 --> 00:03:25.283 What is Slovenia's position on Russia's frozen assets 00:03:25.450 --> 00:03:29.903 and Russia's criminal responsibility for crimes in Ukraine? 00:03:30.083 --> 00:03:34.003 Slovenia has made it clear that it supports 00:03:34.123 --> 00:03:37.990 a criminal court for this case. 00:03:38.150 --> 00:03:42.490 For now, we're leaning on having this done under UN auspices, 00:03:42.611 --> 00:03:45.090 rather than setting up something new, 00:03:45.230 --> 00:03:48.130 but there's no consensus regarding this. 00:03:48.463 --> 00:03:51.490 As a future member of the Security Council, 00:03:51.643 --> 00:03:55.976 we'd like to see a strengthened role for the UN. 00:03:56.110 --> 00:04:00.983 As for the availability of Russian assets, 00:04:01.170 --> 00:04:05.383 we urge caution. We could set a precedent 00:04:05.550 --> 00:04:10.243 if we made any rash or extrajudicial moves. 00:04:10.370 --> 00:04:13.803 If we believe in the rule of law, we should also act 00:04:13.924 --> 00:04:18.094 in the rule of law in this case. This is our guiding principle. 00:04:18.215 --> 00:04:21.394 We can look for solutions within this framework. 00:04:21.515 --> 00:04:24.080 As for Russia, how do you view the risk 00:04:24.201 --> 00:04:27.836 of destabilization? Is there such a risk? 00:04:27.963 --> 00:04:32.516 And should Ukraine become a NATO member when the war is over 00:04:32.690 --> 00:04:35.209 or as soon as possible? 00:04:35.357 --> 00:04:39.723 As for the NATO membership, there are many different views 00:04:39.903 --> 00:04:41.789 and formulas. 00:04:41.937 --> 00:04:45.663 Time will tell if any of these formulas are acceptable, 00:04:45.803 --> 00:04:48.843 but a permanent peace is one of the conditions 00:04:48.990 --> 00:04:51.876 that we won't be able to back off easily 00:04:52.030 --> 00:04:55.610 for us to even begin talking about this matter. 00:04:55.777 --> 00:04:59.096 Ukraine is on a Euro-Atlantic pathway, 00:04:59.237 --> 00:05:03.443 but how long that takes depends on many factors. 00:05:03.577 --> 00:05:07.316 As we see in the Western Balkans, this road can sometimes 00:05:07.437 --> 00:05:09.876 take longer than we'd like. 00:05:10.003 --> 00:05:14.349 What was the other question? -The destabilization of Russia. 00:05:14.530 --> 00:05:17.876 Regarding last weekend's events, I can only say 00:05:18.057 --> 00:05:21.450 that any long-term war represents a major stressor 00:05:21.617 --> 00:05:23.217 for anyone involved. 00:05:23.383 --> 00:05:27.403 This became evident in Russia's domestic affairs 00:05:27.524 --> 00:05:30.682 last weekend. Mercenary armies have never 00:05:30.803 --> 00:05:34.909 contributed to the stability of any country. 00:05:35.050 --> 00:05:37.449 I believe this is no exception. 00:05:37.657 --> 00:05:40.596 The lessons of history are clear here, 00:05:40.750 --> 00:05:43.409 and we should learn from them. 00:05:43.570 --> 00:05:47.623 What consequences can this have for the EU and Slovenia, 00:05:47.757 --> 00:05:49.743 this long-term instability? 00:05:49.923 --> 00:05:54.230 No one wants a long-term war precisely because 00:05:54.351 --> 00:05:57.890 of the instability that is spread out as a result. 00:05:58.430 --> 00:06:01.623 Our guiding principle remains looking for peace 00:06:01.810 --> 00:06:05.729 when an opportunity arises. I believe we're approaching 00:06:05.890 --> 00:06:10.509 a period when we'll be able to talk about peace again. 00:06:10.630 --> 00:06:14.129 What about security guarantees regarding Ukraine's 00:06:14.250 --> 00:06:18.202 membership in the EU and NATO? What is Slovenia's position? 00:06:18.323 --> 00:06:22.216 What guarantees can it provide? 00:06:22.330 --> 00:06:26.189 Security guarantees are an entirely new topic. 00:06:26.323 --> 00:06:28.790 For now, we don't foresee an expansion 00:06:28.937 --> 00:06:32.003 of existing plans bur rather including 00:06:32.270 --> 00:06:35.370 those plans under a common umbrella. 00:06:35.517 --> 00:06:38.289 Nothing more than that has been discussed. 00:06:38.470 --> 00:06:43.070 Where does Slovenia fit in here? -Slovenia is in favor 00:06:43.210 --> 00:06:46.256 of carrying on under this umbrella 00:06:46.383 --> 00:06:49.456 and helping Ukraine in terms of both defending 00:06:49.617 --> 00:06:52.457 critical infrastructure and reconstruction, 00:06:52.603 --> 00:06:59.243 so the country can function and receives our financial aid. 00:06:59.403 --> 00:07:04.763 Do you feel that the events over the weekend 00:07:04.923 --> 00:07:08.196 caused cracks in the Russian system? 00:07:08.310 --> 00:07:12.873 These are Russia's internal affairs. I don't want to comment on them 00:07:13.093 --> 00:07:18.440 or speculate about them. The risks of mercenary armies are well-known.